Java Code Examples for com.firebase.client.Firebase#updateChildren()

The following examples show how to use com.firebase.client.Firebase#updateChildren() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From io16experiment-master with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Handle the incoming message from the nearby device. Parse the message to retrieve the appropriate data.
private void handleIncomingMessage(Message message) {
    LogUtils.LOGE("***> message", DeviceMessage.fromNearbyMessage(message).getMessageBody());

    String[] messageParts = DeviceMessage.fromNearbyMessage(message).getMessageBody().split(Pattern.quote("|"));

    if (messageParts.length == 0) {
        LogUtils.LOGE("***> error", "error parsing message");

    mFirebaseUid = messageParts[0];
    mDeviceNum = Integer.valueOf(messageParts[1]);
    mTotalDevices = Integer.valueOf(messageParts[2]);
    String deviceId = messageParts[3];

    if (!PreferencesUtils.getBoolean(mActivity, R.string.key_is_connected, false)) {
        // Update Firebase and remove the old FirebaseUid
        String currentFirebaseUid = PreferencesUtils.getString(mActivity, R.string.key_firebase_uid, "");
        LogUtils.LOGE("***> handleIncomingMessage", "remove firebase uid:" + currentFirebaseUid);
        Firebase userChallengeRef = new Firebase(Constants.FIREBASE_URL_USERS).child(currentFirebaseUid);

    // Update the shared preferences
    PreferencesUtils.setString(mActivity, R.string.key_firebase_uid, mFirebaseUid);
    PreferencesUtils.setInt(mActivity, R.string.key_total_devices, mTotalDevices);
    PreferencesUtils.setInt(mActivity, R.string.key_device_number, mDeviceNum);
    PreferencesUtils.setBoolean(mActivity, R.string.key_is_connected, true);

    // Display the message

    // Update the background color

    // Generate next message, based on Firebase

    // Update connected status on Firebase
    Map<String, Object> device = new HashMap<>();
    device.put(Constants.FIREBASE_PROPERTY_CONNECTED, true);

    Firebase deviceRef = new Firebase(Constants.FIREBASE_URL_DEVICES).child(mFirebaseUid).child(deviceId);
    deviceRef.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
        public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
            Device d = dataSnapshot.getValue(Device.class);
            LogUtils.LOGE("***> deviceRef", "here");
            if (d == null) {
                LogUtils.LOGE("***> setupFirebase", "reset device");

        public void onCancelled(FirebaseError firebaseError) {


    if (mDeviceNum < mTotalDevices) {
        // Change the display text
        mIntroConnectDevice.setText(mActivity.getString(R.string.text_connect_device, mDeviceNum + 1));

        // Change text/button action
    } else {

Example 2
Source File:    From io16experiment-master with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Setup Firebase for the user and connected devices
 * Update the existing user data with the number of devices selected on the previous screen
 * Add the devices based on the selection
 * Generate the message for the next device
private void setupFirebase() {
    // Update Firebase to include the total number of devices
    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mFirebaseUid)) {
        Map<String, Object> profile = new HashMap<>();
        profile.put(Constants.FIREBASE_PROPERTY_NUMBER_DEVICES, mTotalDevices);

        Firebase userRef = new Firebase(Constants.FIREBASE_URL_USERS).child(mFirebaseUid);
        LogUtils.LOGE("***> setupFirebase", "update firebase uid:" + mFirebaseUid);

        // Add device ids to Firebase
        for (int i = 0; i < PreferencesUtils.getInt(mActivity, R.string.key_total_devices, 1); i++) {
            // If the challengeCode is empty, then push a new value to the database
            Firebase deviceRef = new Firebase(Constants.FIREBASE_URL_DEVICES).child(mFirebaseUid);
            final Firebase newDeviceRef = deviceRef.push();

            mDeviceIds[i] = newDeviceRef.getKey();
            final int currentDeviceNumber = i + 1;

            LogUtils.LOGE("***> new device #" + currentDeviceNumber, mDeviceIds[i]);

            Device device = new Device(mDeviceIds[i], i + 1, mDeviceNum == currentDeviceNumber);
            newDeviceRef.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
                public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
                    Device d = dataSnapshot.getValue(Device.class);
                    if (d != null) {
                        LogUtils.LOGE("***> child updated", "id: " + d.getDeviceId());
                        LogUtils.LOGE("***> child updated", "number: " + d.getDeviceNumber());
                        LogUtils.LOGE("***> child updated", "connected: " + d.isConnected());
                        LogUtils.LOGE("***> child updated", "next: " + currentDeviceNumber);

                        // Hide the button and show the message for the first device
                        if (d.isConnected() && d.getDeviceNumber() > 1) {
                            PreferencesUtils.setBoolean(mActivity, R.string.key_message_received, true);

                            LogUtils.LOGE("***> child updated", "unpublished: " + currentDeviceNumber);
                    } else {
                        if (!PreferencesUtils.getBoolean(mActivity, R.string.key_device_reset_done, false)) {
                            LogUtils.LOGE("***> setupFirebase", "reset device");

                public void onCancelled(FirebaseError firebaseError) {


            // Create the message for the next device
            if (i == mDeviceNum) {
                LogUtils.LOGE("***> device", "message created");
                String message = mActivity.getString(R.string.message_body, mFirebaseUid, mDeviceNum + 1,
                        mTotalDevices, newDeviceRef.getKey());
                mDeviceInfoMessage = DeviceMessage.newNearbyMessage(
                        InstanceID.getInstance(mActivity.getApplicationContext()).getId(), message);