Java Code Examples for org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntology#getAnnotations()
The following examples show how to use
org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntology#getAnnotations() .
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Example 1
Source File: From robot with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
/** * Given a list of ontologies and a target ontology, remove all the axioms from the listed * ontologies and their import closure from the target ontology. * * @param ontologies the list of ontologies to unmerge * @param targetOntology the ontology to remove axioms from * @param includeAnnotations true if ontology annotations should be remove */ public static void unmergeFrom( List<OWLOntology> ontologies, OWLOntology targetOntology, boolean includeAnnotations) { for (OWLOntology ontology : ontologies) {"Removing axioms from: " + ontology); targetOntology.getOWLOntologyManager().removeAxioms(targetOntology, ontology.getAxioms()); if (includeAnnotations) { for (OWLAnnotation annotation : ontology.getAnnotations()) { RemoveOntologyAnnotation remove = new RemoveOntologyAnnotation(targetOntology, annotation); targetOntology.getOWLOntologyManager().applyChange(remove); } } for (OWLOntology imported : ontology.getImportsClosure()) { targetOntology.getOWLOntologyManager().removeAxioms(targetOntology, imported.getAxioms()); } } }
Example 2
Source File: From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
public OntologyMetadata(OWLOntology ont) { super(); OWLOntologyID id = ont.getOntologyID(); if (id.getOntologyIRI().isPresent()) ontologyIRI = id.getOntologyIRI().get().toString(); if (id.getVersionIRI().isPresent()) versionIRI = id.getVersionIRI().get().toString(); importDirectives = new HashSet<String>(); for (OWLImportsDeclaration oid : ont.getImportsDeclarations()) { importDirectives.add(oid.getIRI().toString()); } classCount = ont.getClassesInSignature().size(); namedIndividualCount = ont.getIndividualsInSignature().size(); axiomCount = ont.getAxiomCount(); annotations = new HashSet<OntologyAnnotation>(); for (OWLAnnotation ann : ont.getAnnotations()) { annotations.add(new OntologyAnnotation(ann)); } }
Example 3
Source File: From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
private void removeDirectives() { // TODO decide: move the set of directives into a constant/static collection? Set<IRI> directivesIRIs = new HashSet<IRI>(); directivesIRIs.add(Obo2OWLVocabulary.IRI_OIO_LogicalDefinitionViewRelation.getIRI()); directivesIRIs.add(Obo2OWLVocabulary.IRI_OIO_treatXrefsAsEquivalent.getIRI()); directivesIRIs.add(Obo2OWLVocabulary.IRI_OIO_treatXrefsAsGenusDifferentia.getIRI()); directivesIRIs.add(Obo2OWLVocabulary.IRI_OIO_treatXrefsAsHasSubClass.getIRI()); directivesIRIs.add(Obo2OWLVocabulary.IRI_OIO_treatXrefsAsIsA.getIRI()); directivesIRIs.add(Obo2OWLVocabulary.IRI_OIO_treatXrefsAsRelationship.getIRI()); directivesIRIs.add(Obo2OWLVocabulary.IRI_OIO_treatXrefsAsReverseGenusDifferentia.getIRI()); OWLOntology o = graph.getSourceOntology(); for(OWLAnnotation ann : o.getAnnotations()) { final OWLAnnotationProperty property = ann.getProperty(); if (directivesIRIs.contains(property.getIRI())) { manager.applyChange(new RemoveOntologyAnnotation(o, ann)); } } }
Example 4
Source File: From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
private String getOntologyAnnotationValue(OWLOntology o, OboFormatTag tag) { IRI dateTagIRI = Obo2Owl.trTagToIRI(tag.getTag()); Set<OWLAnnotation> annotations = o.getAnnotations(); for (OWLAnnotation annotation : annotations) { OWLAnnotationProperty property = annotation.getProperty(); if(dateTagIRI.equals(property.getIRI())) { OWLAnnotationValue value = annotation.getValue(); if (value != null) { if (value instanceof IRI) { return ((IRI) value).toString(); } else if (value instanceof OWLLiteral) { return ((OWLLiteral) value).getLiteral(); } } } } return null; }
Example 5
Source File: From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
/** * Experimental method for trying out the loading of complex_annotation doc type * * @param opts * @throws Exception */ @CLIMethod("--solr-load-complex-annotations") public void experimentalLoadComplexAnnotationSolr(Opts opts) throws Exception { // Check to see if the global url has been set. String url = sortOutSolrURL(globalSolrURL); // Only proceed if our environment was well-defined. if( legoCatalogs == null || legoFiles == null || legoCatalogs.isEmpty() || legoFiles.isEmpty() ){ LOG.warn("Lego environment not well defined--skipping."); }else{ // Ready the environment for every pass. ParserWrapper pw = new ParserWrapper(); // Add all of the catalogs. for( File legoCatalog : legoCatalogs ){ pw.addIRIMapper(new CatalogXmlIRIMapper(legoCatalog)); } OWLOntologyManager manager = pw.getManager(); OWLReasonerFactory reasonerFactory = new ElkReasonerFactory(); // Actual loading--iterate over our list and load individually. for( File legoFile : legoFiles ){ String fname = legoFile.getName(); OWLReasoner currentReasoner = null; OWLOntology ontology = null; // TODO: Temp cover for missing group labels and IDs. //String agID = legoFile.getCanonicalPath(); String agLabel = StringUtils.removeEnd(fname, ".owl"); String agID = new String(agLabel); try { ontology = pw.parseOWL(IRI.create(legoFile)); currentReasoner = reasonerFactory.createReasoner(ontology); // Some sanity checks--some of the genereated ones are problematic. boolean consistent = currentReasoner.isConsistent(); if( consistent == false ){"Skip since inconsistent: " + fname); continue; } Set<OWLClass> unsatisfiable = currentReasoner.getUnsatisfiableClasses().getEntitiesMinusBottom(); // TODO - make configurable to allow fail fast if (unsatisfiable.isEmpty() == false) {"Skip since unsatisfiable: " + fname); continue; } Set<OWLNamedIndividual> individuals = ontology.getIndividualsInSignature(); Set<OWLAnnotation> modelAnnotations = ontology.getAnnotations(); OWLGraphWrapper currentGraph = new OWLGraphWrapper(ontology); try {"Trying complex annotation load of: " + fname); ComplexAnnotationSolrDocumentLoader loader = new ComplexAnnotationSolrDocumentLoader(url, currentGraph, currentReasoner, individuals, modelAnnotations, agID, agLabel, fname); loader.load(); } catch (SolrServerException e) {"Complex annotation load of " + fname + " at " + url + " failed!"); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } finally { // Cleanup reasoner and ontology. if (currentReasoner != null) { currentReasoner.dispose(); } if (ontology != null) { manager.removeOntology(ontology); } } } } }
Example 6
Source File: From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
/** * Experimental method for trying out the loading of complex_annotation doc type. * Works with --read-ca-list <file>. * * @param opts * @throws Exception */ @CLIMethod("--solr-load-complex-exp") public void loadComplexAnnotationSolr(Opts opts) throws Exception { // Check to see if the global url has been set. String url = sortOutSolrURL(globalSolrURL); // Only proceed if our environment was well-defined. if( caFiles == null || caFiles.isEmpty() ){ LOG.warn("LEGO environment not well defined--will skip loading LEGO/CA."); }else{ // NOTE: These two lines are remainders from old code, and I'm not sure of their place in this world of ours. // I wish there was an arcitecture diagram somehwere... OWLOntologyManager manager = pw.getManager(); OWLReasonerFactory reasonerFactory = new ElkReasonerFactory(); // Actual loading--iterate over our list and load individually. for( String fname : caFiles ){ OWLReasoner currentReasoner = null; OWLOntology ontology = null; // TODO: Temp cover for missing group labels and IDs. //String agID = legoFile.getCanonicalPath(); String pretmp = StringUtils.removeEnd(fname, ".owl"); String[] bits = StringUtils.split(pretmp, "/"); String agID = bits[bits.length -1]; String agLabel = new String(StringUtils.replaceOnce(agID, ":", "_")); try { ontology = pw.parseOWL(IRI.create(fname)); currentReasoner = reasonerFactory.createReasoner(ontology); // Some sanity checks--some of the genereated ones are problematic. boolean consistent = currentReasoner.isConsistent(); if( consistent == false ){"Skip since inconsistent: " + fname); continue; } Set<OWLClass> unsatisfiable = currentReasoner.getUnsatisfiableClasses().getEntitiesMinusBottom(); if (unsatisfiable.isEmpty() == false) {"Skip since unsatisfiable: " + fname); continue; } Set<OWLNamedIndividual> individuals = ontology.getIndividualsInSignature(); Set<OWLAnnotation> modelAnnotations = ontology.getAnnotations(); OWLGraphWrapper currentGraph = new OWLGraphWrapper(ontology); try {"Trying complex annotation load of: " + fname); ComplexAnnotationSolrDocumentLoader loader = new ComplexAnnotationSolrDocumentLoader(url, currentGraph, currentReasoner, individuals, modelAnnotations, agID, agLabel, fname); loader.load(); } catch (SolrServerException e) {"Complex annotation load of " + fname + " at " + url + " failed!"); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } finally { // Cleanup reasoner and ontology. if (currentReasoner != null) { currentReasoner.dispose(); } if (ontology != null) { manager.removeOntology(ontology); } } } } }
Example 7
Source File: From owltools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
public static String renderMarkdown(OWLGraphWrapper g, String baseDir, boolean isIncludeImage) { OWLOntology ont = g.getSourceOntology(); StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); String ontId = g.getOntologyId(); Set<OWLAnnotation> oAnns = ont.getAnnotations(); System.err.println("NUM1:"+oAnns.size()); String title = getVal("title", oAnns); out.append("## Ontology: "+title+"\n\n"); out.append("IRI: "+rurl(ont)+"\n\n"); String desc = getVal("description", oAnns); out.append("### Description\n\n"); out.append(desc+"\n\n"); Set<OWLOntology> imports = ont.getImports(); if (imports.size() > 0) { out.append("### Imports\n\n"); for (OWLOntology im : imports) { out.append(" * "+rurl(im)+"\n"); } } if (isIncludeImage) { String imgFn = baseDir + "/" + ontId + ".png"; out.append("\n\n"); } System.err.println("NUM:"+oAnns.size()); if (oAnns.size() > 0) { out.append("### Annotations:\n\n"); for (OWLAnnotation ann : oAnns) { String annLabel = g.getLabelOrDisplayId(ann.getProperty()); OWLAnnotationValue v = ann.getValue(); String dv = v.toString(); if (v instanceof OWLLiteral) { OWLLiteral lv = ((OWLLiteral)v); dv = lv.getLiteral(); IRI dt = lv.getDatatype().getIRI(); //System.out.println("DT = "+dt); if (dt.equals(OWL2Datatype.XSD_ANY_URI.getIRI())) { dv = href(lv.getLiteral()); } } out.append(" * "+href(ann.getProperty().getIRI().toString(),annLabel)+" : "+dv+"\n"); } } return out.toString(); }
Example 8
Source File: From SciGraph with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Before public void setup() throws Exception { if (builtGraph) { // TODO: UGH - need a better pattern for this return; } graph = createInstance(); String uri = Resources.getResource("ontologies/family.owl").toURI().toString(); manager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(IRI.create(uri)); List<MappedProperty> propertyMap = new ArrayList<>(); MappedProperty age = mock(MappedProperty.class); when(age.getName()).thenReturn("isAged"); when(age.getProperties()).thenReturn(newArrayList(ROOT + "/hasAge")); propertyMap.add(age); MappedProperty versionInfo = mock(MappedProperty.class); when(versionInfo.getName()).thenReturn("versionInfo"); when(versionInfo.getProperties()).thenReturn(newArrayList(OWL + "versionInfo")); propertyMap.add(versionInfo); OWLOntologyWalker walker = new OWLOntologyWalker(manager.getOntologies()); GraphOwlVisitor visitor = new GraphOwlVisitor(walker, graph, propertyMap); walker.walkStructure(visitor); for (OWLOntology ontology : manager.getOntologies()){ String ontologyIri = OwlApiUtils.getIri(ontology); for (OWLAnnotation annotation : ontology.getAnnotations()) { // Get annotations on ontology iri OWLAnnotationSubject ontologySubject = IRI.create(ontologyIri); OWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom object = new OWLAnnotationAssertionAxiomImpl(ontologySubject, annotation.getProperty(), annotation.getValue(), new ArrayList<OWLAnnotation>()); visitor.visit(object); } } graph.shutdown(); graphDb = new TestGraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase(new File(path)); tx = graphDb.beginTx(); nodeIndex = graphDb.index().getNodeAutoIndexer().getAutoIndex(); builtGraph = true; }