Java Code Examples for org.apache.flink.test.operators.util.CollectionDataSets#get5TupleDataSet()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.flink.test.operators.util.CollectionDataSets#get5TupleDataSet() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testTupleKeySelectorSortCombineOnTuple() throws Exception {
	 * check correctness of sorted groupReduceon with Tuple2 keyselector sorting

	final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

	DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> ds = CollectionDataSets.get5TupleDataSet(env);
	DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> reduceDs = ds
			.groupBy(new IntFieldExtractor<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>>(0))
			.sortGroup(new FiveToTwoTupleExtractor(), Order.DESCENDING)
			.reduceGroup(new Tuple5SortedGroupReduce());

	List<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> result = reduceDs.collect();

	String expected = "1,1,0,Hallo,1\n"
			"2,5,0,Hallo Welt-Hallo Welt wie,1\n" +
			"3,15,0,BCD-ABC-Hallo Welt wie gehts?,2\n" +
			"4,34,0,FGH-CDE-EFG-DEF,1\n" +

	compareResultAsTuples(result, expected);
Example 2
Source File:    From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testSortPartitionByTwoFieldExpressions() throws Exception {
	 * Test sort partition on two field expressions

	final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

	DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> ds = CollectionDataSets.get5TupleDataSet(env);
	List<Tuple1<Boolean>> result = ds
			.map(new IdMapper<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>>()).setParallelism(2) // parallelize input
			.sortPartition("f4", Order.ASCENDING)
			.sortPartition("f2", Order.DESCENDING)
			.mapPartition(new OrderCheckMapper<>(new Tuple5Checker()))

	String expected = "(true)\n";

	compareResultAsText(result, expected);
Example 3
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public void testDefaultJoinOnTuples() throws Exception {
	 * Default Join on tuples

	final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

	DataSet<Tuple3<Integer, Long, String>> ds1 = CollectionDataSets.getSmall3TupleDataSet(env);
	DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> ds2 = CollectionDataSets.get5TupleDataSet(env);
	DataSet<Tuple2<Tuple3<Integer, Long, String>, Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>>> joinDs =

	List<Tuple2<Tuple3<Integer, Long, String>, Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>>> result = joinDs.collect();

	String expected = "(1,1,Hi),(2,2,1,Hallo Welt,2)\n" +
			"(2,2,Hello),(2,3,2,Hallo Welt wie,1)\n" +
			"(3,2,Hello world),(3,4,3,Hallo Welt wie gehts?,2)\n";

	compareResultAsTuples(result, expected);

Example 4
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public void testSortPartitionByTwoFieldExpressions() throws Exception {
	 * Test sort partition on two field expressions

	final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

	DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> ds = CollectionDataSets.get5TupleDataSet(env);
	List<Tuple1<Boolean>> result = ds
			.map(new IdMapper<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>>()).setParallelism(2) // parallelize input
			.sortPartition("f4", Order.ASCENDING)
			.sortPartition("f2", Order.DESCENDING)
			.mapPartition(new OrderCheckMapper<>(new Tuple5Checker()))

	String expected = "(true)\n";

	compareResultAsText(result, expected);
Example 5
Source File:    From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testJoinThatReturnsTheRightInputObject() throws Exception {
	 * Join that returns the right input object

	final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

	DataSet<Tuple3<Integer, Long, String>> ds1 = CollectionDataSets.getSmall3TupleDataSet(env);
	DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> ds2 = CollectionDataSets.get5TupleDataSet(env);
	DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> joinDs =
					.with(new RightReturningJoin());

	List<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> result = joinDs.collect();

	String expected = "1,1,0,Hallo,1\n" +
			"2,2,1,Hallo Welt,2\n" +
			"2,2,1,Hallo Welt,2\n";

	compareResultAsTuples(result, expected);
Example 6
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public void testJoinWithHuge() throws Exception {
	 * Join with Huge

	final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

	DataSet<Tuple3<Integer, Long, String>> ds1 = CollectionDataSets.getSmall3TupleDataSet(env);
	DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> ds2 = CollectionDataSets.get5TupleDataSet(env);
	DataSet<Tuple2<String, String>> joinDs = ds1.joinWithHuge(ds2)
			.with(new T3T5FlatJoin());

	List<Tuple2<String, String>> result = joinDs.collect();

	String expected = "Hi,Hallo\n" +
			"Hello,Hallo Welt\n" +
			"Hello world,Hallo Welt\n";

	compareResultAsTuples(result, expected);
Example 7
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public void testSortPartitionByTwoKeyFields() throws Exception {
	 * Test sort partition on two key fields

	final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

	DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> ds = CollectionDataSets.get5TupleDataSet(env);
	List<Tuple1<Boolean>> result = ds
			.map(new IdMapper<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>>()).setParallelism(2) // parallelize input
			.sortPartition(4, Order.ASCENDING)
			.sortPartition(2, Order.DESCENDING)
			.mapPartition(new OrderCheckMapper<>(new Tuple5Checker()))

	String expected = "(true)\n";

	compareResultAsText(result, expected);
Example 8
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testJoinThatReturnsTheRightInputObject() throws Exception {
	 * Join that returns the right input object

	final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

	DataSet<Tuple3<Integer, Long, String>> ds1 = CollectionDataSets.getSmall3TupleDataSet(env);
	DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> ds2 = CollectionDataSets.get5TupleDataSet(env);
	DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> joinDs =
					.with(new RightReturningJoin());

	List<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> result = joinDs.collect();

	String expected = "1,1,0,Hallo,1\n" +
			"2,2,1,Hallo Welt,2\n" +
			"2,2,1,Hallo Welt,2\n";

	compareResultAsTuples(result, expected);
Example 9
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public void testJoinWithTiny() throws Exception {
	 * Join with Tiny

	final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

	DataSet<Tuple3<Integer, Long, String>> ds1 = CollectionDataSets.getSmall3TupleDataSet(env);
	DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> ds2 = CollectionDataSets.get5TupleDataSet(env);
	DataSet<Tuple2<String, String>> joinDs =
					.with(new T3T5FlatJoin());

	List<Tuple2<String, String>> result = joinDs.collect();

	String expected = "Hi,Hallo\n" +
			"Hello,Hallo Welt\n" +
			"Hello world,Hallo Welt\n";

	compareResultAsTuples(result, expected);
Example 10
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public void testJoinWithRangePartitioning() throws Exception {
	 * Test Join on tuples with multiple key field positions and same customized distribution

	final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

	DataSet<Tuple3<Integer, Long, String>> ds1 = CollectionDataSets.get3TupleDataSet(env);
	DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> ds2 = CollectionDataSets.get5TupleDataSet(env);

	TestDistribution testDis = new TestDistribution();
	DataSet<Tuple2<String, String>> joinDs =
			DataSetUtils.partitionByRange(ds1, testDis, 0, 1)
					.join(DataSetUtils.partitionByRange(ds2, testDis, 0, 4))
					.where(0, 1)
					.equalTo(0, 4)
					.with(new T3T5FlatJoin());

	List<Tuple2<String, String>> result = joinDs.collect();

	String expected = "Hi,Hallo\n" +
			"Hello,Hallo Welt\n" +
			"Hello world,Hallo Welt wie gehts?\n" +
			"Hello world,ABC\n" +
			"I am fine.,HIJ\n" +
			"I am fine.,IJK\n";

	compareResultAsTuples(result, expected);
Example 11
Source File:    From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected void testProgram() throws Exception {
	 * Projection with tuple fields indexes

	final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

	DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> ds = CollectionDataSets.get5TupleDataSet(env);
	DataSet<Tuple3<String, Long, Integer>> projDs = ds.
			project(3, 4, 2);
	List<Tuple3<String, Long, Integer>> result = projDs.collect();

	String expectedResult = "Hallo,1,0\n" +
			"Hallo Welt,2,1\n" +
			"Hallo Welt wie,1,2\n" +
			"Hallo Welt wie gehts?,2,3\n" +
			"ABC,2,4\n" +
			"BCD,3,5\n" +
			"CDE,2,6\n" +
			"DEF,1,7\n" +
			"EFG,1,8\n" +
			"FGH,2,9\n" +
			"GHI,1,10\n" +
			"HIJ,3,11\n" +
			"IJK,3,12\n" +
			"JKL,2,13\n" +

	compareResultAsTuples(result, expectedResult);
Example 12
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public void testProjectOnATuple1Input() throws Exception {
	 * Project join on a tuple input 1

	final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

	DataSet<Tuple3<Integer, Long, String>> ds1 = CollectionDataSets.getSmall3TupleDataSet(env);
	DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> ds2 = CollectionDataSets.get5TupleDataSet(env);
	DataSet<Tuple6<String, Long, String, Integer, Long, Long>> joinDs =
					.projectFirst(2, 1)
					.projectSecond(4, 1);

	List<Tuple6<String, Long, String, Integer, Long, Long>> result = joinDs.collect();

	String expected = "Hi,1,Hallo,1,1,1\n" +
			"Hello,2,Hallo Welt,2,2,2\n" +
			"Hello world,2,Hallo Welt,3,2,2\n";

	compareResultAsTuples(result, expected);
Example 13
Source File:    From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testProjectOnATuple1Input() throws Exception {
	 * Project join on a tuple input 1

	final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

	DataSet<Tuple3<Integer, Long, String>> ds1 = CollectionDataSets.getSmall3TupleDataSet(env);
	DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> ds2 = CollectionDataSets.get5TupleDataSet(env);
	DataSet<Tuple6<String, Long, String, Integer, Long, Long>> joinDs =
					.projectFirst(2, 1)
					.projectSecond(4, 1);

	List<Tuple6<String, Long, String, Integer, Long, Long>> result = joinDs.collect();

	String expected = "Hi,1,Hallo,1,1,1\n" +
			"Hello,2,Hallo Welt,2,2,2\n" +
			"Hello world,2,Hallo Welt,3,2,2\n";

	compareResultAsTuples(result, expected);
Example 14
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public void testCorrectnessOfDistinctOnCustomTypeWithTupleReturningTypeExtractor() throws Exception{
	 * check correctness of distinct on custom type with tuple-returning type extractor

	final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

	DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> ds = CollectionDataSets.get5TupleDataSet(env);
	DataSet<Tuple2<Integer, Long>> reduceDs = ds
			.distinct(new KeySelector2())
			.project(0, 4);

	List<Tuple2<Integer, Long>> result = reduceDs.collect();

	String expected = "1,1\n" +
			"2,1\n" +
			"2,2\n" +
			"3,2\n" +
			"3,3\n" +
			"4,1\n" +
			"4,2\n" +
			"5,1\n" +
			"5,2\n" +

	compareResultAsTuples(result, expected);
Example 15
Source File:    From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testUDFJoinOnTuplesWithTupleReturningKeySelectors() throws Exception {
	 * UDF Join on tuples with tuple-returning key selectors

	final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

	DataSet<Tuple3<Integer, Long, String>> ds1 = CollectionDataSets.get3TupleDataSet(env);
	DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> ds2 = CollectionDataSets.get5TupleDataSet(env);
	DataSet<Tuple2<String, String>> joinDs =
					.where(new KeySelector3())
					.equalTo(new KeySelector4())
					.with(new T3T5FlatJoin());

	List<Tuple2<String, String>> result = joinDs.collect();

	String expected = "Hi,Hallo\n" +
			"Hello,Hallo Welt\n" +
			"Hello world,Hallo Welt wie gehts?\n" +
			"Hello world,ABC\n" +
			"I am fine.,HIJ\n" +
			"I am fine.,IJK\n";

	compareResultAsTuples(result, expected);
Example 16
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public void testReduceATupleReturningKeySelector() throws Exception {
	 * Reduce with a Tuple-returning KeySelector

	final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

	DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, Long,  Integer, String, Long>> ds = CollectionDataSets.get5TupleDataSet(env);
	DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, Long,  Integer, String, Long>> reduceDs = ds
			.groupBy(new KeySelector3()).reduce(new Tuple5Reduce());

	List<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> result = reduceDs

	String expected = "1,1,0,Hallo,1\n" +
			"2,3,2,Hallo Welt wie,1\n" +
			"2,2,1,Hallo Welt,2\n" +
			"3,9,0,P-),2\n" +
			"3,6,5,BCD,3\n" +
			"4,17,0,P-),1\n" +
			"4,17,0,P-),2\n" +
			"5,11,10,GHI,1\n" +
			"5,29,0,P-),2\n" +

	compareResultAsTuples(result, expected);
Example 17
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public void testUDFJoinOnTuplesWithTupleReturningKeySelectors() throws Exception {
	 * UDF Join on tuples with tuple-returning key selectors

	final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

	DataSet<Tuple3<Integer, Long, String>> ds1 = CollectionDataSets.get3TupleDataSet(env);
	DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> ds2 = CollectionDataSets.get5TupleDataSet(env);
	DataSet<Tuple2<String, String>> joinDs =
					.where(new KeySelector3())
					.equalTo(new KeySelector4())
					.with(new T3T5FlatJoin());

	List<Tuple2<String, String>> result = joinDs.collect();

	String expected = "Hi,Hallo\n" +
			"Hello,Hallo Welt\n" +
			"Hello world,Hallo Welt wie gehts?\n" +
			"Hello world,ABC\n" +
			"I am fine.,HIJ\n" +
			"I am fine.,IJK\n";

	compareResultAsTuples(result, expected);
Example 18
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public void testCorrectnessOfGroupReduceOnTuplesWithTupleReturningKeySelector() throws Exception {
	 * check correctness of groupReduce on tuples with tuple-returning key selector

	final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

	DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> ds = CollectionDataSets.get5TupleDataSet(env);
	DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> reduceDs = ds.
			groupBy(new KeySelector4()).reduceGroup(new Tuple5GroupReduce());

	List<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> result = reduceDs.collect();

	String expected = "1,1,0,P-),1\n" +
			"2,3,0,P-),1\n" +
			"2,2,0,P-),2\n" +
			"3,9,0,P-),2\n" +
			"3,6,0,P-),3\n" +
			"4,17,0,P-),1\n" +
			"4,17,0,P-),2\n" +
			"5,11,0,P-),1\n" +
			"5,29,0,P-),2\n" +

	compareResultAsTuples(result, expected);
Example 19
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public void testCoGroupWithRangePartitioning() throws Exception {
	 * Test coGroup on tuples with multiple key field positions and same customized distribution

	final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

	DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> ds1 = CollectionDataSets.get5TupleDataSet(env);
	DataSet<Tuple3<Integer, Long, String>> ds2 = CollectionDataSets.get3TupleDataSet(env);

	TestDistribution testDis = new TestDistribution();
	DataSet<Tuple3<Integer, Long, String>> coGrouped =
			DataSetUtils.partitionByRange(ds1, testDis, 0, 4)
					.coGroup(DataSetUtils.partitionByRange(ds2, testDis, 0, 1))
					.where(0, 4)
					.equalTo(0, 1)
					.with(new Tuple5Tuple3CoGroup());

	List<Tuple3<Integer, Long, String>> result = coGrouped.collect();

	String expected = "1,1,Hallo\n" +
			"2,2,Hallo Welt\n" +
			"3,2,Hallo Welt wie gehts?\n" +
			"3,2,ABC\n" +
			"5,3,HIJ\n" +

	compareResultAsTuples(result, expected);
Example 20
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public void testProjectJoinOnATuple2Input() throws Exception {
	 * Project join on a tuple input 2

	final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

	DataSet<Tuple3<Integer, Long, String>> ds1 = CollectionDataSets.getSmall3TupleDataSet(env);
	DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> ds2 = CollectionDataSets.get5TupleDataSet(env);
	DataSet<Tuple6<String, String, Long, Long, Long, Integer>> joinDs =
					.projectFirst(2, 1)
					.projectSecond(4, 1)

	List<Tuple6<String, String, Long, Long, Long, Integer>> result = joinDs.collect();

	String expected = "Hallo,Hi,1,1,1,1\n" +
			"Hallo Welt,Hello,2,2,2,2\n" +
			"Hallo Welt,Hello world,2,2,2,3\n";

	compareResultAsTuples(result, expected);