Java Code Examples for

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Example 1
Source File:    From wildfly-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Updates the model based on the operation.
 * @param context   the operation context
 * @param operation the operation being executed
 * @param model     the model to update
 * @throws OperationFailedException if a processing error occurs
public void updateModel(final OperationContext context, final ModelNode operation, final ModelNode model) throws OperationFailedException {
    final Resource resource = context.readResourceForUpdate(PathAddress.EMPTY_ADDRESS);
    final ModelNode submodel = resource.getModel();
    for (AttributeDefinition attribute : attributes) {
        final String attributeName = attribute.getName();
        final ModelNode currentValue = submodel.get(attributeName).clone();
        // Filter attribute needs to be converted to filter spec
        if (CommonAttributes.FILTER.equals(attribute)) {
            final ModelNode filter = CommonAttributes.FILTER.validateOperation(operation);
            if (filter.isDefined()) {
                final String value = Filters.filterToFilterSpec(filter);
                model.get(LoggerAttributes.FILTER_SPEC.getName()).set(value.isEmpty() ? new ModelNode() : new ModelNode(value));
        } else {
            // Only update the model for attributes that are defined in the operation
            if (operation.has(attribute.getName())) {
                attribute.validateAndSet(operation, model);
        final ModelNode newValue = model.get(attributeName).clone();
        recordCapabilitiesAndRequirements(context, resource, attribute, newValue, currentValue);
Example 2
Source File:    From wildfly-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 6 votes vote down vote up
private void validateAndSet(final AttributeDefinition definition, final ModelNode operation, final ModelNode subModel) throws OperationFailedException {
    final String attributeName = definition.getName();
    final boolean has = operation.has(attributeName);
    if(! has && definition.isRequired(operation)) {
        throw ControllerLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.required(attributeName);
    if(has) {
        if(! definition.isAllowed(operation)) {
            throw new OperationFailedException(ControllerLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.invalid(attributeName));
        definition.validateAndSet(operation, subModel);
    } else {
        // create the undefined node
Example 3
Source File:    From wildfly-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 6 votes vote down vote up
protected void validateAndSet(final AttributeDefinition definition, final ModelNode operation, final ModelNode subModel) throws OperationFailedException {
    final String attributeName = definition.getName();
    final boolean has = operation.has(attributeName);
    if(! has && definition.isRequired(operation)) {
        throw ControllerLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.required(attributeName);
    if(has) {
        if(! definition.isAllowed(operation)) {
            throw new OperationFailedException(ControllerLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.invalid(attributeName));
        definition.validateAndSet(operation, subModel);
    } else {
        // create the undefined node
Example 4
Source File:    From wildfly-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 6 votes vote down vote up
private ModelNode readObjectAttributeAsFeature(final ImmutableManagementResourceRegistration registration, ObjectTypeAttributeDefinition attrDef,
        ModelNode idParams, Set<String> idParamNames, ModelNode objectValue, boolean nest) {
    final ModelNode featureNode = new ModelNode();
    featureNode.get(SPEC).set(registration.getFeature() + '.' + attrDef.getName());

    if(!nest) {

    final ModelNode params = featureNode.get(PARAMS);
    final AttributeDefinition[] attrs = attrDef.getValueTypes();
    for(AttributeDefinition attr : attrs) {
        String attrName = attr.getName();
        if(!objectValue.hasDefined(attrName)) {
        final ModelNode attrValue = objectValue.get(attrName);
        if(idParamNames.contains(attrName)) {
            attrName += "-feature";
    return featureNode;
Example 5
Source File:    From wildfly-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 6 votes vote down vote up
static ParameterValidator createNestedParamValidator() {
    return new ModelTypeValidator(ModelType.OBJECT, true, false, true) {
        public void validateParameter(final String parameterName, final ModelNode value) throws OperationFailedException {
            super.validateParameter(parameterName, value);

            for (final AttributeDefinition def : NESTED_ATTRIBUTES) {
                final String name = def.getName();
                if (value.hasDefined(name)) {
                    final ModelNode v = value.get(name);
                    if (NESTED_LIST_ATTRIBUTES.contains(def)) {
                        if (ModelType.LIST != v.getType()) {
                            throw new OperationFailedException(ControllerLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.invalidType(v.getType()));
                    } else {
                        def.getValidator().validateParameter(name, v);
Example 6
Source File:    From wildfly-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 6 votes vote down vote up
protected void performRemove(OperationContext context, ModelNode operation, ModelNode model) throws OperationFailedException {
    // For any attribute that is defined in the parent resource, add an immediate 'write-attribute'
    // step against the parent to undefine it
    PathAddress parentAddress = context.getCurrentAddress().getParent();
    ModelNode parentModel = context.readResourceFromRoot(parentAddress, false).getModel();
    OperationStepHandler writeHandler = null;
    ModelNode baseWriteOp = null;
    for (AttributeDefinition ad : RemotingEndpointResource.ATTRIBUTES.values()) {
        String attr = ad.getName();
        if (parentModel.hasDefined(attr)) {
            if (writeHandler == null) {
                writeHandler = context.getRootResourceRegistration().getOperationHandler(parentAddress, WRITE_ATTRIBUTE_OPERATION);
                baseWriteOp = Util.createEmptyOperation(WRITE_ATTRIBUTE_OPERATION, parentAddress);
            ModelNode writeOp = baseWriteOp.clone();
            writeOp.get(VALUE).set(new ModelNode());
            context.addStep(writeOp, writeHandler, OperationContext.Stage.MODEL, true);
Example 7
Source File:    From wildfly-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 6 votes vote down vote up
protected void populateModel(OperationContext context, ModelNode operation, Resource resource) throws OperationFailedException {

    // For any attribute where the value in 'operation' differs from the model in the
    // parent resource, add an immediate 'write-attribute' step against the parent
    PathAddress parentAddress = context.getCurrentAddress().getParent();
    ModelNode parentModel = context.readResourceFromRoot(parentAddress, false).getModel();
    OperationStepHandler writeHandler = null;
    ModelNode baseWriteOp = null;
    for (AttributeDefinition ad : RemotingEndpointResource.ATTRIBUTES.values()) {
        String attr = ad.getName();
        ModelNode parentVal = parentModel.get(attr);
        ModelNode opVal = operation.has(attr) ? operation.get(attr) : new ModelNode();
        if (!parentVal.equals(opVal)) {
            if (writeHandler == null) {
                writeHandler = context.getRootResourceRegistration().getOperationHandler(parentAddress, WRITE_ATTRIBUTE_OPERATION);
                baseWriteOp = Util.createEmptyOperation(WRITE_ATTRIBUTE_OPERATION, parentAddress);
            ModelNode writeOp = baseWriteOp.clone();
            context.addStep(writeOp, writeHandler, OperationContext.Stage.MODEL, true);
Example 8
Source File:    From wildfly-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 6 votes vote down vote up
protected void executeRuntimeStep(final OperationContext context, final ModelNode operation) throws OperationFailedException {
    String principalName = IDENTITY.resolveModelAttribute(context, operation).asString();
    ModifiableRealmIdentity realmIdentity = getRealmIdentity(context, principalName);
    List<Credential> passwords = new ArrayList<>();

    try {
        for (AttributeDefinition passwordDef : SUPPORTED_PASSWORDS) {
            String passwordType = passwordDef.getName();
            if (operation.hasDefined(passwordType)) {
                passwords.add(new PasswordCredential(createPassword(context, principalName, passwordType, operation.get(passwordType))));
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeySpecException | RealmUnavailableException e) {
        throw ROOT_LOGGER.couldNotCreatePassword(e);
Example 9
Source File:    From wildfly-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
public TransformedOperation transformOperation(TransformationContext context, PathAddress address, ModelNode operation) throws OperationFailedException {
    ModelNode transformed;
    ModelNode trimmedAdd = null;
    ModelNode endPointAdd = null;
    for (AttributeDefinition ad : RemotingEndpointResource.ATTRIBUTES.values()) {
        String adName = ad.getName();
        if (operation.hasDefined(adName)) {
            if (endPointAdd == null) {
                trimmedAdd = operation.clone();
                PathAddress endpointAddress = address.append(RemotingEndpointResource.ENDPOINT_PATH);
                endPointAdd = Util.createEmptyOperation(operation.get(OP).asString(), endpointAddress);
    if (endPointAdd != null) {
        transformed = Util.createEmptyOperation(COMPOSITE, PathAddress.EMPTY_ADDRESS);
        ModelNode steps = transformed.get(STEPS);
    } else {
        transformed = operation;
    return new TransformedOperation(transformed, OperationResultTransformer.ORIGINAL_RESULT);
Example 10
Source File:    From wildfly-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
public void validateParameter(final String parameterName, final ModelNode value) throws OperationFailedException {
    super.validateParameter(parameterName, value);
    if (value.isDefined()) {
        for (AttributeDefinition ad : allowedValues.values()) {
            String key = ad.getName();
            // Don't modify the value by calls to get(), because that's best in general.
            // Plus modifying it results in an irrelevant test failure in full where the test
            // isn't expecting the modification and complains.
            // Changing the test is too much trouble.
            ModelNode toTest = value.has(key) ? value.get(key) : new ModelNode();
            ad.getValidator().validateParameter(key, toTest);
Example 11
Source File:    From wildfly-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
private void addManagementAuthorization(ModelNodeList updates) {
    ModelNode domainConfig = domainModel.get(CORE_SERVICE, MANAGEMENT, ACCESS, AUTHORIZATION);
    if (domainConfig.isDefined()) {
        ModelNode baseAddress = new ModelNode();
        baseAddress.add(CORE_SERVICE, MANAGEMENT);
        baseAddress.add(ACCESS, AUTHORIZATION);

        if (domainConfig.hasDefined(PROVIDER)) {
            ModelNode providerOp = Util.getWriteAttributeOperation(baseAddress, PROVIDER, domainConfig.get(PROVIDER));

        addRoleMappings(domainConfig, baseAddress, updates);
        convertSimpleResources(domainConfig, SERVER_GROUP_SCOPED_ROLE, baseAddress, updates);
        convertSimpleResources(domainConfig, HOST_SCOPED_ROLE, baseAddress, updates);
        if (domainConfig.hasDefined(CONSTRAINT)) {
            ModelNode constraints = domainConfig.get(CONSTRAINT);
            if (constraints.hasDefined(APPLICATION_CLASSIFICATION)) {
                convertApplicationClassificationConstraints(constraints.get(APPLICATION_CLASSIFICATION), baseAddress, updates);
            if (constraints.hasDefined(SENSITIVITY_CLASSIFICATION)) {
                convertSensitivityClassificationConstraints(constraints.get(SENSITIVITY_CLASSIFICATION), baseAddress, updates);
            if (constraints.hasDefined(VAULT_EXPRESSION)) {
                ModelNode address = baseAddress.clone().add(CONSTRAINT, VAULT_EXPRESSION);
                ModelNode ve = constraints.get(VAULT_EXPRESSION);
                // No add for this one; need to write attributes
                for (AttributeDefinition ad : SensitivityResourceDefinition.getWritableVaultAttributeDefinitions()) {
                    String attr = ad.getName();
                    if (ve.hasDefined(attr)) {
                        updates.add(Util.getWriteAttributeOperation(address, attr, ve.get(attr)));
Example 12
Source File:    From wildfly-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
public void execute(final OperationContext context, final ModelNode ignored) throws OperationFailedException {
    final Resource resource = context.readResource(PathAddress.EMPTY_ADDRESS);
    final ModelNode model = resource.getModel();
    for(final AttributeDefinition definition : InterfaceDefinition.ROOT_ATTRIBUTES) {
        final String attributeName = definition.getName();
        final boolean has = model.hasDefined(attributeName);
        if(! has && isRequired(definition, model)) {
            throw ControllerLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.required(attributeName);
        if(has) {
            // Just ignore 'false'
            if(definition.getType() == ModelType.BOOLEAN && ! model.get(attributeName).asBoolean()) {
            if(! isAllowed(definition, model)) {
                // TODO probably move this into AttributeDefinition
                String[] alts = definition.getAlternatives();
                StringBuilder sb = null;
                if (alts != null) {
                    for (String alt : alts) {
                        if (model.hasDefined(alt)) {
                            if (sb == null) {
                                sb = new StringBuilder();
                            } else {
                                sb.append(", ");
                throw new OperationFailedException(ControllerLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.invalidAttributeCombo(attributeName, sb));
Example 13
Source File:    From wildfly-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
public static void setup() {
    for (AttributeDefinition attribute : StructuredFormatterResourceDefinition.KEY_OVERRIDES.getValueTypes()) {
        final String key = attribute.getName();
        TEST_KEY_OVERRIDES.put(key, convertKey(key));
    EXPECTED_META_DATA.put("key1", "value1");
    EXPECTED_META_DATA.put("key2", "value2");
    EXPECTED_META_DATA.put("key3", null);
Example 14
Source File:    From wildfly-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
public DiskUsagePathResourceDescriptionResolver(final String operationName, List<AttributeDefinition> replyParameters) {
    super(FILESYSTEM, ControllerResolver.RESOURCE_NAME, ResolvePathHandler.class.getClassLoader(), false, false);
    this.operationName = operationName;
    Set<String> set = new HashSet<>();
    for (AttributeDefinition replyParameter : replyParameters) {
        String name = replyParameter.getName();
    replyParameterKeys = set;
Example 15
Source File:    From wildfly-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
private void storeAttribute(AttributeDefinition definition, AttributeAccess aa) {
    String attributeName = definition.getName();
    try {
        if (attributes.containsKey(attributeName)) {
            throw alreadyRegistered("attribute", attributeName);
        attributes.put(attributeName, aa);
    } finally {
Example 16
Source File:    From wildfly-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
public void registerReadWriteAttribute(final AttributeDefinition definition, final OperationStepHandler readHandler, final OperationStepHandler writeHandler) {
    final String attributeName = definition.getName();
    AttributeAccess.Storage storage = definition.getImmutableFlags().contains(AttributeAccess.Flag.STORAGE_RUNTIME) ? AttributeAccess.Storage.RUNTIME : AttributeAccess.Storage.CONFIGURATION;
    AttributeAccess aa = new AttributeAccess(AttributeAccess.AccessType.READ_WRITE, storage, readHandler, writeHandler, definition);
    if (attributesUpdater.putIfAbsent(this, attributeName, aa) != null) {
        throw alreadyRegistered("attribute", attributeName);
Example 17
Source File:    From wildfly-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
public void registerReadOnlyAttribute(final AttributeDefinition definition, final OperationStepHandler readHandler) {
    final String attributeName = definition.getName();
    AttributeAccess.Storage storage = definition.getImmutableFlags().contains(AttributeAccess.Flag.STORAGE_RUNTIME) ? AttributeAccess.Storage.RUNTIME : AttributeAccess.Storage.CONFIGURATION;
    AttributeAccess aa = new AttributeAccess(AttributeAccess.AccessType.READ_ONLY, storage, readHandler, null, definition);
    if (attributesUpdater.putIfAbsent(this, attributeName, aa) != null) {
        throw alreadyRegistered("attribute", attributeName);
Example 18
Source File:    From wildfly-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 4 votes vote down vote up
protected String getAttributeName(AttributeDefinition attr) {
    return attr.getName();