Java Code Examples for com.vaadin.shared.ui.dd.VerticalDropLocation#TOP

The following examples show how to use com.vaadin.shared.ui.dd.VerticalDropLocation#TOP . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From cuba with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the vertical drop location
 * @param cell
 *            The cell details
 * @param event
 *            The drag event
 * @return
protected VerticalDropLocation getVerticalDropLocation(CellDetails cell,
        VDragEvent event) {

    // Get the vertical location
    VerticalDropLocation vdetail;
    int y = Util.getTouchOrMouseClientY(event.getCurrentGwtEvent())
            - getAbsoluteTop() - cell.y;

    assert(y >= 0 && y <= cell.height);

    if (y < cell.height * cellTopBottomDropRatio) {
        vdetail = VerticalDropLocation.TOP;
    } else if (y < cell.height * (1.0 - cellTopBottomDropRatio)) {
        vdetail = VerticalDropLocation.MIDDLE;
    } else {
        vdetail = VerticalDropLocation.BOTTOM;
    return vdetail;
Example 2
Source File:    From cuba with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Get the vertical drop location in a ordered layout
 * @param element
 *            The target element or cell
 * @param offsetHeight
 *            The height of the cell
 * @param clientY
 *            The width of the cell
 * @param topBottomRatio
 *            The ratio of the cell
 * @return The location of the drop
public static VerticalDropLocation getVerticalDropLocation(Element element,
        int offsetHeight, int clientY, double topBottomRatio) {

    int absoluteTop = element.getAbsoluteTop();
    int fromTop = clientY - absoluteTop;

    float percentageFromTop = (fromTop / (float) offsetHeight);
    if (percentageFromTop < topBottomRatio) {
        return VerticalDropLocation.TOP;
    } else if (percentageFromTop > 1 - topBottomRatio) {
        return VerticalDropLocation.BOTTOM;
    } else {
        return VerticalDropLocation.MIDDLE;
Example 3
Source File:    From cuba with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected void handleHTML5Drop(DragAndDropEvent event) {
    AccordionTargetDetails details = (AccordionTargetDetails) event
    VerticalDropLocation location = details.getDropLocation();
    DDAccordion acc = (DDAccordion) details.getTarget();
    int idx = details.getOverIndex();

    Component c = resolveComponentFromHTML5Drop(event);

    if (location == VerticalDropLocation.TOP) {
        acc.addTab(c, idx);
    } else if (location == VerticalDropLocation.BOTTOM) {
        acc.addTab(c, idx + 1);
    } else {
Example 4
Source File:    From cuba with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Updates the drop details while dragging. This is needed to ensure client
 * side criterias can validate the drop location.
 * @param event
 *            The drag event
protected void updateDragDetails(VDragEvent event) {
    Element over = event.getElementOver();

    // Resolve where the drop was made
    VerticalDropLocation location = null;
    Widget content = null;
    if (firstContainer.isOrHasChild(over)) {
        location = VerticalDropLocation.TOP;
        content = Util.findWidget(firstContainer, null);
    } else if (splitter.isOrHasChild(over)) {
        location = VerticalDropLocation.MIDDLE;
        content = this;
    } else if (secondContainer.isOrHasChild(over)) {
        location = VerticalDropLocation.BOTTOM;
        content = Util.findWidget(secondContainer, null);


    if (content != null) {
    } else {

    // Add mouse event details
    MouseEventDetails details = MouseEventDetailsBuilder
Example 5
Source File:    From cuba with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Emphasisizes a container element
 * @param element
protected void emphasis(Element element, VDragEvent event) {

    // Find the tab
    StackItem tab = WidgetUtil.findWidget(element, StackItem.class);
    if (tab != null && getElement().isOrHasChild(tab.getElement())
            && currentlyEmphasised != tab) {
        VerticalDropLocation location = getDropLocation(tab, event);

        if (location == VerticalDropLocation.MIDDLE) {
            if (tab.isOpen()) {
            } else {
        } else if (!spacer.isAttached()) {
            if (location == VerticalDropLocation.TOP) {
                insertSpacer(spacer, getElement(), getWidgetIndex(tab));
                        (tab.getOffsetHeight() - spacer.getOffsetHeight())
                                + "px");
            } else if (location == VerticalDropLocation.BOTTOM) {
                insertSpacer(spacer, getElement(), getWidgetIndex(tab) + 1);
                int newHeight = tab.getOffsetHeight()
                        - spacer.getOffsetHeight();
                if (getWidgetIndex(spacer) == getWidgetCount() - 1) {
                    newHeight -= spacer.getOffsetHeight();
                if (newHeight >= 0) {
                    tab.setHeight(newHeight + "px");
        currentlyEmphasised = tab;
Example 6
Source File:    From cuba with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected VerticalSplitPanelTargetDetails(
        Map<String, Object> rawDropData) {
    super(rawDropData, DDVerticalSplitPanel.this);

    if (getDropLocation() == VerticalDropLocation.TOP) {
        over = getFirstComponent();
    } else if (getDropLocation() == VerticalDropLocation.BOTTOM) {
        over = getSecondComponent();
    } else {
        over = DDVerticalSplitPanel.this;
Example 7
Source File:    From cuba with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected void handleHTML5Drop(DragAndDropEvent event) {
    CssLayoutTargetDetails details = (CssLayoutTargetDetails) event
    Component over = details.getOverComponent();
    DDCssLayout layout = (DDCssLayout) details.getTarget();
    int idx = (details).getOverIndex();
    HorizontalDropLocation hl = details.getHorizontalDropLocation();
    VerticalDropLocation vl = details.getVerticalDropLocation();

    if (over == layout) {
        if (vl == VerticalDropLocation.TOP
                || hl == HorizontalDropLocation.LEFT) {
            idx = 0;
        } else if (vl == VerticalDropLocation.BOTTOM
                || hl == HorizontalDropLocation.RIGHT) {
            idx = -1;
    } else {
        if (vl == VerticalDropLocation.BOTTOM
                || hl == HorizontalDropLocation.RIGHT) {

    if (idx >= 0 && idx < layout.getComponentCount()) {
        layout.addComponent(resolveComponentFromHTML5Drop(event), idx);
    } else {
Example 8
Source File:    From cuba with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected void handleDropFromLayout(DragAndDropEvent event) {
    LayoutBoundTransferable transferable = (LayoutBoundTransferable) event
    VerticalSplitPanelTargetDetails details = (VerticalSplitPanelTargetDetails) event
    Component component = transferable.getComponent();
    DDVerticalSplitPanel panel = (DDVerticalSplitPanel) details.getTarget();
    ComponentContainer source = (ComponentContainer) transferable

    // Detach from old source
    if (source instanceof ComponentContainer) {
        ((ComponentContainer) source).removeComponent(component);
    } else if (source instanceof SingleComponentContainer) {
        ((SingleComponentContainer) source).setContent(null);

    if (details.getDropLocation() == VerticalDropLocation.TOP) {
        // Dropped in the left area

    } else if (details.getDropLocation() == VerticalDropLocation.BOTTOM) {
        // Dropped in the right area
Example 9
Source File:    From cuba with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected void handleHTML5Drop(DragAndDropEvent event) {
    VerticalSplitPanelTargetDetails details = (VerticalSplitPanelTargetDetails) event
    DDVerticalSplitPanel panel = (DDVerticalSplitPanel) details.getTarget();

    if (details.getDropLocation() == VerticalDropLocation.TOP) {
        // Dropped in the left area

    } else if (details.getDropLocation() == VerticalDropLocation.BOTTOM) {
        // Dropped in the right area
Example 10
Source File:    From cuba with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Adds a new tab from the drop
 * @param event
 *            The drag and drop event
protected void handleDropFromLayout(DragAndDropEvent event) {
    LayoutBoundTransferable transferable = (LayoutBoundTransferable) event

    // Get the target details
    AccordionTargetDetails details = (AccordionTargetDetails) event
    DDAccordion acc = (DDAccordion) details.getTarget();
    Component c = transferable.getComponent();
    int idx = details.getOverIndex();
    VerticalDropLocation location = details.getDropLocation();

    // Detach from old source
    Component source = transferable.getSourceComponent();
    if (source instanceof ComponentContainer) {
        ((ComponentContainer) source).removeComponent(c);
    } else if (source instanceof SingleComponentContainer) {
        ((SingleComponentContainer) source).setContent(null);

    if (location == VerticalDropLocation.TOP) {
        acc.addTab(c, idx);
    } else if (location == VerticalDropLocation.BOTTOM) {
        acc.addTab(c, idx + 1);
    } else {
Example 11
Source File:    From cuba with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected void handleDropFromLayout(DragAndDropEvent event) {
    LayoutBoundTransferable transferable = (LayoutBoundTransferable) event
    CssLayoutTargetDetails details = (CssLayoutTargetDetails) event
    DDCssLayout layout = (DDCssLayout) details.getTarget();
    HorizontalDropLocation hl = details.getHorizontalDropLocation();
    VerticalDropLocation vl = details.getVerticalDropLocation();
    Component source = event.getTransferable().getSourceComponent();
    int idx = (details).getOverIndex();
    Component comp = transferable.getComponent();
    Component over = details.getOverComponent();

    if (over == layout) {
        if (vl == VerticalDropLocation.TOP
                || hl == HorizontalDropLocation.LEFT) {
            idx = 0;
        } else if (vl == VerticalDropLocation.BOTTOM
                || hl == HorizontalDropLocation.RIGHT) {
            idx = -1;
    } else {
        if (vl == VerticalDropLocation.BOTTOM
                || hl == HorizontalDropLocation.RIGHT) {

    // Check that we are not dragging an outer layout into an inner
    // layout
    Component parent = layout.getParent();
    while (parent != null) {
        if (parent == comp) {
        parent = parent.getParent();

    // If source is an instance of a component container then remove
    // it
    // from there,
    // the component cannot have two parents.
    if (source instanceof ComponentContainer) {
        ComponentContainer sourceLayout = (ComponentContainer) source;

    // Add component
    if (idx >= 0 && idx < layout.getComponentCount()) {
        layout.addComponent(comp, idx);
    } else {