Java Code Examples for mpicbg.imglib.image.Image#getNumDimensions()

The following examples show how to use mpicbg.imglib.image.Image#getNumDimensions() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void copyBlock( final Image< FloatType > source, final Image< FloatType > block )
	final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0);					
       final Thread[] threads = SimpleMultiThreading.newThreads( numThreads );
       for ( int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ++ithread )
           threads[ithread] = new Thread(new Runnable()
               public void run()
               	final int threadIdx = ai.getAndIncrement();
               	// get chunk of pixels to process
               	final Chunk myChunk = threadChunks.get( threadIdx );
               	if ( source.getNumDimensions() == 3 && Array.class.isInstance( source.getContainer() ) && Array.class.isInstance( block.getContainer() ) )
               		copy3dArray( threadIdx, numThreads, source, block, offset, inside, factory );
               	else if ( source.getNumDimensions() == 3 && Array.class.isInstance( block.getContainer() ) )
               		copy3d( threadIdx, numThreads, source, block, offset, inside, factory );
               		copy( myChunk.getStartPosition(), myChunk.getLoopSize(), source, block, offset, inside, factory );
       SimpleMultiThreading.startAndJoin( threads );

Example 2
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void pasteBlock( final Image< FloatType > target, final Image< FloatType > block )
	final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0);					
       final Thread[] threads = SimpleMultiThreading.newThreads( numThreads );
       for ( int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ++ithread )
           threads[ithread] = new Thread(new Runnable()
               public void run()
               	final int threadIdx = ai.getAndIncrement();
               	// get chunk of pixels to process
               	final Chunk myChunk = threadChunks.get( threadIdx );
               	if ( target.getNumDimensions() == 3 && Array.class.isInstance( target.getContainer() ) )
               		paste3d( threadIdx, numThreads, target, block, effectiveOffset, effectiveSize, effectiveLocalOffset );
               		paste( myChunk.getStartPosition(), myChunk.getLoopSize(), target, block, effectiveOffset, effectiveSize, effectiveLocalOffset );
       SimpleMultiThreading.startAndJoin( threads );

Example 3
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public static void translate( final Image< FloatType > img, final float[] vector )
	final Image< FloatType > tmp = img.clone();
	final LocalizableCursor< FloatType > cursor1 = img.createLocalizableCursor();		
	final Interpolator< FloatType > interpolator = tmp.createInterpolator( new LinearInterpolatorFactory<FloatType>( new OutOfBoundsStrategyMirrorFactory<FloatType>() ) );
	final int numDimensions = img.getNumDimensions();
	final float[] pos = new float[ numDimensions ];
	while ( cursor1.hasNext() )
		for( int d = 0; d < numDimensions; ++d )
			pos[ d ] = cursor1.getPosition( d ) - vector[ d ];
		interpolator.setPosition( pos );
		cursor1.getType().set( interpolator.getType() );
Example 4
Source File:    From TrakEM2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public ImgLibVolume(final Image<T> img, final float[] origin) throws Exception {
	if (img.getNumDimensions() < 3) throw new Exception("Image does not support at least 3 dimensions.");

	this.img = img;
	this.xDim = img.getDimension(0);
	this.yDim = img.getDimension(1);
	this.zDim = img.getDimension(2); = img.getCalibration(0); = img.getCalibration(1);
	this.pd = img.getCalibration(2);

	System.out.println("dims: " + xDim + ", " + yDim + ", " + zDim + " :: " + pw +", " + ph + ", " + pd);

	float xSpace = (float)pw;
	float ySpace = (float)ph;
	float zSpace = (float)pd;

	// real coords
	minCoord.x = origin[0];
	minCoord.y = origin[1];
	minCoord.z = origin[2];

	maxCoord.x = minCoord.x + xDim * xSpace;
	maxCoord.y = minCoord.y + yDim * ySpace;
	maxCoord.z = minCoord.z + zDim * zSpace;

Example 5
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private final static <T extends Type<T>> float[] extractSliceFloat( final Image<T> img, final Display<T> display, final int dimX, final int dimY, final int[] dimensionPositions )
final int sizeX = img.getDimension( dimX );
final int sizeY = img.getDimension( dimY );
  	final LocalizablePlaneCursor<T> cursor = img.createLocalizablePlaneCursor();		
cursor.reset( dimX, dimY, dimensionPositions );   	

// store the slice image
  	float[] sliceImg = new float[ sizeX * sizeY ];
  	if ( dimY < img.getNumDimensions() )
   	while ( cursor.hasNext() )
   		sliceImg[ cursor.getPosition( dimX ) + cursor.getPosition( dimY ) * sizeX ] = display.get32Bit( cursor.getType() );    		
  	else // only a 1D image
   	while ( cursor.hasNext() )
   		sliceImg[ cursor.getPosition( dimX ) ] = display.get32Bit( cursor.getType() );    		

  	return sliceImg;
Example 6
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Image<FloatType> getFoundBeads( final ViewDataBeads view )
	// display found beads
	ImageFactory<FloatType> factory = new ImageFactory<FloatType>( new FloatType(), view.getViewStructure().getSPIMConfiguration().inputImageFactory );
	Image<FloatType> img = factory.createImage( view.getImageSize() );
	LocalizableByDimCursor3D<FloatType> cursor = (LocalizableByDimCursor3D<FloatType>) img.createLocalizableByDimCursor();		

   	final float[] tmp = new float[ img.getNumDimensions() ];

	for ( Bead bead : view.getBeadStructure().getBeadList())
       	for ( int d = 0; d < tmp.length; ++d )
       		tmp[ d ] = (float)bead.getL()[ d ];

		final LocalizablePoint p = new LocalizablePoint( tmp );
		HyperSphereIterator<FloatType> it = new HyperSphereIterator<FloatType>( img, p, 1, new OutOfBoundsStrategyValueFactory<FloatType>() );
		for ( final FloatType f : it )

	return img;
Example 7
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Make image the same size as defined, center it
 * @param img
 * @return
public static Image< FloatType > makeSameSize( final Image< FloatType > img, final int[] sizeIn )
	final int[] size = sizeIn.clone();

	float min = Float.MAX_VALUE;

	for ( final FloatType f : img )
		min = Math.min( min, f.get() );
	final Image< FloatType > square = img.createNewImage( size );
	final LocalizableCursor< FloatType > squareCursor = square.createLocalizableCursor();
	final LocalizableByDimCursor< FloatType > inputCursor = img.createLocalizableByDimCursor( new OutOfBoundsStrategyValueFactory<FloatType>( new FloatType( min ) ) );
	while ( squareCursor.hasNext() )
		squareCursor.getPosition( size );
		for ( int d = 0; d < img.getNumDimensions(); ++d )
			size[ d ] =  size[ d ] - square.getDimension( d )/2 + img.getDimension( d )/2;

		inputCursor.setPosition( size );
		squareCursor.getType().set( inputCursor.getType().get() );
	return square;
Example 8
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static Image< FloatType > computeInvertedKernel( final Image< FloatType > kernel )
	final Image< FloatType > invKernel = kernel.clone();
	for ( int d = 0; d < invKernel.getNumDimensions(); ++d )
		new MirrorImage< FloatType >( invKernel, d ).process();
	return invKernel;
Example 9
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static final void paste( final long start, final long loopSize, final Image< FloatType > target, final Image< FloatType > block, 
		final int[] effectiveOffset, final int[] effectiveSize, final int[] effectiveLocalOffset )
	final int numDimensions = target.getNumDimensions();
	// iterate over effective size
	final LocalizableCursor<?> cursor = ArrayLocalizableCursor.createLinearCursor( effectiveSize );
	// read from block
	final LocalizableByDimCursor<FloatType> blockRandomAccess  = block.createLocalizableByDimCursor();
	// write to target		
	final LocalizableByDimCursor<FloatType> targetRandomAccess  = target.createLocalizableByDimCursor();
	cursor.fwd( start );
	final int[] tmp = new int[ numDimensions ];
	for ( long l = 0; l < loopSize; ++l )
		cursor.getPosition( tmp );
		// move to the relative local offset where the real data starts
		for ( int d = 0; d < numDimensions; ++d )
			tmp[ d ] += effectiveLocalOffset[ d ];
		blockRandomAccess.setPosition( tmp );
		// move to the right position in the image
		for ( int d = 0; d < numDimensions; ++d )
			tmp[ d ] += effectiveOffset[ d ] - effectiveLocalOffset[ d ];

		targetRandomAccess.setPosition( tmp );

		// write the pixel
		targetRandomAccess.getType().set( blockRandomAccess.getType() );
Example 10
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static final void copy( final long start, final long loopSize, final Image< FloatType > source, final Image< FloatType > block, final int[] offset, final boolean inside, final OutOfBoundsStrategyFactory< FloatType > strategyFactory )
	final int numDimensions = source.getNumDimensions();
	final LocalizableCursor<FloatType> cursor = block.createLocalizableCursor();
	final LocalizableByDimCursor<FloatType> randomAccess;
	if ( inside )
		randomAccess = source.createLocalizableByDimCursor();
		randomAccess = source.createLocalizableByDimCursor( strategyFactory );
	cursor.fwd( start );
	final int[] tmp = new int[ numDimensions ];
	for ( long l = 0; l < loopSize; ++l )
		cursor.getPosition( tmp );
		for ( int d = 0; d < numDimensions; ++d )
			tmp[ d ] += offset[ d ];
		randomAccess.setPosition( tmp );
		cursor.getType().set( randomAccess.getType() );
Example 11
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public LRFFT(
		final Image<FloatType> image,
		final Image<FloatType> weight,
		final Image<FloatType> kernel,
		final int[] deviceList, final boolean useBlocks, final int[] blockSize )
	this.image = image;
	this.kernel1 = kernel;
	this.weight = weight;
	this.deviceList = deviceList;
	this.device0 = deviceList[ 0 ];
	this.numDevices = deviceList.length;

	// figure out if we need GPU and/or CPU
	boolean anyGPU = false;
	boolean anyCPU = false;
	for ( final int i : deviceList )
		if ( i >= 0 )
			anyGPU = true;
		else if ( i == -1 )
			anyCPU = true;
	this.useCUDA = anyGPU;
	this.useCPU = anyCPU;
	if ( useBlocks )
		this.useBlocks = true;
		// define the blocksize so that it is one single block
		this.blockSize = new int[ image.getNumDimensions() ];
		for ( int d = 0; d < this.blockSize.length; ++d )
			this.blockSize[ d ] = blockSize[ d ];
		this.blocks = Block.divideIntoBlocks( image.getDimensions(), this.blockSize, kernel.getDimensions() );
		// blocksize might change during division if they were too small
		 //this.blockSize = blockSize.clone();
		IOFunctions.println( "Number of blocks: " + this.blocks.length );
		this.factory = new ImageFactory< FloatType >( new FloatType(), new ArrayContainerFactory() );
	else if ( this.useCUDA ) // and no blocks, i.e. one big block
		this.useBlocks = true;
		// define the blocksize so that it is one single block
		this.blockSize = new int[ image.getNumDimensions() ];
		for ( int d = 0; d < this.blockSize.length; ++d )
			this.blockSize[ d ] = image.getDimension( d ) + kernel.getDimension( d ) - 1;
		this.blocks = Block.divideIntoBlocks( image.getDimensions(), this.blockSize, kernel.getDimensions() );
		this.factory = new ImageFactory< FloatType >( new FloatType(), new ArrayContainerFactory() );			
		this.blocks = null;
		this.blockSize = null;
		this.factory = null;
		this.useBlocks = false;
Example 12
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected static Image< FloatType > loadInitialImage( final String fileName, final boolean checkNumbers, final float minValue, final int[] dimensions, final ImageFactory< FloatType > imageFactory )
	IOFunctions.println( "Loading image '" + fileName + "' as start for iteration." );
	Image< FloatType > psi = LOCI.openLOCIFloatType( fileName, imageFactory );
	if ( psi == null )
		IOFunctions.println( "Could not load image '" + fileName + "'." );
		return null;
		boolean dimensionsMatch = true;
		for ( int d = 0; d < psi.getNumDimensions(); ++d )
			if ( psi.getDimension( d ) != dimensions[ d ] )
				dimensionsMatch = false;
		if ( !dimensionsMatch )
			IOFunctions.println( "Dimensions of '" + fileName + "' do not match: " + Util.printCoordinates( psi.getDimensions() ) + " != " + Util.printCoordinates( dimensions ) );
			return null;
		if ( checkNumbers )
			IOFunctions.println( "Checking values of '" + fileName + "' you can disable this check by setting mpicbg.spim.postprocessing.deconvolution2.BayesMVDeconvolution.checkNumbers = false;" );
			boolean smaller = false;
			boolean hasZerosOrNeg = false;
			for ( final FloatType v : psi )
				if ( v.get() < minValue )
					smaller = true;

				if ( v.get() <= 0 )
					hasZerosOrNeg = true;
					v.set( minValue );

			if ( smaller )
				IOFunctions.println( "Some values '" + fileName + "' are smaller than the minimal value of " + minValue + ", this can lead to instabilities." );

			if ( hasZerosOrNeg )
				IOFunctions.println( "Some values '" + fileName + "' were smaller or equal to zero, they have been replaced with the min value of " + minValue );
	return psi;
Example 13
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Transforms the extracted PSF using the affine transformation of the corresponding view
 * @param psf - the extracted psf (NOT z-scaling corrected)
 * @param model - the transformation model
 * @return the transformed psf which has odd sizes and where the center of the psf is also the center of the transformed psf
protected static Image<FloatType> transformPSF( final Image<FloatType> psf, final AbstractAffineModel3D<?> model )
	// here we compute a slightly different transformation than the ImageTransform does
	// two things are necessary:
	// a) the center pixel stays the center pixel
	// b) the transformed psf has a odd size in all dimensions
	final int numDimensions = psf.getNumDimensions();
	final float[][] minMaxDim = ExtractPSF.getMinMaxDim( psf.getDimensions(), model );
	final float[] size = new float[ numDimensions ];		
	final int[] newSize = new int[ numDimensions ];		
	final float[] offset = new float[ numDimensions ];
	// the center of the psf has to be the center of the transformed psf as well
	// this is important!
	final double[] center = new double[ numDimensions ]; 
	for ( int d = 0; d < numDimensions; ++d )
		center[ d ] = psf.getDimension( d ) / 2;
	model.applyInPlace( center );

	for ( int d = 0; d < numDimensions; ++d )
		size[ d ] = minMaxDim[ d ][ 1 ] - minMaxDim[ d ][ 0 ];
		newSize[ d ] = (int)size[ d ] + 3;
		if ( newSize[ d ] % 2 == 0 )
			++newSize[ d ];
		// the offset is defined like this:
		// the transformed coordinates of the center of the psf
		// are the center of the transformed psf
		offset[ d ] = (float)center[ d ] - newSize[ d ]/2;
		//System.out.println( MathLib.printCoordinates( minMaxDim[ d ] ) + " size " + size[ d ] + " newSize " + newSize[ d ] );
	final ImageTransform<FloatType> transform = new ImageTransform<FloatType>( psf, model, new LinearInterpolatorFactory<FloatType>( new OutOfBoundsStrategyValueFactory<FloatType>()));
	transform.setOffset( offset );
	transform.setNewImageSize( newSize );
	if ( !transform.checkInput() || !transform.process() )
		System.out.println( "Error transforming psf: " + transform.getErrorMessage() );
		return null;
	final Image<FloatType> transformedPSF = transform.getResult();
	ViewDataBeads.normalizeImage( transformedPSF );
	return transformedPSF;
Example 14
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static Image<FloatType> computeContentBasedGauss( final Image< FloatType > img, final int fusionSigma1, final int fusionSigma2, final float zStretching )
	// get the kernels			
	final double[] k1 = new double[ img.getNumDimensions() ];
	final double[] k2 = new double[ img.getNumDimensions() ];
	for ( int d = 0; d < img.getNumDimensions() - 1; ++d )
		k1[ d ] = fusionSigma1;
		k2[ d ] = fusionSigma2;
	k1[ img.getNumDimensions() - 1 ] = fusionSigma1 / zStretching;
	k2[ img.getNumDimensions() - 1 ] = fusionSigma2 / zStretching;		
	final Image<FloatType> kernel1 = FourierConvolution.createGaussianKernel( new ArrayContainerFactory(), k1 );
	final Image<FloatType> kernel2 = FourierConvolution.createGaussianKernel( new ArrayContainerFactory(), k2 );

	System.out.println( new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() )  + " conv1" );
	// compute I*sigma1
	FourierConvolution<FloatType, FloatType> fftConv1 = new FourierConvolution<FloatType, FloatType>( img, kernel1 );
	final Image<FloatType> conv1 = fftConv1.getResult();
	fftConv1 = null;

	System.out.println( new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() )  + " comp" );

	// compute ( I - I*sigma1 )^2
	final Cursor<FloatType> cursorImg = img.createCursor();
	final Cursor<FloatType> cursorConv = conv1.createCursor();
	while ( cursorImg.hasNext() )
		final float diff = cursorImg.getType().get() - cursorConv.getType().get();
		cursorConv.getType().set( diff*diff );

	System.out.println( new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() )  + " conv2" );

	// compute ( ( I - I*sigma1 )^2 ) * sigma2
	FourierConvolution<FloatType, FloatType> fftConv2 = new FourierConvolution<FloatType, FloatType>( conv1, kernel2 );
	Image<FloatType> gaussContent = fftConv2.getResult();

	fftConv2 = null;
	// close the unnecessary image
	ViewDataBeads.normalizeImage( gaussContent );
	return gaussContent;
Example 15
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static ArrayList<SimplePeak> findPeaks( final Image<FloatType> laPlace, final float minValue )
	    final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger( 0 );
	    final Thread[] threads = SimpleMultiThreading.newThreads( Threads.numThreads() );
	    final int nThreads = threads.length;
	    final int numDimensions = laPlace.getNumDimensions();
	    final Vector< ArrayList<SimplePeak> > threadPeaksList = new Vector< ArrayList<SimplePeak> >();
	    for ( int i = 0; i < nThreads; ++i )
	    	threadPeaksList.add( new ArrayList<SimplePeak>() );

		for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ++ithread)
	        threads[ithread] = new Thread(new Runnable()
	            public void run()
	            	final int myNumber = ai.getAndIncrement();
	            	final ArrayList<SimplePeak> myPeaks = threadPeaksList.get( myNumber );	
	            	final LocalizableByDimCursor<FloatType> cursor = laPlace.createLocalizableByDimCursor();	            	
	            	final LocalNeighborhoodCursor<FloatType> neighborhoodCursor = LocalNeighborhoodCursorFactory.createLocalNeighborhoodCursor( cursor );
	            	final int[] position = new int[ numDimensions ];
	            	final int[] dimensionsMinus2 = laPlace.getDimensions();

            		for ( int d = 0; d < numDimensions; ++d )
            			dimensionsMinus2[ d ] -= 2;
MainLoop:           while ( cursor.hasNext() )
	                	cursor.getPosition( position );
	                	if ( position[ 0 ] % nThreads == myNumber )
	                		for ( int d = 0; d < numDimensions; ++d )
	                			final int pos = position[ d ];
	                			if ( pos < 1 || pos > dimensionsMinus2[ d ] )
	                				continue MainLoop;

	                		// if we do not clone it here, it might be moved along with the cursor
	                		// depending on the container type used
	                		final float currentValue = cursor.getType().get();
	                		// it can never be a desired peak as it is too low
	                		if ( Math.abs( currentValue ) < minValue )

                			// update to the current position

                			// we have to compare for example 26 neighbors in the 3d case (3^3 - 1) relative to the current position
                			final SpecialPoint specialPoint = isSpecialPoint( neighborhoodCursor, currentValue ); 
                			if ( specialPoint == SpecialPoint.MIN )
                				myPeaks.add( new SimplePeak( position, Math.abs( currentValue ), true, false ) ); //( position, currentValue, specialPoint ) );
                			else if ( specialPoint == SpecialPoint.MAX )
                				myPeaks.add( new SimplePeak( position, Math.abs( currentValue ), false, true ) ); //( position, currentValue, specialPoint ) );
                			// reset the position of the parent cursor
		SimpleMultiThreading.startAndJoin( threads );		

		// put together the list from the various threads	
		final ArrayList<SimplePeak> dogPeaks = new ArrayList<SimplePeak>();
		for ( final ArrayList<SimplePeak> peakList : threadPeaksList )
			dogPeaks.addAll( peakList );		
		return dogPeaks;
Example 16
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static void gaussFit( final Image< FloatType > image, final ArrayList< Bead > beadList, final double[] typicalSigma )
	final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger( 0 );					
       final Thread[] threads = SimpleMultiThreading.newThreads();
	final Vector<Chunk> threadChunks = SimpleMultiThreading.divideIntoChunks( beadList.size(), threads.length );
	final int[] count = new int[ threads.length ];
	final double[][] sigmas = new double[ threads.length ][ 3 ];
       for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ++ithread)
           threads[ithread] = new Thread(new Runnable()
               public void run()
                	// Thread ID
               	final int myNumber = ai.getAndIncrement();
               	// get chunk of beads to process
               	final Chunk myChunk = threadChunks.get( myNumber );
               	final int loopSize = (int)myChunk.getLoopSize();
               	final int start = (int)myChunk.getStartPosition();
               	final int end = start + loopSize;
               	final GaussianPeakFitterND<FloatType> fitter = new GaussianPeakFitterND<FloatType>( image );
               	final float[] tmp = new float[ image.getNumDimensions() ];

           		// do as many pixels as wanted by this thread
                   for ( int j = start; j < end; ++j )
                   	final Bead bead = beadList.get( j );
                   	for ( int d = 0; d < tmp.length; ++d )
                   		tmp[ d ] = (float)bead.getL()[ d ];
           			final double[] results = fitter.process( new LocalizablePoint( tmp ), typicalSigma );
           			//double a = results[ 0 ];
           			//double x = results[ 1 ];
           			//double y = results[ 2 ];
           			//double z = results[ 3 ];
           			double sx = 1/Math.sqrt( results[ 4 ] );
           			double sy = 1/Math.sqrt( results[ 5 ] );
           			double sz = 1/Math.sqrt( results[ 6 ] );
           			bead.getL()[ 0 ] = bead.getW()[ 0 ] = results[ 1 ];
           			bead.getL()[ 1 ] = bead.getW()[ 1 ] = results[ 2 ];
           			bead.getL()[ 2 ] = bead.getW()[ 2 ] = results[ 3 ];
           			bead.relocalized = true;
           			if ( ! (Double.isNaN( sx ) || Double.isNaN( sy ) || Double.isNaN( sz ) ) )
           				sigmas[ myNumber ][ 0 ] += sx;
           				sigmas[ myNumber ][ 1 ] += sy;
           				sigmas[ myNumber ][ 2 ] += sz;
           				count[ myNumber ]++;

       SimpleMultiThreading.startAndJoin( threads );

       // compute final average sigma's
	for ( int i = 1; i < sigmas.length; ++i )
		sigmas[ 0 ][ 0 ] += sigmas[ i ][ 0 ];
		sigmas[ 0 ][ 1 ] += sigmas[ i ][ 1 ];
		sigmas[ 0 ][ 2 ] += sigmas[ i ][ 2 ];
		count[ 0 ] += count[ i ];
	IJ.log( "avg sigma: [" + ( sigmas[ 0 ][ 0 ] / count[ 0 ] ) + " px, " + ( sigmas[ 0 ][ 1 ] / count[ 0 ] ) + " px, " + ( sigmas[ 0 ][ 2 ] / count[ 0 ] ) + " px]" );
Example 17
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static ArrayList< InterestPoint > computeQuadraticLocalization( final ArrayList< SimplePeak > peaks, final Image< FloatType > domImg, final boolean findMin, final boolean findMax, final float threshold, final boolean keepIntensity )
	IOFunctions.println("(" + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()) + "): Subpixel localization using quadratic n-dimensional fit");

	final ArrayList< DifferenceOfGaussianPeak<FloatType> > peakList = new ArrayList<DifferenceOfGaussianPeak<FloatType>>();

	for ( final SimplePeak peak : peaks )
		if ( ( peak.isMax && findMax ) || ( peak.isMin && findMin ) )
			peakList.add( new DifferenceOfGaussianPeak<FloatType>( peak.location, new FloatType( peak.intensity ), SpecialPoint.MAX ) );

	final SubpixelLocalization<FloatType> spl = new SubpixelLocalization<FloatType>( domImg, peakList );
	spl.setAllowMaximaTolerance( true );
	spl.setMaxNumMoves( 10 );
	spl.setNumThreads( Threads.numThreads() );

	if ( !spl.checkInput() || !spl.process() )
		IOFunctions.println("(" + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()) + "): Warning! Failed to compute subpixel localization " + spl.getErrorMessage() );
	final int n = domImg.getNumDimensions();

	final ArrayList< InterestPoint > peaks2 = new ArrayList< InterestPoint >();
	int id = 0;
	for ( DifferenceOfGaussianPeak<FloatType> detection : peakList )
		if ( Math.abs( detection.getValue().get() ) > threshold )
			final double[] tmp = new double[ n ];
			for ( int d = 0; d < n; ++d )
				tmp[ d ] = detection.getSubPixelPosition( d );

			if ( keepIntensity )
				peaks2.add( new InterestPointValue( id++, tmp, detection.getValue().get() ) );
				peaks2.add( new InterestPoint( id++, tmp ) );

	return peaks2;
Example 18
Source File:    From Stitching with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Averages all channels into the target image. The size is given by the dimensions of the target image,
 * the offset (if applicable) is given by an extra field
 * @param target - the target Image
 * @param offset - the offset of the area (might be [0,0] or [0,0,0])
 * @param sources - a list of input Images
protected static < T extends RealType< T >, S extends RealType< S > > void averageAllChannels( final Image< T > target, final ArrayList< Image< S > > sources, final int[] offset )
	// get the major numbers
	final int numDimensions = target.getNumDimensions();
	final float numImages = sources.size();
	long imageSize = target.getDimension( 0 );
	for ( int d = 1; d < target.getNumDimensions(); ++d )
		imageSize *= target.getDimension( d );

	// run multithreaded
	final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0);					
       final Thread[] threads = SimpleMultiThreading.newThreads();

       final Vector<Chunk> threadChunks = SimpleMultiThreading.divideIntoChunks( imageSize, threads.length );
       for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ++ithread)
           threads[ithread] = new Thread(new Runnable()
               public void run()
               	// Thread ID
               	final int myNumber = ai.getAndIncrement();
               	// get chunk of pixels to process
               	final Chunk myChunk = threadChunks.get( myNumber );
               	final long startPos = myChunk.getStartPosition();
               	final long loopSize = myChunk.getLoopSize();
           		// the cursor for the output
           		final LocalizableCursor< T > targetCursor =  target.createLocalizableCursor();
           		// the input cursors
           		final ArrayList< LocalizableByDimCursor< S > > sourceCursors = new ArrayList< LocalizableByDimCursor< S > > ();
           		for ( final Image< S > source : sources )
           			sourceCursors.add( source.createLocalizableByDimCursor() );
           		// temporary array
           		final int[] location = new int[ numDimensions ]; 

           		// move to the starting position of the current thread
           		targetCursor.fwd( startPos );
           		// do as many pixels as wanted by this thread
                   for ( long j = 0; j < loopSize; ++j )
           			targetCursor.getPosition( location );
           			for ( int d = 0; d < numDimensions; ++d )
           				location[ d ] += offset[ d ];
           			float sum = 0;
           			for ( final LocalizableByDimCursor< S > sourceCursor : sourceCursors )
           				sourceCursor.setPosition( location );
           				sum += sourceCursor.getType().getRealFloat();
           			targetCursor.getType().setReal( sum / numImages );
       SimpleMultiThreading.startAndJoin( threads );		
Example 19
Source File:    From Stitching with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static < T extends RealType<T>, S extends RealType<S> > PairWiseStitchingResult computePhaseCorrelation( final Image<T> img1, final Image<S> img2, final int numPeaks, final boolean subpixelAccuracy )
	final PhaseCorrelation< T, S > phaseCorr = new PhaseCorrelation<T, S>( img1, img2 );
	phaseCorr.setInvestigateNumPeaks( numPeaks );
	if ( subpixelAccuracy )
		phaseCorr.setKeepPhaseCorrelationMatrix( true );
	phaseCorr.setComputeFFTinParalell( true );
	if ( !phaseCorr.process() )
		Log.error( "Could not compute phase correlation: " + phaseCorr.getErrorMessage() );
		return null;

	// result
	final PhaseCorrelationPeak pcp = phaseCorr.getShift();
	final float[] shift = new float[ img1.getNumDimensions() ];
	final PairWiseStitchingResult result;
	if ( subpixelAccuracy )
		final Image<FloatType> pcm = phaseCorr.getPhaseCorrelationMatrix();		
		final ArrayList<DifferenceOfGaussianPeak<FloatType>> list = new ArrayList<DifferenceOfGaussianPeak<FloatType>>();		
		final Peak p = new Peak( pcp );
		list.add( p );
		final SubpixelLocalization<FloatType> spl = new SubpixelLocalization<FloatType>( pcm, list );
		final boolean move[] = new boolean[ pcm.getNumDimensions() ];
		for ( int i = 0; i < pcm.getNumDimensions(); ++i )
			move[ i ] = false;
		spl.setCanMoveOutside( true );
		spl.setAllowedToMoveInDim( move );
		spl.setMaxNumMoves( 0 );
		spl.setAllowMaximaTolerance( false );
		final Peak peak = (Peak)list.get( 0 );
		for ( int d = 0; d < img1.getNumDimensions(); ++d )
			shift[ d ] = peak.getPCPeak().getPosition()[ d ] + peak.getSubPixelPositionOffset( d );
		result = new PairWiseStitchingResult( shift, pcp.getCrossCorrelationPeak(), p.getValue().get() );
		for ( int d = 0; d < img1.getNumDimensions(); ++d )
			shift[ d ] = pcp.getPosition()[ d ];
		result = new PairWiseStitchingResult( shift, pcp.getCrossCorrelationPeak(), pcp.getPhaseCorrelationPeak() );
	return result;