Java Code Examples for java.util.SortedMap#entrySet()

The following examples show how to use java.util.SortedMap#entrySet() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From symja_android_library with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public static BigInteger charmichaelLambda(BigInteger value) {
	if (value.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {
		return BigInteger.ZERO;
	if (value.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) < 0) {
		value = value.negate();
	if (value.equals(BigInteger.ONE)) {
		return BigInteger.ONE;

	SortedMap<BigInteger, Integer> map = new TreeMap<BigInteger, Integer>();
	factorInteger(value, map);
	BigInteger l = BigInteger.ONE;
	for (Map.Entry<BigInteger, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
		BigInteger base = entry.getKey();
		int exponent = entry.getValue();
		if (exponent >= 3 && base.equals(TWO)) {
			l = lcm(l, base.pow(exponent - 2));
		} else {
			l = lcm(l, (base.pow(exponent - 1)).multiply(base.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)));
	return l;
Example 2
Source File:    From airsonic-advanced with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private static void diff(String locale1, String locale2) throws IOException {
    Properties en = new Properties();
    en.load(MissingTranslations.class.getResourceAsStream("/org/airsonic/player/i18n/ResourceBundle_" + locale1 + ".properties"));
    SortedMap<Object,Object> enSorted = new TreeMap<Object, Object>(en);

    Properties mk = new Properties();
    mk.load(MissingTranslations.class.getResourceAsStream("/org/airsonic/player/i18n/ResourceBundle_" + locale2 + ".properties"));

    System.out.println("\nMessages present in locale " + locale1 + " and missing in locale " + locale2 + ":");
    int count = 0;
    for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : enSorted.entrySet()) {
        if (!mk.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
            System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " = " + entry.getValue());

    System.out.println("\nTotal: " + count);
Example 3
Source File:    From jeewx with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * 创建md5摘要,规则是:按参数名称a-z排序,遇到空值的参数不参加签名。
private static String createSign(Map<String, String> paramMap, String key) {
	StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
	SortedMap<String,String> sort=new TreeMap<String,String>(paramMap);  
	Set<Entry<String, String>> es = sort.entrySet();
	Iterator<Entry<String, String>> it = es.iterator();
	while (it.hasNext()) {
		Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
		String k = (String) entry.getKey();
		String v = (String) entry.getValue();
		if (null != v && !"".equals(v)&& !"null".equals(v) && !"sign".equals(k) && !"key".equals(k)) {
			sb.append(k + "=" + v + "&");
	sb.append("key=" + key);"HMAC source:{}", new Object[] { sb.toString() } );
	String sign = MD5Util.MD5Encode(sb.toString(), "UTF-8").toUpperCase();"HMAC:{}", new Object[] { sign } );
	return sign;
Example 4
Source File:    From slr-toolkit with Eclipse Public License 1.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public SortedMap<String, Integer> calculateNumberOfCitesPerYearForClass(Term inputTerm, SortedMap<String,Boolean> visibleMap) {
	SortedMap<String, Integer> citesPerYear = new TreeMap<>();
	boolean isTermFoundInPaperTaxonomy = false;
	for(Resource r : resources) {
		for (Document d : getDocumentList(r)) {
			isTermFoundInPaperTaxonomy = SearchUtils.findTermInDocument(d, inputTerm) != null;
			if (isTermFoundInPaperTaxonomy) {
				String year = d.getYear();
				int count = citesPerYear.containsKey(year) ? citesPerYear.get(year) : 0;
				citesPerYear.put(year, count + d.getCites());

	for(Map.Entry<String, Boolean> entry : visibleMap.entrySet())
	return citesPerYear;
Example 5
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u-backup with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Get the thread list with CPU consumption and the ThreadInfo
 * for each thread sorted by the CPU time.
private List<Map.Entry<Long, ThreadInfo>> getThreadList() {
    // Get all threads and their ThreadInfo objects
    // with no stack trace
    long[] tids = tmbean.getAllThreadIds();
    ThreadInfo[] tinfos = tmbean.getThreadInfo(tids);

    // build a map with key = CPU time and value = ThreadInfo
    SortedMap<Long, ThreadInfo> map = new TreeMap<Long, ThreadInfo>();
    for (int i = 0; i < tids.length; i++) {
        long cpuTime = tmbean.getThreadCpuTime(tids[i]);
        // filter out threads that have been terminated
        if (cpuTime != -1 && tinfos[i] != null) {
            map.put(new Long(cpuTime), tinfos[i]);

    // build the thread list and sort it with CPU time
    // in decreasing order
    Set<Map.Entry<Long, ThreadInfo>> set = map.entrySet();
    List<Map.Entry<Long, ThreadInfo>> list =
        new ArrayList<Map.Entry<Long, ThreadInfo>>(set);
    return list;
Example 6
Source File:    From datawave with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected void processRow(SortedMap<Key,Value> row) {
    LinkedList<Double> rates = new LinkedList<>();
    Text timestamp = row.firstKey().getRow();
    IngestEntryKey iek = new IngestEntryKey();
    for (Entry<Key,Value> e : row.entrySet()) {
        try {
        } catch (InvalidKeyException e1) {
        // value will be in Events/s
        double rate = ((double) iek.getCount()) / (((double) iek.getDuration()) / 1000.0);
    // get the avg
    double avgRate = 0;
    for (Double d : rates) {
        avgRate += d / rates.size();
    row.put(new Key(timestamp, new Text(Double.toString(avgRate)), et), ev);
Example 7
Source File:    From jdk8u-dev-jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private static String toID(SortedMap<Character, Extension> map) {
    StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
    Extension privuse = null;
    for (Entry<Character, Extension> entry : map.entrySet()) {
        char singleton = entry.getKey();
        Extension extension = entry.getValue();
        if (LanguageTag.isPrivateusePrefixChar(singleton)) {
            privuse = extension;
        } else {
            if (buf.length() > 0) {
    if (privuse != null) {
        if (buf.length() > 0) {
    return buf.toString();
Example 8
Source File:    From buck with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
/** @return a flavor to which summarizes the given version selections. */
static Flavor getVersionedFlavor(SortedMap<BuildTarget, Version> versions) {
  Hasher hasher = Hashing.md5().newHasher();
  for (Map.Entry<BuildTarget, Version> ent : versions.entrySet()) {
    hasher.putString(ent.getKey().toString(), Charsets.UTF_8);
    hasher.putString(ent.getValue().getName(), Charsets.UTF_8);
  return InternalFlavor.of("v" + hasher.hash().toString().substring(0, 7));
Example 9
Source File:    From ambry with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Adds all the index segments that refer to log segments in {@code logSegmentNames} to the application index and
 * removes all the index segments that refer to the log segments that will be cleaned up from the application index.
 * The change is atomic with the use of {@link PersistentIndex#changeIndexSegments(List, Set)}.
 * @param logSegmentNames the names of the log segments whose index segments need to be committed.
 * @throws StoreException if there were any problems committing the changed index segments.
private void updateSrcIndex(List<String> logSegmentNames) throws StoreException {
  Set<Offset> indexSegmentsToRemove = new HashSet<>();
  for (String logSegmentName : compactionLog.getCompactionDetails().getLogSegmentsUnderCompaction()) {

  List<File> indexSegmentFilesToAdd = new ArrayList<>();
  Map<String, SortedMap<Offset, File>> newLogSegmentsToIndexSegmentDetails =
  for (Map.Entry<String, SortedMap<Offset, File>> entry : newLogSegmentsToIndexSegmentDetails.entrySet()) {
    LogSegment logSegment = srcLog.getSegment(entry.getKey());
    SortedMap<Offset, File> indexSegmentDetails = entry.getValue();
    long endOffset = logSegment.getStartOffset();
    for (Map.Entry<Offset, File> indexSegmentEntry : indexSegmentDetails.entrySet()) {
      File indexSegmentFile = indexSegmentEntry.getValue();
      IndexSegment indexSegment =
          new IndexSegment(indexSegmentFile, true, storeKeyFactory, config, tgtMetrics, null, time);
      endOffset = indexSegment.getEndOffset().getOffset();
  logger.debug("Adding {} to the application index and removing {} from the application index in {}",
      indexSegmentFilesToAdd, indexSegmentsToRemove, storeId);
  srcIndex.changeIndexSegments(indexSegmentFilesToAdd, indexSegmentsToRemove);
Example 10
Source File:    From james-project with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private List<MailboxMessage> findMessagesInMailboxBetweenUIDs(Mailbox mailbox, FilenameFilter filter,
                                                                         MessageUid from, MessageUid to, int max) throws MailboxException {
    MaildirFolder folder = maildirStore.createMaildirFolder(mailbox);
    int cur = 0;
    SortedMap<MessageUid, MaildirMessageName> uidMap = null;
    try {
        if (filter != null) {
            uidMap = folder.getUidMap(mailboxSession, filter, from, to);
        } else {
            uidMap = folder.getUidMap(from, to);

        ArrayList<MailboxMessage> messages = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Entry<MessageUid, MaildirMessageName> entry : uidMap.entrySet()) {
            messages.add(new MaildirMailboxMessage(mailbox, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
            if (max != -1) {
                if (cur >= max) {
        return messages;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new MailboxException("Failure while search for Messages in Mailbox " + mailbox, e);

Example 11
Source File:    From roncoo-pay with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * post请求
 * @param paramMap   请求参数
 * @param requestUrl 请求地址
 * @return
private static Map<String, Object> request(SortedMap<String, String> paramMap, String requestUrl) {"鉴权请求地址:[{}],请求参数:[{}]", requestUrl, paramMap);
    HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
    HttpConnectionManagerParams managerParams = httpClient.getHttpConnectionManager().getParams();
    // 设置连接超时时间(单位毫秒)
    // 设置读数据超时时间(单位毫秒)
    PostMethod postMethod = new PostMethod(requestUrl);
    postMethod.getParams().setParameter(HttpMethodParams.HTTP_CONTENT_CHARSET, "utf-8");
    NameValuePair[] pairs = new NameValuePair[paramMap.size()];
    int i = 0;
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : paramMap.entrySet()) {
        pairs[i++] = new NameValuePair(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
    try {
        Integer code = httpClient.executeMethod(postMethod);
        if (code.compareTo(200) == 0) {
            String result = postMethod.getResponseBodyAsString();
  "鉴权请求成功,同步返回数据:{}", result);
            return JSON.parseObject(result);
        } else {
            logger.error("鉴权请求失败,返回状态码:[{}]", code);
    } catch (IOException e) {"鉴权请求异常:{}", e);
        return null;
    return null;
Example 12
Source File:    From Eagle with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
    * @see org.wso2.siddhi.query.api.definition.Attribute.Type
    * make sure StreamMetadataManager.init is invoked before this method
 * @param streamName
 * @return
public static String convertToStreamDef(String streamName){
	SortedMap<String, AlertStreamSchemaEntity> map = getAttrMap(streamName);
	StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();		
	sb.append(EAGLE_ALERT_CONTEXT_FIELD + " object,");
	for(Map.Entry<String, AlertStreamSchemaEntity> entry : map.entrySet()){
		String attrName = entry.getKey();
		sb.append(" ");
		String attrType = entry.getValue().getAttrType();
		}else if(attrType.equalsIgnoreCase({
		}else if(attrType.equalsIgnoreCase({
		}else if(attrType.equalsIgnoreCase({
		}else if(attrType.equalsIgnoreCase({
           }else if(attrType.equalsIgnoreCase({
			LOG.warn("AttrType is not recognized, ignore : " + attrType);
	if(sb.length() > 0){
	String siddhiStreamDefFormat = "define stream " + streamName + "(" + "%s" + ");";
	return String.format(siddhiStreamDefFormat, sb.toString());
Example 13
Source File:    From batfish with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
static SortedMap<ParseStatus, Set<String>> aggregateParseStatuses(
    SortedMap<String, ParseStatus> fileStatuses) {
  SortedMap<ParseStatus, Set<String>> aggregatedStatuses = new TreeMap<>();
  for (Entry<String, ParseStatus> entry : fileStatuses.entrySet()) {
    Set<String> files =
        aggregatedStatuses.computeIfAbsent(entry.getValue(), s -> new HashSet<>());
  return aggregatedStatuses;
Example 14
Source File:    From WorldPainter with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public final void setMaxHeight(int maxHeight, HeightTransform transform) {
    if (maxHeight != this.maxHeight) {
        this.maxHeight = maxHeight;
        waterHeight = clamp(transform.transformHeight(waterHeight), maxHeight - 1);
        Terrain[] oldTerrainRangesTable = terrainRangesTable;
        terrainRangesTable = new Terrain[maxHeight];
        if (terrainRanges != null) {
            SortedMap<Integer, Terrain> oldTerrainRanges = this.terrainRanges;
            terrainRanges = new TreeMap<>();
            for (Map.Entry<Integer, Terrain> oldEntry: oldTerrainRanges.entrySet()) {
                terrainRanges.put(oldEntry.getKey() < 0
                    ? oldEntry.getKey()
                    : clamp(transform.transformHeight(oldEntry.getKey()), maxHeight - 1), oldEntry.getValue());
            for (int i = 0; i < maxHeight; i++) {
                terrainRangesTable[i] = terrainRanges.get(terrainRanges.headMap(i).lastKey());
        } else {
            // No terrain ranges map set; this is probably because it is
            // an old map. All we can do is extend the last entry
            System.arraycopy(oldTerrainRangesTable, 0, terrainRangesTable, 0, Math.min(oldTerrainRangesTable.length, terrainRangesTable.length));
            if (terrainRangesTable.length > oldTerrainRangesTable.length) {
                for (int i = oldTerrainRangesTable.length; i < terrainRangesTable.length; i++) {
                    terrainRangesTable[i] = oldTerrainRangesTable[oldTerrainRangesTable.length - 1];
Example 15
Source File:    From tassal with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
public void preVisit(final ASTNode node) {
	final int fromPosition = node.getStartPosition();
	final int endPosition = fromPosition + node.getLength();
	final int nodeType = node.getNodeType();
	final int parentType;
	if (node.getParent() != null) {
		parentType = node.getParent().getNodeType();
	} else {
		parentType = -1;
	final SortedMap<Integer, FullToken> nodeTokens = baseTokens.subMap(
			fromPosition, endPosition);
	for (final Entry<Integer, FullToken> token : nodeTokens.entrySet()) {
		if (token.getValue().token.startsWith("WS_")
				&& baseTokenizer instanceof JavaWhitespaceTokenizer) {
					new AstAnnotatedToken(new FullToken(token
							token.getValue().tokenType), null, null));
		} else {
					new AstAnnotatedToken(new FullToken(token
Example 16
Source File:    From api-mining with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Return a StringBuffer with colored tokens as specified from the
 * coloredTokens. There should be one-to-one correspondence with the actual
 * tokens.
public StringBuffer getHTMLwithColors(
		final List<ColoredToken> coloredTokens, final File codeFile)
		throws IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
	final String code = FileUtils.readFileToString(codeFile);
	lineNumber = 1;

	final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();

	final SortedMap<Integer, FullToken> toks = tokenizer

	int i = 0;
	int prevPos = 0;
	buf.append("<html>\n<head>\n<link href=',400,500,600,700,800,900' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>\n");
	buf.append("</head>\n<body style='background-color:rgb("
			+ documentBackgroundColor.getRed() + ","
			+ documentBackgroundColor.getGreen() + ","
			+ documentBackgroundColor.getBlue() + ")'>");
	appendLineDiv(buf, false);
	for (final Entry<Integer, FullToken> entry : toks.entrySet()) {
		if (i == 0 || entry.getKey() == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
		addSlack(code.substring(prevPos, entry.getKey()), buf);
		final ColoredToken tok = coloredTokens.get(i);

		buf.append("<span style='background-color:rgba("
				+ tok.bgColor.getRed() + "," + tok.bgColor.getGreen() + ","
				+ tok.bgColor.getBlue() + "," + (ignoreTokBG ? "0" : "1")
				+ "); color:rgb(" + tok.fontColor.getRed() + ","
				+ tok.fontColor.getGreen() + "," + tok.fontColor.getBlue()
				+ "); " + tok.extraStyle + "'>"
				+ StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(entry.getValue().token)
				+ "</span>");
		prevPos = entry.getKey() + entry.getValue().token.length();
	return buf;

Example 17
Source File:    From jdk8u-dev-jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Serializes a {@link DescriptorSupport} to an {@link ObjectOutputStream}.
/* If you set jmx.serial.form to "1.2.0" or "1.2.1", then we are
   bug-compatible with those versions.  Specifically, field names
   are forced to lower-case before being written.  This
   contradicts the spec, which, though it does not mention
   serialization explicitly, does say that the case of field names
   is preserved.  But in 1.2.0 and 1.2.1, this requirement was not
   met.  Instead, field names in the descriptor map were forced to
   lower case.  Those versions expect this to have happened to a
   descriptor they deserialize and e.g. getFieldValue will not
   find a field whose name is spelt with a different case.
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
    ObjectOutputStream.PutField fields = out.putFields();
    boolean compat = "1.0".equals(serialForm);
    if (compat)
        fields.put("currClass", currClass);

    /* Purge the field "targetObject" from the DescriptorSupport before
     * serializing since the referenced object is typically not
     * serializable.  We do this here rather than purging the "descriptor"
     * variable below because that HashMap doesn't do case-insensitivity.
     * See CR 6332962.
    SortedMap<String, Object> startMap = descriptorMap;
    if (startMap.containsKey("targetObject")) {
        startMap = new TreeMap<String, Object>(descriptorMap);

    final HashMap<String, Object> descriptor;
    if (compat || "1.2.0".equals(serialForm) ||
            "1.2.1".equals(serialForm)) {
        descriptor = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : startMap.entrySet())
            descriptor.put(entry.getKey().toLowerCase(), entry.getValue());
    } else
        descriptor = new HashMap<String, Object>(startMap);

    fields.put("descriptor", descriptor);
Example 18
Source File:    From speechutils with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public String toTsv(SortedMap<Integer, String> header) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    boolean isFirst = true;
    for (SortedMap.Entry<Integer, String> entry : header.entrySet()) {
        if (isFirst) {
            isFirst = false;
        } else {
        switch (entry.getValue()) {
            case UtteranceRewriter.HEADER_LABEL:
            case UtteranceRewriter.HEADER_COMMENT:
            case UtteranceRewriter.HEADER_LOCALE:
            case UtteranceRewriter.HEADER_SERVICE:
            case UtteranceRewriter.HEADER_APP:
            case UtteranceRewriter.HEADER_UTTERANCE:
            case UtteranceRewriter.HEADER_REPLACEMENT:
            case UtteranceRewriter.HEADER_COMMAND:
            case UtteranceRewriter.HEADER_ARG1:
                if (mArgs.length > 0) {
            case UtteranceRewriter.HEADER_ARG2:
                if (mArgs.length > 1) {
    return sb.toString();
Example 19
Source File:    From titan1withtp3.1 with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private KV completeNextKV() throws IOException {
    KV completedKV = null;
    boolean hasNext;
    do {
        hasNext = reader.nextKeyValue();

        if (!hasNext) {
            completedKV = incompleteKV;
            incompleteKV = null;
        } else {
            StaticArrayBuffer key = StaticArrayBuffer.of(reader.getCurrentKey());

            // DAVID CASSANDRA
            // SortedMap<ByteBuffer, Cell> valueSortedMap = reader.getCurrentValue();
            SortedMap<ByteBuffer, ColumnFamilyRecordReader.Column> valueSortedMap = reader.getCurrentValue();

            List<Entry> entries = new ArrayList<>(valueSortedMap.size());
            // DAVID CASSANDRA
            for (Map.Entry<ByteBuffer, ColumnFamilyRecordReader.Column> ent : valueSortedMap.entrySet()) {
                ByteBuffer col = ent.getKey();
                ByteBuffer val = ent.getValue().value;
                entries.add(StaticArrayEntry.of(StaticArrayBuffer.of(col), StaticArrayBuffer.of(val)));

            if (null == incompleteKV) {
                // Initialization; this should happen just once in an instance's lifetime
                incompleteKV = new KV(key);
            } else if (!incompleteKV.key.equals(key)) {
                // The underlying Cassandra reader has just changed to a key we haven't seen yet
                // This implies that there will be no more entries for the prior key
                completedKV = incompleteKV;
                incompleteKV = new KV(key);

        /* Loop ends when either
         * A) the cassandra reader ran out of data
         * or
         * B) the cassandra reader switched keys, thereby completing a KV */
    } while (hasNext && null == completedKV);

    return completedKV;
Example 20
Source File:    From TencentKona-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Serializes a {@link DescriptorSupport} to an {@link ObjectOutputStream}.
/* If you set jmx.serial.form to "1.2.0" or "1.2.1", then we are
   bug-compatible with those versions.  Specifically, field names
   are forced to lower-case before being written.  This
   contradicts the spec, which, though it does not mention
   serialization explicitly, does say that the case of field names
   is preserved.  But in 1.2.0 and 1.2.1, this requirement was not
   met.  Instead, field names in the descriptor map were forced to
   lower case.  Those versions expect this to have happened to a
   descriptor they deserialize and e.g. getFieldValue will not
   find a field whose name is spelt with a different case.
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
    ObjectOutputStream.PutField fields = out.putFields();
    boolean compat = "1.0".equals(serialForm);
    if (compat)
        fields.put("currClass", currClass);

    /* Purge the field "targetObject" from the DescriptorSupport before
     * serializing since the referenced object is typically not
     * serializable.  We do this here rather than purging the "descriptor"
     * variable below because that HashMap doesn't do case-insensitivity.
     * See CR 6332962.
    SortedMap<String, Object> startMap = descriptorMap;
    if (startMap.containsKey("targetObject")) {
        startMap = new TreeMap<String, Object>(descriptorMap);

    final HashMap<String, Object> descriptor;
    if (compat || "1.2.0".equals(serialForm) ||
            "1.2.1".equals(serialForm)) {
        descriptor = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : startMap.entrySet())
            descriptor.put(entry.getKey().toLowerCase(), entry.getValue());
    } else
        descriptor = new HashMap<String, Object>(startMap);

    fields.put("descriptor", descriptor);