Java Code Examples for htsjdk.samtools.SAMRecord#getOriginalBaseQualities()

The following examples show how to use htsjdk.samtools.SAMRecord#getOriginalBaseQualities() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From picard with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
protected void acceptRead(final SAMRecord rec, final ReferenceSequence ref) {
    // Skip unwanted records
    if (PF_READS_ONLY && rec.getReadFailsVendorQualityCheckFlag()) return;
    if (ALIGNED_READS_ONLY && rec.getReadUnmappedFlag()) return;
    if (rec.isSecondaryOrSupplementary()) return;

    final byte[] bases = rec.getReadBases();
    final byte[] quals = rec.getBaseQualities();
    final byte[] oq    = rec.getOriginalBaseQualities();

    final int length = quals.length;

    for (int i=0; i<length; ++i) {
        if (INCLUDE_NO_CALLS || !SequenceUtil.isNoCall(bases[i])) {
            if (oq != null) oqCounts[oq[i]]++;
Example 2
Source File:    From picard with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
void addRecord(final SAMRecord rec) {
    final byte[] quals = (useOriginalQualities ? rec.getOriginalBaseQualities() : rec.getBaseQualities());
    if (quals == null) return;

    final int length = quals.length;
    final boolean rc = rec.getReadNegativeStrandFlag();

    for (int i=0; i<length; ++i) {
        final int cycle = rc ? length-i : i+1;

        if (rec.getReadPairedFlag() && rec.getSecondOfPairFlag()) {
            secondReadTotalsByCycle[cycle] += quals[i];
            secondReadCountsByCycle[cycle] += 1;
        else {
            firstReadTotalsByCycle[cycle] += quals[i];
            firstReadCountsByCycle[cycle] += 1;
Example 3
Source File:    From gatk with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
private static boolean hasOriginalQualScores( final File bam ) throws IOException {
    try ( final SamReader reader = SamReaderFactory.makeDefault().open(bam) ) {
        for ( SAMRecord read : reader ) {
            final byte[] originalBaseQualities = read.getOriginalBaseQualities();
            final byte[] baseQualities = read.getBaseQualities();
            Assert.assertEquals(originalBaseQualities.length, baseQualities.length);
            for (int i = 0; i < originalBaseQualities.length; ++i) {
                if (originalBaseQualities[i] != baseQualities[i]) {
                    return false;
    return true;
Example 4
Source File:    From picard with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Takes an individual SAMRecord and applies the set of changes/reversions to it that
 * have been requested by program level options.
public void revertSamRecord(final SAMRecord rec) {
        final byte[] oq = rec.getOriginalBaseQualities();
        if (oq != null) {


        if (rec.getReadNegativeStrandFlag()) {

        // Remove all alignment based information about the read itself


        // Then remove any mate flags and info related to alignment

        if (RESTORE_HARDCLIPS) {
            String hardClippedBases = rec.getStringAttribute(AbstractAlignmentMerger.HARD_CLIPPED_BASES_TAG);
            String hardClippedQualities = rec.getStringAttribute(AbstractAlignmentMerger.HARD_CLIPPED_BASE_QUALITIES_TAG);
            if (hardClippedBases != null && hardClippedQualities != null) {
                // Record has already been reverse complemented if this was on the negative strand
                rec.setReadString(rec.getReadString() + hardClippedBases);
                rec.setBaseQualities(SAMUtils.fastqToPhred(SAMUtils.phredToFastq(rec.getBaseQualities()) + hardClippedQualities));

                // Remove hard clipping storage tags
                rec.setAttribute(AbstractAlignmentMerger.HARD_CLIPPED_BASES_TAG, null);
                rec.setAttribute(AbstractAlignmentMerger.HARD_CLIPPED_BASE_QUALITIES_TAG, null);

        // And then remove any tags that are calculated from the alignment
        ATTRIBUTE_TO_CLEAR.forEach(tag -> rec.setAttribute(tag, null));
Example 5
Source File:    From picard with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Checks if we can skip the SAM/BAM file when reverting origin base qualities and adding mate cigars.
 * @param inputFile                   the SAM/BAM input file
 * @param maxRecordsToExamine         the maximum number of records to examine before quitting
 * @param revertOriginalBaseQualities true if we are to revert original base qualities, false otherwise
 * @return whether we can skip or not, and the explanation why.
public static CanSkipSamFile canSkipSAMFile(final File inputFile, final int maxRecordsToExamine, boolean revertOriginalBaseQualities,
                                            final File referenceFasta) {
    final SamReader in = SamReaderFactory.makeDefault().referenceSequence(referenceFasta).enable(SamReaderFactory.Option.EAGERLY_DECODE).open(inputFile);
    final Iterator<SAMRecord> iterator = in.iterator();
    int numRecordsExamined = 0;
    CanSkipSamFile returnType = CanSkipSamFile.FOUND_NO_EVIDENCE;

    while (iterator.hasNext() && numRecordsExamined < maxRecordsToExamine) {
        final SAMRecord record =;

        if (revertOriginalBaseQualities && null != record.getOriginalBaseQualities()) {
            // has OQ, break and return case #2
            returnType = CanSkipSamFile.CANNOT_SKIP_FOUND_OQ;

        // check if mate pair and its mate is mapped
        if (record.getReadPairedFlag() && !record.getMateUnmappedFlag()) {
            if (null == SAMUtils.getMateCigar(record)) {
                // has no MC, break and return case #2
                returnType = CanSkipSamFile.CANNOT_SKIP_FOUND_NO_MC;
            } else {
                // has MC, previously checked that it does not have OQ, break and return case #1
                returnType = CanSkipSamFile.CAN_SKIP;


    // no more records anyhow, so we can skip
    if (!iterator.hasNext() && CanSkipSamFile.FOUND_NO_EVIDENCE == returnType) {
        returnType = CanSkipSamFile.CAN_SKIP;


    return returnType;
Example 6
Source File:    From picard with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public void acceptRecord(final SAMRecord rec, final ReferenceSequence ref) {
    if (!this.includeSecondaryAlignments    && rec.getNotPrimaryAlignmentFlag()) return;
    if (!this.includeSupplementalAlignments && rec.getSupplementaryAlignmentFlag()) return;

    final int length = rec.getReadLength();
    metrics.TOTAL_BASES += length;

    final boolean isPfRead = !rec.getReadFailsVendorQualityCheckFlag();
    if (isPfRead) {
        metrics.PF_BASES += length;

    final byte[] quals;
    if (this.useOriginalQualities) {
        byte[] tmp = rec.getOriginalBaseQualities();
        if (tmp == null) tmp = rec.getBaseQualities();
        quals = tmp;
    } else {
        quals = rec.getBaseQualities();

    // add up quals, and quals >= 20
    for (final int qual : quals) {
        metrics.Q20_EQUIVALENT_YIELD += qual;

        if (qual >= 30) {
        } else if (qual >= 20) {

        if (isPfRead) {
            metrics.PF_Q20_EQUIVALENT_YIELD += qual;
            if (qual >= 30) {
            } else if (qual >= 20) {
Example 7
Source File:    From picard with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
private Counts computeAlleleFraction(final SamLocusIterator.LocusInfo info, final byte refBase) {
    final Counts counts = new Counts();
    final byte altBase = (refBase == 'C') ? (byte) 'A' : (byte) 'T';

    for (final SamLocusIterator.RecordAndOffset rec : info.getRecordAndOffsets()) {
        final byte qual;
        final SAMRecord samrec = rec.getRecord();

        if (USE_OQ) {
            final byte[] oqs = samrec.getOriginalBaseQualities();
            if (oqs != null) qual = oqs[rec.getOffset()];
            else qual = rec.getBaseQuality();
        } else {
            qual = rec.getBaseQuality();

        // Skip if below qual, or if library isn't a match
        if (qual < MINIMUM_QUALITY_SCORE) continue;
        if (!this.library.equals(Optional.ofNullable(samrec.getReadGroup().getLibrary()).orElse(UNKNOWN_LIBRARY))) continue;

        // Get the read base, and get it in "as read" orientation
        final byte base = rec.getReadBase();
        final byte baseAsRead = samrec.getReadNegativeStrandFlag() ? SequenceUtil.complement(base) : base;
        final int read = samrec.getReadPairedFlag() && samrec.getSecondOfPairFlag() ? 2 : 1;

        // Figure out how to count the alternative allele. If the damage is caused by oxidation of G
        // during shearing (in non-rnaseq data), then we know that:
        //     G>T observation is always in read 1
        //     C>A observation is always in read 2
        // But if the substitution is from other causes the distribution of A/T across R1/R2 will be
        // random.
        if (base == refBase) {
            if (baseAsRead == 'G' && read == 1) ++counts.oxidatedC;
            else if (baseAsRead == 'G' && read == 2) ++counts.controlC;
            else if (baseAsRead == 'C' && read == 1) ++counts.controlC;
            else if (baseAsRead == 'C' && read == 2) ++counts.oxidatedC;
        } else if (base == altBase) {
            if (baseAsRead == 'T' && read == 1) ++counts.oxidatedA;
            else if (baseAsRead == 'T' && read == 2) ++counts.controlA;
            else if (baseAsRead == 'A' && read == 1) ++counts.controlA;
            else if (baseAsRead == 'A' && read == 2) ++counts.oxidatedA;

    return counts;
Example 8
Source File:    From picard with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
protected void acceptRead(final SAMRecord rec, final ReferenceSequence ref) {
    // see if the whole read should be skipped
    if (recordFilter.filterOut(rec)) return;

    // check read group + library
    final String library = (rec.getReadGroup() == null) ? UNKNOWN_LIBRARY : getOrElse(rec.getReadGroup().getLibrary(), UNKNOWN_LIBRARY);
    if (!libraries.contains(library)) {
        // should never happen if SAM is valid
        throw new PicardException("Record contains library that is missing from header: " + library);

    // set up some constants that don't change in the loop below
    final int contextFullLength = 2 * CONTEXT_SIZE + 1;
    final ArtifactCounter counter = artifactCounters.get(library);
    final byte[] readBases = rec.getReadBases();
    final byte[] readQuals;
    if (USE_OQ) {
        final byte[] tmp = rec.getOriginalBaseQualities();
        readQuals = tmp == null ? rec.getBaseQualities() : tmp;
    } else {
        readQuals = rec.getBaseQualities();

    // iterate over aligned positions
    for (final AlignmentBlock block : rec.getAlignmentBlocks()) {
        for (int offset = 0; offset < block.getLength(); offset++) {
            // remember, these are 1-based!
            final int readPos = block.getReadStart() + offset;
            final int refPos = block.getReferenceStart() + offset;

            // skip low BQ sites
            final byte qual = readQuals[readPos - 1];
            if (qual < MINIMUM_QUALITY_SCORE) continue;

            // skip N bases in read
            final char readBase = Character.toUpperCase((char)readBases[readPos - 1]);
            if (readBase == 'N') continue;

             * Skip regions outside of intervals.
             * NB: IntervalListReferenceSequenceMask.get() has side-effects which assume
             * that successive ReferenceSequence's passed to this method will be in-order
             * (e.g. it will break if you call acceptRead() with chr1, then chr2, then chr1
             * again). So this only works if the underlying iteration is coordinate-sorted.
            if (intervalMask != null && !intervalMask.get(ref.getContigIndex(), refPos)) continue;

            // skip dbSNP sites
            if (dbSnpMask != null && dbSnpMask.isDbSnpSite(ref.getName(), refPos)) continue;

            // skip the ends of the reference
            final int contextStartIndex = refPos - CONTEXT_SIZE - 1;
            if (contextStartIndex < 0 || contextStartIndex + contextFullLength > ref.length()) continue;

            // skip contexts with N bases
            final String context = getRefContext(ref, contextStartIndex, contextFullLength);
            if (context.contains("N")) continue;

            // skip non-ACGT bases
            if (!SequenceUtil.isUpperACGTN((byte)readBase))

            // count the base!
            counter.countRecord(context, readBase, rec);