Java Code Examples for org.apache.helix.HelixDataAccessor#updateProperty()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.helix.HelixDataAccessor#updateProperty() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * This function is deprecated. Please use RebalanceUtil.scheduleInstantPipeline method instead.
 * Trigger the controller to perform rebalance for a given resource.
 * @param accessor Helix data accessor
 * @param resource the name of the resource changed to triggering the execution
public static void invokeRebalance(HelixDataAccessor accessor, String resource) {"invoke rebalance for " + resource);
  PropertyKey key = accessor.keyBuilder().idealStates(resource);
  IdealState is = accessor.getProperty(key);
  if (is != null) {
    // Here it uses the updateProperty function with no-op DataUpdater. Otherwise, it will use default
    // ZNRecordUpdater which will duplicate elements for listFields.
    if (!accessor.updateProperty(key, znRecord -> znRecord, is)) {
      LOG.warn("Failed to invoke rebalance on resource {}", resource);
  } else {
    LOG.warn("Can't find ideal state for {}", resource);
Example 2
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * This function is deprecated. Please use RebalanceUtil.scheduleInstantPipeline method instead.
 * Trigger the controller to perform rebalance for a given resource.
 * @param accessor Helix data accessor
 * @param resource the name of the resource changed to triggering the execution
public static void invokeRebalanceForResourceConfig(HelixDataAccessor accessor, String resource) {"invoke rebalance for " + resource);
  PropertyKey key = accessor.keyBuilder().resourceConfig(resource);
  ResourceConfig cfg = accessor.getProperty(key);
  if (cfg != null) {
    // Here it uses the updateProperty function with no-op DataUpdater. Otherwise, it will use default
    // ZNRecordUpdater which will duplicate elements for listFields.
    if (!accessor.updateProperty(key, znRecord -> znRecord, cfg)) {
      LOG.warn("Failed to invoke rebalance on resource config {}", resource);
  } else {
    LOG.warn("Can't find resource config for {}", resource);
Example 3
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Request a state change for a specific task.
 * @param accessor  connected Helix data accessor
 * @param instance  the instance serving the task
 * @param sessionId the current session of the instance
 * @param resource  the job name
 * @param partition the task partition name
 * @param state     the requested state
 * @return true if the request was persisted, false otherwise
private static boolean setRequestedState(HelixDataAccessor accessor, String instance,
    String sessionId, String resource, String partition, TaskPartitionState state) {
      String.format("Requesting a state transition to %s for partition %s.", state, partition));
  try {
    PropertyKey.Builder keyBuilder = accessor.keyBuilder();
    PropertyKey key = keyBuilder.currentState(instance, sessionId, resource);
    CurrentState currStateDelta = new CurrentState(resource);

    return accessor.updateProperty(key, currStateDelta);
  } catch (Exception e) {
        .format("Error when requesting a state transition to %s for partition %s.", state,
            partition), e);
    return false;
Example 4
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void postHandleMessage() {
  if (_message.getBatchMessageMode() == true && _batchMsgWrapper != null) {
    _batchMsgWrapper.end(_message, _notificationContext);

  // update currentState
  HelixManager manager = _notificationContext.getManager();
  HelixDataAccessor accessor = manager.getHelixDataAccessor();
  ConcurrentHashMap<String, CurrentStateUpdate> csUpdateMap =
      (ConcurrentHashMap<String, CurrentStateUpdate>) _notificationContext

  if (csUpdateMap != null) {
    Map<PropertyKey, CurrentState> csUpdate = mergeCurStateUpdate(csUpdateMap);

    // TODO: change to use asyncSet
    for (PropertyKey key : csUpdate.keySet()) {
      //"updateCS: " + key);
      // System.out.println("\tupdateCS: " + key.getPath() + ", " +
      // curStateMap.get(key));
      if(!accessor.updateProperty(key, csUpdate.get(key))) {
            "Fails to persist current state to ZK for key " + key);
Example 5
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
void handleMessageUsingScheduledTaskQueue(Criteria recipientCriteria, Message messageTemplate,
    String controllerMsgId) {
  HelixDataAccessor accessor = _manager.getHelixDataAccessor();
  Builder keyBuilder = accessor.keyBuilder();

  String clusterName = recipientCriteria.getClusterName();
  if (clusterName != null && !clusterName.equals(_manager.getClusterName())) {
    throw new HelixException(String.format(
        "ScheduledTaskQueue cannot send message to another cluster. Local cluster name %s, remote cluster name %s.",
        _manager.getClusterName(), clusterName));

  Map<String, String> sendSummary = new HashMap<String, String>();
  sendSummary.put("MessageCount", "0");
  Map<InstanceType, List<Message>> messages =
      _manager.getMessagingService().generateMessage(recipientCriteria, messageTemplate);

  // Calculate tasks, and put them into the idealState of the SCHEDULER_TASK_QUEUE resource.
  // List field are the destination node, while the Message parameters are stored in the
  // mapFields
  // task throttling can be done on SCHEDULER_TASK_QUEUE resource
  if (messages.size() > 0) {
    String taskQueueName = _message.getRecord().getSimpleField(SCHEDULER_TASK_QUEUE);
    if (taskQueueName == null) {
      throw new HelixException("SchedulerTaskMessage need to have " + SCHEDULER_TASK_QUEUE
          + " specified.");
    IdealState newAddedScheduledTasks = new IdealState(taskQueueName);

    synchronized (_manager) {
      int existingTopPartitionId = 0;
      IdealState currentTaskQueue =
      if (currentTaskQueue != null) {
        existingTopPartitionId = findTopPartitionId(currentTaskQueue) + 1;

      List<Message> taskMessages = (List<Message>) (messages.values().toArray()[0]);
      for (Message task : taskMessages) {
        String partitionId = taskQueueName + "_" + existingTopPartitionId;
        String instanceName = task.getTgtName();
        newAddedScheduledTasks.setPartitionState(partitionId, instanceName, "COMPLETED");
        task.getRecord().setSimpleField(instanceName, "COMPLETED");
        task.getRecord().setSimpleField(CONTROLLER_MSG_ID, controllerMsgId);

        List<String> priorityList = new LinkedList<String>();
        newAddedScheduledTasks.getRecord().setListField(partitionId, priorityList);
            task.getRecord().getSimpleFields());"Scheduling for controllerMsg " + controllerMsgId + " , sending task "
            + partitionId + " " + task.getMsgId() + " to " + instanceName);

        if (_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
      sendSummary.put("MessageCount", "" + taskMessages.size());
  // Record the number of messages sent into scheduler message status updates

  ZNRecord statusUpdate =

  statusUpdate.getMapFields().put("SentMessageCount", sendSummary);
      _message.getMsgId()), new StatusUpdate(statusUpdate));
Example 6
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void persistAssignment(final Resource resource, final ResourceControllerDataProvider cache,
    final ClusterEvent event, final BestPossibleStateOutput bestPossibleAssignment,
    final ClusterConfig clusterConfig, final HelixDataAccessor accessor,
    final PropertyKey.Builder keyBuilder) {
  String resourceId = resource.getResourceName();
  if (resource != null) {
    final IdealState idealState = cache.getIdealState(resourceId);
    if (idealState == null) {
      LogUtil.logWarn(LOG, event.getEventId(), "IdealState not found for resource " + resourceId);
    IdealState.RebalanceMode mode = idealState.getRebalanceMode();
    if (!mode.equals(IdealState.RebalanceMode.SEMI_AUTO) && !mode
        .equals(IdealState.RebalanceMode.FULL_AUTO)) {
      // do not persist assignment for resource in neither semi or full auto.

    boolean needPersist = false;
    if (mode.equals(IdealState.RebalanceMode.FULL_AUTO)) {
      // persist preference list in ful-auto mode.
      Map<String, List<String>> newLists = bestPossibleAssignment.getPreferenceLists(resourceId);
      if (newLists != null && hasPreferenceListChanged(newLists, idealState)) {
        needPersist = true;

    PartitionStateMap partitionStateMap = bestPossibleAssignment.getPartitionStateMap(resourceId);
    if (clusterConfig.isPersistIntermediateAssignment()) {
      IntermediateStateOutput intermediateAssignment =
      partitionStateMap = intermediateAssignment.getPartitionStateMap(resourceId);

    //TODO: temporary solution for Espresso/Dbus backcompatible, should remove this.
    Map<Partition, Map<String, String>> assignmentToPersist =
        convertAssignmentPersisted(resource, idealState, partitionStateMap.getStateMap());

    if (assignmentToPersist != null && hasInstanceMapChanged(assignmentToPersist, idealState)) {
      for (Partition partition : assignmentToPersist.keySet()) {
        Map<String, String> instanceMap = assignmentToPersist.get(partition);
        idealState.setInstanceStateMap(partition.getPartitionName(), instanceMap);
      needPersist = true;

    if (needPersist) {
      // Update instead of set to ensure any intermediate changes that the controller does not update are kept.
      accessor.updateProperty(keyBuilder.idealStates(resourceId), new DataUpdater<ZNRecord>() {
        public ZNRecord update(ZNRecord current) {
          if (current != null) {
            // Overwrite MapFields and ListFields items with the same key.
            // Note that default merge will keep old values in the maps or lists unchanged, which is not desired.
          return current;
      }, idealState);
Example 7
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Write an error record to zookeeper to the zookeeper store.
 * @param record
 *          the status update record
 * @param instanceName
 *          the instance name
 * @param updateSubPath
 *          the error update sub path
 * @param updateKey
 *          the error update key
 * @param sessionId
 *          the session id
 * @param accessor
 *          the zookeeper data accessor that writes the status update to zookeeper
 * @param isController
 *          if the error log is for a controller instance or not
void publishErrorRecord(ZNRecord record, String instanceName, String updateSubPath,
    String updateKey, String sessionId, HelixDataAccessor accessor, boolean isController) {
  Builder keyBuilder = accessor.keyBuilder();
  if (isController) {
    // TODO need to fix: ERRORS_CONTROLLER doesn't have a form of
    // ../{sessionId}/{subPath}
    accessor.setProperty(keyBuilder.controllerTaskError(updateSubPath), new Error(record));
  } else {
    accessor.updateProperty(keyBuilder.stateTransitionError(instanceName, sessionId,
        updateSubPath, updateKey), new Error(record));