Java Code Examples for org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException#NoNodeException

The following examples show how to use org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException#NoNodeException . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From xian with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void checkRevocableWatcher(String path) throws Exception
    RevocationSpec  entry = revocable.get();
    if ( entry != null )
            byte[]      bytes = client.getData().usingWatcher(revocableWatcher).forPath(path);
            if ( Arrays.equals(bytes, REVOKE_MESSAGE) )
        catch ( KeeperException.NoNodeException ignore )
            // ignore
Example 2
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Delete a path and all of its sub nodes
 * @param filter for node to be deleted
public static void clean(SolrZkClient zkClient, String path, Predicate<String> filter) throws InterruptedException, KeeperException {
  if (filter == null) {
    clean(zkClient, path);

  TreeSet<String> paths = new TreeSet<>(Comparator.comparingInt(String::length).reversed());

  traverseZkTree(zkClient, path, VISIT_ORDER.VISIT_POST, znode -> {
    if (!znode.equals("/") && filter.test(znode)) paths.add(znode);

  for (String subpath : paths) {
    if (!subpath.equals("/")) {
      try {
        zkClient.delete(subpath, -1, true);
      } catch (KeeperException.NotEmptyException | KeeperException.NoNodeException e) {
        // expected
Example 3
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private DocCollection fetchCollectionState(String coll, Watcher watcher) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
  String collectionPath = getCollectionPath(coll);
  while (true) {
    try {
      Stat stat = new Stat();
      byte[] data = zkClient.getData(collectionPath, watcher, stat, true);
      ClusterState state = ClusterState.createFromJson(stat.getVersion(), data, Collections.emptySet());
      ClusterState.CollectionRef collectionRef = state.getCollectionStates().get(coll);
      return collectionRef == null ? null : collectionRef.get();
    } catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException e) {
      if (watcher != null) {
        // Leave an exists watch in place in case a state.json is created later.
        Stat exists = zkClient.exists(collectionPath, watcher, true);
        if (exists != null) {
          // Rare race condition, we tried to fetch the data and couldn't find it, then we found it exists.
          // Loop and try again.
      return null;
Example 4
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Return a list of all valid paths for state handles.
 * @return List of valid state handle paths in ZooKeeper
 * @throws Exception if a ZooKeeper operation fails
public Collection<String> getAllPaths() throws Exception {
	final String path = "/";

	while (true) {
		Stat stat = client.checkExists().forPath(path);

		if (stat == null) {
			return Collections.emptyList();
		} else {
			try {
				return client.getChildren().forPath(path);
			} catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException ignored) {
				// Concurrent deletion, retry
Example 5
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public synchronized void createClusterStateWatchersAndUpdate() throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
  // We need to fetch the current cluster state and the set of live nodes

  log.debug("Updating cluster state from ZooKeeper... ");

  try {
    // on reconnect of SolrZkClient force refresh and re-add watches.
    refreshLiveNodes(new LiveNodeWatcher());
    refreshCollectionList(new CollectionsChildWatcher());

    if (securityNodeListener != null) {
      addSecurityNodeWatcher(pair -> {
        ConfigData cd = new ConfigData(); = pair.first() == null || pair.first().length == 0 ? EMPTY_MAP : Utils.getDeepCopy((Map) fromJSON(pair.first()), 4, false);
        cd.version = pair.second() == null ? -1 : pair.second().getVersion();
        securityData = cd;;
      securityData = getSecurityProps(true);

    collectionPropsObservers.forEach((k, v) -> {
      collectionPropsWatchers.computeIfAbsent(k, PropsWatcher::new).refreshAndWatch(true);
  } catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException nne) {
    throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE,
        "Cannot connect to cluster at " + zkClient.getZkServerAddress() + ": cluster not found/not ready");
Example 6
Source File:    From curator with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private List<String> getChildrenWatched(String path, Watcher watcher, boolean recurse) throws Exception
    List<String> instanceIds;
        instanceIds = client.getChildren().usingWatcher(watcher).forPath(path);
    catch ( KeeperException.NoNodeException e )
        if ( recurse )
            catch ( KeeperException.NodeExistsException ignore )
                // ignore
            instanceIds = getChildrenWatched(path, watcher, false);
            throw e;
    return instanceIds;
Example 7
Source File:    From xian with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Utility to remove the barrier node
 * @throws Exception errors
public synchronized void      removeBarrier() throws Exception
    catch ( KeeperException.NoNodeException ignore )
        // ignore
Example 8
Source File:    From kylin-on-parquet-v2 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
void purgeLockInternal(String lockPath) {
    try {
    } catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException ex) {
        // it's safe to purge a lock when there is no node found in lockPath
        logger.warn("No node found when purge lock in Lock path: {}", lockPath, ex);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (ThrowableUtils.isInterruptedException(e))
            throw new ZkReleaseLockInterruptException("Purge lock was interrupted at " + lockPath, e);
            throw new ZkReleaseLockException("Error while " + client + " trying to purge " + lockPath, e);
Example 9
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Set the balancer on/off.
 * @param balancerOn true if the balancher should be on, false otherwise
 * @throws KeeperException if a ZooKeeper operation fails
public void setBalancerOn(boolean balancerOn) throws KeeperException {
  byte [] upData = toByteArray(balancerOn);

  try {
    ZKUtil.setData(watcher, watcher.getZNodePaths().balancerZNode, upData);
  } catch(KeeperException.NoNodeException nne) {
    ZKUtil.createAndWatch(watcher, watcher.getZNodePaths().balancerZNode, upData);
Example 10
Source File:    From spring-cloud-zookeeper with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public List<> getInstances(
		final String serviceId) {
	try {
		if (getServiceDiscovery() == null) {
			return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
		String serviceIdToQuery = getServiceIdToQuery(serviceId);
		Collection<ServiceInstance<ZookeeperInstance>> zkInstances = getServiceDiscovery()
		List<> instances = new ArrayList<>();
		for (ServiceInstance<ZookeeperInstance> instance : zkInstances) {
			instances.add(createServiceInstance(serviceIdToQuery, instance));
		return instances;
	catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException e) {
		if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
					"Error getting instances from zookeeper. Possibly, no service has registered.",
		// this means that nothing has registered as a service yes
		return Collections.emptyList();
	catch (Exception exception) {
	return new ArrayList<>();
Example 11
Source File:    From nakadi with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public final boolean isSubscriptionCreatedAndInitialized() throws NakadiRuntimeException {
    // First step - check that state node was already written
    try {
        final String state = new String(getCurator().getData().forPath(getSubscriptionPath("/state")), UTF_8);
        return state.equals(STATE_INITIALIZED);
    } catch (final KeeperException.NoNodeException ex) {
        return false;
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        throw new NakadiRuntimeException(e);
Example 12
Source File:    From hasting with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public List<ConsumeRpcObject> getConsumeObjects(String group,String service,String version){
	List<ConsumeRpcObject> consumers = new ArrayList<ConsumeRpcObject>();
	String serviceDirName = group+"_"+service+"_"+version;
	String consumerBase = "/consumers/"+serviceDirName;
	List<String> apps = this.getConsumeApplications(group, service, version);
	for(String app:apps){
		String hostipDir = consumerBase+"/"+app;
		try {
			List<String> hosts = zkclient.getChildren().forPath(hostipDir);
			for(String host:hosts){
				ConsumeRpcObject con = new ConsumeRpcObject();
		} catch (Exception e) {
			if(e instanceof KeeperException.NoNodeException){
			throw new RpcException(e);
	return consumers;
Example 13
Source File:    From xian with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testEnsurePath() throws Exception
    Timing timing = new Timing();

    CuratorFramework client = CuratorFrameworkFactory.newClient(server.getConnectString(), timing.session(), timing.connection(), new RetryOneTime(1));
        PathChildrenCache cache = new PathChildrenCache(client, "/one/two/three", false);

        catch ( KeeperException.NoNodeException e )
  "Path should exist", e);
Example 14
Source File:    From blazingcache with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * @return leader's data
 * @throws Exception
public byte[] getActualMaster() throws Exception {
    try {
        return zk.getData(leaderpath, false, new Stat());
    } catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException noMaster) {
        return null;
Example 15
Source File:    From secor with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void setCommittedOffsetCount(TopicPartition topicPartition, long count)
        throws Exception {
    String offsetPath = getCommittedOffsetPartitionPath(topicPartition);"creating missing parents for zookeeper path {}", offsetPath);
    byte[] data = Long.toString(count).getBytes();
    try {"setting zookeeper path {} value {}", offsetPath, count);
        // -1 matches any version
        mCurator.setData().forPath(offsetPath, data);
    } catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException exception) {
        LOG.warn("Failed to set value to path " + offsetPath, exception);
Example 16
Source File:    From hasting with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private void fetchServices(RpcHostAndPort hostAndPort){
	String serverKey = this.genServerKey(hostAndPort);
	String serviceListKey = this.getServiceListKey(serverKey);
	try {
		List<String> services = this.zkclient.getChildren().forPath(serviceListKey);
		this.getServices(services, hostAndPort);
	} catch (Exception e) {
		if(e instanceof KeeperException.NoNodeException){
Example 17
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Sets the location of <code>hbase:meta</code> in ZooKeeper to the specified server address.
 * @param zookeeper reference to the {@link ZKWatcher} which also contains configuration and
 *                  operation
 * @param serverName the name of the server
 * @param replicaId the ID of the replica
 * @param state the state of the region
 * @throws KeeperException if a ZooKeeper operation fails
public static void setMetaLocation(ZKWatcher zookeeper, ServerName serverName, int replicaId,
    RegionState.State state) throws KeeperException {
  if (serverName == null) {
    LOG.warn("Tried to set null ServerName in hbase:meta; skipping -- ServerName required");
  }"Setting hbase:meta (replicaId={}) location in ZooKeeper as {}", replicaId,
  // Make the MetaRegionServer pb and then get its bytes and save this as
  // the znode content.
  MetaRegionServer pbrsr = MetaRegionServer.newBuilder()
  byte[] data = ProtobufUtil.prependPBMagic(pbrsr.toByteArray());
  try {
        zookeeper.getZNodePaths().getZNodeForReplica(replicaId), data);
  } catch(KeeperException.NoNodeException nne) {
    if (replicaId == RegionInfo.DEFAULT_REPLICA_ID) {
      LOG.debug("META region location doesn't exist, create it");
    } else {
      LOG.debug("META region location doesn't exist for replicaId=" + replicaId +
          ", create it");
    ZKUtil.createAndWatch(zookeeper, zookeeper.getZNodePaths().getZNodeForReplica(replicaId),
Example 18
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testConcurrentCreateRoutedAliasMinimal() throws IOException, KeeperException.NoNodeException {
  // this is the test where be blow out a bunch of create commands all out at once.
  // other tests are more functionality based, and just use a single thread.

  // Failure of this test very occasionally due to overseer overload would not be worrisome (just bothersome).
  // Any use case creating large numbers of time routed aliases concurrently would be an EXTREMELY odd
  // if not fundamentally broken use case. This test method is just here to guard against any race
  // conditions in the code that could crop up rarely in lower volume usage.

  // That said any failures involving about NPE's or missing parameters or oddities other than overwhelming
  // the overseer queue with retry races emanating from this test should be investigated. Also if it fails
  // frequently that needs to be investigated of course.

  final AtomicReference<Exception> failure = new AtomicReference<>();

  // Note: this number of threads seems to work regularly with the up-tweaked number of retries (50) in
  // with the original 5 retries this wouldn't reliably pass with 10 threads, but with 50 retries it seems
  // to handle 50 threads about a dozen times without any failure (on a 32 thread processor)
  // it also passed 3/3 at 150 threads and 2/3 with 250 threads on both 1 node and 4 nodes...
  // the failure mode seems to be overseer tasks that are not found. I suspect this happens when enough
  // threads get into retry races and the spam overwhelms the overseer. (that this can happen might imply
  // an issue over there, but I'm not sure, since there is an intentional hard limit on the overseer queue
  // and I haven't tried to count the retries up and figure out if the requests are actually exceeding that
  // limit or not, but the speed of retries might indicate an effectively hot loop, but again, a separate issue.

  // The hope is that the level of concurrency supported by create routed alias and the code it uses is such
  // that this test wouldn't spuriously fail more than once a year. If that's true users should never see
  // an issue in the wild unless they are doing something we probably don't want to support anyway

  final CreateRoutedAliasThread[] threads = new CreateRoutedAliasThread[4];
  int numStart = num;
  for (; num < threads.length + numStart; num++) {
    final String aliasName = "testAlias" + num;
    final String baseUrl = solrCluster.getJettySolrRunners().get(0).getBaseUrl().toString();
    final SolrClient solrClient = getHttpSolrClient(baseUrl);

    int i = num - numStart;
    threads[i] = new CreateRoutedAliasThread("create-delete-search-" + i, aliasName, "NOW/HOUR",
        solrClient, failure, false);


  assertNull("concurrent alias creation failed " + failure.get(), failure.get());
Example 19
Source File:    From xian with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private boolean internalLeave(long startMs, boolean hasMaxWait, long maxWaitMs) throws Exception
    String          ourPathName = ZKPaths.getNodeFromPath(ourPath);
    boolean         ourNodeShouldExist = true;
    boolean         result = true;
        if ( connectionLost.get() )
            throw new KeeperException.ConnectionLossException();

        List<String> children;
            children = client.getChildren().forPath(barrierPath);
        catch ( KeeperException.NoNodeException dummy )
            children = Lists.newArrayList();
        children = filterAndSortChildren(children);
        if ( (children == null) || (children.size() == 0) )

        int                 ourIndex = children.indexOf(ourPathName);
        if ( (ourIndex < 0) && ourNodeShouldExist )
            if ( connectionLost.get() )
                break;  // connection was lost but we've reconnected. However, our ephemeral node is gone
                throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Our path (%s) is missing", ourPathName));

        if ( children.size() == 1 )
            if ( ourNodeShouldExist && !children.get(0).equals(ourPathName) )
                throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Last path (%s) is not ours (%s)", children.get(0), ourPathName));

        Stat            stat;
        boolean         IsLowestNode = (ourIndex == 0);
        if ( IsLowestNode )
            String  highestNodePath = ZKPaths.makePath(barrierPath, children.get(children.size() - 1));
            stat = client.checkExists().usingWatcher(watcher).forPath(highestNodePath);
            String  lowestNodePath = ZKPaths.makePath(barrierPath, children.get(0));
            stat = client.checkExists().usingWatcher(watcher).forPath(lowestNodePath);

            ourNodeShouldExist = false;

        if ( stat != null )
            if ( hasMaxWait )
                long        elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - startMs;
                long        thisWaitMs = maxWaitMs - elapsed;
                if ( thisWaitMs <= 0 )
                    result = false;

    catch ( KeeperException.NoNodeException ignore )
        // ignore

    return result;
Example 20
Source File:    From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Stat statNode(String path, ServerCnxn serverCnxn) throws KeeperException.NoNodeException {
  limiter.statLimit.updateForWatch(path, serverCnxn);
  return super.statNode(path, serverCnxn);