Java Code Examples for org.apache.kafka.streams.kstream.KStream#leftJoin()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.kafka.streams.kstream.KStream#leftJoin() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From football-events with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private void buildMatchStatistics(KStream<String, GoalScored> goalStream) {
    KStream<String, MatchStarted> matchStartedStream = builder
            .stream(MATCH_STARTED_TOPIC, with(String(), matchStartedSerde));

    KStream<String, MatchFinished> matchFinishedStream = builder
            .stream(MATCH_FINISHED_TOPIC, with(String(), matchFinishedSerde));

    KStream<String, MatchScore> scoreStream = matchStartedStream
            .leftJoin(goalStream, (match, goal) -> new MatchScore(match).goal(goal),
                JoinWindows.of(maxMatchDuration), with(String(), matchStartedSerde, goalScoredSerde)

    KTable<String, MatchScore> scoreTable = scoreStream
            .reduce(MatchScore::aggregate, materialized(MATCH_SCORES_STORE, matchScoreSerde));
    scoreTable.toStream().to(MATCH_SCORES_TOPIC, Produced.with(String(), matchScoreSerde));

    KStream<String, MatchScore> finalScoreStream = matchFinishedStream
            .leftJoin(scoreTable, (matchFinished, matchScore) -> matchScore,
                with(String(), matchFinishedSerde, matchScoreSerde)

    // new key: clubId
    KStream<String, TeamRanking> rankingStream = finalScoreStream
            .flatMap((clubId, matchScore) -> {
                Collection<KeyValue<String, TeamRanking>> result = new ArrayList<>(2);
                result.add(pair(matchScore.getHomeClubId(), matchScore.homeRanking()));
                result.add(pair(matchScore.getAwayClubId(), matchScore.awayRanking()));
                return result;

    KTable<String, TeamRanking> rankingTable = rankingStream
            .groupByKey(Serialized.with(String(), rankingSerde))
            .reduce(TeamRanking::aggregate, materialized(TEAM_RANKING_STORE, rankingSerde));

    // publish changes to a view topic
    rankingTable.toStream().to(TEAM_RANKING_TOPIC, Produced.with(String(), rankingSerde));
Example 2
Source File:    From simplesource with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
static <K, C, E, A> KStream<K, CommandEvents<E, A>> getCommandEvents(
        TopologyContext<K, C, E, A> ctx,
        final KStream<K, CommandRequest<K, C>> commandRequestStream,
        final KTable<K, AggregateUpdate<A>> aggregateTable) {
    return commandRequestStream.leftJoin(aggregateTable, (r, a) -> CommandRequestTransformer.getCommandEvents(ctx, a, r),
Example 3
Source File:    From kafka-streams-in-action with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        StreamsConfig streamsConfig = new StreamsConfig(getProperties());

        Serde<String> stringSerde = Serdes.String();
        Serde<StockTransaction> transactionSerde = StreamsSerdes.StockTransactionSerde();
        Serde<TransactionSummary> transactionKeySerde = StreamsSerdes.TransactionSummarySerde();

        StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();
        long twentySeconds = 1000 * 20;
        long fifteenMinutes = 1000 * 60 * 15;
        long fiveSeconds = 1000 * 5;
        KTable<Windowed<TransactionSummary>, Long> customerTransactionCounts =
       , Consumed.with(stringSerde, transactionSerde).withOffsetResetPolicy(LATEST))
                .groupBy((noKey, transaction) -> TransactionSummary.from(transaction),
                        Serialized.with(transactionKeySerde, transactionSerde))
                 // session window comment line below and uncomment another line below for a different window example

                //The following are examples of different windows examples

                //Tumbling window with timeout 15 minutes

                //Tumbling window with default timeout 24 hours

                //Hopping window 

        customerTransactionCounts.toStream().print(Printed.<Windowed<TransactionSummary>, Long>toSysOut().withLabel("Customer Transactions Counts"));

        KStream<String, TransactionSummary> countStream = customerTransactionCounts.toStream().map((window, count) -> {
                      TransactionSummary transactionSummary = window.key();
                      String newKey = transactionSummary.getIndustry();
                      return KeyValue.pair(newKey, transactionSummary);

        KTable<String, String> financialNews = builder.table( "financial-news", Consumed.with(EARLIEST));

        ValueJoiner<TransactionSummary, String, String> valueJoiner = (txnct, news) ->
                String.format("%d shares purchased %s related news [%s]", txnct.getSummaryCount(), txnct.getStockTicker(), news);

        KStream<String,String> joined = countStream.leftJoin(financialNews, valueJoiner, Joined.with(stringSerde, transactionKeySerde, stringSerde));

        joined.print(Printed.<String, String>toSysOut().withLabel("Transactions and News"));

        KafkaStreams kafkaStreams = new KafkaStreams(, streamsConfig);
        kafkaStreams.setUncaughtExceptionHandler((t, e) -> {
            LOG.error("had exception ", e);
        CustomDateGenerator dateGenerator = CustomDateGenerator.withTimestampsIncreasingBy(Duration.ofMillis(750));
        MockDataProducer.produceStockTransactions(2, 5, 3, false);"Starting CountingWindowing and KTableJoins Example");
        Thread.sleep(65000);"Shutting down the CountingWindowing and KTableJoins Example Application now");
Example 4
Source File:    From spring-cloud-stream-samples with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public BiConsumer<KStream<String, PlayEvent>, KTable<Long, Song>> process() {

	return (s, t) -> {
		// create and configure the SpecificAvroSerdes required in this example
		final Map<String, String> serdeConfig = Collections.singletonMap(
				AbstractKafkaAvroSerDeConfig.SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL_CONFIG, "http://localhost:8081");

		final SpecificAvroSerde<PlayEvent> playEventSerde = new SpecificAvroSerde<>();
		playEventSerde.configure(serdeConfig, false);

		final SpecificAvroSerde<Song> keySongSerde = new SpecificAvroSerde<>();
		keySongSerde.configure(serdeConfig, true);

		final SpecificAvroSerde<Song> valueSongSerde = new SpecificAvroSerde<>();
		valueSongSerde.configure(serdeConfig, false);

		final SpecificAvroSerde<SongPlayCount> songPlayCountSerde = new SpecificAvroSerde<>();
		songPlayCountSerde.configure(serdeConfig, false);

		// Accept play events that have a duration >= the minimum
		final KStream<Long, PlayEvent> playsBySongId =
				s.filter((region, event) -> event.getDuration() >= MIN_CHARTABLE_DURATION)
						// repartition based on song id
						.map((key, value) -> KeyValue.pair(value.getSongId(), value));

		// join the plays with song as we will use it later for charting
		final KStream<Long, Song> songPlays = playsBySongId.leftJoin(t,
				(value1, song) -> song,
				Joined.with(Serdes.Long(), playEventSerde, valueSongSerde));

		// create a state store to track song play counts
		final KTable<Song, Long> songPlayCounts = songPlays.groupBy((songId, song) -> song,
				Serialized.with(keySongSerde, valueSongSerde))
				.count(Materialized.<Song, Long, KeyValueStore<Bytes, byte[]>>as(SONG_PLAY_COUNT_STORE)

		final TopFiveSerde topFiveSerde = new TopFiveSerde();

		// Compute the top five charts for each genre. The results of this computation will continuously update the state
		// store "top-five-songs-by-genre", and this state store can then be queried interactively via a REST API (cf.
		// MusicPlaysRestService) for the latest charts per genre.
		songPlayCounts.groupBy((song, plays) ->
								new SongPlayCount(song.getId(), plays)),
				Serialized.with(Serdes.String(), songPlayCountSerde))
				// aggregate into a TopFiveSongs instance that will keep track
				// of the current top five for each genre. The data will be available in the
				// top-five-songs-genre store
						(aggKey, value, aggregate) -> {
							return aggregate;
						(aggKey, value, aggregate) -> {
							return aggregate;
						Materialized.<String, TopFiveSongs, KeyValueStore<Bytes, byte[]>>as(TOP_FIVE_SONGS_BY_GENRE_STORE)

		// Compute the top five chart. The results of this computation will continuously update the state
		// store "top-five-songs", and this state store can then be queried interactively via a REST API (cf.
		// MusicPlaysRestService) for the latest charts per genre.
		songPlayCounts.groupBy((song, plays) ->
								new SongPlayCount(song.getId(), plays)),
				Serialized.with(Serdes.String(), songPlayCountSerde))
						(aggKey, value, aggregate) -> {
							return aggregate;
						(aggKey, value, aggregate) -> {
							return aggregate;
						Materialized.<String, TopFiveSongs, KeyValueStore<Bytes, byte[]>>as(TOP_FIVE_SONGS_STORE)
