Java Code Examples for org.apache.helix.model.StateModelDefinition#getStateCountMap()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.helix.model.StateModelDefinition#getStateCountMap() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void validateMap(String resource, String partition, int replica,
    Map<String, String> instanceStateMap, StateModelDefinition stateModelDef) {
  if (instanceStateMap == null || instanceStateMap.isEmpty()) {
    _testSuccess = false;
        String.format("Resource %s partition %s has no active replica!", resource, partition));
  if (instanceStateMap.size() < replica) {
    _testSuccess = false;
        String.format("Resource %s partition %s has %d active replica, less than required %d!",
            resource, partition, instanceStateMap.size(), replica));

  Map<String, Integer> stateCountMap = stateModelDef.getStateCountMap(NUM_NODE, replica);
  String topState = stateModelDef.getStatesPriorityList().get(0);
  if (stateCountMap.get(topState) == 1) {
    int topCount = 0;
    for (String val : instanceStateMap.values()) {
      if (topState.equals(val)) {
    if (topCount > 1) {
      _testSuccess = false;"Resource %s partition %s has %d replica in %s, more than 1!",
          resource, partition, topCount, topState));
Example 2
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Validate there should be always minimal active replica and top state replica for each
 * partition.
 * Also make sure there is always some partitions with only active replica count.
protected void validateMinActiveAndTopStateReplica(IdealState is, ExternalView ev,
    int minActiveReplica, int numNodes) {
  StateModelDefinition stateModelDef =
  String topState = stateModelDef.getStatesPriorityList().get(0);
  int replica = Integer.valueOf(is.getReplicas());

  Map<String, Integer> stateCount = stateModelDef.getStateCountMap(numNodes, replica);
  Set<String> activeStates = stateCount.keySet();

  for (String partition : is.getPartitionSet()) {
    Map<String, String> assignmentMap = ev.getRecord().getMapField(partition);
        is.getResourceName() + "'s best possible assignment is null for partition " + partition);
        is.getResourceName() + "'s partition " + partition + " has no best possible map in IS.");

    boolean hasTopState = false;
    int activeReplica = 0;
    for (String state : assignmentMap.values()) {
      if (topState.equalsIgnoreCase(state)) {
        hasTopState = true;
      if (activeStates.contains(state)) {

    if (activeReplica < minActiveReplica) {
      int a = 0;

    Assert.assertTrue(hasTopState, String.format("%s missing %s replica", partition, topState));
    Assert.assertTrue(activeReplica >= minActiveReplica,
        String.format("%s has less active replica %d then required %d", partition, activeReplica,
Example 3
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * For a partition, given its preferenceList, bestPossibleState, and currentState, determine which
 * type of rebalance is needed to model IdealState's states defined by the state model definition.
 * @return RebalanceType needed to bring the replicas to idea states
 *         RECOVERY_BALANCE - not all required states (replicas) are available through all
 *         replicas, or the partition is disabled
 *         NONE - current state matches the ideal state
 *         LOAD_BALANCE - although all replicas required exist, Helix needs to optimize the
 *         allocation
private RebalanceType getRebalanceType(ResourceControllerDataProvider cache,
    Map<String, String> bestPossibleMap, List<String> preferenceList,
    StateModelDefinition stateModelDef, Map<String, String> currentStateMap,
    IdealState idealState, String partitionName) {
  if (preferenceList == null) {
    preferenceList = Collections.emptyList();

  // If there is a minimum active replica number specified in IS, we should respect it.
  // TODO: We should implement the per replica level throttling with generated message
  // Issue:
  int replica = idealState.getMinActiveReplicas() == -1
      ? idealState.getReplicaCount(preferenceList.size())
      : idealState.getMinActiveReplicas();
  Set<String> activeList = new HashSet<>(preferenceList);

  // For each state, check that this partition currently has the required number of that state as
  // required by StateModelDefinition.
  LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> expectedStateCountMap =
      stateModelDef.getStateCountMap(activeList.size(), replica); // StateModelDefinition's counts
  // Current counts without disabled partitions or disabled instances
  Map<String, String> currentStateMapWithoutDisabled = new HashMap<>(currentStateMap);
      cache.getDisabledInstancesForPartition(idealState.getResourceName(), partitionName));
  Map<String, Integer> currentStateCounts =

  // Go through each state and compare counts
  for (String state : expectedStateCountMap.keySet()) {
    Integer expectedCount = expectedStateCountMap.get(state);
    Integer currentCount = currentStateCounts.get(state);
    expectedCount = expectedCount == null ? 0 : expectedCount;
    currentCount = currentCount == null ? 0 : currentCount;

    // If counts do not match up, this partition requires recovery
    if (currentCount < expectedCount) {
      // Recovery is not needed in cases where this partition just started, was dropped, or is in
      // error
      if (!state.equals(
          && !state.equals(
          && !state.equals(stateModelDef.getInitialState())) {
        return RebalanceType.RECOVERY_BALANCE;
  // No recovery needed, all expected replicas exist
  // Check if this partition is actually in the BestPossibleState
  if (currentStateMap.equals(bestPossibleMap)) {
    return RebalanceType.NONE; // No further action required
  } else {
    return RebalanceType.LOAD_BALANCE; // Required state counts are satisfied, but in order to
    // achieve BestPossibleState, load balance may be required
    // to shift replicas around
Example 4
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public IdealState computeNewIdealState(String resourceName,
    IdealState currentIdealState, CurrentStateOutput currentStateOutput,
    ResourceControllerDataProvider clusterData) {

  IdealState cachedIdealState = getCachedIdealState(resourceName, clusterData);
  if (cachedIdealState != null) {
    LOG.debug("Use cached IdealState for " + resourceName);
    return cachedIdealState;
  }"Computing IdealState for " + resourceName);

  List<String> partitions = getStablePartitionList(clusterData, currentIdealState);
  String stateModelName = currentIdealState.getStateModelDefRef();
  StateModelDefinition stateModelDef = clusterData.getStateModelDef(stateModelName);
  if (stateModelDef == null) {
    LOG.error("State Model Definition null for resource: " + resourceName);
    throw new HelixException("State Model Definition null for resource: " + resourceName);
  Map<String, LiveInstance> liveInstance = clusterData.getLiveInstances();
  int replicas = currentIdealState.getReplicaCount(liveInstance.size());

  LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> stateCountMap = stateModelDef
      .getStateCountMap(liveInstance.size(), replicas);
  List<String> liveNodes = new ArrayList<>(liveInstance.keySet());
  List<String> allNodes = new ArrayList<>(clusterData.getAllInstances());

  Map<String, Map<String, String>> currentMapping =
      currentMapping(currentStateOutput, resourceName, partitions, stateCountMap);

  // If there are nodes tagged with resource name, use only those nodes
  Set<String> taggedNodes = new HashSet<String>();
  Set<String> taggedLiveNodes = new HashSet<String>();
  if (currentIdealState.getInstanceGroupTag() != null) {
    for (String instanceName : allNodes) {
      if (clusterData.getInstanceConfigMap().get(instanceName)
          .containsTag(currentIdealState.getInstanceGroupTag())) {
        if (liveInstance.containsKey(instanceName)) {
    if (!taggedLiveNodes.isEmpty()) {
      // live nodes exist that have this tag
      if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"found the following participants with tag "
            + currentIdealState.getInstanceGroupTag() + " for " + resourceName + ": "
            + taggedLiveNodes);
    } else if (taggedNodes.isEmpty()) {
      // no live nodes and no configured nodes have this tag
      LOG.warn("Resource " + resourceName + " has tag " + currentIdealState.getInstanceGroupTag()
          + " but no configured participants have this tag");
    } else {
      // configured nodes have this tag, but no live nodes have this tag
      LOG.warn("Resource " + resourceName + " has tag " + currentIdealState.getInstanceGroupTag()
          + " but no live participants have this tag");
    allNodes = new ArrayList<>(taggedNodes);
    liveNodes = new ArrayList<>(taggedLiveNodes);

  // sort node lists to ensure consistent preferred assignments

  int maxPartition = currentIdealState.getMaxPartitionsPerInstance();
  _rebalanceStrategy =
      getRebalanceStrategy(currentIdealState.getRebalanceStrategy(), partitions, resourceName,
          stateCountMap, maxPartition);
  ZNRecord newMapping = _rebalanceStrategy
      .computePartitionAssignment(allNodes, liveNodes, currentMapping, clusterData);

  if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
    LOG.debug("currentMapping: " + currentMapping);
    LOG.debug("stateCountMap: " + stateCountMap);
    LOG.debug("liveNodes: " + liveNodes);
    LOG.debug("allNodes: " + allNodes);
    LOG.debug("maxPartition: " + maxPartition);
    LOG.debug("newMapping: " + newMapping);

  IdealState newIdealState = new IdealState(resourceName);

  return newIdealState;
Example 5
Source File:    From helix with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private Map<String, String> computePartitionHealth(String clusterId, String resourceName) {
  HelixAdmin admin = getHelixAdmin();
  IdealState idealState = admin.getResourceIdealState(clusterId, resourceName);
  ExternalView externalView = admin.getResourceExternalView(clusterId, resourceName);
  StateModelDefinition stateModelDef =
      admin.getStateModelDef(clusterId, idealState.getStateModelDefRef());
  String initialState = stateModelDef.getInitialState();
  List<String> statesPriorityList = stateModelDef.getStatesPriorityList();
  statesPriorityList = statesPriorityList.subList(0, statesPriorityList.indexOf(initialState)); // Trim
                                                                                                // stateList
                                                                                                // to
                                                                                                // initialState
                                                                                                // and
                                                                                                // above
  int minActiveReplicas = idealState.getMinActiveReplicas();

  // Start the logic that determines the health status of each partition
  Map<String, String> partitionHealthResult = new HashMap<>();
  Set<String> allPartitionNames = idealState.getPartitionSet();
  if (!allPartitionNames.isEmpty()) {
    for (String partitionName : allPartitionNames) {
      int replicaCount =
      // Simplify expectedStateCountMap by assuming that all instances are available to reduce
      // computation load on this REST endpoint
      LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> expectedStateCountMap =
          stateModelDef.getStateCountMap(replicaCount, replicaCount);
      // Extract all states into Collections from ExternalView
      Map<String, String> stateMapInExternalView = externalView.getStateMap(partitionName);
      Collection<String> allReplicaStatesInExternalView =
          (stateMapInExternalView != null && !stateMapInExternalView.isEmpty())
              ? stateMapInExternalView.values()
              : Collections.<String> emptyList();
      int numActiveReplicasInExternalView = 0;
      HealthStatus status = HealthStatus.HEALTHY;

      // Go through all states that are "active" states (higher priority than InitialState)
      for (int statePriorityIndex = 0; statePriorityIndex < statesPriorityList
          .size(); statePriorityIndex++) {
        String currentState = statesPriorityList.get(statePriorityIndex);
        int currentStateCountInIdealState = expectedStateCountMap.get(currentState);
        int currentStateCountInExternalView =
            Collections.frequency(allReplicaStatesInExternalView, currentState);
        numActiveReplicasInExternalView += currentStateCountInExternalView;
        // Top state counts must match, if not, unhealthy
        if (statePriorityIndex == 0
            && currentStateCountInExternalView != currentStateCountInIdealState) {
          status = HealthStatus.UNHEALTHY;
        } else if (currentStateCountInExternalView < currentStateCountInIdealState) {
          // For non-top states, if count in ExternalView is less than count in IdealState,
          // partially healthy
          status = HealthStatus.PARTIAL_HEALTHY;
      if (numActiveReplicasInExternalView < minActiveReplicas) {
        // If this partition does not satisfy the number of minimum active replicas, unhealthy
        status = HealthStatus.UNHEALTHY;
  return partitionHealthResult;