Java Code Examples for org.opencv.core.Core#circle()

The following examples show how to use org.opencv.core.Core#circle() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From OpenTLDAndroid with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static void drawPoints(Mat image, final Point[] points, final Size scale, final Scalar colour){
	if(points != null){
		for(Point point : points){, scaleUp(point, scale), 2, colour);
Example 2
Source File:    From ShootOFF with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private Optional<MatOfPoint2f> estimatePatternRect(Mat traceMat, MatOfPoint2f boardRect) {

		// We use this to calculate the angle
		final RotatedRect boardBox = Imgproc.minAreaRect(boardRect);
		final double boardBoxAngle = boardBox.size.height > boardBox.size.width ? 90.0 + boardBox.angle
				: boardBox.angle;

		// This is the board corners with the angle eliminated
		final Mat unRotMat = getRotationMatrix(massCenterMatOfPoint2f(boardRect), boardBoxAngle);
		final MatOfPoint2f unRotatedRect = rotateRect(unRotMat, boardRect);

		// This is the estimated projection area that has minimum angle (Not
		// rotated)
		final MatOfPoint2f estimatedPatternSizeRect = estimateFullPatternSize(unRotatedRect);

		// This is what we'll use as the transformation target and bounds given
		// back to the cameramanager
		boundsRect = Imgproc.minAreaRect(estimatedPatternSizeRect);

		if (boundsRect.boundingRect().x < 0 || boundsRect.boundingRect().y < 0 ||
			boundsRect.boundingRect().y+boundsRect.boundingRect().height >= ||
			boundsRect.boundingRect().x+boundsRect.boundingRect().width >=
			logger.debug("Pattern found but autocalibration failed--Cannot dedistort within camera bounds, make sure the projector area is a perfect rectangle and try again");
			return Optional.empty();

		// We now rotate the estimation back to the original angle to use for
		// transformation source
		final Mat rotMat = getRotationMatrix(massCenterMatOfPoint2f(estimatedPatternSizeRect), -boardBoxAngle);

		final MatOfPoint2f rotatedPatternSizeRect = rotateRect(rotMat, estimatedPatternSizeRect);

		if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
			logger.trace("center {} angle {} width {} height {}",, boardBoxAngle, boardBox.size.width,

			logger.debug("boundsRect {} {} {} {}", boundsRect.boundingRect().x, boundsRect.boundingRect().y,
					boundsRect.boundingRect().x + boundsRect.boundingRect().width,
					boundsRect.boundingRect().y + boundsRect.boundingRect().height);, new Point(boardRect.get(0, 0)[0], boardRect.get(0, 0)[1]), 1, new Scalar(255, 0, 0),
					-1);, new Point(boardRect.get(1, 0)[0], boardRect.get(1, 0)[1]), 1, new Scalar(255, 0, 0),
					-1);, new Point(boardRect.get(2, 0)[0], boardRect.get(2, 0)[1]), 1, new Scalar(255, 0, 0),
					-1);, new Point(boardRect.get(3, 0)[0], boardRect.get(3, 0)[1]), 1, new Scalar(255, 0, 0),

			Core.line(traceMat, new Point(unRotatedRect.get(0, 0)[0], unRotatedRect.get(0, 0)[1]),
					new Point(unRotatedRect.get(1, 0)[0], unRotatedRect.get(1, 0)[1]), new Scalar(0, 255, 0));
			Core.line(traceMat, new Point(unRotatedRect.get(1, 0)[0], unRotatedRect.get(1, 0)[1]),
					new Point(unRotatedRect.get(2, 0)[0], unRotatedRect.get(2, 0)[1]), new Scalar(0, 255, 0));
			Core.line(traceMat, new Point(unRotatedRect.get(3, 0)[0], unRotatedRect.get(3, 0)[1]),
					new Point(unRotatedRect.get(2, 0)[0], unRotatedRect.get(2, 0)[1]), new Scalar(0, 255, 0));
			Core.line(traceMat, new Point(unRotatedRect.get(3, 0)[0], unRotatedRect.get(3, 0)[1]),
					new Point(unRotatedRect.get(0, 0)[0], unRotatedRect.get(0, 0)[1]), new Scalar(0, 255, 0));

			Core.line(traceMat, new Point(estimatedPatternSizeRect.get(0, 0)[0], estimatedPatternSizeRect.get(0, 0)[1]),
					new Point(estimatedPatternSizeRect.get(1, 0)[0], estimatedPatternSizeRect.get(1, 0)[1]),
					new Scalar(255, 255, 0));
			Core.line(traceMat, new Point(estimatedPatternSizeRect.get(1, 0)[0], estimatedPatternSizeRect.get(1, 0)[1]),
					new Point(estimatedPatternSizeRect.get(2, 0)[0], estimatedPatternSizeRect.get(2, 0)[1]),
					new Scalar(255, 255, 0));
			Core.line(traceMat, new Point(estimatedPatternSizeRect.get(3, 0)[0], estimatedPatternSizeRect.get(3, 0)[1]),
					new Point(estimatedPatternSizeRect.get(2, 0)[0], estimatedPatternSizeRect.get(2, 0)[1]),
					new Scalar(255, 255, 0));
			Core.line(traceMat, new Point(estimatedPatternSizeRect.get(3, 0)[0], estimatedPatternSizeRect.get(3, 0)[1]),
					new Point(estimatedPatternSizeRect.get(0, 0)[0], estimatedPatternSizeRect.get(0, 0)[1]),
					new Scalar(255, 255, 0));

			Core.line(traceMat, new Point(rotatedPatternSizeRect.get(0, 0)[0], rotatedPatternSizeRect.get(0, 0)[1]),
					new Point(rotatedPatternSizeRect.get(1, 0)[0], rotatedPatternSizeRect.get(1, 0)[1]),
					new Scalar(255, 255, 0));
			Core.line(traceMat, new Point(rotatedPatternSizeRect.get(1, 0)[0], rotatedPatternSizeRect.get(1, 0)[1]),
					new Point(rotatedPatternSizeRect.get(2, 0)[0], rotatedPatternSizeRect.get(2, 0)[1]),
					new Scalar(255, 255, 0));
			Core.line(traceMat, new Point(rotatedPatternSizeRect.get(3, 0)[0], rotatedPatternSizeRect.get(3, 0)[1]),
					new Point(rotatedPatternSizeRect.get(2, 0)[0], rotatedPatternSizeRect.get(2, 0)[1]),
					new Scalar(255, 255, 0));
			Core.line(traceMat, new Point(rotatedPatternSizeRect.get(3, 0)[0], rotatedPatternSizeRect.get(3, 0)[1]),
					new Point(rotatedPatternSizeRect.get(0, 0)[0], rotatedPatternSizeRect.get(0, 0)[1]),
					new Scalar(255, 255, 0));

		return Optional.of(rotatedPatternSizeRect);
Example 3
Source File:    From AAV with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Mat onCameraFrame(CvCameraViewFrame inputFrame) {
	synchronized (inputFrame) {

		_rgbaImage = inputFrame.rgba();

		if (android.os.Build.MODEL.equalsIgnoreCase("Nexus 5X")) {
			Core.flip(_rgbaImage, _rgbaImage, -1);

		double current_contour;

		// In contrast to the C++ interface, Android API captures images in the RGBA format.
		// Also, in HSV space, only the hue determines which color it is. Saturation determines
		// how 'white' the color is, and Value determines how 'dark' the color is.
		Imgproc.cvtColor(_rgbaImage, _hsvMat, Imgproc.COLOR_RGB2HSV_FULL);

		Core.inRange(_hsvMat, _lowerThreshold, _upperThreshold, _processedMat);

		// Imgproc.dilate(_processedMat, _dilatedMat, new Mat());
		Imgproc.erode(_processedMat, _dilatedMat, new Mat());
		Imgproc.findContours(_dilatedMat, contours, new Mat(), Imgproc.RETR_EXTERNAL, Imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
		MatOfPoint2f points = new MatOfPoint2f();
		_contourArea = 7;
		for (int i = 0, n = contours.size(); i < n; i++) {
			current_contour = Imgproc.contourArea(contours.get(i));
			if (current_contour > _contourArea) {
				_contourArea = current_contour;
				contours.get(i).convertTo(points, CvType.CV_32FC2); // contours.get(x) is a single MatOfPoint, but to use minEnclosingCircle we need to pass a MatOfPoint2f so we need to do a
				// conversion
		if (!points.empty() && _contourArea > MIN_CONTOUR_AREA) {
			Imgproc.minEnclosingCircle(points, _centerPoint, null);
			//, _centerPoint, 3, new Scalar(255, 0, 0), Core.FILLED);
			if (_showContourEnable), _centerPoint, (int) Math.round(Math.sqrt(_contourArea / Math.PI)), new Scalar(255, 0, 0), 3, 8, 0);// Core.FILLED);
	return _rgbaImage;