Java Code Examples for jdk.internal.dynalink.linker.LinkRequest#replaceArguments()

The following examples show how to use jdk.internal.dynalink.linker.LinkRequest#replaceArguments() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u-backup with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public GuardedInvocation getGuardedInvocation(final LinkRequest linkRequest, final LinkerServices linkerServices) throws Exception {
    final LinkRequest request = linkRequest.withoutRuntimeContext(); // Nashorn has no runtime context
    final Object self = request.getReceiver();
    if (self.getClass() != StaticClass.class) {
        return null;
    final Class<?> receiverClass = ((StaticClass) self).getRepresentedClass();

    Bootstrap.checkReflectionAccess(receiverClass, true);
    final CallSiteDescriptor desc = request.getCallSiteDescriptor();
    // We intercept "new" on StaticClass instances to provide additional capabilities
    if ("new".equals(desc.getNameToken(CallSiteDescriptor.OPERATOR))) {
        if (! Modifier.isPublic(receiverClass.getModifiers())) {
            throw ECMAErrors.typeError("new.on.nonpublic.javatype", receiverClass.getName());

        // make sure new is on accessible Class

        // Is the class abstract? (This includes interfaces.)
        if (NashornLinker.isAbstractClass(receiverClass)) {
            // Change this link request into a link request on the adapter class.
            final Object[] args = request.getArguments();
            args[0] = JavaAdapterFactory.getAdapterClassFor(new Class<?>[] { receiverClass }, null,
            final LinkRequest adapterRequest = request.replaceArguments(request.getCallSiteDescriptor(), args);
            final GuardedInvocation gi = checkNullConstructor(delegate(linkerServices, adapterRequest), receiverClass);
            // Finally, modify the guard to test for the original abstract class.
            return gi.replaceMethods(gi.getInvocation(), Guards.getIdentityGuard(self));
        // If the class was not abstract, just delegate linking to the standard StaticClass linker. Make an
        // additional check to ensure we have a constructor. We could just fall through to the next "return"
        // statement, except we also insert a call to checkNullConstructor() which throws an ECMAScript TypeError
        // with a more intuitive message when no suitable constructor is found.
        return checkNullConstructor(delegate(linkerServices, request), receiverClass);
    // In case this was not a "new" operation, just delegate to the the standard StaticClass linker.
    return delegate(linkerServices, request);
Example 2
Source File:    From jdk8u_nashorn with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private GuardedInvocation createVarArgApplyOrCallCall(final boolean isApply, final CallSiteDescriptor desc,
        final LinkRequest request, final Object[] args) {
    final MethodType descType = desc.getMethodType();
    final int paramCount = descType.parameterCount();
    final Object[] varArgs = (Object[]) args[paramCount - 1];
    // -1 'cause we're not passing the vararg array itself
    final int copiedArgCount = args.length - 1;
    final int varArgCount = varArgs.length;

    // Spread arguments for the delegate createApplyOrCallCall invocation.
    final Object[] spreadArgs = new Object[copiedArgCount + varArgCount];
    System.arraycopy(args, 0, spreadArgs, 0, copiedArgCount);
    System.arraycopy(varArgs, 0, spreadArgs, copiedArgCount, varArgCount);

    // Spread call site descriptor for the delegate createApplyOrCallCall invocation. We drop vararg array and
    // replace it with a list of Object.class.
    final MethodType spreadType = descType.dropParameterTypes(paramCount - 1, paramCount).appendParameterTypes(
            Collections.<Class<?>>nCopies(varArgCount, Object.class));
    final CallSiteDescriptor spreadDesc = desc.changeMethodType(spreadType);

    // Delegate back to createApplyOrCallCall with the spread (that is, reverted to non-vararg) request/
    final LinkRequest spreadRequest = request.replaceArguments(spreadDesc, spreadArgs);
    final GuardedInvocation spreadInvocation = createApplyOrCallCall(isApply, spreadDesc, spreadRequest, spreadArgs);

    // Add spreader combinators to returned invocation and guard.
    return spreadInvocation.replaceMethods(
            // Use standard ScriptObject.pairArguments on the invocation
            pairArguments(spreadInvocation.getInvocation(), descType),
            // Use our specialized spreadGuardArguments on the guard (see below).
            spreadGuardArguments(spreadInvocation.getGuard(), descType));
Example 3
Source File:    From nashorn with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public GuardedInvocation getGuardedInvocation(LinkRequest linkRequest, LinkerServices linkerServices) throws Exception {
    final LinkRequest request = linkRequest.withoutRuntimeContext(); // Nashorn has no runtime context
    final Object self = request.getReceiver();
    if (self.getClass() != StaticClass.class) {
        return null;
    final Class<?> receiverClass = ((StaticClass) self).getRepresentedClass();
    final CallSiteDescriptor desc = request.getCallSiteDescriptor();
    // We intercept "new" on StaticClass instances to provide additional capabilities
    if ("new".equals(desc.getNameToken(CallSiteDescriptor.OPERATOR))) {
        // make sure new is on accessible Class

        // Is the class abstract? (This includes interfaces.)
        if (NashornLinker.isAbstractClass(receiverClass)) {
            // Change this link request into a link request on the adapter class.
            final Object[] args = request.getArguments();
            args[0] = JavaAdapterFactory.getAdapterClassFor(new Class<?>[] { receiverClass }, null);
            final LinkRequest adapterRequest = request.replaceArguments(request.getCallSiteDescriptor(), args);
            final GuardedInvocation gi = checkNullConstructor(delegate(linkerServices, adapterRequest), receiverClass);
            // Finally, modify the guard to test for the original abstract class.
            return gi.replaceMethods(gi.getInvocation(), Guards.getIdentityGuard(self));
        // If the class was not abstract, just delegate linking to the standard StaticClass linker. Make an
        // additional check to ensure we have a constructor. We could just fall through to the next "return"
        // statement, except we also insert a call to checkNullConstructor() which throws an ECMAScript TypeError
        // with a more intuitive message when no suitable constructor is found.
        return checkNullConstructor(delegate(linkerServices, request), receiverClass);
    // In case this was not a "new" operation, just delegate to the the standard StaticClass linker.
    return delegate(linkerServices, request);
Example 4
Source File:    From jdk8u_nashorn with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public GuardedInvocation getGuardedInvocation(final LinkRequest linkRequest, final LinkerServices linkerServices) throws Exception {
    final Object self = linkRequest.getReceiver();
    final CallSiteDescriptor desc = linkRequest.getCallSiteDescriptor();
    if (self instanceof ConsString) {
        // In order to treat ConsString like a java.lang.String we need a link request with a string receiver.
        final Object[] arguments = linkRequest.getArguments();
        arguments[0] = "";
        final LinkRequest forgedLinkRequest = linkRequest.replaceArguments(desc, arguments);
        final GuardedInvocation invocation = getGuardedInvocation(beansLinker, forgedLinkRequest, linkerServices);
        // If an invocation is found we add a filter that makes it work for both Strings and ConsStrings.
        return invocation == null ? null : invocation.filterArguments(0, FILTER_CONSSTRING);

    if (self != null && "call".equals(desc.getNameToken(CallSiteDescriptor.OPERATOR))) {
        // Support dyn:call on any object that supports some @FunctionalInterface
        // annotated interface. This way Java method, constructor references or
        // implementations of java.util.function.* interfaces can be called as though
        // those are script functions.
        final String name = getFunctionalInterfaceMethodName(self.getClass());
        if (name != null) {
            final MethodType callType = desc.getMethodType();
            // drop callee (Undefined ScriptFunction) and change the request to be dyn:callMethod:<name>
            final NashornCallSiteDescriptor newDesc = NashornCallSiteDescriptor.get(desc.getLookup(),
                    "dyn:callMethod:" + name, desc.getMethodType().dropParameterTypes(1, 2),
            final GuardedInvocation gi = getGuardedInvocation(beansLinker,
                    linkRequest.replaceArguments(newDesc, linkRequest.getArguments()),
                    new NashornBeansLinkerServices(linkerServices));

            // drop 'thiz' passed from the script.
            return gi.replaceMethods(
                MH.dropArguments(linkerServices.filterInternalObjects(gi.getInvocation()), 1, callType.parameterType(1)),
    return getGuardedInvocation(beansLinker, linkRequest, linkerServices);
Example 5
Source File:    From openjdk-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public GuardedInvocation getGuardedInvocation(LinkRequest linkRequest, LinkerServices linkerServices) throws Exception {
    final LinkRequest request = linkRequest.withoutRuntimeContext(); // Nashorn has no runtime context
    final Object self = request.getReceiver();
    if (self.getClass() != StaticClass.class) {
        return null;
    final Class<?> receiverClass = ((StaticClass) self).getRepresentedClass();
    Bootstrap.checkReflectionAccess(receiverClass, true);
    final CallSiteDescriptor desc = request.getCallSiteDescriptor();
    // We intercept "new" on StaticClass instances to provide additional capabilities
    if ("new".equals(desc.getNameToken(CallSiteDescriptor.OPERATOR))) {
        // make sure new is on accessible Class

        // Is the class abstract? (This includes interfaces.)
        if (NashornLinker.isAbstractClass(receiverClass)) {
            // Change this link request into a link request on the adapter class.
            final Object[] args = request.getArguments();
            args[0] = JavaAdapterFactory.getAdapterClassFor(new Class<?>[] { receiverClass }, null,
            final LinkRequest adapterRequest = request.replaceArguments(request.getCallSiteDescriptor(), args);
            final GuardedInvocation gi = checkNullConstructor(delegate(linkerServices, adapterRequest), receiverClass);
            // Finally, modify the guard to test for the original abstract class.
            return gi.replaceMethods(gi.getInvocation(), Guards.getIdentityGuard(self));
        // If the class was not abstract, just delegate linking to the standard StaticClass linker. Make an
        // additional check to ensure we have a constructor. We could just fall through to the next "return"
        // statement, except we also insert a call to checkNullConstructor() which throws an ECMAScript TypeError
        // with a more intuitive message when no suitable constructor is found.
        return checkNullConstructor(delegate(linkerServices, request), receiverClass);
    // In case this was not a "new" operation, just delegate to the the standard StaticClass linker.
    return delegate(linkerServices, request);
Example 6
Source File:    From openjdk-8-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public GuardedInvocation getGuardedInvocation(LinkRequest linkRequest, LinkerServices linkerServices) throws Exception {
    final LinkRequest request = linkRequest.withoutRuntimeContext(); // Nashorn has no runtime context
    final Object self = request.getReceiver();
    if (self.getClass() != StaticClass.class) {
        return null;
    final Class<?> receiverClass = ((StaticClass) self).getRepresentedClass();
    Bootstrap.checkReflectionAccess(receiverClass, true);
    final CallSiteDescriptor desc = request.getCallSiteDescriptor();
    // We intercept "new" on StaticClass instances to provide additional capabilities
    if ("new".equals(desc.getNameToken(CallSiteDescriptor.OPERATOR))) {
        // make sure new is on accessible Class

        // Is the class abstract? (This includes interfaces.)
        if (NashornLinker.isAbstractClass(receiverClass)) {
            // Change this link request into a link request on the adapter class.
            final Object[] args = request.getArguments();
            args[0] = JavaAdapterFactory.getAdapterClassFor(new Class<?>[] { receiverClass }, null,
            final LinkRequest adapterRequest = request.replaceArguments(request.getCallSiteDescriptor(), args);
            final GuardedInvocation gi = checkNullConstructor(delegate(linkerServices, adapterRequest), receiverClass);
            // Finally, modify the guard to test for the original abstract class.
            return gi.replaceMethods(gi.getInvocation(), Guards.getIdentityGuard(self));
        // If the class was not abstract, just delegate linking to the standard StaticClass linker. Make an
        // additional check to ensure we have a constructor. We could just fall through to the next "return"
        // statement, except we also insert a call to checkNullConstructor() which throws an ECMAScript TypeError
        // with a more intuitive message when no suitable constructor is found.
        return checkNullConstructor(delegate(linkerServices, request), receiverClass);
    // In case this was not a "new" operation, just delegate to the the standard StaticClass linker.
    return delegate(linkerServices, request);
Example 7
Source File:    From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private GuardedInvocation createVarArgApplyOrCallCall(final boolean isApply, final CallSiteDescriptor desc,
        final LinkRequest request, final Object[] args) {
    final MethodType descType = desc.getMethodType();
    final int paramCount = descType.parameterCount();
    final Object[] varArgs = (Object[]) args[paramCount - 1];
    // -1 'cause we're not passing the vararg array itself
    final int copiedArgCount = args.length - 1;
    final int varArgCount = varArgs.length;

    // Spread arguments for the delegate createApplyOrCallCall invocation.
    final Object[] spreadArgs = new Object[copiedArgCount + varArgCount];
    System.arraycopy(args, 0, spreadArgs, 0, copiedArgCount);
    System.arraycopy(varArgs, 0, spreadArgs, copiedArgCount, varArgCount);

    // Spread call site descriptor for the delegate createApplyOrCallCall invocation. We drop vararg array and
    // replace it with a list of Object.class.
    final MethodType spreadType = descType.dropParameterTypes(paramCount - 1, paramCount).appendParameterTypes(
            Collections.<Class<?>>nCopies(varArgCount, Object.class));
    final CallSiteDescriptor spreadDesc = desc.changeMethodType(spreadType);

    // Delegate back to createApplyOrCallCall with the spread (that is, reverted to non-vararg) request/
    final LinkRequest spreadRequest = request.replaceArguments(spreadDesc, spreadArgs);
    final GuardedInvocation spreadInvocation = createApplyOrCallCall(isApply, spreadDesc, spreadRequest, spreadArgs);

    // Add spreader combinators to returned invocation and guard.
    return spreadInvocation.replaceMethods(
            // Use standard ScriptObject.pairArguments on the invocation
            pairArguments(spreadInvocation.getInvocation(), descType),
            // Use our specialized spreadGuardArguments on the guard (see below).
            spreadGuardArguments(spreadInvocation.getGuard(), descType));
Example 8
Source File:    From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public GuardedInvocation getGuardedInvocation(final LinkRequest linkRequest, final LinkerServices linkerServices) throws Exception {
    final LinkRequest request = linkRequest.withoutRuntimeContext(); // Nashorn has no runtime context
    final Object self = request.getReceiver();
    if (self.getClass() != StaticClass.class) {
        return null;
    final Class<?> receiverClass = ((StaticClass) self).getRepresentedClass();

    Bootstrap.checkReflectionAccess(receiverClass, true);
    final CallSiteDescriptor desc = request.getCallSiteDescriptor();
    // We intercept "new" on StaticClass instances to provide additional capabilities
    if ("new".equals(desc.getNameToken(CallSiteDescriptor.OPERATOR))) {
        if (! Modifier.isPublic(receiverClass.getModifiers())) {
            throw ECMAErrors.typeError("new.on.nonpublic.javatype", receiverClass.getName());

        // make sure new is on accessible Class

        // Is the class abstract? (This includes interfaces.)
        if (NashornLinker.isAbstractClass(receiverClass)) {
            // Change this link request into a link request on the adapter class.
            final Object[] args = request.getArguments();
            args[0] = JavaAdapterFactory.getAdapterClassFor(new Class<?>[] { receiverClass }, null,
            final LinkRequest adapterRequest = request.replaceArguments(request.getCallSiteDescriptor(), args);
            final GuardedInvocation gi = checkNullConstructor(delegate(linkerServices, adapterRequest), receiverClass);
            // Finally, modify the guard to test for the original abstract class.
            return gi.replaceMethods(gi.getInvocation(), Guards.getIdentityGuard(self));
        // If the class was not abstract, just delegate linking to the standard StaticClass linker. Make an
        // additional check to ensure we have a constructor. We could just fall through to the next "return"
        // statement, except we also insert a call to checkNullConstructor() which throws an ECMAScript TypeError
        // with a more intuitive message when no suitable constructor is found.
        return checkNullConstructor(delegate(linkerServices, request), receiverClass);
    // In case this was not a "new" operation, just delegate to the the standard StaticClass linker.
    return delegate(linkerServices, request);
Example 9
Source File:    From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public GuardedInvocation getGuardedInvocation(final LinkRequest linkRequest, final LinkerServices linkerServices) throws Exception {
    final Object self = linkRequest.getReceiver();
    final CallSiteDescriptor desc = linkRequest.getCallSiteDescriptor();
    if (self instanceof ConsString) {
        // In order to treat ConsString like a java.lang.String we need a link request with a string receiver.
        final Object[] arguments = linkRequest.getArguments();
        arguments[0] = "";
        final LinkRequest forgedLinkRequest = linkRequest.replaceArguments(desc, arguments);
        final GuardedInvocation invocation = getGuardedInvocation(beansLinker, forgedLinkRequest, linkerServices);
        // If an invocation is found we add a filter that makes it work for both Strings and ConsStrings.
        return invocation == null ? null : invocation.filterArguments(0, FILTER_CONSSTRING);

    if (self != null && "call".equals(desc.getNameToken(CallSiteDescriptor.OPERATOR))) {
        // Support dyn:call on any object that supports some @FunctionalInterface
        // annotated interface. This way Java method, constructor references or
        // implementations of java.util.function.* interfaces can be called as though
        // those are script functions.
        final String name = getFunctionalInterfaceMethodName(self.getClass());
        if (name != null) {
            final MethodType callType = desc.getMethodType();
            // drop callee (Undefined ScriptFunction) and change the request to be dyn:callMethod:<name>
            final NashornCallSiteDescriptor newDesc = NashornCallSiteDescriptor.get(desc.getLookup(),
                    "dyn:callMethod:" + name, desc.getMethodType().dropParameterTypes(1, 2),
            final GuardedInvocation gi = getGuardedInvocation(beansLinker,
                    linkRequest.replaceArguments(newDesc, linkRequest.getArguments()),
                    new NashornBeansLinkerServices(linkerServices));

            // drop 'thiz' passed from the script.
            return gi.replaceMethods(
                MH.dropArguments(linkerServices.filterInternalObjects(gi.getInvocation()), 1, callType.parameterType(1)),
    return getGuardedInvocation(beansLinker, linkRequest, linkerServices);
Example 10
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u-backup with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private GuardedInvocation createVarArgApplyOrCallCall(final boolean isApply, final CallSiteDescriptor desc,
        final LinkRequest request, final Object[] args) {
    final MethodType descType = desc.getMethodType();
    final int paramCount = descType.parameterCount();
    final Object[] varArgs = (Object[]) args[paramCount - 1];
    // -1 'cause we're not passing the vararg array itself
    final int copiedArgCount = args.length - 1;
    final int varArgCount = varArgs.length;

    // Spread arguments for the delegate createApplyOrCallCall invocation.
    final Object[] spreadArgs = new Object[copiedArgCount + varArgCount];
    System.arraycopy(args, 0, spreadArgs, 0, copiedArgCount);
    System.arraycopy(varArgs, 0, spreadArgs, copiedArgCount, varArgCount);

    // Spread call site descriptor for the delegate createApplyOrCallCall invocation. We drop vararg array and
    // replace it with a list of Object.class.
    final MethodType spreadType = descType.dropParameterTypes(paramCount - 1, paramCount).appendParameterTypes(
            Collections.<Class<?>>nCopies(varArgCount, Object.class));
    final CallSiteDescriptor spreadDesc = desc.changeMethodType(spreadType);

    // Delegate back to createApplyOrCallCall with the spread (that is, reverted to non-vararg) request/
    final LinkRequest spreadRequest = request.replaceArguments(spreadDesc, spreadArgs);
    final GuardedInvocation spreadInvocation = createApplyOrCallCall(isApply, spreadDesc, spreadRequest, spreadArgs);

    // Add spreader combinators to returned invocation and guard.
    return spreadInvocation.replaceMethods(
            // Use standard ScriptObject.pairArguments on the invocation
            pairArguments(spreadInvocation.getInvocation(), descType),
            // Use our specialized spreadGuardArguments on the guard (see below).
            spreadGuardArguments(spreadInvocation.getGuard(), descType));
Example 11
Source File:    From TencentKona-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public GuardedInvocation getGuardedInvocation(final LinkRequest linkRequest, final LinkerServices linkerServices) throws Exception {
    final Object self = linkRequest.getReceiver();
    final CallSiteDescriptor desc = linkRequest.getCallSiteDescriptor();
    if (self instanceof ConsString) {
        // In order to treat ConsString like a java.lang.String we need a link request with a string receiver.
        final Object[] arguments = linkRequest.getArguments();
        arguments[0] = "";
        final LinkRequest forgedLinkRequest = linkRequest.replaceArguments(desc, arguments);
        final GuardedInvocation invocation = getGuardedInvocation(beansLinker, forgedLinkRequest, linkerServices);
        // If an invocation is found we add a filter that makes it work for both Strings and ConsStrings.
        return invocation == null ? null : invocation.filterArguments(0, FILTER_CONSSTRING);

    if (self != null && "call".equals(desc.getNameToken(CallSiteDescriptor.OPERATOR))) {
        // Support dyn:call on any object that supports some @FunctionalInterface
        // annotated interface. This way Java method, constructor references or
        // implementations of java.util.function.* interfaces can be called as though
        // those are script functions.
        final String name = getFunctionalInterfaceMethodName(self.getClass());
        if (name != null) {
            final MethodType callType = desc.getMethodType();
            // drop callee (Undefined ScriptFunction) and change the request to be dyn:callMethod:<name>
            final NashornCallSiteDescriptor newDesc = NashornCallSiteDescriptor.get(desc.getLookup(),
                    "dyn:callMethod:" + name, desc.getMethodType().dropParameterTypes(1, 2),
            final GuardedInvocation gi = getGuardedInvocation(beansLinker,
                    linkRequest.replaceArguments(newDesc, linkRequest.getArguments()),
                    new NashornBeansLinkerServices(linkerServices));

            // drop 'thiz' passed from the script.
            return gi.replaceMethods(
                MH.dropArguments(linkerServices.filterInternalObjects(gi.getInvocation()), 1, callType.parameterType(1)),
    return getGuardedInvocation(beansLinker, linkRequest, linkerServices);
Example 12
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u-backup with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public GuardedInvocation getGuardedInvocation(final LinkRequest linkRequest, final LinkerServices linkerServices) throws Exception {
    final Object self = linkRequest.getReceiver();
    final CallSiteDescriptor desc = linkRequest.getCallSiteDescriptor();
    if (self instanceof ConsString) {
        // In order to treat ConsString like a java.lang.String we need a link request with a string receiver.
        final Object[] arguments = linkRequest.getArguments();
        arguments[0] = "";
        final LinkRequest forgedLinkRequest = linkRequest.replaceArguments(desc, arguments);
        final GuardedInvocation invocation = getGuardedInvocation(beansLinker, forgedLinkRequest, linkerServices);
        // If an invocation is found we add a filter that makes it work for both Strings and ConsStrings.
        return invocation == null ? null : invocation.filterArguments(0, FILTER_CONSSTRING);

    if (self != null && "call".equals(desc.getNameToken(CallSiteDescriptor.OPERATOR))) {
        // Support dyn:call on any object that supports some @FunctionalInterface
        // annotated interface. This way Java method, constructor references or
        // implementations of java.util.function.* interfaces can be called as though
        // those are script functions.
        final String name = getFunctionalInterfaceMethodName(self.getClass());
        if (name != null) {
            final MethodType callType = desc.getMethodType();
            // drop callee (Undefined ScriptFunction) and change the request to be dyn:callMethod:<name>
            final NashornCallSiteDescriptor newDesc = NashornCallSiteDescriptor.get(desc.getLookup(),
                    "dyn:callMethod:" + name, desc.getMethodType().dropParameterTypes(1, 2),
            final GuardedInvocation gi = getGuardedInvocation(beansLinker,
                    linkRequest.replaceArguments(newDesc, linkRequest.getArguments()),
                    new NashornBeansLinkerServices(linkerServices));

            // drop 'thiz' passed from the script.
            return gi.replaceMethods(
                MH.dropArguments(linkerServices.filterInternalObjects(gi.getInvocation()), 1, callType.parameterType(1)),
    return getGuardedInvocation(beansLinker, linkRequest, linkerServices);
Example 13
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private GuardedInvocation createVarArgApplyOrCallCall(final boolean isApply, final CallSiteDescriptor desc,
        final LinkRequest request, final Object[] args) {
    final MethodType descType = desc.getMethodType();
    final int paramCount = descType.parameterCount();
    final Object[] varArgs = (Object[]) args[paramCount - 1];
    // -1 'cause we're not passing the vararg array itself
    final int copiedArgCount = args.length - 1;
    final int varArgCount = varArgs.length;

    // Spread arguments for the delegate createApplyOrCallCall invocation.
    final Object[] spreadArgs = new Object[copiedArgCount + varArgCount];
    System.arraycopy(args, 0, spreadArgs, 0, copiedArgCount);
    System.arraycopy(varArgs, 0, spreadArgs, copiedArgCount, varArgCount);

    // Spread call site descriptor for the delegate createApplyOrCallCall invocation. We drop vararg array and
    // replace it with a list of Object.class.
    final MethodType spreadType = descType.dropParameterTypes(paramCount - 1, paramCount).appendParameterTypes(
            Collections.<Class<?>>nCopies(varArgCount, Object.class));
    final CallSiteDescriptor spreadDesc = desc.changeMethodType(spreadType);

    // Delegate back to createApplyOrCallCall with the spread (that is, reverted to non-vararg) request/
    final LinkRequest spreadRequest = request.replaceArguments(spreadDesc, spreadArgs);
    final GuardedInvocation spreadInvocation = createApplyOrCallCall(isApply, spreadDesc, spreadRequest, spreadArgs);

    // Add spreader combinators to returned invocation and guard.
    return spreadInvocation.replaceMethods(
            // Use standard ScriptObject.pairArguments on the invocation
            pairArguments(spreadInvocation.getInvocation(), descType),
            // Use our specialized spreadGuardArguments on the guard (see below).
            spreadGuardArguments(spreadInvocation.getGuard(), descType));
Example 14
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public GuardedInvocation getGuardedInvocation(final LinkRequest linkRequest, final LinkerServices linkerServices) throws Exception {
    final LinkRequest request = linkRequest.withoutRuntimeContext(); // Nashorn has no runtime context
    final Object self = request.getReceiver();
    if (self.getClass() != StaticClass.class) {
        return null;
    final Class<?> receiverClass = ((StaticClass) self).getRepresentedClass();

    Bootstrap.checkReflectionAccess(receiverClass, true);
    final CallSiteDescriptor desc = request.getCallSiteDescriptor();
    // We intercept "new" on StaticClass instances to provide additional capabilities
    if ("new".equals(desc.getNameToken(CallSiteDescriptor.OPERATOR))) {
        if (! Modifier.isPublic(receiverClass.getModifiers())) {
            throw ECMAErrors.typeError("new.on.nonpublic.javatype", receiverClass.getName());

        // make sure new is on accessible Class

        // Is the class abstract? (This includes interfaces.)
        if (NashornLinker.isAbstractClass(receiverClass)) {
            // Change this link request into a link request on the adapter class.
            final Object[] args = request.getArguments();
            args[0] = JavaAdapterFactory.getAdapterClassFor(new Class<?>[] { receiverClass }, null,
            final LinkRequest adapterRequest = request.replaceArguments(request.getCallSiteDescriptor(), args);
            final GuardedInvocation gi = checkNullConstructor(delegate(linkerServices, adapterRequest), receiverClass);
            // Finally, modify the guard to test for the original abstract class.
            return gi.replaceMethods(gi.getInvocation(), Guards.getIdentityGuard(self));
        // If the class was not abstract, just delegate linking to the standard StaticClass linker. Make an
        // additional check to ensure we have a constructor. We could just fall through to the next "return"
        // statement, except we also insert a call to checkNullConstructor() which throws an ECMAScript TypeError
        // with a more intuitive message when no suitable constructor is found.
        return checkNullConstructor(delegate(linkerServices, request), receiverClass);
    // In case this was not a "new" operation, just delegate to the the standard StaticClass linker.
    return delegate(linkerServices, request);
Example 15
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public GuardedInvocation getGuardedInvocation(final LinkRequest linkRequest, final LinkerServices linkerServices) throws Exception {
    final Object self = linkRequest.getReceiver();
    final CallSiteDescriptor desc = linkRequest.getCallSiteDescriptor();
    if (self instanceof ConsString) {
        // In order to treat ConsString like a java.lang.String we need a link request with a string receiver.
        final Object[] arguments = linkRequest.getArguments();
        arguments[0] = "";
        final LinkRequest forgedLinkRequest = linkRequest.replaceArguments(desc, arguments);
        final GuardedInvocation invocation = getGuardedInvocation(beansLinker, forgedLinkRequest, linkerServices);
        // If an invocation is found we add a filter that makes it work for both Strings and ConsStrings.
        return invocation == null ? null : invocation.filterArguments(0, FILTER_CONSSTRING);

    if (self != null && "call".equals(desc.getNameToken(CallSiteDescriptor.OPERATOR))) {
        // Support dyn:call on any object that supports some @FunctionalInterface
        // annotated interface. This way Java method, constructor references or
        // implementations of java.util.function.* interfaces can be called as though
        // those are script functions.
        final String name = getFunctionalInterfaceMethodName(self.getClass());
        if (name != null) {
            final MethodType callType = desc.getMethodType();
            // drop callee (Undefined ScriptFunction) and change the request to be dyn:callMethod:<name>
            final NashornCallSiteDescriptor newDesc = NashornCallSiteDescriptor.get(desc.getLookup(),
                    "dyn:callMethod:" + name, desc.getMethodType().dropParameterTypes(1, 2),
            final GuardedInvocation gi = getGuardedInvocation(beansLinker,
                    linkRequest.replaceArguments(newDesc, linkRequest.getArguments()),
                    new NashornBeansLinkerServices(linkerServices));

            // drop 'thiz' passed from the script.
            return gi.replaceMethods(
                MH.dropArguments(linkerServices.filterInternalObjects(gi.getInvocation()), 1, callType.parameterType(1)),
    return getGuardedInvocation(beansLinker, linkRequest, linkerServices);
Example 16
Source File:    From jdk8u60 with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private GuardedInvocation createVarArgApplyOrCallCall(final boolean isApply, final CallSiteDescriptor desc,
        final LinkRequest request, final Object[] args) {
    final MethodType descType = desc.getMethodType();
    final int paramCount = descType.parameterCount();
    final Object[] varArgs = (Object[])args[paramCount - 1];
    // -1 'cause we're not passing the vararg array itself
    final int copiedArgCount = args.length - 1;
    final int varArgCount = varArgs.length;

    // Spread arguments for the delegate createApplyOrCallCall invocation.
    final Object[] spreadArgs = new Object[copiedArgCount + varArgCount];
    System.arraycopy(args, 0, spreadArgs, 0, copiedArgCount);
    System.arraycopy(varArgs, 0, spreadArgs, copiedArgCount, varArgCount);

    // Spread call site descriptor for the delegate createApplyOrCallCall invocation. We drop vararg array and
    // replace it with a list of Object.class.
    final MethodType spreadType = descType.dropParameterTypes(paramCount - 1, paramCount).appendParameterTypes(
            Collections.<Class<?>>nCopies(varArgCount, Object.class));
    final CallSiteDescriptor spreadDesc = desc.changeMethodType(spreadType);

    // Delegate back to createApplyOrCallCall with the spread (that is, reverted to non-vararg) request/
    final LinkRequest spreadRequest = request.replaceArguments(spreadDesc, spreadArgs);
    final GuardedInvocation spreadInvocation = createApplyOrCallCall(isApply, spreadDesc, spreadRequest, spreadArgs);

    // Add spreader combinators to returned invocation and guard.
    return spreadInvocation.replaceMethods(
            // Use standard ScriptObject.pairArguments on the invocation
            pairArguments(spreadInvocation.getInvocation(), descType),
            // Use our specialized spreadGuardArguments on the guard (see below).
            spreadGuardArguments(spreadInvocation.getGuard(), descType));
Example 17
Source File:    From jdk8u60 with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public GuardedInvocation getGuardedInvocation(final LinkRequest linkRequest, final LinkerServices linkerServices) throws Exception {
    final LinkRequest request = linkRequest.withoutRuntimeContext(); // Nashorn has no runtime context
    final Object self = request.getReceiver();
    if (self.getClass() != StaticClass.class) {
        return null;
    final Class<?> receiverClass = ((StaticClass) self).getRepresentedClass();

    Bootstrap.checkReflectionAccess(receiverClass, true);
    final CallSiteDescriptor desc = request.getCallSiteDescriptor();
    // We intercept "new" on StaticClass instances to provide additional capabilities
    if ("new".equals(desc.getNameToken(CallSiteDescriptor.OPERATOR))) {
        if (! Modifier.isPublic(receiverClass.getModifiers())) {
            throw ECMAErrors.typeError("new.on.nonpublic.javatype", receiverClass.getName());

        // make sure new is on accessible Class

        // Is the class abstract? (This includes interfaces.)
        if (NashornLinker.isAbstractClass(receiverClass)) {
            // Change this link request into a link request on the adapter class.
            final Object[] args = request.getArguments();
            args[0] = JavaAdapterFactory.getAdapterClassFor(new Class<?>[] { receiverClass }, null,
            final LinkRequest adapterRequest = request.replaceArguments(request.getCallSiteDescriptor(), args);
            final GuardedInvocation gi = checkNullConstructor(delegate(linkerServices, adapterRequest), receiverClass);
            // Finally, modify the guard to test for the original abstract class.
            return gi.replaceMethods(gi.getInvocation(), Guards.getIdentityGuard(self));
        // If the class was not abstract, just delegate linking to the standard StaticClass linker. Make an
        // additional check to ensure we have a constructor. We could just fall through to the next "return"
        // statement, except we also insert a call to checkNullConstructor() which throws an ECMAScript TypeError
        // with a more intuitive message when no suitable constructor is found.
        return checkNullConstructor(delegate(linkerServices, request), receiverClass);
    // In case this was not a "new" operation, just delegate to the the standard StaticClass linker.
    return delegate(linkerServices, request);
Example 18
Source File:    From jdk8u60 with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public GuardedInvocation getGuardedInvocation(final LinkRequest linkRequest, final LinkerServices linkerServices) throws Exception {
    final Object self = linkRequest.getReceiver();
    final CallSiteDescriptor desc = linkRequest.getCallSiteDescriptor();
    if (self instanceof ConsString) {
        // In order to treat ConsString like a java.lang.String we need a link request with a string receiver.
        final Object[] arguments = linkRequest.getArguments();
        arguments[0] = "";
        final LinkRequest forgedLinkRequest = linkRequest.replaceArguments(desc, arguments);
        final GuardedInvocation invocation = getGuardedInvocation(beansLinker, forgedLinkRequest, linkerServices);
        // If an invocation is found we add a filter that makes it work for both Strings and ConsStrings.
        return invocation == null ? null : invocation.filterArguments(0, FILTER_CONSSTRING);

    if (self != null && "call".equals(desc.getNameToken(CallSiteDescriptor.OPERATOR))) {
        // Support dyn:call on any object that supports some @FunctionalInterface
        // annotated interface. This way Java method, constructor references or
        // implementations of java.util.function.* interfaces can be called as though
        // those are script functions.
        final Method m = getFunctionalInterfaceMethod(self.getClass());
        if (m != null) {
            final MethodType callType = desc.getMethodType();
            // 'callee' and 'thiz' passed from script + actual arguments
            if (callType.parameterCount() != m.getParameterCount() + 2) {
                throw typeError("no.method.matches.args", ScriptRuntime.safeToString(self));
            return new GuardedInvocation(
                    // drop 'thiz' passed from the script.
                    MH.dropArguments(linkerServices.filterInternalObjects(desc.getLookup().unreflect(m)), 1,
                            callType.parameterType(1)), Guards.getInstanceOfGuard(
                                            new NashornBeansLinkerServices(linkerServices), callType);
    return getGuardedInvocation(beansLinker, linkRequest, linkerServices);
Example 19
Source File:    From TencentKona-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private GuardedInvocation createVarArgApplyOrCallCall(final boolean isApply, final CallSiteDescriptor desc,
        final LinkRequest request, final Object[] args) {
    final MethodType descType = desc.getMethodType();
    final int paramCount = descType.parameterCount();
    final Object[] varArgs = (Object[]) args[paramCount - 1];
    // -1 'cause we're not passing the vararg array itself
    final int copiedArgCount = args.length - 1;
    final int varArgCount = varArgs.length;

    // Spread arguments for the delegate createApplyOrCallCall invocation.
    final Object[] spreadArgs = new Object[copiedArgCount + varArgCount];
    System.arraycopy(args, 0, spreadArgs, 0, copiedArgCount);
    System.arraycopy(varArgs, 0, spreadArgs, copiedArgCount, varArgCount);

    // Spread call site descriptor for the delegate createApplyOrCallCall invocation. We drop vararg array and
    // replace it with a list of Object.class.
    final MethodType spreadType = descType.dropParameterTypes(paramCount - 1, paramCount).appendParameterTypes(
            Collections.<Class<?>>nCopies(varArgCount, Object.class));
    final CallSiteDescriptor spreadDesc = desc.changeMethodType(spreadType);

    // Delegate back to createApplyOrCallCall with the spread (that is, reverted to non-vararg) request/
    final LinkRequest spreadRequest = request.replaceArguments(spreadDesc, spreadArgs);
    final GuardedInvocation spreadInvocation = createApplyOrCallCall(isApply, spreadDesc, spreadRequest, spreadArgs);

    // Add spreader combinators to returned invocation and guard.
    return spreadInvocation.replaceMethods(
            // Use standard ScriptObject.pairArguments on the invocation
            pairArguments(spreadInvocation.getInvocation(), descType),
            // Use our specialized spreadGuardArguments on the guard (see below).
            spreadGuardArguments(spreadInvocation.getGuard(), descType));
Example 20
Source File:    From TencentKona-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public GuardedInvocation getGuardedInvocation(final LinkRequest linkRequest, final LinkerServices linkerServices) throws Exception {
    final LinkRequest request = linkRequest.withoutRuntimeContext(); // Nashorn has no runtime context
    final Object self = request.getReceiver();
    if (self.getClass() != StaticClass.class) {
        return null;
    final Class<?> receiverClass = ((StaticClass) self).getRepresentedClass();

    Bootstrap.checkReflectionAccess(receiverClass, true);
    final CallSiteDescriptor desc = request.getCallSiteDescriptor();
    // We intercept "new" on StaticClass instances to provide additional capabilities
    if ("new".equals(desc.getNameToken(CallSiteDescriptor.OPERATOR))) {
        if (! Modifier.isPublic(receiverClass.getModifiers())) {
            throw ECMAErrors.typeError("new.on.nonpublic.javatype", receiverClass.getName());

        // make sure new is on accessible Class

        // Is the class abstract? (This includes interfaces.)
        if (NashornLinker.isAbstractClass(receiverClass)) {
            // Change this link request into a link request on the adapter class.
            final Object[] args = request.getArguments();
            args[0] = JavaAdapterFactory.getAdapterClassFor(new Class<?>[] { receiverClass }, null,
            final LinkRequest adapterRequest = request.replaceArguments(request.getCallSiteDescriptor(), args);
            final GuardedInvocation gi = checkNullConstructor(delegate(linkerServices, adapterRequest), receiverClass);
            // Finally, modify the guard to test for the original abstract class.
            return gi.replaceMethods(gi.getInvocation(), Guards.getIdentityGuard(self));
        // If the class was not abstract, just delegate linking to the standard StaticClass linker. Make an
        // additional check to ensure we have a constructor. We could just fall through to the next "return"
        // statement, except we also insert a call to checkNullConstructor() which throws an ECMAScript TypeError
        // with a more intuitive message when no suitable constructor is found.
        return checkNullConstructor(delegate(linkerServices, request), receiverClass);
    // In case this was not a "new" operation, just delegate to the the standard StaticClass linker.
    return delegate(linkerServices, request);