Java Code Examples for org.apache.helix.model.IdealState#getInstanceStateMap()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.helix.model.IdealState#getInstanceStateMap() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From uReplicator with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public Set<TopicPartition> getTopicPartitionBlacklist() {
  Set<TopicPartition> topicPartitionBlacklist = new HashSet<>();
  List<String> topicList = _helixAdmin.getResourcesInCluster(_helixClusterName);
  for (String topic : topicList) {
    IdealState is = _helixAdmin.getResourceIdealState(_helixClusterName, topic);
    int numPartitions = is.getNumPartitions();
    for (int i = 0; i < numPartitions; i++) {
      Map<String, String> stateMap = is.getInstanceStateMap(String.valueOf(i));
      if (stateMap != null && stateMap.values().iterator().hasNext() &&
          stateMap.values().iterator().next().equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.HELIX_OFFLINE_STATE)) {
        topicPartitionBlacklist.add(new TopicPartition(topic, i));
  return topicPartitionBlacklist;
Example 2
Source File:    From uReplicator with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private static JSONObject buildIdealState(String topicName, IdealState idealStateForTopic) {
  JSONObject idealStatePartitionToServerMappingJson = new JSONObject();
  if (idealStateForTopic == null) {"Ideal state for topic " + topicName + " is NULL");
  } else {
    for (String partition : idealStateForTopic.getPartitionSet()) {
      Map<String, String> stateMap = idealStateForTopic.getInstanceStateMap(partition);
      if (stateMap != null) {
        for (String server : stateMap.keySet()) {
          if (!idealStatePartitionToServerMappingJson.containsKey(partition)) {
            idealStatePartitionToServerMappingJson.put(partition, new JSONObject());
          idealStatePartitionToServerMappingJson.getJSONObject(partition).put(server, stateMap.get(server));
  return idealStatePartitionToServerMappingJson;
Example 3
Source File:    From terrapin with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public boolean matches(Object o) {
  if (o == null || !(o instanceof IdealState)) {
    return false;
  IdealState is = (IdealState)o;
  if (is.getRebalanceMode() != IdealState.RebalanceMode.CUSTOMIZED ||
      !is.getReplicas().equals("3") ||
      is.getNumPartitions() != this.numPartitions ||
      !is.getStateModelDefRef().equals("OnlineOffline")) {
    return false;
  for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<String>> entry : partitionHostMap.entrySet()) {
    Map<String, String> stateMap = is.getInstanceStateMap(
            this.resource + "$" + entry.getKey());
    if (stateMap.size() != entry.getValue().size()) {
      return false;
    for (String host : entry.getValue()) {
      if (!(stateMap.containsKey(host) && stateMap.get(host).equals("ONLINE"))) {
        return false;
  return true;
Example 4
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private boolean hasInstanceMapChanged(Map<Partition, Map<String, String>> newAssiments,
    IdealState idealState) {
  Set<Partition> partitions = new HashSet<Partition>(newAssiments.keySet());
  for (String p : idealState.getPartitionSet()) {
    partitions.add(new Partition(p));

  for (Partition partition : partitions) {
    Map<String, String> instanceMap = newAssiments.get(partition);
    Map<String, String> existInstanceMap =
    if (instanceMap == null && existInstanceMap == null) {
    if (instanceMap == null || existInstanceMap == null || !instanceMap
        .equals(existInstanceMap)) {
      return true;

  return false;
Example 5
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void verifySemiAutoMasterSlaveAssignment(IdealState idealState) {
  for (String partition : idealState.getPartitionSet()) {
    Map<String, String> instanceStateMap = idealState.getInstanceStateMap(partition);
    List<String> preferenceList = idealState.getPreferenceList(partition);
    int numMaster = 0;

    for (String ins : preferenceList) {
          String.format("Instance %s from preference list not in the map", ins));
      String state = instanceStateMap.get(ins);
          || state.equals(, "Actual State" + state);
      if (state.equals( {

    Assert.assertEquals(numMaster, 1);
Example 6
Source File:    From incubator-pinot with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private IdealState updateIdealState(IdealState idealState, int newNumReplicas) {
  Set<String> segmentIds = idealState.getPartitionSet();
  for (String segmentId : segmentIds) {
    Map<String, String> instanceStateMap = idealState.getInstanceStateMap(segmentId);
    if (instanceStateMap.size() > newNumReplicas) {
      Set<String> keys = instanceStateMap.keySet();
      while (instanceStateMap.size() > newNumReplicas) {
    } else if (instanceStateMap.size() < newNumReplicas) {
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "Segment " + segmentId + " has " + instanceStateMap.size() + " replicas but want changed to "
              + newNumReplicas);
  return idealState;
Example 7
Source File:    From incubator-pinot with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private boolean shouldDeleteInProgressLLCSegment(String segmentName, IdealState idealState,
    RealtimeSegmentZKMetadata realtimeSegmentZKMetadata) {
  if (idealState == null) {
    return false;
  // delete a segment only if it is old enough (5 days) or else,
  // 1. latest segment could get deleted in the middle of repair by RealtimeSegmentValidationManager
  // 2. for a brand new segment, if this code kicks in after new metadata is created but ideal state entry is not yet created (between step 2 and 3),
  // the latest segment metadata could get marked for deletion
  if (System.currentTimeMillis() - realtimeSegmentZKMetadata.getCreationTime()
    return false;
  Map<String, String> stateMap = idealState.getInstanceStateMap(segmentName);
  if (stateMap == null) {
    // Segment is in property store but not in ideal state, delete it
    return true;
  } else {
    // Delete segment if all of its replicas are OFFLINE
    Set<String> states = new HashSet<>(stateMap.values());
    return states.size() == 1 && states.contains(CommonConstants.Helix.StateModel.SegmentStateModel.OFFLINE);
Example 8
Source File:    From uReplicator with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void updateIdealstateInfo(
    Map<String, Integer> topicPartitionMapForIdealState,
    IdealState idealStateForTopic) {
  for (String partition : idealStateForTopic.getPartitionSet()) {
    Map<String, String> idealStatesMap = idealStateForTopic.getInstanceStateMap(partition);
    for (String instance : idealStatesMap.keySet()) {
      if (!topicPartitionMapForIdealState.containsKey(instance)) {
        topicPartitionMapForIdealState.put(instance, 1);
      } else {
            topicPartitionMapForIdealState.get(instance) + 1);
Example 9
Source File:    From uReplicator with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Representation get() {
  JSONObject responseJson = new JSONObject();
  List<TopicAndPartition> noProgressTopicPartition = _helixMirrorMakerManager.getOffsetMonitor().getNoProgessTopicPartitions();
  if (noProgressTopicPartition == null || noProgressTopicPartition.size() == 0) {
    return new StringRepresentation(responseJson.toJSONString());
  JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
  for (TopicAndPartition info : noProgressTopicPartition) {

    JSONObject node = new JSONObject();
    node.put("topic", info.topic());
    node.put("partition", info.partition());

    IdealState idealStateForTopic =
    Map<String, String> idealStateMap = idealStateForTopic.getInstanceStateMap(String.valueOf(info.partition()));
    ExternalView externalViewForTopic =
    Map<String, String> stateMap = externalViewForTopic.getStateMap(String.valueOf(info.partition()));
    if (idealStateMap != null && idealStateMap.keySet().size() != 0) {
      node.put("idealWorker", idealStateMap.keySet().iterator().next());
    if (stateMap != null && stateMap.keySet().size() != 0) {
      node.put("actualWorker", stateMap.keySet().iterator().next());

  responseJson.put("topics", jsonArray);

  return new StringRepresentation(responseJson.toJSONString());
Example 10
Source File:    From uReplicator with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private boolean assertIdealStateOnce(String topicName, int partition, String expected) {
  IdealState idealStateForTopic =
  if (idealStateForTopic.getInstanceStateMap(String.valueOf(partition)) == null || idealStateForTopic.getInstanceStateMap(String.valueOf(partition)).values().size() == 0) {"fail to find IdealState for topic %s, partition %d", topicName, partition));
  String externalState =
  Assert.assertEquals(externalState, expected, "unexpected idealstate");
  return true;
Example 11
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void updateBestPossibleStateOutput(BestPossibleStateOutput output, Resource resource,
    IdealState computedIdealState) {
  output.setPreferenceLists(resource.getResourceName(), computedIdealState.getPreferenceLists());
  for (Partition partition : resource.getPartitions()) {
    Map<String, String> newStateMap =
    output.setState(resource.getResourceName(), partition, newStateMap);
Example 12
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public ResourceAssignment computeBestPossiblePartitionState(ResourceControllerDataProvider cache,
    IdealState idealState, Resource resource, CurrentStateOutput currentStateOutput) {
  // Looking for cached BestPossible mapping for this resource, if it is already there, do not recompute it again.
  // The cached mapping will be cleared in ResourceControllerDataProvider if there is anything changed in cluster state that can
  // cause the potential changes in BestPossible state.
  ResourceAssignment partitionMapping =
  if (partitionMapping != null) {
    return partitionMapping;
  }"Computing BestPossibleMapping for " + resource.getResourceName());

  String stateModelDefName = idealState.getStateModelDefRef();
  StateModelDefinition stateModelDef = cache.getStateModelDef(stateModelDefName);
  partitionMapping = new ResourceAssignment(resource.getResourceName());
  for (Partition partition : resource.getPartitions()) {
    Map<String, String> currentStateMap =
        currentStateOutput.getCurrentStateMap(resource.getResourceName(), partition);
    Set<String> disabledInstancesForPartition =
        cache.getDisabledInstancesForPartition(resource.getResourceName(), partition.toString());
    Map<String, String> idealStateMap =
    Map<String, String> bestStateForPartition =
        computeCustomizedBestStateForPartition(cache, stateModelDef, idealStateMap,
            currentStateMap, disabledInstancesForPartition, idealState.isEnabled());
    partitionMapping.addReplicaMap(partition, bestStateForPartition);

  cache.setCachedResourceAssignment(resource.getResourceName(), partitionMapping);
  if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
    LOG.debug(String.format("Processing resource: %s", resource.getResourceName()));
    LOG.debug(String.format("Final Mapping of resource : %s", partitionMapping.toString()));
  return partitionMapping;
Example 13
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void verifyAssignmentInIdealStateWithPersistDisabled(IdealState idealState,
    Set<String> excludedInstances) {
  boolean mapFieldEmpty = true;
  boolean assignmentNotChanged = false;
  for (String partition : idealState.getPartitionSet()) {
    Map<String, String> instanceStateMap = idealState.getInstanceStateMap(partition);
    if (instanceStateMap == null || instanceStateMap.isEmpty()) {
    mapFieldEmpty = false;
    Set<String> instancesInMap = instanceStateMap.keySet();
    for (String ins : excludedInstances) {
      if (instancesInMap.contains(ins)) {
        // if at least one excluded instance is included, it means assignment was not updated.
        assignmentNotChanged = true;
      if (idealState.getRebalanceMode() == RebalanceMode.FULL_AUTO) {
        List<String> instanceList = idealState.getPreferenceList(partition);
        if (instanceList.contains(ins)) {
          assignmentNotChanged = true;

  Assert.assertTrue((mapFieldEmpty || assignmentNotChanged),
      "BestPossible assignment was updated.");
Example 14
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Validate instances for each partition is on different zone and with necessary tagged
 * instances.
private void validateNoZeroReplica(IdealState is, ExternalView ev) {
  int replica = is.getReplicaCount(NUM_NODE);
  StateModelDefinition stateModelDef =

  for (String partition : is.getPartitionSet()) {
    Map<String, String> evStateMap = ev.getRecord().getMapField(partition);
    Map<String, String> isStateMap = is.getInstanceStateMap(partition);
    validateMap(is.getResourceName(), partition, replica, evStateMap, stateModelDef);
    validateMap(is.getResourceName(), partition, replica, isStateMap, stateModelDef);
Example 15
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Check instance is already in the stable state. Here stable means all the ideal state mapping
 * matches external view (view of current state).
 * @param dataAccessor
 * @param instanceName
 * @return
public static boolean isInstanceStable(HelixDataAccessor dataAccessor, String instanceName) {
  PropertyKey.Builder keyBuilder = dataAccessor.keyBuilder();
  ClusterConfig clusterConfig = dataAccessor.getProperty(keyBuilder.clusterConfig());
  if (clusterConfig == null) {
    throw new HelixException("Missing cluster config!");
  if (!clusterConfig.isPersistIntermediateAssignment()) {
    throw new HelixException("isInstanceStable needs persist assignment on!");

  List<String> idealStateNames = dataAccessor.getChildNames(keyBuilder.idealStates());
  for (String idealStateName : idealStateNames) {
    IdealState idealState = dataAccessor.getProperty(keyBuilder.idealStates(idealStateName));
    if (idealState == null || !idealState.isEnabled() || !idealState.isValid()
        || TaskConstants.STATE_MODEL_NAME.equals(idealState.getStateModelDefRef())) {

    ExternalView externalView = dataAccessor.getProperty(keyBuilder.externalView(idealStateName));
    if (externalView == null) {
      throw new HelixException(
          String.format("Resource %s does not have external view!", idealStateName));
    for (String partition : idealState.getPartitionSet()) {
      Map<String, String> isPartitionMap = idealState.getInstanceStateMap(partition);
      if (isPartitionMap == null) {
        throw new HelixException(String
            .format("Partition %s of resource %s does not have an ideal state partition map",
                partition, idealStateName));
      if (isPartitionMap.containsKey(instanceName)) {
        Map<String, String> evPartitionMap = externalView.getStateMap(partition);
        if (evPartitionMap == null) {
          throw new HelixException(String
              .format("Partition %s of resource %s does not have an external view partition map",
                  partition, idealStateName));
        if (!evPartitionMap.containsKey(instanceName)
            || !evPartitionMap.get(instanceName).equals(isPartitionMap.get(instanceName))) {
          // only checks the state from IS matches EV. Return false when
          // 1. This partition not has current state on this instance
          // 2. The state does not match the state on ideal state
          return false;
  return true;