Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From aws-iam-ldap-bridge with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void clearDN(String dnStr) throws LdapException, ParseException, IOException, CursorException {
    Dn dn = directory.getDnFactory().create(dnStr);
    ExprNode filter = FilterParser.parse(directory.getSchemaManager(), "(ObjectClass=*)");
    NameComponentNormalizer ncn = new ConcreteNameComponentNormalizer( directory.getSchemaManager() );
    FilterNormalizingVisitor visitor = new FilterNormalizingVisitor( ncn, directory.getSchemaManager() );
    SearchOperationContext context = new SearchOperationContext(directory.getAdminSession(),
            dn, SearchScope.SUBTREE, filter, SchemaConstants.ALL_USER_ATTRIBUTES, SchemaConstants.ALL_OPERATIONAL_ATTRIBUTES);
    EntryFilteringCursor cursor = directory.getPartitionNexus().search(context);
    Collection<Dn> dns = new ArrayList<Dn>();
    while ( {
        Entry ent = cursor.get();
        if (ent.getDn().equals(dn)) continue;

    LOG.debug("Deleting " + dns.size() + " items from under " + dnStr);
    for (Dn deleteDn: dns) {
Example 2
Source File:    From aws-iam-ldap-bridge with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private Collection<Entry> getAllEntries(String rootDN, String className) {
    try {
        Dn dn = directory.getDnFactory().create(rootDN);
        ExprNode filter = FilterParser.parse(directory.getSchemaManager(), String.format("(ObjectClass=%s)", className));
        NameComponentNormalizer ncn = new ConcreteNameComponentNormalizer( directory.getSchemaManager() );
        FilterNormalizingVisitor visitor = new FilterNormalizingVisitor( ncn, directory.getSchemaManager() );
        SearchOperationContext context = new SearchOperationContext(directory.getAdminSession(),
                dn, SearchScope.SUBTREE, filter, SchemaConstants.ALL_USER_ATTRIBUTES, SchemaConstants.ALL_OPERATIONAL_ATTRIBUTES);
        EntryFilteringCursor cursor = directory.getPartitionNexus().search(context);
        Collection<Entry> entries = new ArrayList<Entry>();
        while ( {
            Entry ent = cursor.get();
            if (ent.getDn().equals(dn)) continue;
        return entries;
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        return Collections.emptyList();
Example 3
Source File:    From MyVirtualDirectory with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Conducts a simple search across the result set returning each entry
 * back except for the search response done.  This is calculated but not
 * returned so the persistent search mechanism can leverage this method
 * along with standard search.<br>
 * <br>
 * @param session the LDAP session object for this request
 * @param req the search request
 * @return the result done
 * @throws Exception if there are failures while processing the request
private SearchResultDone doSimpleSearch( LdapSession session, SearchRequest req ) throws Exception
    LdapResult ldapResult = req.getResultResponse().getLdapResult();

    // Check if we are using the Paged Search Control
    Object control = req.getControls().get( PagedResults.OID );

    if ( control != null )
        // Let's deal with the pagedControl
        return doPagedSearch( session, req, ( PagedResultsDecorator ) control );

    // A normal search
    // Check that we have a cursor or not.
    // No cursor : do a search.
    EntryFilteringCursor cursor = session.getCoreSession().search( req );

    // register the request in the session
    session.registerSearchRequest( req, cursor );

    // Position the cursor at the beginning

     * Iterate through all search results building and sending back responses
     * for each search result returned.
        // Get the size limits
        // Don't bother setting size limits for administrators that don't ask for it
        long serverLimit = getServerSizeLimit( session, req );

        long requestLimit = req.getSizeLimit() == 0L ? Long.MAX_VALUE : req.getSizeLimit();

        req.addAbandonListener( new SearchAbandonListener( ldapServer, cursor ) );
        setTimeLimitsOnCursor( req, session, cursor );

        if ( IS_DEBUG )
            LOG.debug( "using <{},{}> for size limit", requestLimit, serverLimit );

        long sizeLimit = min( requestLimit, serverLimit );

        writeResults( session, req, ldapResult, cursor, sizeLimit );
        if ( ( cursor != null ) && !cursor.isClosed() )
            catch ( Exception e )
                LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_168 ), e );

    return req.getResultResponse();