Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From micro-integrator with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * This method returns matched entity list, where it uses in getEntity method to get the matched entity.
 * @param entityType EdmEntityType
 * @param param      UriParameter
 * @param entityList List of entities
 * @return list of entities
 * @throws ODataApplicationException
 * @throws ODataServiceFault
private List<Entity> getMatch(EdmEntityType entityType, UriParameter param, List<Entity> entityList)
        throws ODataApplicationException, ODataServiceFault {
    ArrayList<Entity> list = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Entity entity : entityList) {
        EdmProperty property = (EdmProperty) entityType.getProperty(param.getName());
        EdmType type = property.getType();
        if (type.getKind() == EdmTypeKind.PRIMITIVE) {
            Object match = readPrimitiveValue(property, param.getText());
            Property entityValue = entity.getProperty(param.getName());
            if (match != null) {
                if (match.equals(entityValue.asPrimitive())) {
            } else {
                if (null == entityValue.asPrimitive()) {
        } else {
            throw new ODataServiceFault("Complex elements are not supported, couldn't compare complex objects.");
    return list;
Example 2
Source File:    From micro-integrator with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * This method return the entity collection which are able to navigate from the parent entity (source) using uri navigation properties.
 * <p/>
 * In this method we check the parent entities primary keys and return the entity according to the values.
 * we use ODataDataHandler, navigation properties to get particular foreign keys.
 * @param metadata     Service Metadata
 * @param parentEntity parentEntity
 * @param navigation   UriResourceNavigation
 * @return EntityCollection
 * @throws ODataServiceFault
private EntityCollection getNavigableEntitySet(ServiceMetadata metadata, Entity parentEntity,
                                               EdmNavigationProperty navigation, String url)
        throws ODataServiceFault, ODataApplicationException {
    EdmEntityType type = metadata.getEdm().getEntityType(new FullQualifiedName(parentEntity.getType()));
    String linkName = navigation.getName();
    List<Property> properties = new ArrayList<>();
    Map<String, EdmProperty> propertyMap = new HashMap<>();
    for (NavigationKeys keys : this.dataHandler.getNavigationProperties().get(type.getName())
                                               .getNavigationKeys(linkName)) {
        Property property = parentEntity.getProperty(keys.getPrimaryKey());
        if (property != null && !property.isNull()) {
            propertyMap.put(keys.getForeignKey(), (EdmProperty) type.getProperty(property.getName()));
    if(!properties.isEmpty()) {
        return createEntityCollectionFromDataEntryList(linkName, dataHandler
                .readTableWithKeys(linkName, wrapPropertiesToDataEntry(type, properties, propertyMap)), url);
    return null;
Example 3
Source File:    From syndesis with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private Entity createProduct(Entity entity) {
    // the ID of the newly created product entity is generated automatically
    int newId = 1;
    while (productIdExists(newId)) {

    Property idProperty = entity.getProperty(PRODUCT_ID);
    if (idProperty != null) {
        idProperty.setValue(ValueType.PRIMITIVE, Integer.valueOf(newId));
    } else {
        // as of OData v4 spec, the key property can be omitted from the POST request body
        entity.getProperties().add(new Property(null, PRODUCT_ID, ValueType.PRIMITIVE, newId));
    entity.setId(createId(ES_PRODUCTS_NAME, newId));

    return entity;

Example 4
Source File:    From olingo-odata4 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private Entity createEntity(EdmEntityType edmEntityType, Entity entity, List<Entity> entityList) {
  // the ID of the newly created entity is generated automatically
  int newId = 1;
  while (entityIdExists(newId, entityList)) {

  Property idProperty = entity.getProperty("ID");
  if (idProperty != null) {
    idProperty.setValue(ValueType.PRIMITIVE, Integer.valueOf(newId));
  } else {
    // as of OData v4 spec, the key property can be omitted from the POST request body
    entity.getProperties().add(new Property(null, "ID", ValueType.PRIMITIVE, newId));
  entity.setId(createId(entity, "ID"));

  return entity;
Example 5
Source File:    From olingo-odata4 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private Object findPropertyRefValue(Entity entity, EdmKeyPropertyRef refType) {
  final int INDEX_ERROR_CODE = -1;
  final String propertyPath = refType.getName();
  String tmpPropertyName;
  int lastIndex;
  int index = propertyPath.indexOf('/');
  if (index == INDEX_ERROR_CODE) {
      index  = propertyPath.length();
  tmpPropertyName = propertyPath.substring(0, index);
  //get first property
  Property prop = entity.getProperty(tmpPropertyName);
  //get following properties
  while (index < propertyPath.length()) {
      lastIndex = ++index;
      index = propertyPath.indexOf('/', index+1);
      if (index == INDEX_ERROR_CODE) {
          index = propertyPath.length();
      tmpPropertyName = propertyPath.substring(lastIndex, index);
      prop = findProperty(tmpPropertyName, prop.asComplex().getValue());
  return prop.getValue();
Example 6
Source File:    From olingo-odata4 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void eTMixEnumDefCollCompTest() throws Exception {
  InputStream stream = getFileAsStream("EntityETMixEnumDefCollComp.json");
  final Entity entity = deserialize(stream, "ETMixEnumDefCollComp", ContentType.JSON);

  assertEquals(6, entity.getProperties().size());

  Property enumProperty = entity.getProperty("PropertyEnumString");
  assertEquals((short) 2, enumProperty.getValue());

  Property defProperty = entity.getProperty("PropertyDefString");
  assertEquals("string", defProperty.getValue());

  Property complexProperty = entity.getProperty("PropertyCompMixedEnumDef");
  List<Property> value = complexProperty.asComplex().getValue();
  assertEquals((short) 2, value.get(0).getValue());

  defProperty = ((ComplexValue) entity.getProperty("CollPropertyCompMixedEnumDef").asCollection().get(1))
  assertEquals("string", defProperty.getValue());
Example 7
Source File:    From olingo-odata4 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void updateProduct(EdmEntityType edmEntityType, List<UriParameter> keyParams, Entity entity,
    HttpMethod httpMethod) throws ODataApplicationException {

  Entity productEntity = getProduct(edmEntityType, keyParams);
  if (productEntity == null) {
    throw new ODataApplicationException("Entity not found", HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND.getStatusCode(), Locale.ENGLISH);

  // loop over all properties and replace the values with the values of the given payload
  // Note: ignoring ComplexType, as we don't have it in our odata model
  List<Property> existingProperties = productEntity.getProperties();
  for (Property existingProp : existingProperties) {
    String propName = existingProp.getName();

    // ignore the key properties, they aren't updateable
    if (isKey(edmEntityType, propName)) {

    Property updateProperty = entity.getProperty(propName);
    // the request payload might not consider ALL properties, so it can be null
    if (updateProperty == null) {
      // if a property has NOT been added to the request payload
      // depending on the HttpMethod, our behavior is different
      if (httpMethod.equals(HttpMethod.PATCH)) {
        // as of the OData spec, in case of PATCH, the existing property is not touched
        continue; // do nothing
      } else if (httpMethod.equals(HttpMethod.PUT)) {
        // as of the OData spec, in case of PUT, the existing property is set to null (or to default value)
        existingProp.setValue(existingProp.getValueType(), null);

    // change the value of the properties
    existingProp.setValue(existingProp.getValueType(), updateProperty.getValue());
Example 8
Source File:    From olingo-odata4 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private URI createId(Entity entity, String idPropertyName, String navigationName) {
  try {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(getEntitySetName(entity)).append("(");
    final Property property = entity.getProperty(idPropertyName);
    if (navigationName != null) {
    return new URI(sb.toString());
  } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
    throw new ODataRuntimeException("Unable to create (Atom) id for entity: " + entity, e);
Example 9
Source File:    From syndesis with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void updateProduct(EdmEntityType edmEntityType, List<UriParameter> keyParams, Entity entity, HttpMethod httpMethod)
    throws ODataApplicationException {
    Entity productEntity = getProduct(edmEntityType, keyParams);
    if (productEntity == null) {
        throw new ODataApplicationException("Entity not found", HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND.getStatusCode(), Locale.ENGLISH);

    // loop over all properties and replace the values with the values of the given payload
    // Note: ignoring ComplexType, as we don't have it in our odata model
    List<Property> existingProperties = productEntity.getProperties();
    for (Property existingProp : existingProperties) {
        String propName = existingProp.getName();

        // ignore the key properties, they aren't updateable
        if (isKey(edmEntityType, propName)) {

        Property updateProperty = entity.getProperty(propName);
        // the request payload might not consider ALL properties, so it can be null
        if (updateProperty == null) {
            // if a property has NOT been added to the request payload
            // depending on the HttpMethod, our behavior is different
            if (httpMethod.equals(HttpMethod.PATCH)) {
                // as of the OData spec, in case of PATCH, the existing property is not touched
                continue; // do nothing
            } else if (httpMethod.equals(HttpMethod.PUT)) {
                // as of the OData spec, in case of PUT, the existing property is set to null (or to default value)
                existingProp.setValue(existingProp.getValueType(), null);

        // change the value of the properties
        existingProp.setValue(existingProp.getValueType(), updateProperty.getValue());
Example 10
Source File:    From olingo-odata4 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Object findPropertyRefValue(Entity entity, EdmKeyPropertyRef refType) throws SerializerException {
  final int INDEX_ERROR_CODE = -1;
  final String propertyPath = refType.getName();
  String tmpPropertyName;
  int lastIndex;
  int index = propertyPath.indexOf('/');
  if (index == INDEX_ERROR_CODE) {
      index  = propertyPath.length();
  tmpPropertyName = propertyPath.substring(0, index);
  //get first property
  Property prop = entity.getProperty(tmpPropertyName);
  //get following properties
  while (index < propertyPath.length()) {
      lastIndex = ++index;
      index = propertyPath.indexOf('/', index+1);
      if (index == INDEX_ERROR_CODE) {
          index = propertyPath.length();
      tmpPropertyName = propertyPath.substring(lastIndex, index);
      prop = findProperty(tmpPropertyName, prop.asComplex().getValue());
  if (prop == null) {
    throw new SerializerException("Key Value Cannot be null for property: " + propertyPath, 
        SerializerException.MessageKeys.NULL_PROPERTY, propertyPath);
  return prop.getValue();
Example 11
Source File:    From olingo-odata4 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Response actionResetComputerDetailsSpecifications(
    @HeaderParam("Accept") @DefaultValue(StringUtils.EMPTY) final String accept,
    @PathParam("entityId") final String entityId,
    @QueryParam("$format") @DefaultValue(StringUtils.EMPTY) final String format,
    final String argument) {

  final Map.Entry<Accept, AbstractUtilities> utils = getUtilities(accept, format);

  if (utils.getKey() == Accept.XML || utils.getKey() == Accept.TEXT) {
    throw new UnsupportedMediaTypeException("Unsupported media type");

  try {
    final Map.Entry<String, InputStream> entityInfo = xml.readEntity("ComputerDetail", entityId, Accept.ATOM);

    final InputStream entity = entityInfo.getValue();
    final ResWrap<Entity> container = atomDeserializer.toEntity(entity);

    final Entity param = xml.readEntity(utils.getKey(), IOUtils.toInputStream(argument, Constants.ENCODING));

    Property property = param.getProperty("specifications");
    container.getPayload().getProperty("SpecificationsBag").setValue(property.getValueType(), property.getValue());
    property = param.getProperty("purchaseTime");
    container.getPayload().getProperty("PurchaseDate").setValue(property.getValueType(), property.getValue());

    final FSManager fsManager = FSManager.instance();
    fsManager.putInMemory(xml.writeEntity(Accept.ATOM, container),
        fsManager.getAbsolutePath(Commons.getEntityBasePath("ComputerDetail", entityId) + Constants.get(
            ConstantKey.ENTITY), Accept.ATOM));

    return utils.getValue().createResponse(null, null, null, utils.getKey(), Response.Status.NO_CONTENT);
  } catch (Exception e) {
    return xml.createFaultResponse(accept, e);
Example 12
Source File:    From olingo-odata4 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private URI createId(Entity entity, String idPropertyName, String navigationName) {
  try {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(getEntitySetName(entity)).append("(");
    final Property property = entity.getProperty(idPropertyName);
    if(navigationName != null) {
    return new URI(sb.toString());
  } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
    throw new ODataRuntimeException("Unable to create (Atom) id for entity: " + entity, e);
Example 13
Source File:    From olingo-odata4 with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void readPrimitive(ODataRequest request, ODataResponse response,
							UriInfo uriInfo, ContentType responseFormat)
							throws ODataApplicationException, SerializerException {

	// 1. Retrieve info from URI
	// 1.1. retrieve the info about the requested entity set
	List<UriResource> resourceParts = uriInfo.getUriResourceParts();
	// Note: only in our example we can rely that the first segment is the EntitySet
	UriResourceEntitySet uriEntityset = (UriResourceEntitySet) resourceParts.get(0);
	EdmEntitySet edmEntitySet = uriEntityset.getEntitySet();
	// the key for the entity
	List<UriParameter> keyPredicates = uriEntityset.getKeyPredicates();

	// 1.2. retrieve the requested (Edm) property
	// the last segment is the Property
	UriResourceProperty uriProperty = (UriResourceProperty)resourceParts.get(resourceParts.size() -1);
	EdmProperty edmProperty = uriProperty.getProperty();
	String edmPropertyName = edmProperty.getName();
	// in our example, we know we have only primitive types in our model
	EdmPrimitiveType edmPropertyType = (EdmPrimitiveType) edmProperty.getType();

	// 2. retrieve data from backend
	// 2.1. retrieve the entity data, for which the property has to be read
	Entity entity = storage.readEntityData(edmEntitySet, keyPredicates);
	if (entity == null) { // Bad request
		throw new ODataApplicationException("Entity not found", HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND.getStatusCode(), Locale.ROOT);

	// 2.2. retrieve the property data from the entity
	Property property = entity.getProperty(edmPropertyName);
	if (property == null) {
		throw new ODataApplicationException("Property not found", HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND.getStatusCode(), Locale.ROOT);

	// 3. serialize
	Object value = property.getValue();
	if (value != null) {
		// 3.1. configure the serializer
		ODataSerializer serializer = odata.createSerializer(responseFormat);

		ContextURL contextUrl = ContextURL.with().entitySet(edmEntitySet).navOrPropertyPath(edmPropertyName).build();
		PrimitiveSerializerOptions options = PrimitiveSerializerOptions.with().contextURL(contextUrl).build();
		// 3.2. serialize
		SerializerResult serializerResult = serializer.primitive(serviceMetadata, edmPropertyType, property, options);
		InputStream propertyStream = serializerResult.getContent();

		//4. configure the response object
		response.setHeader(HttpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE, responseFormat.toContentTypeString());
	} else {
		// in case there's no value for the property, we can skip the serialization
Example 14
Source File:    From olingo-odata4 with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void readPrimitive(ODataRequest request, ODataResponse response,
    UriInfo uriInfo, ContentType responseFormat)
    throws ODataApplicationException, SerializerException {

  // 1. Retrieve info from URI
  // 1.1. retrieve the info about the requested entity set
  List<UriResource> resourceParts = uriInfo.getUriResourceParts();
  // Note: only in our example we can rely that the first segment is the EntitySet
  UriResourceEntitySet uriEntityset = (UriResourceEntitySet) resourceParts.get(0);
  EdmEntitySet edmEntitySet = uriEntityset.getEntitySet();
  // the key for the entity
  List<UriParameter> keyPredicates = uriEntityset.getKeyPredicates();

  // 1.2. retrieve the requested (Edm) property
  // the last segment is the Property
  UriResourceProperty uriProperty = (UriResourceProperty) resourceParts.get(resourceParts.size() - 1);
  EdmProperty edmProperty = uriProperty.getProperty();
  String edmPropertyName = edmProperty.getName();
  // in our example, we know we have only primitive types in our model
  EdmPrimitiveType edmPropertyType = (EdmPrimitiveType) edmProperty.getType();

  // 2. retrieve data from backend
  // 2.1. retrieve the entity data, for which the property has to be read
  Entity entity = storage.readEntityData(edmEntitySet, keyPredicates);
  if (entity == null) { // Bad request
    throw new ODataApplicationException("Entity not found",
        HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND.getStatusCode(), Locale.ENGLISH);

  // 2.2. retrieve the property data from the entity
  Property property = entity.getProperty(edmPropertyName);
  if (property == null) {
    throw new ODataApplicationException("Property not found",
        HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND.getStatusCode(), Locale.ENGLISH);

  // 3. serialize
  Object value = property.getValue();
  if (value != null) {
    // 3.1. configure the serializer
    ODataSerializer serializer = odata.createSerializer(responseFormat);

    ContextURL contextUrl = ContextURL.with().entitySet(edmEntitySet).navOrPropertyPath(edmPropertyName).build();
    PrimitiveSerializerOptions options = PrimitiveSerializerOptions.with().contextURL(contextUrl).build();
    // 3.2. serialize
    SerializerResult serializerResult = serializer.primitive(serviceMetadata, edmPropertyType, property, options);
    InputStream propertyStream = serializerResult.getContent();

    // 4. configure the response object
    response.setHeader(HttpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE, responseFormat.toContentTypeString());
  } else {
    // in case there's no value for the property, we can skip the serialization
Example 15
Source File:    From olingo-odata4 with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void derivedEntityESCompCollDerivedEmptyNull() throws Exception {
  final String payload = "{\n" +
      "   \"@odata.context\": \"$metadata#ESCompCollDerived/$entity\",\n" +
      "   \"@odata.metadataEtag\":\"W/metadataETag\",\n" +
      "   \"@odata.etag\":\"W/32767\",\n" +
      "   \"PropertyInt16\":32767,\n" +
      "   \"PropertyCompAno\":null,\n"+
      "   \"[email protected]\": \"#Collection(olingo.odata.test1.CTTwoPrimAno)\",\n" +
      "   \"CollPropertyCompAno\": [\n" +
      "      {\n" +
      "     \"@odata.type\": \"#olingo.odata.test1.CTBaseAno\",\n" +
      "            \"PropertyString\": null,\n" +
      "            \"AdditionalPropString\": null\n" +
      "        },\n" +
      "        {\n" +
      "        }\n" +
      "    ]\n" +
      "   \n" +
  final Entity entity = deserialize(payload, "ETDeriveCollComp");
  List<Property> properties = entity.getProperties();
  assertEquals(3, properties.size());
  assertEquals("PropertyInt16=32767", properties.get(0).toString());
  assertEquals("PropertyCompAno=null", properties.get(1).toString());
  for (Property prop : properties) {
    if (prop.isCollection()) {
      Property property = entity.getProperty("CollPropertyCompAno");
      assertEquals(ValueType.COLLECTION_COMPLEX, property.getValueType());

      assertTrue(property.getValue() instanceof List);
      List<? extends Object> asCollection = property.asCollection();
      assertEquals(2, asCollection.size());

      for (Object arrayElement : asCollection) {
        assertTrue(arrayElement instanceof ComplexValue);
        List<Property> castedArrayElement = ((ComplexValue) arrayElement).getValue();
       if(castedArrayElement.size() == 2){
          assertEquals(2, castedArrayElement.size());
          assertEquals("AdditionalPropString=null", castedArrayElement.get(1).toString());
          assertEquals(0, castedArrayElement.size());
Example 16
Source File:    From olingo-odata4 with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void entityCompAllPrim() throws Exception {
  final EdmEntitySet edmEntitySet = entityContainer.getEntitySet("ESCompAllPrim");

  String payload = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
      + "<atom:entry xmlns:atom=\"\" "
      + "xmlns:metadata=\"\" "
      + "xmlns:data=\"\" "
      + "metadata:etag=\"W/&quot;32767&quot;\">"
        + "<atom:category scheme=\"\" "
        + "term=\"#olingo.odata.test1.ETCompAllPrim\"/>"
        + "<atom:content type=\"application/xml\">"
          + "<metadata:properties>"
            + "<data:PropertyInt16>32767</data:PropertyInt16>"
            + "<data:PropertyComp metadata:type=\"#olingo.odata.test1.CTAllPrim\">"
              + "<data:PropertyString>First Resource - first</data:PropertyString>"
              + "<data:PropertyBinary>ASNFZ4mrze8=</data:PropertyBinary>"
              + "<data:PropertyBoolean>true</data:PropertyBoolean>"
              + "<data:PropertyByte>255</data:PropertyByte>"
              + "<data:PropertyDate>2012-10-03</data:PropertyDate>"
              + "<data:PropertyDateTimeOffset>2012-10-03T07:16:23.1234567Z</data:PropertyDateTimeOffset>"
              + "<data:PropertyDecimal>34.27</data:PropertyDecimal>"
              + "<data:PropertySingle>1.79E20</data:PropertySingle>"
              + "<data:PropertyDouble>-1.79E19</data:PropertyDouble>"
              + "<data:PropertyDuration>PT6S</data:PropertyDuration>"
              + "<data:PropertyGuid>01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef</data:PropertyGuid>"
              + "<data:PropertyInt16>32767</data:PropertyInt16>"
              + "<data:PropertyInt32>2147483647</data:PropertyInt32>"
              + "<data:PropertyInt64>9223372036854775807</data:PropertyInt64>"
              + "<data:PropertySByte>127</data:PropertySByte>"
              + "<data:PropertyTimeOfDay>01:00:01</data:PropertyTimeOfDay>"
            + "</data:PropertyComp>"
          + "</metadata:properties>"
        + "</atom:content>"
      + "</atom:entry>";
  Entity result = deserializer.entity(new ByteArrayInputStream(payload.getBytes()), 

  Assert.assertEquals(2, result.getProperties().size());
  Assert.assertEquals(0, result.getNavigationLinks().size());

  Assert.assertEquals((short) 32767, result.getProperty("PropertyInt16").asPrimitive());

  Property comp = result.getProperty("PropertyComp");
  Assert.assertEquals("olingo.odata.test1.CTAllPrim", comp.getType());
  ComplexValue cv = comp.asComplex();
  Assert.assertEquals(16, cv.getValue().size());
  Assert.assertEquals((short) 32767, getCVProperty(cv, "PropertyInt16").asPrimitive());
  Assert.assertEquals("First Resource - first", getCVProperty(cv, "PropertyString").asPrimitive());
  Assert.assertEquals((short) 255, getCVProperty(cv, "PropertyByte").asPrimitive());
  Assert.assertEquals((byte) 127, getCVProperty(cv, "PropertySByte").asPrimitive());
  Assert.assertEquals(2147483647, getCVProperty(cv, "PropertyInt32").asPrimitive());
  Assert.assertEquals(9223372036854775807L, getCVProperty(cv, "PropertyInt64").asPrimitive());
Example 17
Source File:    From olingo-odata4 with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public String getDefaultEntryKey(final String entitySetName, final Entity entity) throws IOException {
  try {
    String res;

    if ("OrderDetails".equals(entitySetName)) {
      int productID;
      if (entity.getProperty("OrderID") == null || entity.getProperty("ProductID") == null) {
        if (Commons.SEQUENCE.containsKey(entitySetName)) {
          productID = Commons.SEQUENCE.get(entitySetName) + 1;
          res = "OrderID=1" + ",ProductID=" + String.valueOf(productID);
        } else {
          throw new IOException(String.format("Unable to retrieve entity key value for %s", entitySetName));
      } else {
        productID = (Integer) entity.getProperty("OrderID").asPrimitive();
        res = "OrderID=" + entity.getProperty("OrderID").asPrimitive()
            + ",ProductID=" + entity.getProperty("ProductID").asPrimitive();
      Commons.SEQUENCE.put(entitySetName, productID);
    } else if ("Message".equals(entitySetName)) {
      int messageId;
      if (entity.getProperty("MessageId") == null || entity.getProperty("FromUsername") == null) {
        if (Commons.SEQUENCE.containsKey(entitySetName)) {
          messageId = Commons.SEQUENCE.get(entitySetName) + 1;
          res = "FromUsername=1" + ",MessageId=" + String.valueOf(messageId);
        } else {
          throw new IOException(String.format("Unable to retrieve entity key value for %s", entitySetName));
      } else {
        messageId = (Integer) entity.getProperty("MessageId").asPrimitive();
        res = "FromUsername=" + entity.getProperty("FromUsername").asPrimitive()
            + ",MessageId=" + entity.getProperty("MessageId").asPrimitive();
      Commons.SEQUENCE.put(entitySetName, messageId);
    } else if ("PersonDetails".equals(entitySetName)) {
      res = getDefaultEntryKey(entitySetName, entity, "PersonID");
    } else if ("Order".equals(entitySetName)) {
      res = getDefaultEntryKey(entitySetName, entity, "OrderId");
    } else if ("Product".equals(entitySetName)) {
      res = getDefaultEntryKey(entitySetName, entity, "ProductId");
    } else if ("Orders".equals(entitySetName)) {
      res = getDefaultEntryKey(entitySetName, entity, "OrderID");
    } else if ("Customer".equals(entitySetName)) {
      res = getDefaultEntryKey(entitySetName, entity, "CustomerId");
    } else if ("Customers".equals(entitySetName)) {
      res = getDefaultEntryKey(entitySetName, entity, "PersonID");
    } else if ("Person".equals(entitySetName)) {
      res = getDefaultEntryKey(entitySetName, entity, "PersonId");
    } else if ("ComputerDetail".equals(entitySetName)) {
      res = getDefaultEntryKey(entitySetName, entity, "ComputerDetailId");
    } else if ("AllGeoTypesSet".equals(entitySetName)) {
      res = getDefaultEntryKey(entitySetName, entity, "Id");
    } else if ("CustomerInfo".equals(entitySetName)) {
      res = getDefaultEntryKey(entitySetName, entity, "CustomerInfoId");
    } else if ("Car".equals(entitySetName)) {
      res = getDefaultEntryKey(entitySetName, entity, "VIN");
    } else if ("RowIndex".equals(entitySetName)) {
      res = getDefaultEntryKey(entitySetName, entity, "Id");
    } else if ("Login".equals(entitySetName)) {
      res = (String) entity.getProperty("Username").asPrimitive();
    } else if ("Products".equals(entitySetName)) {
      res = getDefaultEntryKey(entitySetName, entity, "ProductID");
    } else if ("ProductDetails".equals(entitySetName)) {
      int productId;
      int productDetailId;
      if (entity.getProperty("ProductID") == null || entity.getProperty("ProductDetailID") == null) {
        if (Commons.SEQUENCE.containsKey(entitySetName) && Commons.SEQUENCE.containsKey("Products")) {
          productId = Commons.SEQUENCE.get("Products") + 1;
          productDetailId = Commons.SEQUENCE.get(entitySetName) + 1;
          res = "ProductID=" + String.valueOf(productId) + ",ProductDetailID=" + String.valueOf(productDetailId);
        } else {
          throw new IOException(String.format("Unable to retrieve entity key value for %s", entitySetName));
        Commons.SEQUENCE.put(entitySetName, productDetailId);
      } else {
        productId = (Integer) entity.getProperty("ProductID").asPrimitive();
        productDetailId = (Integer) entity.getProperty("ProductDetailID").asPrimitive();
        res = "ProductID=" + entity.getProperty("ProductID").asPrimitive()
            + ",ProductDetailID=" + entity.getProperty("ProductDetailID").asPrimitive();
      Commons.SEQUENCE.put(entitySetName, productDetailId);
      Commons.SEQUENCE.put("Products", productId);
    } else if ("PaymentInstrument".equals(entitySetName)) {
      res = getDefaultEntryKey(entitySetName, entity, "PaymentInstrumentID");
    } else if ("Advertisements".equals(entitySetName)) {
      res = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
    } else if ("People".equals(entitySetName)) {
      res = getDefaultEntryKey(entitySetName, entity, "PersonID");
    } else {
      throw new IOException(String.format("EntitySet '%s' not found", entitySetName));

    return res;
  } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new NotFoundException(e);
Example 18
Source File:    From olingo-odata4 with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void derivedEntityESCompCollDerivedNullEmpty() throws Exception {
  final EdmEntitySet edmEntitySet = entityContainer.getEntitySet("ESCompCollDerived");
  final String payload = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n" + 
      "<a:entry xmlns:a=\"\" xmlns:m=\"\"\n" + 
      "xmlns:d=\"\" m:context=\"$metadata#ESCompCollDerived/$entity\"\n" +  
      "m:metadata-etag=\"W/&quot;1c2796fd-da13-4741-9da2-99cac365f296&quot;\">\n" + 
      "    <a:id>ESCompCollDerived(32767)</a:id>\n" + 
      "    <a:title/>\n" + 
      "    <a:summary/>\n" + 
      "    <a:updated>2017-07-18T13:18:13Z</a:updated>\n" + 
      "    <a:author>\n" + 
      "        <a:name/>\n" + 
      "    </a:author>\n" + 
      "    <a:link rel=\"edit\" href=\"ESCompCollDerived(32767)\"/>\n" + 
      "    <a:category scheme=\"\"\n" +
      "    term=\"#olingo.odata.test1.ETDeriveCollComp\"/>\n" + 
      "    <a:content type=\"application/xml\">\n" + 
      "        <m:properties>\n" + 
      "            <d:PropertyInt16 m:type=\"Int16\">32767</d:PropertyInt16>\n" + 
      "            <d:CollPropertyCompAno>\n" + 
      "                <m:element m:type=\"#olingo.odata.test1.CTBaseAno\">\n" + 
      "                    <d:PropertyString/>\n" + 
      "                   <d:AdditionalPropString/>\n" +
      "                </m:element>\n" + 
      "                <m:element  m:type=\"#olingo.odata.test1.CTBaseAno\">\n" + 
      "                </m:element>\n" + 
      "            </d:CollPropertyCompAno>\n" + 
      "        </m:properties>\n" + 
      "    </a:content>\n" + 
      "</a:entry>\n" ;

  Entity result = deserializer.entity(new ByteArrayInputStream(payload.getBytes()), 

  Assert.assertEquals(2, result.getProperties().size());
  Assert.assertEquals(0, result.getNavigationLinks().size());

  Property comp = result.getProperty("CollPropertyCompAno");
  Assert.assertEquals("Collection(olingo.odata.test1.CTTwoPrimAno)", comp.getType());
  List<? extends Object> cv = comp.asCollection();
  Assert.assertEquals(2, cv.size());
  for (Object arrayElement : cv) {

    assertTrue(arrayElement instanceof ComplexValue);
    List<Property> castedArrayElement = ((ComplexValue) arrayElement).getValue();
      assertEquals(2, castedArrayElement.size());
Example 19
Source File:    From olingo-odata4 with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void entityMixPrimCollComp() throws Exception {
  final EdmEntitySet edmEntitySet = entityContainer.getEntitySet("ESMixPrimCollComp");
  final String payload = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n" + 
      "<atom:entry xmlns:atom=\"\"\n" + 
      "  xmlns:metadata=\"\"\n" + 
      "  xmlns:data=\"\" \n" + 
      "  metadata:metadata-etag=\"WmetadataETag\">\n" + 
      "  <atom:category scheme=\"\"\n" + 
      "    term=\"#olingo.odata.test1.ETMixPrimCollComp\" />\n" + 
      "  <atom:content type=\"application/xml\">\n" + 
      "    <metadata:properties>\n" + 
      "      <data:PropertyInt16>32767</data:PropertyInt16>\n" + 
      "      <data:CollPropertyString type=\"#Collection(String)\">\n" + 
      "        <metadata:element>[email protected]</metadata:element>\n" + 
      "        <metadata:element>[email protected]</metadata:element>\n" + 
      "        <metadata:element>[email protected]</metadata:element>\n" + 
      "      </data:CollPropertyString>\n" + 
      "      <data:PropertyComp metadata:type=\"#olingo.odata.test1.CTTwoPrim\">\n" + 
      "        <data:PropertyInt16>111</data:PropertyInt16>\n" + 
      "        <data:PropertyString>TEST A</data:PropertyString>\n" + 
      "      </data:PropertyComp>\n" + 
      "       <data:CollPropertyComp metadata:type=\"#Collection(olingo.odata.test1.CTTwoPrim)\">\n" + 
      "          <metadata:element>\n" + 
      "            <data:PropertyInt16>123</data:PropertyInt16>\n" + 
      "            <data:PropertyString>TEST 1</data:PropertyString>\n" + 
      "          </metadata:element>\n" + 
      "          <metadata:element>\n" + 
      "            <data:PropertyInt16>456</data:PropertyInt16>\n" + 
      "            <data:PropertyString>TEST 2</data:PropertyString>\n" + 
      "          </metadata:element>\n" + 
      "          <metadata:element>\n" + 
      "            <data:PropertyInt16>789</data:PropertyInt16>\n" + 
      "            <data:PropertyString>TEST 3</data:PropertyString>\n" + 
      "          </metadata:element>\n" + 
      "        </data:CollPropertyComp>\n" + 
      "    </metadata:properties>\n" + 
      "  </atom:content>\n" + 

  Entity result = deserializer.entity(new ByteArrayInputStream(payload.getBytes()), 

  Assert.assertEquals(4, result.getProperties().size());
  Assert.assertEquals(0, result.getNavigationLinks().size());

  Assert.assertEquals(Arrays.asList("[email protected]", "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"), result.getProperty("CollPropertyString").getValue());

  Property comp = result.getProperty("PropertyComp");
  Assert.assertEquals("olingo.odata.test1.CTTwoPrim", comp.getType());
  ComplexValue cv = comp.asComplex();
  Assert.assertEquals(2, cv.getValue().size());
  Assert.assertEquals((short) 111, getCVProperty(cv, "PropertyInt16").asPrimitive());
  Assert.assertEquals("TEST A", getCVProperty(cv, "PropertyString").asPrimitive());
  comp = result.getProperty("CollPropertyComp");
  Assert.assertEquals("Collection(olingo.odata.test1.CTTwoPrim)", comp.getType());

  List<?> properties = comp.asCollection();
  Assert.assertEquals(3, properties.size());
  Assert.assertEquals((short) 123, getCVProperty((ComplexValue) properties.get(0), "PropertyInt16").asPrimitive());
  Assert.assertEquals("TEST 1", getCVProperty((ComplexValue) properties.get(0), "PropertyString").asPrimitive());

  Assert.assertEquals((short) 789, getCVProperty((ComplexValue) properties.get(2), "PropertyInt16").asPrimitive());
  Assert.assertEquals("TEST 3", getCVProperty((ComplexValue) properties.get(2), "PropertyString").asPrimitive());
Example 20
Source File:    From olingo-odata4 with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void derivedEntityMixPrimCollComp() throws Exception {
  final EdmEntitySet edmEntitySet = entityContainer.getEntitySet("ESMixPrimCollComp");
  final String payload = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n" + 
      "<atom:entry xmlns:atom=\"\"\n" + 
      "  xmlns:metadata=\"\"\n" + 
      "  xmlns:data=\"\" \n" + 
      "  metadata:metadata-etag=\"WmetadataETag\">\n" + 
      "  <atom:category scheme=\"\"\n" + 
      "    term=\"#olingo.odata.test1.ETMixPrimCollComp\" />\n" + 
      "  <atom:content type=\"application/xml\">\n" + 
      "    <metadata:properties>\n" + 
      "      <data:PropertyInt16>32767</data:PropertyInt16>\n" + 
      "      <data:CollPropertyString type=\"#Collection(String)\">\n" + 
      "        <metadata:element>[email protected]</metadata:element>\n" + 
      "        <metadata:element>[email protected]</metadata:element>\n" + 
      "        <metadata:element>[email protected]</metadata:element>\n" + 
      "      </data:CollPropertyString>\n" + 
      "      <data:PropertyComp metadata:type=\"#olingo.odata.test1.CTBase\">\n" + 
      "        <data:PropertyInt16>111</data:PropertyInt16>\n" + 
      "        <data:PropertyString>TEST A</data:PropertyString>\n" + 
      "        <data:AdditionalPropString>Additional</data:AdditionalPropString>\n" + 
      "      </data:PropertyComp>\n" + 
      "       <data:CollPropertyComp metadata:type=\"#Collection(olingo.odata.test1.CTTwoPrim)\">\n" + 
      "          <metadata:element  metadata:type=\"olingo.odata.test1.CTBase\">\n" + 
      "            <data:PropertyInt16>123</data:PropertyInt16>\n" + 
      "            <data:PropertyString>TEST 1</data:PropertyString>\n" + 
      "            <data:AdditionalPropString>Additional test</data:AdditionalPropString>\n" + 
      "          </metadata:element>\n" + 
      "          <metadata:element>\n" + 
      "            <data:PropertyInt16>456</data:PropertyInt16>\n" + 
      "            <data:PropertyString>TEST 2</data:PropertyString>\n" + 
      "          </metadata:element>\n" + 
      "          <metadata:element>\n" + 
      "            <data:PropertyInt16>789</data:PropertyInt16>\n" + 
      "            <data:PropertyString>TEST 3</data:PropertyString>\n" + 
      "          </metadata:element>\n" + 
      "        </data:CollPropertyComp>\n" + 
      "    </metadata:properties>\n" + 
      "  </atom:content>\n" + 

  Entity result = deserializer.entity(new ByteArrayInputStream(payload.getBytes()), 

  Assert.assertEquals(4, result.getProperties().size());
  Assert.assertEquals(0, result.getNavigationLinks().size());

  Assert.assertEquals(Arrays.asList("[email protected]", "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"), result.getProperty("CollPropertyString").getValue());

  Property comp = result.getProperty("PropertyComp");
  Assert.assertEquals("olingo.odata.test1.CTBase", comp.getType());
  ComplexValue cv = comp.asComplex();
  Assert.assertEquals(3, cv.getValue().size());
  Assert.assertEquals((short) 111, getCVProperty(cv, "PropertyInt16").asPrimitive());
  Assert.assertEquals("TEST A", getCVProperty(cv, "PropertyString").asPrimitive());
  Assert.assertEquals("Additional", getCVProperty(cv, "AdditionalPropString").asPrimitive());
  comp = result.getProperty("CollPropertyComp");
  Assert.assertEquals("Collection(olingo.odata.test1.CTTwoPrim)", comp.getType());

  List<?> properties = comp.asCollection();
  Assert.assertEquals(3, properties.size());
  Assert.assertEquals((short) 123, getCVProperty((ComplexValue) properties.get(0), "PropertyInt16").asPrimitive());
  Assert.assertEquals("TEST 1", getCVProperty((ComplexValue) properties.get(0), "PropertyString").asPrimitive());
  Assert.assertEquals("Additional test", getCVProperty((ComplexValue) properties.get(0), "AdditionalPropString")

  Assert.assertEquals((short) 789, getCVProperty((ComplexValue) properties.get(2), "PropertyInt16").asPrimitive());
  Assert.assertEquals("TEST 3", getCVProperty((ComplexValue) properties.get(2), "PropertyString").asPrimitive());