Java Code Examples for kodkod.ast.Formula#and()

The following examples show how to use kodkod.ast.Formula#and() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From kodkod with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
	 * Returns the invariants for Enter and its fields.
	 * @return invariants for Enter and its fields.
	public Formula enterInvariants() { 
//		abstract sig Enter extends RoomCardEvent { }
//		{
//		card in guest.holds.pre
//		}

		final List<Formula> invs = new ArrayList<Formula>();
		invs.add( Enter.eq(NormalEnter.union(RecodeEnter)) );
		invs.add( NormalEnter.intersection(RecodeEnter).no() );
		final Variable e = Variable.unary("e");
		invs.add( card(e).in(guest(e).join(holds).join(pre(e))).forAll(e.oneOf(Enter)));
		return Formula.and(invs);
Example 2
Source File:    From kodkod with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Representation invariants which ensure that every relation
 * representing a hole is a singleton.
 * @return an encoding of representation invariants
final Formula invariants() {
	final List<Formula> inv = new ArrayList<Formula>(32);
	for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
	return Formula.and(	inv );
Example 3
Source File:    From kodkod with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a formula stating that all vertices
 * have  one color, and that no two adjacent
 * vertices have intersecting colors.
 * @return a formula stating that all vertices
 * have one color, and that no two adjacent
 * vertices have intersecting colors.
public Formula coloring() {
	final List<Formula> formulas = new ArrayList<Formula>(vcolors.length);
	for(Relation r : vcolors) { 
		formulas.add( );
	for(int i = 0; i < vcolors.length; i++) { 
		final int[] neighbors = graph[i];
		final int max = neighbors.length;
		final Relation vcolor = vcolors[i];
		for(int j = 0; j < max; j++) { 
			formulas.add( vcolor.intersection(vcolors[neighbors[j]]).no() );
	return Formula.and(formulas);
Example 4
Source File:    From org.alloytools.alloy with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Parametrization of axioms 14 and 15.
 * @requires e's are unary, op is ternary
Formula ax14and15(Relation[] e, Relation op) {
    final Expression expr0 = e[6].join(op); // op(e6,...)
    final Expression expr1 = e[6].join(expr0); // op(e6,e6)
    final Expression expr2 = expr1.join(expr1.join(op)); // op(op(e6,e6),op(e6,e6))
    final Expression expr3 = expr2.join(expr0); // op(e6,op(op(e6,e6),op(e6,e6)))
    // e0 = op(e6,op(e6,e6))
    final Formula f0 = e[0].eq(expr1.join(expr0));
    // e1 = op(op(e6,e6),op(e6,e6))
    final Formula f1 = e[1].eq(expr2);
    // e2 = op(op(op(e6,e6),op(e6,e6)),op(e6,e6))
    final Formula f2 = e[2].eq(expr1.join(expr2.join(op)));
    // e3 = op(e6,op(op(e6,e6),op(e6,e6)))
    final Formula f3 = e[3].eq(expr3);
    // e4 = op(e6,op(e6,op(op(e6,e6),op(e6,e6))))
    final Formula f4 = e[4].eq(expr3.join(expr0));
    return Formula.and(f0, f1, f2, f3, f4);
Example 5
Source File:    From kodkod with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the invariants for the Time and Event signatures and their fields.
 * @return invariants for the Time and Event signatures and their fields.
public Formula timeEventInvariants() { 
	final List<Formula> invs = new ArrayList<Formula>();
	invs.add(next.totalOrder(Time, first, last));
	invs.add(pre.function(Event, Time));
	invs.add(post.function(Event, Time));
	final Variable t = Variable.unary("t");
	final Variable e = Variable.unary("e");
	// all t: Time - last | one e: Event | e.pre = t and =
	final Formula f0 = e.join(pre).eq(t).and(e.join(post).eq(t.join(next)));
	final Formula f1 = f0.comprehension(e.oneOf(Event)).one();
	invs.add( f1.forAll(t.oneOf(Time.difference(last))) );
	return Formula.and(invs);
Example 6
Source File:    From kodkod with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the application of the XiAbPurse predicate.
 * @return application of the XiAbPurse predicate.
public Formula XiAbPurse(Expression s, Expression sprime, Expression a) {
	final Expression aRestrict = a.product(Expression.UNIV);
	final Formula f0 = aRestrict.intersection(abBalance.join(s)).eq(aRestrict.intersection(abBalance.join(sprime)));
	final Formula f1 = aRestrict.intersection(abLost.join(s)).eq(aRestrict.intersection(abLost.join(sprime)));
	return f0.and(f1);
Example 7
Source File:    From kodkod with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Return DefineElected fact.
 * @return <pre>
 * fact DefineElected { 
 *  no elected.TO/first() 
 *  all t: Time - TO/first()|
 *   elected.t = {p: Process | p in p.toSend.t - p.toSend.(TO/prev(t))} }
 * </pre>
public Formula defineElected() {
	final Variable t = Variable.unary("t");
	final Formula f1 = elected.join(tfirst).no();
	final Variable p = Variable.unary("p");
	final Formula c =;
	final Expression comprehension = c.comprehension(p.oneOf(Process));
	final Formula f2 = elected.join(t).eq(comprehension).forAll(t.oneOf(Time.difference(tfirst)));
	return f1.and(f2);
Example 8
Source File:    From kodkod with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
   * Returns a formula stating that the given relation is a total function
   * with the specified domain and range.
   * @return {f: Formula | f <=> expr in domain->range && all v: domain | one v.expr }
   * @throws NullPointerException  domain = null || range = null
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException  domain.arity != 1 || range.arity != 1
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException  this.arity != 2
  public Formula function(Expression expr, Expression domain, Expression range) {
  	if (expr instanceof Relation)
  		return ((Relation)expr).function(domain, range);  // special handling for relations that enables better symmetry breaking
  	if (domain.arity() != 1 || range.arity() != 1)
	throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid arity: " + domain + " or " + range);
// expr in domain->range 
final Formula domainConstraint =;
// all v: domain | one v.expr
final Variable v = Variable.unary("v"+expr.hashCode());
final Formula funConstraint = v.join(expr).one().forAll(v.oneOf(domain));
// expr in domain->range && all v: domain | targetMult v.relation
return domainConstraint.and(funConstraint);
Example 9
Source File:    From kodkod with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the application of the Abstract predicate.
 * @return application of the Abstract predicate.
public Formula Abstract(Expression s) {
	final Expression e0 = s.join(abAuthPurse).join(abBalance).join(s).intersection(s.join(abAuthPurse).join(abLost).join(s));
	final Formula f0 =;
	final Expression e1 = s.join(abAuthPurse).product(Expression.UNIV);
	final Expression e2 = e1.intersection((abBalance.union(abLost)).join(s));
	final Formula f1 =;
	final Variable c = Variable.unary("c");
	final Formula f2 = e2.join(c).lone().forAll(c.oneOf(Coin));
	return Formula.and(f0, f1, f2);
Example 10
Source File:    From org.alloytools.alloy with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the relation constraints.
 * @returns the relation constraints.
public final Formula decls() {
    Formula f = function(s1, op1).and(function(s2, op2));
    for (Relation x : h) {
        f = f.and(x.function(s1, s2));
    for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
        f = f.and(h[i].function(s1, s2));
        f = f.and(e1[i].one()).and(e2[i].one());
    return f;
Example 11
Source File:    From kodkod with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
	 * Returns the invariants for Checkin and its fields.
	 * @return invariants for Checkin and its fields.
	public Formula invsForCheckin() { 
//		sig Checkin extends RoomCardEvent { }
//		{
//		no room.occ.pre
//		card.k1 = room.prev.pre
// = holds.pre + guest -> card
// = prev.pre ++ room -> card.k2
// = occ.pre + room -> guest
//		key.unchanged
//		}
		final List<Formula> invs = new ArrayList<Formula>();

		final Variable c = Variable.unary("c");
		// no room.occ.pre
		invs.add( room(c).join(occ).join(pre(c)).no().forAll(c.oneOf(Checkin)) );
		// card.k1 = room.prev.pre
		invs.add( card(c).join(k1).eq(room(c).join(prev).join(pre(c))).forAll(c.oneOf(Checkin)) );
		// = holds.pre + guest -> card
		invs.add( holds.join(post(c)).eq(holds.join(pre(c)).union(guest(c).product(card(c)))).forAll(c.oneOf(Checkin)) );
		// = prev.pre ++ room -> card.k2
		invs.add( prev.join(post(c)).eq(prev.join(pre(c)).override(room(c).product(card(c).join(k2)))).forAll(c.oneOf(Checkin)) );
		// = occ.pre + room -> guest
		invs.add( occ.join(post(c)).eq(occ.join(pre(c)).union(room(c).product(guest(c)))).forAll(c.oneOf(Checkin)) );
		invs.add( unchanged(c, key).forAll(c.oneOf(Checkin)));
		return Formula.and(invs);
Example 12
Source File:    From kodkod with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the declarations.
 * @return declarations
public final Formula decls() { 
	final Formula f0 = union.function(UNIV, UNIV);
	final Variable a = Variable.unary("A");
	final Variable b = Variable.unary("B");
	final Formula f1 = set_intersection2(a, b).one();
	final Formula f2 = set_union2(a, b).one();
	return f0.and(f1.and(f2).forAll(a.oneOf(UNIV).and(b.oneOf(UNIV))));
Example 13
Source File:    From org.alloytools.alloy with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the covering predicate. Note that we don't need to specify the first
 * two lines of the predicate, since they can be expressed as bounds
 * constraints.
 * @return the covering predicate
public Formula checkBelowTooDoublePrime() {
    final Variable x = Variable.unary("x");
    final Variable y = Variable.unary("y");
    final Decls d = x.oneOf(Cell).and(y.oneOf(Cell));
    final Expression xy = y.join(x.join(covered));
    // covering relation is symmetric
    Formula symm = xy.product(x.product(y)).in(covered).forAll(d);
    // each pair of cells on the board should be covered
    // by a domino, which also covers ONE of its neighbors
    Expression xNeighbors = (prev(x).union(next(x))).product(y);
    Expression yNeighbors = x.product(prev(y).union(next(y)));
    Formula covering = (;
    return symm.and(covering);
Example 14
Source File:    From org.alloytools.alloy with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Pair<Formula,Bounds> firstOrderProblem() {
    Formula[] formulas = new Formula[quantProcs.length];
    Bounds[] boundss = new Bounds[quantProcs.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < quantProcs.length; i++) {
        Pair<Formula,Bounds> p = quantProcs[i].proc.firstOrderProblem();
        formulas[i] = p.a;
        boundss[i] = p.b;
    return new Pair<Formula,Bounds>(Formula.and(formulas), union(boundss));
Example 15
Source File:    From kodkod with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns  axioms 16-22.
 * @return axioms 16-22.
public final Formula ax16_22() {
	Formula f = Formula.TRUE;
	for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
		f = f.and(ax16_22(e2[i], h[i]));
	return f;
Example 16
Source File:    From org.alloytools.alloy with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public final void testVincent_03182006() {
    final Relation cAttributes = Relation.binary("cAttributes"), Int = Relation.unary("Integer"),
                    c6001 = Relation.unary("6.001"), one = Relation.unary("ONE"),
                    prereqsetUsed = Relation.binary("prereqsetUsed"), Course = Relation.unary("Course"),
                    CardinalityGrouping = Relation.unary("CardinalityGrouping"), pCourses = Relation.binary("pCourses"),
                    dec = Relation.binary("dec"), c6002 = Relation.unary("6.002"), greater = Relation.binary("greater"),
                    size = Relation.binary("size"), less = Relation.binary("less"),
                    sAttributes = Relation.binary("sAttributes"), PrereqSet = Relation.unary("PrereqSet"),
                    inc = Relation.binary("inc"), next = Relation.binary("next"), equal = Relation.binary("equal"),
                    Semester = Relation.unary("Semester"), index = Relation.ternary("index"),
                    sCourses = Relation.binary("sCourses"), prev = Relation.binary("prev"),
                    prereqs = Relation.binary("prereqs");
    // [6.002, 8.02, 6.003, 6.001, Spring 2006, Fall 2006, [8.02], [6.001],
    // [], Spring, Even, Fall, 1, 2]
    final List<String> atoms = new ArrayList<String>(14);
    atoms.add("Spring 2006");
    atoms.add("Fall 2006");
    final Universe u = new Universe(atoms);
    final Bounds b = new Bounds(u);
    final TupleFactory f = u.factory();

    b.bound(cAttributes, f.noneOf(2));
    b.boundExactly(Int, f.range(f.tuple("1"), f.tuple("2")));
    b.boundExactly(c6001, f.setOf(f.tuple("6.001")));
    b.boundExactly(one, f.setOf(f.tuple("1")));
    b.bound(prereqsetUsed, f.setOf(f.tuple("6.002", "[8.02]"), f.tuple("8.02", "[]"), f.tuple("6.003", "[6.001]"), f.tuple("6.001", "[]")));
    b.bound(Course, f.range(f.tuple("6.002"), f.tuple("6.001")));
    b.bound(CardinalityGrouping, f.noneOf(1));
    b.boundExactly(pCourses, f.setOf(f.tuple("[8.02]", "8.02"), f.tuple("[6.001]", "6.001")));
    b.boundExactly(dec, f.setOf(f.tuple("2", "1")));
    b.boundExactly(greater, b.upperBound(dec));
    b.bound(size, f.noneOf(2));
    b.boundExactly(c6002, f.setOf(f.tuple("6.002")));
    b.boundExactly(less, f.setOf(f.tuple("1", "2")));
    b.boundExactly(sAttributes, f.setOf(f.tuple("Spring 2006", "Spring"), f.tuple("Spring 2006", "Even"), f.tuple("Fall 2006", "Even"), f.tuple("Fall 2006", "Fall")));
    b.boundExactly(PrereqSet, f.setOf("[8.02]", "[6.001]", "[]"));
    b.boundExactly(inc, b.upperBound(less));
    b.boundExactly(next, f.setOf(f.tuple("Spring 2006", "Fall 2006")));
    b.boundExactly(equal, f.setOf(f.tuple("1", "1"), f.tuple("2", "2")));
    b.boundExactly(Semester, f.setOf("Spring 2006", "Fall 2006"));
    b.bound(index, f.noneOf(3));
    b.bound(sCourses, f.range(f.tuple("Spring 2006"), f.tuple("Fall 2006")).product(f.range(f.tuple("6.002"), f.tuple("6.001"))));
    b.boundExactly(prev, f.setOf(f.tuple("Fall 2006", "Spring 2006")));
    b.boundExactly(prereqs, f.setOf(f.tuple("6.002", "[8.02]"), f.tuple("8.02", "[]"), f.tuple("6.003", "[6.001]"), f.tuple("6.001", "[]")));
    // for(Relation r : b.relations()) {
    // System.out.println(r + " " + r.arity() + " " + b.lowerBound(r) + " ;
    // " + b.upperBound(r));
    // }
    // System.out.println(u);

    final Formula f0 =;
    final Formula f1 = size.function(CardinalityGrouping, Int);
    final Formula f2 = prereqsetUsed.function(Semester.join(sCourses), PrereqSet);
    final Formula f3 =;
    final Variable s = Variable.unary("s");
    final Expression e0 = s.join(sCourses).join(prereqsetUsed).join(pCourses);
    final Expression e1 = s.join(prev.closure()).join(sCourses);
    final Formula f4 =;
    final Formula f5 =;
    final Variable e = Variable.unary("e");
    final Expression e3 = Semester.join(sCourses).difference(e);
    final Formula f60 =;
    final Formula f61 = e3.join(prereqsetUsed).join(pCourses).in(e3);
    final Formula f6 = (f60.and(f61)).not().forAll(e.oneOf(Semester.join(sCourses)));
    final Variable c = Variable.unary("c");
    final Formula f7 = c.join(cAttributes).in(s.join(sAttributes)).forAll(c.oneOf(s.join(sCourses))).forAll(s.oneOf(Semester));
    final Variable s1 = Variable.unary("s1"), s2 = Variable.unary("s2");
    final Formula f8 = s1.join(sCourses).intersection(s2.join(sCourses)).no().forAll(s2.oneOf(Semester.difference(s1))).forAll(s1.oneOf(Semester));
    final Formula f9 = c6001.intersection(Semester.join(sCourses)).no();

    final Formula x = f0.and(f1).and(f2).and(f3).and(f4).and(f5).and(f6).and(f7).and(f8);
    final Formula y = x.and(f9);

    // System.out.println(x);
    // System.out.println(y);

    Solution solution = solver.solve(x, b);
    // System.out.println(solution); // SATISFIABLE
    assertEquals(solution.outcome(), Solution.Outcome.SATISFIABLE);

    Solution solution2 = solver.solve(y, b);
    // System.out.println(solution2); // SATISFIABLE!!!???
    // System.out.println((new
    // Evaluator(solution2.instance())).evaluate(x));
    assertEquals(solution2.outcome(), Solution.Outcome.SATISFIABLE);

Example 17
Source File:    From org.alloytools.alloy with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the GrabMutex predicate for states s1, s2, process p and mutex m.
 * @return
 *         <pre>
 * pred State.ReleaseMutex (p: Process, m: Mutex, s': State) {
 *   !this::IsStalled(p)
 *   m in p.(this.holds)
 *   p.(s'.holds) = p.(this.holds) - m
 *   no p.(s'.waits)
 *   no m.~(this.waits) => {
 *       no m.~(s'.holds)
 *       no m.~(s'.waits)
 *    } else {
 *       some lucky: m.~(this.waits) | {
 *       m.~(s'.waits) = m.~(this.waits) - lucky
 *     m.~(s'.holds) = lucky
 *    }
 *   }
 *   all mu: Mutex - m {
 *     mu.~(s'.waits) = mu.~(this.waits)
 *     mu.~(s'.holds)= mu.~(this.holds)
 *   }
 * }
 *         </pre>
public Formula releaseMutex(Expression s1, Expression s2, Expression p, Expression m) {
    final Formula f1 = isStalled(s1, p).not().and(;
    final Formula f2 = p.join(s2.join(holds)).eq(p.join(s1.join(holds)).difference(m));
    final Formula f3 = p.join(s2.join(waits)).no();
    final Expression cexpr = m.join((s1.join(waits)).transpose());
    final Formula f4 = m.join(s2.join(holds).transpose()).no();
    final Formula f5 = m.join(s2.join(waits).transpose()).no();
    final Formula f6 =;
    final Variable lucky = Variable.unary("lucky");
    final Formula f7 = m.join(s2.join(waits).transpose()).eq(m.join(s1.join(waits).transpose()).difference(lucky));
    final Formula f8 = m.join(s2.join(holds).transpose()).eq(lucky);
    final Formula f9 = f7.and(f8).forSome(lucky.oneOf(m.join(s1.join(waits).transpose())));
    final Formula f10 = cexpr.some().implies(f9);
    final Variable mu = Variable.unary("mu");
    final Formula f11 = mu.join(s2.join(waits).transpose()).eq(mu.join(s1.join(waits).transpose()));
    final Formula f12 = mu.join(s2.join(holds).transpose()).eq(mu.join(s1.join(holds).transpose()));
    final Formula f13 = f11.and(f12).forAll(mu.oneOf(Mutex.difference(m)));
    return Formula.and(f1, f2, f3, f6, f10, f13);
Example 18
Source File:    From quetzal with Eclipse Public License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void visit(OpTable arg0) {	
	Set<Variable> vars = HashSetFactory.make();
	Formula f = null;
	for(Iterator<Binding> bs = arg0.getTable().rows(); bs.hasNext(); ) {
		Formula rf = null;
		Binding b =;
		for(Var jv : arg0.getTable().getVars()) {
			if (b.get(jv) != null) {
				Expression value = toTerm(b.get(jv));
				Variable var = context.getVars().get(jv.getName());
				Formula ef = var.eq(value);
				rf = rf==null? ef: rf.and(ef);
		f = f==null? rf: f.or(rf);
	context.setCurrentQuery(f==null? Formula.TRUE: f);

	if (context.getStaticBinding() != null) {
	} else {
	Expression bound = null;
	for(Variable v : vars) {
		bound = bound==null? varExpr(v): bound.union(varExpr(v));
	if (bound != null) {
		if (context.getDynamicBinding() != null) {
		} else {
	context.getCurrentContinuation().next(context, context.getCurrentQuery());
Example 19
Source File:    From org.alloytools.alloy with Apache License 2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Return DefineElected fact.
 * @return
 *         <pre>
 * fact DefineElected {
 *  no elected.TO/first()
 *  all t: Time - TO/first()|
 *   elected.t = {p: Process | p in p.toSend.t - p.toSend.(TO/prev(t))} }
 *         </pre>
public Formula defineElected() {
    final Variable t = Variable.unary("t");
    final Formula f1 = elected.join(tfirst).no();
    final Variable p = Variable.unary("p");
    final Formula c =;
    final Expression comprehension = c.comprehension(p.oneOf(Process));
    final Formula f2 = elected.join(t).eq(comprehension).forAll(t.oneOf(Time.difference(tfirst)));
    return f1.and(f2);
Example 20
Source File:    From org.alloytools.alloy with Apache License 2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the conjunction of all axioms.
 * @return conjunction of all axioms.
public final Formula axioms() {
    return Formula.and(trans_ax2(), trans_ax3(), transitivity_gt(), decls(), irreflexivity_gt(), normo(), xorcapacity1_4(), xorcondition1_4(), insulin_effect(), liver_glucose(), sulfonylurea_effect(), biguanide_effect(), bg_completion(), sn_cure_1(), sn_cure_2(), ne_cure(), ex_cure(), su_completion(), xorstep1_7(), step1_4(), comp(), insulin_completion(), uptake_completion(), trans_ax1());