Java Code Examples for org.apache.log4j.Logger#isTraceEnabled()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.log4j.Logger#isTraceEnabled() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From swift-t with Apache License 2.0 8 votes vote down vote up
private void placeRefcounts(Logger logger, GlobalVars globals, Function fn,
    Block block, RCTracker increments, Set<Var> parentAssignedAliasVars) {

  // First canonicalize so we can merge refcounts

  if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
    logger.trace("Adding increments for block " + block.getType() + " of " +;

  reorderContinuations(logger, block);

  // Move any increment instructions up to this block
  // if they can be combined with increments here
  pullUpRefIncrements(block, increments);

  placer.placeAll(logger, globals, fn, block, increments,
Example 2
Source File:    From datawave with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void closeConnection(Logger log) {
    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
        log.trace("closing connections for query " + getQueryId());
    Connection connection = getConnection();
    Statement statement = getStatement();
    CachedRowSet crs = getCrs();
    DbUtils.closeQuietly(connection, statement, crs);
Example 3
Source File:    From serianalyzer with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * @param comparable
 * @param methodReference
 * @return
private boolean isImplied ( Logger cl, MethodReference comparable, MethodReference actual, MethodReference methodReference ) {
    Set<MethodReference> alreadyKnown = this.state.getAlreadyKnown(comparable);
    for ( MethodReference ref : alreadyKnown ) {
        if ( ref.implies(methodReference) ) {
            if ( cl.isTraceEnabled() ) {
                cl.trace(actual + " implied by " + methodReference); //$NON-NLS-1$
            return true;

    return false;
Example 4
Source File:    From datawave with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Prints out the configuration in sorted order.
public static void printConfig(Configuration conf, Logger log) {
    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
        SortedSet<String> sortedKeys = new TreeSet<>();
        for (Map.Entry<String,String> e : conf) {
        for (String k : sortedKeys) {
            log.trace(k + "=" + conf.get(k));
Example 5
Source File:    From webdsl with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private synchronized void forceLogLevels() {
	Logger bindLog = LogManager.getLogger(org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder.class);
	if(bindLog != null && !bindLog.isTraceEnabled()) {
		restoreBindLevel = bindLog.getLevel();
		restoreBind = true;
	Logger sqlLog = LogManager.getLogger("org.hibernate.SQL");
	if(sqlLog != null && !sqlLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
		restoreSQLLevel = sqlLog.getLevel();
		restoreSQL = true;
	Logger statLog = LogManager.getLogger(org.hibernate.stat.StatisticsImpl.class);
	if(statLog != null && !statLog.isInfoEnabled()) {
		restoreStatLevel = statLog.getLevel();
		restoreStat = true;
	Logger loaderLog = LogManager.getLogger(org.hibernate.loader.Loader.class);
	if(loaderLog != null && !loaderLog.isTraceEnabled()) { // Trace for hydrated objects, Debug for result row
		restoreLoaderLevel = loaderLog.getLevel();
		restoreLoader = true;
	Logger jdbcLog = LogManager.getLogger(org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher.class);
	if(jdbcLog != null && !jdbcLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
		restoreJdbcLevel = jdbcLog.getLevel();
		restoreJdbc = true;
Example 6
Source File:    From swift-t with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Return true if inst2 writes some of inst1's required vars
 * TODO: the current approach can result in false positives, e.g.
 * alias instructions look like they're reading variable.
 * @param logger
 * @param inst1
 * @param inst1Inputs
 * @param inst2
 * @param inst2Inputs
 * @return
private boolean writesInputs(Logger logger,
        StatementInfo info1,
        StatementInfo info2) {

  for (Instruction storeRef: info2.getByOpcode(Opcode.STORE_REF)) {
    assert(storeRef.op == Opcode.STORE_REF);
    if (info1.piecewiseAssigned.contains(storeRef.getOutput(0))) {
      // Special case for address_of: otherwise looks like they both write it
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
        logger.trace(info2 + " pieces " + info1);
      return true;

  // Check for initialization of outputs (inputs covered by other logic)
  if (initializesOutputs(info1, info2)) {
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
      logger.trace(info2 + " initializes output of " + info1);
    return true;

  for (Var inst2Output: info2.modifiedOutputs) {
    if (info1.inputVars.contains(inst2Output)) {
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
        logger.trace(info2 + " modifies input of " + info1);
      return true;
  return false;
Example 7
Source File:    From swift-t with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static void updateCongruent(Logger logger, GlobalConstants consts,
          Function function, Instruction inst, int stmtIndex,
          Congruences state) throws OptUnsafeError {
  List<ValLoc> resVals = inst.getResults();
  List<Alias> aliases = inst.getAliases();

  if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
    logger.trace("resVals: " + resVals);
    logger.trace("aliases: " + aliases);
  state.update(consts,, resVals, aliases,
Example 8
Source File:    From swift-t with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Try to piggyback decrement operations on instructions or continuations
 * in block
 * @param logger
 * @param fn
 * @param block
 * @param tracker
 * @param rcType
private void piggybackOnStatements(Logger logger, Function fn,
    Block block, RCTracker tracker, RCDir dir, RefCountType rcType) {
  if (!RCUtil.piggybackEnabled()) {

  // Initially all decrements are candidates for piggybacking
  RefCountCandidates candidates =
      tracker.getVarCandidates(block, rcType, dir);
  if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
    logger.trace("Piggyback candidates: " + candidates);

  UseFinder subblockWalker = new UseFinder(tracker, rcType,

  // Depending on whether it's a decrement or an increment, we need
  // to traverse statements in a different direciton so that refcounts
  // can be disqualified in the right order
  boolean reverse = (dir == RCDir.DECR);

  if (reverse) {
    piggybackOnContinuations(logger, fn, block, tracker, dir, rcType,
                             candidates, subblockWalker, reverse);

  piggybackOnStatements(logger, fn, block, tracker, dir, rcType, candidates,
                        subblockWalker, reverse);

  if (!reverse) {
    piggybackOnContinuations(logger, fn, block, tracker, dir, rcType,
                             candidates, subblockWalker, reverse);
Example 9
Source File:    From swift-t with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * @param logger
 * @param fn
 * @param block
 * @param cv
 * @param inst
 * @param insts
 *          if instructions inserted, leaves iterator pointing at previous
 *          instruction
 * @return
private boolean switchToImmediate(Logger logger, Function fn,
    ExecContext execCx, Block block, Congruences state,
    Instruction inst, ListIterator<Statement> stmts, int stmtIndex) {
  if (!finalizedVarEnabled) {
    return false;

  // First see if we can replace some futures with values
  MakeImmRequest req = inst.canMakeImmediate(state.getClosed(stmtIndex),
                             state.retrieveResultAvail(), false);

  if (req == null) {
    return false;

  // Create replacement sequence
  Block insertContext;
  ListIterator<Statement> insertPoint;
  boolean waitRequired = req.mode.isDispatched() ||

  // First remove old instruction

  if (!waitRequired) {
    insertContext = block;
    insertPoint = stmts;
  } else {
    WaitStatement wait = new WaitStatement( + "-"
        + inst.shortOpName(), WaitVar.NONE, PassedVar.NONE, Var.NONE,
        WaitMode.TASK_DISPATCH, false, req.mode, inst.getTaskProps());
    insertContext = wait.getBlock();
    // Insert at start of block
    insertPoint = insertContext.statementIterator();

  // Now load the values
  List<Statement> alt = new ArrayList<Statement>();
  List<Fetched<Arg>> inVals = fetchInputsForSwitch(state, req,
                                  insertContext, !waitRequired, alt);
  if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
    logger.trace("Fetched " + inVals + " for " + inst
               + " " +;

  // Need filenames for output file values
  Map<Var, Var> filenameVals = loadOutputFileNames(state, stmtIndex,
              req.out, insertContext, insertPoint);

  List<Var> outFetched = OptUtil.createLocalOpOutputVars(insertContext,
              insertPoint, req.out, filenameVals);

  MakeImmChange change;
  change = inst.makeImmediate(new OptVarCreator(block),
        Fetched.makeList(req.out, outFetched, true), inVals);
  OptUtil.fixupImmChange(, block, insertContext, inst, change, alt,
                         outFetched, req.out);

  if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
    logger.trace("Replacing instruction <" + inst + "> with sequence "
        + alt.toString());

  // Add new instructions at insert point
  for (Statement newStmt : alt) {

  // Rewind argument iterator to instruction before replaced one
  if (stmts == insertPoint) {
    ICUtil.rewindIterator(stmts, alt.size());
  return true;
Example 10
Source File:    From swift-t with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * @param rootBlock
 * @return true if the block makes progress of the specified type
public static boolean blockProgress(Block rootBlock, Category type) {
  Logger logger = Logging.getSTCLogger();
  StackLite<Block> stack = new StackLite<Block>();
  while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
    Block block = stack.pop();
    for (Statement stmt: block.getStatements()) {
      if (stmt.type() == StatementType.INSTRUCTION) {
        Instruction i = stmt.instruction();
        if (type == Category.CHEAP) {
          if (!i.isCheap()) {
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
              logger.trace("non-cheap instruction found: " + i);
            return false;
        } else if (type == Category.CHEAP_WORKER) {
          if (!isCheapWorkerInst(i)) {
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
              logger.trace("non-cheap-worker instruction found: " + i);
            return false;
        } else {
          assert(type == Category.NON_PROGRESS);
          if (i.isProgressEnabling() || !i.isCheap()) {
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
              logger.trace("progress instruction found: " + i);
            return false;
    for (Continuation c: block.allComplexStatements()) {
      if (!c.isAsync()) {
        for (Block inner: c.getBlocks()) {
  return true;
Example 11
Source File:    From swift-t with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void piggybackOnContinuations(Logger logger, Function fn,
    Block block, RCTracker tracker, RCDir dir, RefCountType rcType,
    RefCountCandidates candidates, UseFinder subblockWalker, boolean reverse) {
  // Try to piggyback on continuations, starting at bottom up
  ListIterator<Continuation> cit = reverse ? block.continuationEndIterator()
                                            : block.continuationIterator();
  while ((reverse && cit.hasPrevious()) || (!reverse && cit.hasNext())) {
    Continuation cont;
    if (reverse) {
      cont = cit.previous();
    } else {
      cont =;

    if (RCUtil.isAsyncForeachLoop(cont)) {
      AbstractForeachLoop loop = (AbstractForeachLoop) cont;

      VarCount piggybacked;
      do {
        /* Process one at a time so that candidates is correctly updated
         * for each call based on previous changes */
        piggybacked = loop.tryPiggyBack(candidates, rcType, dir);

        if (piggybacked != null) {
          if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
            logger.trace("Piggybacked on foreach: " + piggybacked + " " +
                   rcType + " " + piggybacked.count);
          candidates.add(piggybacked.var, -piggybacked.count);
          tracker.cancel(tracker.getRefCountVar(piggybacked.var), rcType,
      } while (piggybacked != null);

    // Walk continuation to find usages
    TreeWalk.walkSyncChildren(logger, fn, cont, subblockWalker);
    removeCandidates(subblockWalker.getUsedVars(), tracker, candidates);
Example 12
Source File:    From spliceengine with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static void trace(Logger logger,String message){
Example 13
Source File:    From swift-t with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * @param logger
 * @param ancestorBlock the block the instructions are moved from
 * @param ancestors
 * @param currBlock the block they are moved too (a descendant of the prior
 *              block)
 * @param currContext
 * @param currBlockIt  all changes to instructions in curr block
 *    are made through this iterator, and it is rewound to the previous position
 *    before the function exits
 * @param waitMap map of variable names to instructions/continuations they block
 *                  on
 * @param writtenV
 * @return true if change made, list of moved continuations
private Pair<Boolean, Set<Continuation>> relocateDependentInstructions(
    Logger logger,
    Block ancestorBlock, ExecContext ancestorContext,
    StackLite<Continuation> ancestors,
    Block currBlock, ExecContext currContext, ListIterator<Statement> currBlockIt,
    SetMultimap<Var, InstOrCont> waitMap, Var writtenV) {
  boolean changed = false;
  // Remove from outer block
  Set<InstOrCont> waits = waitMap.get(writtenV);
  Set<Instruction> movedI = new HashSet<Instruction>();
  Set<Continuation> movedC = new HashSet<Continuation>();
  // Rely on later forward Dataflow pass to remove
  // unneeded wait vars

   * NOTE: instructions/ continuations retain the same relative
   * order they were in in the original block, this should help
   * optimization pass
  for (InstOrCont ic: waits) {
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
      logger.trace("Pushing down: " + ic.toString());
    boolean relocated;
    switch (ic.type()) {
      case CONTINUATION: {
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
          logger.trace("Relocating " + ic.continuation().getType());
        relocated = relocateContinuation(ancestors, currBlock,
            currContext, movedC, ic.continuation());

      case INSTRUCTION:
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
          logger.trace("Relocating " + ic.instruction());
        relocated = relocateInstruction(ancestors, currContext,
            currBlock, currBlockIt, movedI, ic.instruction());
        throw new STCRuntimeError("how on earth did we get here...");
    changed = changed || relocated;
  // Remove instructions from old block

  // Rewind iterator so that next instruction returned
  // will be the first one added
  ICUtil.rewindIterator(currBlockIt, movedI.size());

  // Rebuild wait map to reflect changes
  updateWaiterMap(waitMap, movedC, movedI);
  return Pair.create(changed, movedC);
Example 14
Source File:    From swift-t with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Try to push down waits from current block into child blocks
 * @param logger
 * @param fn
 * @param block
 * @param currContext
 * @return
private boolean pushDownWaits(Logger logger, Program prog, Function fn,
                              Block block, ExecContext currContext) {
  SetMultimap<Var, InstOrCont> waitMap = buildWaiterMap(prog, block);

  if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
    logger.trace("waitMap keys: " + waitMap.keySet());

  if (waitMap.isEmpty()) {
    // If waitMap is empty, can't push anything down, so just shortcircuit
    return false;
  boolean changed = false;

  HashSet<Continuation> allPushedDown = new HashSet<Continuation>();
  ArrayList<Continuation> contCopy =
              new ArrayList<Continuation>(block.getContinuations());
  for (Continuation c: contCopy) {
    if (allPushedDown.contains(c)) {
      // Was moved
    ExecContext newContext = canPushDownInto(c, currContext);
    if (newContext != null) {
      for (Block innerBlock: c.getBlocks()) {
        StackLite<Continuation> ancestors =
                                      new StackLite<Continuation>();
        PushDownResult pdRes =
             pushDownWaitsRec(logger, fn, block, currContext, ancestors,
                              innerBlock, newContext, waitMap);
         changed = changed || pdRes.anyChanges;
        /* The list of continuations might be modified as continuations are
         * pushed down - track which ones are relocated */
  return changed;
Example 15
Source File:    From swift-t with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void optRecurseOnBlock(Logger logger, Function f, Block block,
    ArrayInfo info, InitState init,
    HierarchicalSet<Var> cands, HierarchicalSet<Var> invalid) {
  addBlockCandidates(f, block, info, cands);

  for (Var cand: cands) {
    if (!invalid.contains(cand)) {
      AliasTracker blockAliases = info.getAliases(block);
      AliasKey candKey = blockAliases.getCanonical(cand);

      BlockVarInfo vi = info.getEntry(block, cand);
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
        logger.trace("Candidate: " + cand + " in block " +
                System.identityHashCode(block) + " " + block.getType());
      if (vi.otherModRec) {
        logger.trace("Can't optimize due to other inserts!");
      } else if ((vi.insertImmOnce && vi.insertImmHere) ||
                  (vi.noInserts() && vi.declaredHere)) {
        // Criteria 1: declared here && no inserts here or in children
        // TODO
        // Criteria 2: declared in ancestor && not modified on any
        //        non-mutually-exclusive path

        // Optimize here: cases where only inserted in this block,
        // or no inserts at all
        logger.trace("Can optimize!");
        replaceInserts(logger, block, blockAliases, init, cand, candKey);
        invalid.add(cand); // Don't try to opt in descendants
      } else if (vi.insertImmOnce) {
        logger.trace("Try to optimize in descendant block!");
        // Do nothing: handle in child block
      } else {
        logger.trace("Optimization not valid!");
        // Invalid: can't do optimization anywhere

  for (Statement stmt: block.getStatements()) {
    switch (stmt.type()) {
      case INSTRUCTION:
        // Update which variables are initialized
        InitVariables.updateInitVars(logger, stmt, init, false);
      case CONDITIONAL:
        // Recurse and optimize, plus also update init vars
        optRecurseOnCont(logger, f, stmt.conditional(), info, init,
                         cands, invalid);

  for (Continuation cont: block.getContinuations()) {
    optRecurseOnCont(logger, f, cont, info, init, cands, invalid);
Example 16
Source File:    From swift-t with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void piggybackOnStatements(Logger logger, Function fn, Block block,
    RCTracker tracker, RCDir dir, RefCountType rcType,
    RefCountCandidates candidates, UseFinder subblockWalker, boolean reverse) {
  // Vars where we were successful
  List<VarCount> successful = new ArrayList<VarCount>();

  // scan up from bottom of block instructions to see if we can piggyback
  ListIterator<Statement> it = reverse ? block.statementEndIterator()
                                        : block.statementIterator();
  while ((reverse && it.hasPrevious()) || (!reverse && it.hasNext())) {
    Statement stmt;
    if (reverse) {
      stmt = it.previous();
    } else {
      stmt =;

    switch (stmt.type()) {
      case INSTRUCTION: {
        Instruction inst = stmt.instruction();

        if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
          logger.trace("Try piggyback " + dir + " on " + inst);

        VarCount piggybacked;
        do {
          /* Process one at a time so that candidates is correctly updated
           * for each call based on previous changes */
          piggybacked = inst.tryPiggyback(candidates, rcType);

          if (piggybacked != null && piggybacked.count != 0) {
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
              logger.trace("Piggybacked decr " + piggybacked + " on " + inst);

            candidates.add(piggybacked.var, -piggybacked.count);
        } while (piggybacked != null && piggybacked.count != 0);

        // Make sure we don't modify before a use of the var by removing
        // from candidate set
        List<Var> used = findUses(inst, tracker, rcType,
        removeCandidates(used, tracker, candidates);
      case CONDITIONAL:
        // Walk continuation to find usages
        TreeWalk.walkSyncChildren(logger, fn, stmt.conditional(), subblockWalker);
        removeCandidates(subblockWalker.getUsedVars(), tracker, candidates);
        throw new STCRuntimeError("Unknown statement type " + stmt.type());

  if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
  // Update main increments map
  for (VarCount vc: successful) {
    assert(vc != null);
    tracker.cancel(tracker.getRefCountVar(vc.var), rcType, -vc.count);
Example 17
Source File:    From swift-t with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void structBuildRec(Logger logger, Block block) {
  // Track all assigned struct paths
  ListMultimap<Var, List<String>> assignedPaths = ArrayListMultimap.create();

  // Find all struct assign statements in block
  for (Statement stmt: block.getStatements()) {
    if (stmt.type() == StatementType.INSTRUCTION) {
      Instruction inst = stmt.instruction();
      if (inst.op == Opcode.STRUCT_STORE_SUB) {
        Var struct = inst.getOutput(0);
        List<Arg> inputs = inst.getInputs();
        List<Arg> fields = inputs.subList(1, inputs.size());
        assignedPaths.put(struct, Arg.extractStrings(fields));

  // Check if all fields were assigned
  for (Var candidate: assignedPaths.keySet()) {
    StructType candidateType = (StructType)candidate.type().getImplType();
    Set<List<String>> expectedPaths = allAssignablePaths(candidateType);
    List<List<String>> assigned = assignedPaths.get(candidate);

    logger.trace("Check candidate " + + "\n" +
                 "expected: " + expectedPaths + "\n" +
                 "assigned: " + assigned);

    for (List<String> path: assigned) {
      Type fieldType;
      try {
        fieldType = candidateType.fieldTypeByPath(path);
      } catch (TypeMismatchException e) {
        throw new STCRuntimeError(e.getMessage());

      Set<List<String>> assignedSubPaths;
      if (Types.isStruct(fieldType)) {
        // Handle case where we assign a substruct
        StructType structFieldType = (StructType)fieldType.getImplType();
        assignedSubPaths = allAssignablePaths(structFieldType, path);
      } else {
        assignedSubPaths = Collections.singleton(path);

      for (List<String> assignedPath: assignedSubPaths) {
        boolean found = expectedPaths.remove(assignedPath);
        if (!found) {
          logger.warn("Invalid or double-assigned struct field: " +
              + "." + assignedPath);
    if (expectedPaths.isEmpty()) {
      doStructBuildTransform(logger, block, candidate, assigned.size());
    } else if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
      logger.trace("Fields not assigned: " + expectedPaths);

  for (Continuation cont: block.allComplexStatements()) {
    for (Block cb: cont.getBlocks()) {
      structBuildRec(logger, cb);
Example 18
Source File:    From swift-t with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Assuming that branches are exhaustive, work out the set of variables
 * closed after the conditional has executed.
 * @param state
 * @param branchStates
 * @return
 * @throws OptUnsafeError
public static UnifiedValues unify(Logger logger, GlobalConstants consts,
               Function fn, boolean reorderingAllowed, int parentStmtIndex,
               Congruences state, Continuation cont,
               List<Congruences> branchStates, List<Block> branchBlocks)
                   throws OptUnsafeError {
  if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
    logger.trace("Unifying state from " + branchBlocks.size() +
                 " branches with continuation type " + cont.getType());
    for (int i = 0; i < branchBlocks.size(); i++) {
      logger.trace("Branch " + (i + 1) + " type was " +
  if (branchStates.isEmpty()) {
    return EMPTY;
  } else {
    Set<Var> closed = new HashSet<Var>();
    Set<Var> recClosed = new HashSet<Var>();
    unifyClosed(branchStates, closed, recClosed, parentStmtIndex);

    List<ValLoc> availVals = new ArrayList<ValLoc>();
    List<ArgCV> allUnifiedCVs = new ArrayList<ArgCV>();

    // Track which sets of args from each branch are mapped into a
    // unified var
    Map<List<Arg>, Var> unifiedVars = new HashMap<List<Arg>, Var>();
    int iter = 1;
    boolean newCVs;
    do {
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
        logger.trace("Start iteration " + iter + " of unification");
      newCVs = false;

      for (CongruenceType congType: Arrays.asList(CongruenceType.VALUE,
                                                  CongruenceType.ALIAS)) {

        List<ArgCV> newAllBranchCVs = findAllBranchCVs(state, congType,
                                          branchStates, allUnifiedCVs);

        Pair<List<ValLoc>, Boolean> result = unifyCVs(consts, fn,
                reorderingAllowed, cont.parent(), parentStmtIndex, congType,
                branchStates, branchBlocks, newAllBranchCVs, unifiedVars);
        if (result.val2) {
          newCVs = true;

        if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
          logger.trace("Finish iteration " + iter + " of unification for "
                     + congType + " New CVs: " + result.val1);

      if (iter >= MAX_UNIFY_ITERATIONS) {
        logger.debug("Exceeded max unify iterations.");
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
          logger.trace(cont); // Dump IR for inspection
    } while (newCVs);

    return new UnifiedValues(closed, recClosed, availVals);
Example 19
Source File:    From swift-t with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Attempt to explode individual instruction
 * @param logger
 * @param fn
 * @param execCx
 * @param block
 * @param it
 * @param inst
 * @param waitedFor any vars waited for, e.g. in outer exploded.  This prevents
 *      infinite cycles of exploding if we didn't change instruction
 * @return true if exploded
private static boolean tryExplode(Logger logger, Function fn,
      ExecContext execCx, Block block, ListIterator<Statement> it,
      Instruction inst, HierarchicalSet<Var> waitedFor) {
  MakeImmRequest req = inst.canMakeImmediate(waitedFor,
           Collections.<ArgCV>emptySet(), Collections.<Var>emptySet(),
  if (req != null && > 0) {
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
      logger.trace("Exploding " + inst + " in function " +;
    // Remove old instruction now that we're certain to replace it
    List<Pair<Var, Ternary>> waitVars = new ArrayList<Pair<Var, Ternary>>();
    Map<Var, Var> filenameMap = new HashMap<Var, Var>();
    OptUtil.buildWaitVars(block, it,, req.out, filenameMap, waitVars);
    Block insideWaitBlock = enterWaits(fn, execCx, block, inst, req, waitVars);
    // Instructions to add inside wait
    List<Statement> instBuffer = new ArrayList<Statement>();
    // Fetch the inputs
    List<Arg> inVals = OptUtil.fetchMakeImmInputs(insideWaitBlock,,
    // Create local instruction, copy out outputs
    List<Var> localOutputs = OptUtil.createMakeImmOutputs(insideWaitBlock,
                                        req.out, filenameMap, instBuffer); 

    MakeImmChange change = inst.makeImmediate(
                                new OptVarCreator(insideWaitBlock),
                                Fetched.makeList(req.out, localOutputs, true),
                                Fetched.makeList(, inVals, false));
    OptUtil.fixupImmChange(, block, insideWaitBlock, inst,
               change, instBuffer, localOutputs, req.out);
    // Remove old instruction, add new one inside wait block
    return true;
  return false;
Example 20
Source File:    From spliceengine with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static void trace(Logger logger, String messageFormat,Object...args){