Java Code Examples for org.apache.flink.runtime.resourcemanager.registration.TaskExecutorConnection#getResourceID()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.flink.runtime.resourcemanager.registration.TaskExecutorConnection#getResourceID() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Tests that only free slots can fulfill/complete a pending task manager slot.
public void testOnlyFreeSlotsCanFulfillPendingTaskManagerSlot() throws Exception {
	final int numberSlots = 1;
	final TestingResourceActions resourceActions = new TestingResourceActionsBuilder()
		.setAllocateResourceFunction(convert(value -> numberSlots))

	try (final SlotManager slotManager = createSlotManager(ResourceManagerId.generate(), resourceActions)) {
		final JobID jobId = new JobID();
		assertThat(slotManager.registerSlotRequest(createSlotRequest(jobId)), is(true));

		final TaskExecutorConnection taskExecutorConnection = createTaskExecutorConnection();
		final SlotID slotId = new SlotID(taskExecutorConnection.getResourceID(), 0);
		final SlotStatus slotStatus = new SlotStatus(slotId, ResourceProfile.UNKNOWN, jobId, new AllocationID());
		final SlotReport slotReport = new SlotReport(slotStatus);

		slotManager.registerTaskManager(taskExecutorConnection, slotReport);

		assertThat(slotManager.getNumberRegisteredSlots(), is(1));
		assertThat(slotManager.getNumberPendingTaskManagerSlots(), is(numberSlots));
		assertThat(slotManager.getNumberAssignedPendingTaskManagerSlots(), is(1));
Example 2
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Tests that only free slots can fulfill/complete a pending task manager slot.
public void testOnlyFreeSlotsCanFulfillPendingTaskManagerSlot() throws Exception {
	final int numberSlots = 1;
	final TestingResourceActions resourceActions = new TestingResourceActionsBuilder()
		.setAllocateResourceFunction(convert(value -> numberSlots))

	try (final SlotManagerImpl slotManager = createSlotManager(ResourceManagerId.generate(), resourceActions)) {
		final JobID jobId = new JobID();
		assertThat(slotManager.registerSlotRequest(createSlotRequest(jobId)), is(true));

		final TaskExecutorConnection taskExecutorConnection = createTaskExecutorConnection();
		final SlotID slotId = new SlotID(taskExecutorConnection.getResourceID(), 0);
		final SlotStatus slotStatus = new SlotStatus(slotId, ResourceProfile.UNKNOWN, jobId, new AllocationID());
		final SlotReport slotReport = new SlotReport(slotStatus);

		slotManager.registerTaskManager(taskExecutorConnection, slotReport);

		assertThat(slotManager.getNumberRegisteredSlots(), is(1));
		assertThat(slotManager.getNumberPendingTaskManagerSlots(), is(numberSlots));
		assertThat(slotManager.getNumberAssignedPendingTaskManagerSlots(), is(1));
Example 3
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Tests that if we have received a slot report with some allocated slots, then we don't accept
 * slot requests with allocated allocation ids.
public void testDuplicatePendingSlotRequestAfterSlotReport() throws Exception {
	final ResourceManagerId resourceManagerId = ResourceManagerId.generate();
	final ResourceActions resourceManagerActions = new TestingResourceActionsBuilder().build();

	final TaskExecutorConnection taskManagerConnection = createTaskExecutorConnection();
	final ResourceID resourceID = taskManagerConnection.getResourceID();

	final JobID jobId = new JobID();
	final AllocationID allocationId = new AllocationID();
	final ResourceProfile resourceProfile = ResourceProfile.fromResources(1.0, 1);
	final SlotID slotId = new SlotID(resourceID, 0);
	final SlotStatus slotStatus = new SlotStatus(slotId, resourceProfile, jobId, allocationId);
	final SlotReport slotReport = new SlotReport(slotStatus);

	final SlotRequest slotRequest = new SlotRequest(jobId, allocationId, resourceProfile, "foobar");

	try (SlotManager slotManager = createSlotManager(resourceManagerId, resourceManagerActions)) {
		slotManager.registerTaskManager(taskManagerConnection, slotReport);

Example 4
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Tests that only free slots can fulfill/complete a pending task manager slot.
public void testOnlyFreeSlotsCanFulfillPendingTaskManagerSlot() throws Exception {
	final int numberSlots = 1;
	final TestingResourceActions resourceActions = new TestingResourceActionsBuilder().build();

	try (final SlotManagerImpl slotManager = createSlotManager(ResourceManagerId.generate(), resourceActions, numberSlots)) {
		final JobID jobId = new JobID();
		assertThat(slotManager.registerSlotRequest(createSlotRequest(jobId)), is(true));

		final TaskExecutorConnection taskExecutorConnection = createTaskExecutorConnection();
		final SlotID slotId = new SlotID(taskExecutorConnection.getResourceID(), 0);
		final SlotStatus slotStatus = new SlotStatus(slotId, ResourceProfile.ANY, jobId, new AllocationID());
		final SlotReport slotReport = new SlotReport(slotStatus);

		slotManager.registerTaskManager(taskExecutorConnection, slotReport);

		assertThat(slotManager.getNumberRegisteredSlots(), is(1));
		assertThat(slotManager.getNumberPendingTaskManagerSlots(), is(numberSlots));
		assertThat(slotManager.getNumberAssignedPendingTaskManagerSlots(), is(1));
Example 5
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Tests that freeing a slot will correctly reset the slot and mark it as a free slot.
public void testFreeSlot() throws Exception {
	final ResourceManagerId resourceManagerId = ResourceManagerId.generate();
	final JobID jobId = new JobID();

	ResourceActions resourceManagerActions = new TestingResourceActionsBuilder().build();

	final TaskExecutorConnection taskExecutorConnection = createTaskExecutorConnection();
	final ResourceID resourceID = taskExecutorConnection.getResourceID();
	final SlotID slotId = new SlotID(resourceID, 0);
	final AllocationID allocationId = new AllocationID();
	final ResourceProfile resourceProfile = ResourceProfile.fromResources(42.0, 1337);

	final SlotStatus slotStatus = new SlotStatus(slotId, resourceProfile, jobId, allocationId);
	final SlotReport slotReport = new SlotReport(slotStatus);

	try (SlotManagerImpl slotManager = createSlotManager(resourceManagerId, resourceManagerActions)) {


		TaskManagerSlot slot = slotManager.getSlot(slotId);

		assertEquals("The slot has not been allocated to the expected allocation id.", allocationId, slot.getAllocationId());

		// this should be ignored since the allocation id does not match
		slotManager.freeSlot(slotId, new AllocationID());

		assertTrue(slot.getState() == TaskManagerSlot.State.ALLOCATED);
		assertEquals("The slot has not been allocated to the expected allocation id.", allocationId, slot.getAllocationId());

		slotManager.freeSlot(slotId, allocationId);

		assertTrue(slot.getState() == TaskManagerSlot.State.FREE);
Example 6
Source File:    From flink with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Tests that slots are updated with respect to the latest incoming slot report. This means that
 * slots for which a report was received are updated accordingly.
public void testUpdateSlotReport() throws Exception {
	final ResourceManagerId resourceManagerId = ResourceManagerId.generate();
	final ResourceActions resourceManagerActions = new TestingResourceActionsBuilder().build();

	final JobID jobId = new JobID();
	final AllocationID allocationId = new AllocationID();

	final TaskExecutorConnection taskManagerConnection = createTaskExecutorConnection();
	final ResourceID resourceId = taskManagerConnection.getResourceID();

	final SlotID slotId1 = new SlotID(resourceId, 0);
	final SlotID slotId2 = new SlotID(resourceId, 1);

	final ResourceProfile resourceProfile = ResourceProfile.fromResources(1.0, 1);
	final SlotStatus slotStatus1 = new SlotStatus(slotId1, resourceProfile);
	final SlotStatus slotStatus2 = new SlotStatus(slotId2, resourceProfile);

	final SlotStatus newSlotStatus2 = new SlotStatus(slotId2, resourceProfile, jobId, allocationId);

	final SlotReport slotReport1 = new SlotReport(Arrays.asList(slotStatus1, slotStatus2));
	final SlotReport slotReport2 = new SlotReport(Arrays.asList(newSlotStatus2, slotStatus1));

	try (SlotManagerImpl slotManager = createSlotManager(resourceManagerId, resourceManagerActions)) {
		// check that we don't have any slots registered
		assertTrue(0 == slotManager.getNumberRegisteredSlots());

		slotManager.registerTaskManager(taskManagerConnection, slotReport1);

		TaskManagerSlot slot1 = slotManager.getSlot(slotId1);
		TaskManagerSlot slot2 = slotManager.getSlot(slotId2);

		assertTrue(2 == slotManager.getNumberRegisteredSlots());

		assertTrue(slot1.getState() == TaskManagerSlot.State.FREE);
		assertTrue(slot2.getState() == TaskManagerSlot.State.FREE);

		assertTrue(slotManager.reportSlotStatus(taskManagerConnection.getInstanceID(), slotReport2));

		assertTrue(2 == slotManager.getNumberRegisteredSlots());


		// slotId2 should have been allocated for allocationId
		assertEquals(allocationId, slotManager.getSlot(slotId2).getAllocationId());