Java Code Examples for com.helger.xml.XMLFactory#newDocument()

The following examples show how to use com.helger.xml.XMLFactory#newDocument() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From ph-commons with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testOrderNamespaces ()
  XMLWriterSettings aSettings = new XMLWriterSettings ().setIndent (EXMLSerializeIndent.NONE)
                                                        .setUseDoubleQuotesForAttributes (false);

  // default order
  final Document aDoc = XMLFactory.newDocument ();
  final Element e = (Element) aDoc.appendChild (aDoc.createElement ("a"));
  e.setAttributeNS ("urn:ns3", "c", "1");
  e.setAttributeNS ("urn:ns2", "b", "2");
  e.setAttributeNS ("urn:ns1", "a", "3");
  assertEquals ("<a xmlns='urn:ns1' a='3' xmlns:ns0='urn:ns2' ns0:b='2' xmlns:ns1='urn:ns3' ns1:c='1' />",
                XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (e, aSettings));

  aSettings = aSettings.setOrderAttributesAndNamespaces (true);
  assertEquals ("<a xmlns='urn:ns1' xmlns:ns0='urn:ns2' xmlns:ns1='urn:ns3' a='3' ns0:b='2' ns1:c='1' />",
                XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (e, aSettings));
Example 2
Source File:    From ph-commons with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testOrderAttributes ()
  XMLWriterSettings aSettings = new XMLWriterSettings ().setIndent (EXMLSerializeIndent.NONE)
                                                        .setUseDoubleQuotesForAttributes (false);

  // default order
  final Document aDoc = XMLFactory.newDocument ();
  final Element e = (Element) aDoc.appendChild (aDoc.createElement ("a"));
  e.setAttribute ("c", "1");
  e.setAttribute ("b", "2");
  e.setAttribute ("a", "3");
  // Attributes are ordered automatically in DOM!
  assertEquals ("<a a='3' b='2' c='1' />", XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (e, aSettings));

  aSettings = aSettings.setOrderAttributesAndNamespaces (true);
  assertEquals ("<a a='3' b='2' c='1' />", XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (e, aSettings));
Example 3
Source File:    From ph-commons with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testNestedCDATAs ()
  final Document doc = XMLFactory.newDocument ();

  // Containing the forbidden CDATA end marker
  Element e = doc.createElement ("a");
  e.appendChild (doc.createCDATASection ("a]]>b"));
  assertEquals ("<a><![CDATA[a]]]]><![CDATA[>b]]></a>" + CRLF, XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (e));

  // Containing more than one forbidden CDATA end marker
  e = doc.createElement ("a");
  e.appendChild (doc.createCDATASection ("a]]>b]]>c"));
  assertEquals ("<a><![CDATA[a]]]]><![CDATA[>b]]]]><![CDATA[>c]]></a>" + CRLF, XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (e));

  // Containing a complete CDATA section
  e = doc.createElement ("a");
  e.appendChild (doc.createCDATASection ("a<![CDATA[x]]>b"));
  assertEquals ("<a><![CDATA[a<![CDATA[x]]]]><![CDATA[>b]]></a>" + CRLF, XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (e));
Example 4
Source File:    From ph-commons with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testWriteCDATAAsText ()
  final Document doc = XMLFactory.newDocument ();
  final XMLWriterSettings aXWS = new XMLWriterSettings ().setWriteCDATAAsText (true);

  // Containing the forbidden CDATA end marker
  Element e = doc.createElement ("a");
  e.appendChild (doc.createCDATASection ("a]]>b"));
  assertEquals ("<a>a]]&gt;b</a>" + CRLF, XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (e, aXWS));

  // Containing more than one forbidden CDATA end marker
  e = doc.createElement ("a");
  e.appendChild (doc.createCDATASection ("a]]>b]]>c"));
  assertEquals ("<a>a]]&gt;b]]&gt;c</a>" + CRLF, XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (e, aXWS));

  // Containing a complete CDATA section
  e = doc.createElement ("a");
  e.appendChild (doc.createCDATASection ("a<![CDATA[x]]>b"));
  assertEquals ("<a>a&lt;![CDATA[x]]&gt;b</a>" + CRLF, XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (e, aXWS));
Example 5
Source File:    From ph-commons with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testNumericReferencesXML11 () throws TransformerException
  for (int i = Character.MIN_VALUE; i <= Character.MAX_VALUE; ++i)
    if (!XMLCharHelper.isInvalidXMLTextChar (EXMLSerializeVersion.XML_11, (char) i))
      final String sText = "abc" + (char) i + "def";
      final Document aDoc = XMLFactory.newDocument (EXMLVersion.XML_11);
      final Element eRoot = (Element) aDoc.appendChild (aDoc.createElement ("root"));
      eRoot.appendChild (aDoc.createTextNode (sText));

      final Transformer aTransformer = XMLTransformerFactory.newTransformer ();
      aTransformer.setOutputProperty (OutputKeys.ENCODING, ());
      aTransformer.setOutputProperty (OutputKeys.INDENT, "no");
      aTransformer.setOutputProperty (OutputKeys.VERSION, EXMLVersion.XML_11.getVersion ());
      final StringStreamResult aRes = new StringStreamResult ();
      aTransformer.transform (new DOMSource (aDoc), aRes);

      final String sXML = aRes.getAsString ();
      final Document aDoc2 = DOMReader.readXMLDOM (sXML);
      assertNotNull (aDoc2);
Example 6
Source File:    From ph-commons with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testNumericReferencesXML10 () throws TransformerException
  for (int i = Character.MIN_VALUE; i <= Character.MAX_VALUE; ++i)
    if (!XMLCharHelper.isInvalidXMLTextChar (EXMLSerializeVersion.XML_10, (char) i))
      final String sText = "abc" + (char) i + "def";
      final Document aDoc = XMLFactory.newDocument (EXMLVersion.XML_10);
      final Element eRoot = (Element) aDoc.appendChild (aDoc.createElement ("root"));
      eRoot.appendChild (aDoc.createTextNode (sText));

      // Use regular transformer
      final Transformer aTransformer = XMLTransformerFactory.newTransformer ();
      aTransformer.setOutputProperty (OutputKeys.ENCODING, ());
      aTransformer.setOutputProperty (OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
      aTransformer.setOutputProperty (OutputKeys.VERSION, EXMLVersion.XML_10.getVersion ());
      final StringStreamResult aRes = new StringStreamResult ();
      aTransformer.transform (new DOMSource (aDoc), aRes);

      final String sXML = aRes.getAsString ();
      final Document aDoc2 = DOMReader.readXMLDOM (sXML);
      assertNotNull (aDoc2);
Example 7
Source File:    From ph-commons with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testAll () throws TransformerConfigurationException, TransformerException
  final CollectingTransformErrorListener el = new CollectingTransformErrorListener ();
  final TransformerFactory fac = XMLTransformerFactory.createTransformerFactory (el.andThen (new LoggingTransformErrorListener (L_EN)),
                                                                                 new LoggingTransformURIResolver ());
  assertNotNull (fac);

  // Read valid XSLT
  Templates t1 = XMLTransformerFactory.newTemplates (fac, new ClassPathResource ("xml/test1.xslt"));
  assertNotNull (t1);
  // May contain warning in JDK 1.7
  // (http://javax.xml.XMLConstants/property/accessExternalDTD is unknown)
  assertTrue (el.getErrorList ().containsNoError ());

  // Try a real transformation
    final Document aDoc = XMLFactory.newDocument ();
    t1.newTransformer ()
      .transform (TransformSourceFactory.create (new ClassPathResource ("xml/xslt1.xml")), new DOMResult (aDoc));
    assertNotNull (aDoc);
    assertNotNull (aDoc.getDocumentElement ());
    assertEquals ("html", aDoc.getDocumentElement ().getTagName ());

  // Read valid XSLT (with import)
  t1 = XMLTransformerFactory.newTemplates (fac, new ClassPathResource ("xml/test2.xslt"));
  assertNotNull (t1);
  // May contain warning in JDK 1.7
  // (http://javax.xml.XMLConstants/property/accessExternalDTD is unknown)
  assertTrue (el.getErrorList ().containsNoError ());

  // Read invalid XSLT
  assertNull (XMLTransformerFactory.newTemplates (fac, new ClassPathResource ("test1.txt")));
  assertTrue (el.getErrorList ().containsAtLeastOneError ());

  CommonsTestHelper.testToStringImplementation (el);
Example 8
Source File:    From ph-commons with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testAttributesWithNamespaces ()
  final XMLWriterSettings aSettings = new XMLWriterSettings ().setIndent (EXMLSerializeIndent.NONE)
                                                              .setCharset (StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1);
  final Document aDoc = XMLFactory.newDocument ();
  final Element eRoot = (Element) aDoc.appendChild (aDoc.createElementNS ("ns1url", "root"));
  final Element e1 = (Element) eRoot.appendChild (aDoc.createElementNS ("ns2url", "child1"));
  e1.setAttributeNS ("ns2url", "attr1", "value1");
  final Element e2 = (Element) eRoot.appendChild (aDoc.createElementNS ("ns2url", "child2"));
  e2.setAttributeNS ("ns3url", "attr2", "value2");

  String s = XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (aDoc, aSettings);
  assertEquals ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\" standalone=\"no\"?>" +
                "<root xmlns=\"ns1url\">" +
                "<ns0:child1 xmlns:ns0=\"ns2url\" ns0:attr1=\"value1\" />" +
                "<ns0:child2 xmlns:ns0=\"ns2url\" xmlns:ns1=\"ns3url\" ns1:attr2=\"value2\" />" +
  assertEquals (s, XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (DOMReader.readXMLDOM (s), aSettings));

  aSettings.setEmitNamespaces (false);
  s = XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (aDoc, aSettings);
  assertEquals ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\" standalone=\"no\"?>" +
                "<root>" +
                "<child1 attr1=\"value1\" />" +
                "<child2 attr2=\"value2\" />" +
Example 9
Source File:    From ph-commons with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testXMLVersionNumber ()
  Document aDoc = XMLFactory.newDocument (EXMLVersion.XML_10);
  aDoc.appendChild (aDoc.createElement ("any"));
  String sXML = XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (aDoc);
  assertEquals ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>" + CRLF + "<any />" + CRLF, sXML);

  aDoc = XMLFactory.newDocument (EXMLVersion.XML_11);
  aDoc.appendChild (aDoc.createElement ("any"));
  sXML = XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (aDoc);
  assertEquals ("<?xml version=\"1.1\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>" + CRLF + "<any />" + CRLF, sXML);
Example 10
Source File:    From ph-commons with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testWithoutEmitNamespaces ()
  final Document aDoc = XMLFactory.newDocument ();
  final Element eRoot = (Element) aDoc.appendChild (aDoc.createElementNS ("ns1url", "root"));
  eRoot.appendChild (aDoc.createElementNS ("ns2url", "child1"));
  eRoot.appendChild (aDoc.createElementNS ("ns2url", "child2"));

  final XMLWriterSettings aSettings = new XMLWriterSettings ().setCharset (StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1)
                                                              .setIndent (EXMLSerializeIndent.NONE);
  String s = XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (aDoc, aSettings);
  assertEquals ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\" standalone=\"no\"?>" +
                "<root xmlns=\"ns1url\">" +
                "<ns0:child1 xmlns:ns0=\"ns2url\" />" +
                "<ns0:child2 xmlns:ns0=\"ns2url\" />" +

  aSettings.setEmitNamespaces (false);
  s = XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (aDoc, aSettings);
  assertEquals ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\" standalone=\"no\"?>" +
                "<root>" +
                "<child1 />" +
                "<child2 />" +

  aSettings.setPutNamespaceContextPrefixesInRoot (true);
  s = XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (aDoc, aSettings);
  assertEquals ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\" standalone=\"no\"?>" +
                "<root>" +
                "<child1 />" +
                "<child2 />" +
Example 11
Source File:    From ph-commons with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Convert the passed object to a new DOM document (write).
 * @param aObject
 *        The object to be converted. May not be <code>null</code>.
 * @return <code>null</code> if converting the document failed.
default Document getAsDocument (@Nonnull final JAXBTYPE aObject)
  // No need for charset fix, because the document is returned in an internal
  // representation with String content
  final Document aDoc = XMLFactory.newDocument ();
  return write (aObject, TransformResultFactory.create (aDoc)).isSuccess () ? aDoc : null;
Example 12
Source File:    From ph-commons with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testWithNamespaceContext ()
  final Document aDoc = XMLFactory.newDocument ();
  final Element eRoot = (Element) aDoc.appendChild (aDoc.createElementNS ("ns1url", "root"));
  eRoot.appendChild (aDoc.createElementNS ("ns2url", "child1"));
  eRoot.appendChild (aDoc.createElementNS ("ns2url", "child2"));

  final XMLWriterSettings aSettings = new XMLWriterSettings ().setCharset (StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1)
                                                              .setIndent (EXMLSerializeIndent.NONE);
  String s = XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (aDoc, aSettings);
  assertEquals ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\" standalone=\"no\"?>" +
                "<root xmlns=\"ns1url\">" +
                "<ns0:child1 xmlns:ns0=\"ns2url\" />" +
                "<ns0:child2 xmlns:ns0=\"ns2url\" />" +

  final MapBasedNamespaceContext aCtx = new MapBasedNamespaceContext ();
  aCtx.addMapping ("a", "ns1url");
  aSettings.setNamespaceContext (aCtx);
  s = XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (aDoc, aSettings);
  assertEquals ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\" standalone=\"no\"?>" +
                "<a:root xmlns:a=\"ns1url\">" +
                "<ns0:child1 xmlns:ns0=\"ns2url\" />" +
                "<ns0:child2 xmlns:ns0=\"ns2url\" />" +

  aCtx.addMapping ("xy", "ns2url");
  s = XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (aDoc, aSettings);
  assertEquals ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\" standalone=\"no\"?>" +
                "<a:root xmlns:a=\"ns1url\">" +
                "<xy:child1 xmlns:xy=\"ns2url\" />" +
                "<xy:child2 xmlns:xy=\"ns2url\" />" +

  aSettings.setUseDoubleQuotesForAttributes (false);
  s = XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (aDoc, aSettings);
  assertEquals ("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1' standalone='no'?>" +
                "<a:root xmlns:a='ns1url'>" +
                "<xy:child1 xmlns:xy='ns2url' />" +
                "<xy:child2 xmlns:xy='ns2url' />" +

  aSettings.setSpaceOnSelfClosedElement (false);
  s = XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (aDoc, aSettings);
  assertEquals ("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1' standalone='no'?>" +
                "<a:root xmlns:a='ns1url'>" +
                "<xy:child1 xmlns:xy='ns2url'/>" +
                "<xy:child2 xmlns:xy='ns2url'/>" +

  aSettings.setPutNamespaceContextPrefixesInRoot (true);
  s = XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (aDoc, aSettings);
  assertEquals ("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1' standalone='no'?>" +
                "<a:root xmlns:a='ns1url' xmlns:xy='ns2url'>" +
                "<xy:child1/>" +
                "<xy:child2/>" +

  eRoot.appendChild (aDoc.createElementNS ("ns3url", "zz"));
  s = XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (aDoc, aSettings);
  assertEquals ("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1' standalone='no'?>" +
                "<a:root xmlns:a='ns1url' xmlns:xy='ns2url'>" +
                "<xy:child1/>" +
                "<xy:child2/>" +
                "<ns0:zz xmlns:ns0='ns3url'/>" +
Example 13
Source File:    From ph-commons with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testSpecialChars () throws Exception
  final EXMLVersion eXMLVersion = EXMLVersion.XML_10;
  final EXMLSerializeVersion eXMLSerializeVersion = EXMLSerializeVersion.getFromXMLVersionOrThrow (eXMLVersion);
  final StringBuilder aAttrVal = new StringBuilder ();
  final StringBuilder aText = new StringBuilder ();
  for (char i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
    if (!XMLCharHelper.isInvalidXMLAttributeValueChar (eXMLSerializeVersion, i))
      aAttrVal.append (i);
    if (!XMLCharHelper.isInvalidXMLTextChar (eXMLSerializeVersion, i))
      aText.append (i);

  final Document aDoc = XMLFactory.newDocument (eXMLVersion);
  final Element eRoot = (Element) aDoc.appendChild (aDoc.createElement ("root"));
  eRoot.setAttribute ("test", aAttrVal.toString ());

  final Element e1 = (Element) eRoot.appendChild (aDoc.createElement ("a"));
  e1.appendChild (aDoc.createTextNode (aText.toString ()));

  final Element e2 = (Element) eRoot.appendChild (aDoc.createElement ("b"));
  e2.appendChild (aDoc.createCDATASection ("aaaaaaaaaaa]]>bbbbbbbbbbb]]>ccccccccc"));

  final Element e3 = (Element) eRoot.appendChild (aDoc.createElement ("c"));
  e3.appendChild (aDoc.createCDATASection ("]]>"));

  if (false)
    e3.appendChild (aDoc.createComment ("<!--"));
  e3.appendChild (aDoc.createTextNode ("abc"));
  if (false)
    e3.appendChild (aDoc.createComment ("-->"));

  final NonBlockingStringWriter aSW = new NonBlockingStringWriter ();
  XMLTransformerFactory.newTransformer ().transform (new DOMSource (aDoc), new StreamResult (aSW));
  final String sTransform = aSW.getAsString ();

  final Document aDoc2 = DOMReader.readXMLDOM (sTransform);
  final Node e3a = aDoc2.getDocumentElement ().getChildNodes ().item (2);
  aSW.reset ();
  XMLTransformerFactory.newTransformer ().transform (new DOMSource (e3a), new StreamResult (aSW));

  final String sXML = XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (aDoc,
                                                 new XMLWriterSettings ().setIncorrectCharacterHandling (EXMLIncorrectCharacterHandling.WRITE_TO_FILE_NO_LOG)
                                                                         .setIndent (EXMLSerializeIndent.NONE));
  assertNotNull (sXML);

  assertNotNull ("Failed to read: " + sXML, DOMReader.readXMLDOM (sXML));
Example 14
Source File:    From ph-commons with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testHTML4BracketMode ()

  final Document aDoc = XMLFactory.newDocument ("html", DOCTYPE_XHTML10_QNAME, DOCTYPE_XHTML10_URI);
  final Element aHead = (Element) aDoc.getDocumentElement ()
                                      .appendChild (aDoc.createElementNS (DOCTYPE_XHTML10_URI, "head"));
  aHead.appendChild (aDoc.createTextNode ("Hallo"));
  final Element aBody = (Element) aDoc.getDocumentElement ()
                                      .appendChild (aDoc.createElementNS (DOCTYPE_XHTML10_URI, "body"));
  aBody.appendChild (aDoc.createElementNS (DOCTYPE_XHTML10_URI, "img"));

  // test including doc type
  final String sResult = XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (aDoc, XMLWriterSettings.createForHTML4 ());
  assertEquals ("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"" +
                DOCTYPE_XHTML10_QNAME +
                "\" \"" +
                DOCTYPE_XHTML10_URI +
                "\">" +
                CRLF +
                "<html xmlns=\"" +
                DOCTYPE_XHTML10_URI +
                "\">" +
                CRLF +
                sINDENT +
                "<head>Hallo</head>" +
                CRLF +
                sINDENT +
                "<body>" +
                CRLF +
                sINDENT +
                sINDENT +
                // Unclosed img :)
                "<img>" +
                CRLF +
                sINDENT +
                "</body>" +
                CRLF +
                "</html>" +
Example 15
Source File:    From ph-commons with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testXHTMLBracketMode ()

  final Document aDoc = XMLFactory.newDocument ("html", DOCTYPE_XHTML10_QNAME, DOCTYPE_XHTML10_URI);
  final Element aHead = (Element) aDoc.getDocumentElement ()
                                      .appendChild (aDoc.createElementNS (DOCTYPE_XHTML10_URI, "head"));
  aHead.appendChild (aDoc.createTextNode ("Hallo"));
  final Element aBody = (Element) aDoc.getDocumentElement ()
                                      .appendChild (aDoc.createElementNS (DOCTYPE_XHTML10_URI, "body"));
  aBody.appendChild (aDoc.createElementNS (DOCTYPE_XHTML10_URI, "img"));

  // test including doc type
  final String sResult = XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (aDoc, XMLWriterSettings.createForXHTML ());
  assertEquals ("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"" +
                DOCTYPE_XHTML10_QNAME +
                "\" \"" +
                DOCTYPE_XHTML10_URI +
                "\">" +
                CRLF +
                "<html xmlns=\"" +
                DOCTYPE_XHTML10_URI +
                "\">" +
                CRLF +
                sINDENT +
                "<head>Hallo</head>" +
                CRLF +
                sINDENT +
                "<body>" +
                CRLF +
                sINDENT +
                sINDENT +
                // self closed tag
                "<img />" +
                CRLF +
                sINDENT +
                "</body>" +
                CRLF +
                "</html>" +
Example 16
Source File:    From ph-commons with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testXHTMLIndent ()
  final XMLWriterSettings xs = XMLWriterSettings.createForXHTML ().setSerializeDocType (EXMLSerializeDocType.IGNORE);
  final String sINDENT = xs.getIndentationString ();

  final Document aDoc = XMLFactory.newDocument ("html", DOCTYPE_XHTML10_QNAME, DOCTYPE_XHTML10_URI);
  final Element aHead = (Element) aDoc.getDocumentElement ()
                                      .appendChild (aDoc.createElementNS (DOCTYPE_XHTML10_URI, "head"));
  aHead.appendChild (aDoc.createTextNode ("Hallo"));
  final Element aBody = (Element) aDoc.getDocumentElement ()
                                      .appendChild (aDoc.createElementNS (DOCTYPE_XHTML10_URI, "body"));
  final Element aPre = (Element) aBody.appendChild (aDoc.createElementNS (DOCTYPE_XHTML10_URI, "pre"));
  final Element aDiv = (Element) aPre.appendChild (aDoc.createElementNS (DOCTYPE_XHTML10_URI, "div"));
  aDiv.appendChild (aDoc.createTextNode ("pre formatted"));

  assertEquals ("<html xmlns=\"" +
                DOCTYPE_XHTML10_URI +
                "\">" +
                CRLF +
                sINDENT +
                "<head>Hallo</head>" +
                CRLF +
                sINDENT +
                "<body>" +
                CRLF +
                sINDENT +
                sINDENT +
                // pre not indented
                "<pre><div>pre formatted</div></pre>" +
                CRLF +
                sINDENT +
                "</body>" +
                CRLF +
                "</html>" +
                XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (aDoc, xs));

  // Special handling with void element
  aPre.removeChild (aDiv);
  aPre.appendChild (aDoc.createElementNS (DOCTYPE_XHTML10_URI, "img"));

  assertEquals ("<html xmlns=\"" +
                DOCTYPE_XHTML10_URI +
                "\">" +
                CRLF +
                sINDENT +
                "<head>Hallo</head>" +
                CRLF +
                sINDENT +
                "<body>" +
                CRLF +
                sINDENT +
                sINDENT +
                // pre not indented
                "<pre><img /></pre>" +
                CRLF +
                sINDENT +
                "</body>" +
                CRLF +
                "</html>" +
                XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (aDoc, xs));
Example 17
Source File:    From ph-commons with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testSecure () throws TransformerConfigurationException, TransformerException
  final CollectingTransformErrorListener el = new CollectingTransformErrorListener ();
  final TransformerFactory fac = XMLTransformerFactory.createTransformerFactory (el.andThen (new LoggingTransformErrorListener (L_EN)),
                                                                                 new LoggingTransformURIResolver ());
  assertNotNull (fac);

  // "file" access is needed for the tests
  XMLTransformerFactory.makeTransformerFactorySecure (fac, "file");

  // Read valid XSLT
  Templates t1 = XMLTransformerFactory.newTemplates (fac, new ClassPathResource ("xml/test1.xslt"));
  assertNotNull (t1);
  // May contain warning in JDK 1.7
  // (http://javax.xml.XMLConstants/property/accessExternalDTD is unknown)
  assertTrue (el.getErrorList ().containsNoError ());

  // Try a real transformation
    final Document aDoc = XMLFactory.newDocument ();
    t1.newTransformer ()
      .transform (TransformSourceFactory.create (new ClassPathResource ("xml/xslt1.xml")), new DOMResult (aDoc));
    assertNotNull (aDoc);
    assertNotNull (aDoc.getDocumentElement ());
    assertEquals ("html", aDoc.getDocumentElement ().getTagName ());

  // Read valid XSLT (with import)
  t1 = XMLTransformerFactory.newTemplates (fac, new ClassPathResource ("xml/test2.xslt"));
  assertNotNull (t1);
  // May contain warning in JDK 1.7
  // (http://javax.xml.XMLConstants/property/accessExternalDTD is unknown)
  assertTrue (el.getErrorList ().containsNoError ());

  // Read invalid XSLT
  assertNull (XMLTransformerFactory.newTemplates (fac, new ClassPathResource ("test1.txt")));
  assertTrue (el.getErrorList ().containsAtLeastOneError ());

  CommonsTestHelper.testToStringImplementation (el);
Example 18
Source File:    From ph-commons with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testXMLDeclaration ()
  final Document aDoc = XMLFactory.newDocument ();
  final Element eRoot = (Element) aDoc.appendChild (aDoc.createElement ("root"));
  eRoot.appendChild (aDoc.createElement ("child1"));

  final XMLWriterSettings aSettings = new XMLWriterSettings ();
  String s = XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (aDoc, aSettings);
  assertEquals ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>" +
                CRLF +
                "<root>" +
                CRLF +
                "  <child1 />" +
                CRLF +
                "</root>" +

  aSettings.setNewLineAfterXMLDeclaration (false);
  s = XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (aDoc, aSettings);
  assertEquals ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>" +
                "<root>" +
                CRLF +
                "  <child1 />" +
                CRLF +
                "</root>" +

  aSettings.setNewLineAfterXMLDeclaration (true);
  aSettings.setSerializeXMLDeclaration (EXMLSerializeXMLDeclaration.EMIT_NO_STANDALONE);
  s = XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (aDoc, aSettings);
  assertEquals ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
                CRLF +
                "<root>" +
                CRLF +
                "  <child1 />" +
                CRLF +
                "</root>" +
Example 19
Source File:    From ph-schematron with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public final Document applySchematronValidation (@Nonnull final Node aXMLNode,
                                                 @Nullable final String sBaseURI) throws TransformerException
  ValueEnforcer.notNull (aXMLNode, "XMLNode");

  final ISchematronXSLTBasedProvider aXSLTProvider = getXSLTProvider ();
  if (aXSLTProvider == null || !aXSLTProvider.isValidSchematron ())
    // We cannot progress because of invalid Schematron
    return null;

  // Debug print the created XSLT document
  if (SchematronDebug.isShowCreatedXSLT ()) ("Created XSLT document: " + XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (aXSLTProvider.getXSLTDocument ()));

  // Create result document
  final Document ret = XMLFactory.newDocument ();

  // Create the transformer object from the templates specified in the
  // constructor
  final Transformer aTransformer = aXSLTProvider.getXSLTTransformer ();

  // Apply customizations
  // Ensure an error listener is present
  if (m_aCustomErrorListener != null)
    aTransformer.setErrorListener (m_aCustomErrorListener);
    aTransformer.setErrorListener (new LoggingTransformErrorListener (Locale.US));

  // Set the optional URI Resolver
  if (m_aCustomURIResolver != null)
    aTransformer.setURIResolver (m_aCustomURIResolver);

  // Set all custom parameters
  if (m_aCustomParameters != null)
    for (final Map.Entry <String, ?> aEntry : m_aCustomParameters.entrySet ())
      aTransformer.setParameter (aEntry.getKey (), aEntry.getValue ());

  if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled ())
    LOGGER.debug ("Applying Schematron XSLT on XML [start]");

  // Enable this for hardcore Saxon debugging only
  if (false)
    if (aTransformer.getClass ().getName ().equals ("net.sf.saxon.jaxp.TransformerImpl"))
      final XsltTransformer aXT = ((TransformerImpl) aTransformer).getUnderlyingXsltTransformer ();

      aXT.setMessageListener ( (a,
                                d) -> ("MessageListener2: " + a + ", " + b + ", " + c + ", " + d));
      aXT.setTraceFunctionDestination (new StandardLogger (System.err));
      if (false)
        aXT.getUnderlyingController ().setTraceListener (new XSLTTraceListener ());
      if (false)
        final XSLTTraceListener aTL = new XSLTTraceListener ();
        aTL.setOutputDestination (new StandardLogger (System.err));
        aXT.getUnderlyingController ().setTraceListener (TraceEventMulticaster.add (aTL, null));

      if (false)
        System.out.println ("mode=" + aXT.getInitialMode ());
      if (false)
        System.out.println ("temp=" + aXT.getInitialTemplate ());
      if (false)
        System.out.println (aTransformer.getOutputProperties ());

  // Do the main transformation
    final DOMSource aSource = new DOMSource (aXMLNode);
    aSource.setSystemId (sBaseURI);
    aTransformer.transform (aSource, new DOMResult (ret));

  if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled ())
    LOGGER.debug ("Applying Schematron XSLT on XML [end]");

  // Debug print the created SVRL document
  if (SchematronDebug.isShowCreatedSVRL ()) ("Created SVRL:\n" + XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (ret));

  return ret;
Example 20
Source File:    From ph-ubl with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * This is an example that creates an XML schema compliant invoice <b>AND</b>
 * adds an extension as requested in issue #10
public void testCreateInvoiceFromScratchWithExtension ()
  final String sCurrency = "EUR";

  // Create domain object
  final InvoiceType aInvoice = new InvoiceType ();

  // Fill it
  aInvoice.setID ("Dummy Invoice number");
  aInvoice.setIssueDate (PDTXMLConverter.getXMLCalendarDateNow ());

  final SupplierPartyType aSupplier = new SupplierPartyType ();
  aInvoice.setAccountingSupplierParty (aSupplier);

  final CustomerPartyType aCustomer = new CustomerPartyType ();
  aInvoice.setAccountingCustomerParty (aCustomer);

  final MonetaryTotalType aMT = new MonetaryTotalType ();
  aMT.setPayableAmount (BigDecimal.TEN).setCurrencyID (sCurrency);
  aInvoice.setLegalMonetaryTotal (aMT);

  final InvoiceLineType aLine = new InvoiceLineType ();
  aLine.setID ("1");

  final ItemType aItem = new ItemType ();
  aLine.setItem (aItem);

  aLine.setLineExtensionAmount (BigDecimal.TEN).setCurrencyID (sCurrency);

  aInvoice.addInvoiceLine (aLine);

  // Example extension content from issue #10:
   * <pre>
     <aife:FactureExtension xmlns:aife="urn:AIFE:Facture:Extension">
   * </pre>
  final Document aDoc = XMLFactory.newDocument ();
  final String sNamespaceURI = "urn:AIFE:Facture:Extension";
  final Node eRoot = aDoc.appendChild (aDoc.createElementNS (sNamespaceURI, "FactureExtension"));
  final Node eCategoryCode = eRoot.appendChild (aDoc.createElementNS (sNamespaceURI, "CategoryCode"));
  eCategoryCode.appendChild (aDoc.createTextNode ("XX"));

  // Now add the extension
  final UBLExtensionsType aExtensions = new UBLExtensionsType ();
  final UBLExtensionType aExtension = new UBLExtensionType ();
  final ExtensionContentType aExtensionContent = new ExtensionContentType ();
  // Add the root element - NEVER use the whole document!
  aExtensionContent.setAny (aDoc.getDocumentElement ());
  aExtension.setExtensionContent (aExtensionContent);
  aExtensions.addUBLExtension (aExtension);
  aInvoice.setUBLExtensions (aExtensions);

  // Write to disk ("as is")
  ESuccess eSuccess = UBL21Writer.invoice ().write (aInvoice, new File ("target/dummy-invoice-with-extension.xml"));
  assertTrue (eSuccess.isSuccess ());

  // doesn't work as expected yet
  if (false)
    // Write to disk with a custom namespace prefix mapping
    final UBL21WriterBuilder <InvoiceType> aBuilder = UBL21Writer.invoice ();
    final MapBasedNamespaceContext aCtx = (MapBasedNamespaceContext) aBuilder.getNamespaceContext ();
    aCtx.addMapping ("aife", sNamespaceURI);
    eSuccess = aBuilder.write (aInvoice, new File ("target/dummy-invoice-with-extension-and-ns.xml"));
    assertTrue (eSuccess.isSuccess ());