Java Code Examples for net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper#ceil()
The following examples show how to use
net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper#ceil() .
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Example 1
Source File: From CommunityMod with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
@Override public void fall(float distance, float damageMultiplier) { if (distance > 1.0F) { this.playSound(SoundEvents.ENTITY_HORSE_LAND, 0.4F, 1.0F); } int i = MathHelper.ceil((distance * 0.5F - 3.0F) * damageMultiplier); if (i > 0) { this.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.FALL, i); if (this.isBeingRidden()) { for (Entity entity : this.getRecursivePassengers()) { entity.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.FALL, i); } } BlockPos pos = new BlockPos(this.posX, this.posY - 0.2D - this.prevRotationYaw, this.posZ); IBlockState iblockstate =; Block block = iblockstate.getBlock(); if (iblockstate.getMaterial() != Material.AIR && !this.isSilent()) { SoundType soundtype = block.getSoundType(block.getDefaultState(),, pos, this); null, this.posX, this.posY, this.posZ, soundtype.getStepSound(), this.getSoundCategory(), soundtype.getVolume() * 0.5F, soundtype.getPitch() * 0.75F); } } }
Example 2
Source File: From ForgeHax with MIT License | 6 votes |
public static boolean isInWater(Entity entity) { if (entity == null) { return false; } double y = entity.posY + 0.01; for (int x = MathHelper.floor(entity.posX); x < MathHelper.ceil(entity.posX); x++) { for (int z = MathHelper.floor(entity.posZ); z < MathHelper.ceil(entity.posZ); z++) { BlockPos pos = new BlockPos(x, (int) y, z); if (getWorld().getBlockState(pos).getBlock() instanceof BlockLiquid) { return true; } } } return false; }
Example 3
Source File: From ForgeHax with MIT License | 6 votes |
public static boolean isAboveWater(Entity entity, boolean packet) { if (entity == null) { return false; } double y = entity.posY - (packet ? 0.03 : (EntityUtils.isPlayer(entity) ? 0.2 : 0.5)); // increasing this seems to flag more in NCP but needs to be increased // so the player lands on solid water for (int x = MathHelper.floor(entity.posX); x < MathHelper.ceil(entity.posX); x++) { for (int z = MathHelper.floor(entity.posZ); z < MathHelper.ceil(entity.posZ); z++) { BlockPos pos = new BlockPos(x, MathHelper.floor(y), z); if (getWorld().getBlockState(pos).getBlock() instanceof BlockLiquid) { return true; } } } return false; }
Example 4
Source File: From ForgeHax with MIT License | 6 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private static boolean isAboveLand(Entity entity) { if (entity == null) { return false; } double y = entity.posY - 0.01; for (int x = MathHelper.floor(entity.posX); x < MathHelper.ceil(entity.posX); x++) { for (int z = MathHelper.floor(entity.posZ); z < MathHelper.ceil(entity.posZ); z++) { BlockPos pos = new BlockPos(x, MathHelper.floor(y), z); if (getWorld().getBlockState(pos).getBlock().isFullBlock(getWorld().getBlockState(pos))) { return true; } } } return false; }
Example 5
Source File: From GregTech with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public long getRecipeOutputVoltage() { MetaTileEntityRotorHolder rotorHolder = largeTurbine.getAbilities(MetaTileEntityLargeTurbine.ABILITY_ROTOR_HOLDER).get(0); double relativeRotorSpeed = rotorHolder.getRelativeRotorSpeed(); if (rotorHolder.getCurrentRotorSpeed() > 0 && rotorHolder.hasRotorInInventory()) { double rotorEfficiency = rotorHolder.getRotorEfficiency(); double totalEnergyOutput = (BASE_EU_OUTPUT + getBonusForTurbineType(largeTurbine) * rotorEfficiency) * (relativeRotorSpeed * relativeRotorSpeed); return MathHelper.ceil(totalEnergyOutput); } return 0L; }
Example 6
Source File: From enderutilities with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public void fall(float distance, float damageMultiplier) { Block block = this.blockState.getBlock(); if (this.hurtEntities) { int i = MathHelper.ceil(distance - 1.0F); if (i > 0) { boolean isAnvil = block == Blocks.ANVIL; List<Entity> list = Lists.newArrayList(this.getEntityWorld().getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity(this, this.getEntityBoundingBox())); DamageSource damageSource = isAnvil ? DamageSource.ANVIL : DamageSource.FALLING_BLOCK; for (Entity entity : list) { entity.attackEntityFrom(damageSource, Math.min(MathHelper.floor(i * this.fallHurtAmount), this.fallHurtMax)); } if (isAnvil && this.rand.nextFloat() < 0.05D + i * 0.05D) { int j = this.blockState.getValue(BlockAnvil.DAMAGE).intValue() + 1; if (j > 2) { this.canSetAsBlock = false; } else { this.blockState = this.blockState.withProperty(BlockAnvil.DAMAGE, Integer.valueOf(j)); } } } } }
Example 7
Source File: From TinkersToolLeveling with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Override public void afterHit(EntityProjectileBase projectile, World world, ItemStack ammoStack, EntityLivingBase attacker, Entity target, double impactSpeed) { if(impactSpeed > 0.4f && attacker instanceof EntityPlayer) { ItemStack launcher = projectile.tinkerProjectile.getLaunchingStack(); if(launcher.getItem() instanceof BowCore) { double drawTime = ((BowCore) launcher.getItem()).getDrawTime(); double drawSpeed = ProjectileLauncherNBT.from(launcher).drawSpeed; double drawTimeInSeconds = 1d / (20d * drawSpeed/drawTime); // we award 5 xp per 1s draw time int xp = MathHelper.ceil((5d * drawTimeInSeconds)); this.addXp(launcher, xp, (EntityPlayer) attacker); } } }
Example 8
Source File: From Wizardry with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public boolean run(@NotNull World world, ModuleInstanceEffect instance, @Nonnull SpellData spell, @Nonnull SpellRing spellRing) { Vec3d lookVec = spell.getData(LOOK); Entity target = spell.getVictim(world); if (!(target instanceof EntityLivingBase)) return true; ItemStack stack = ((EntityLivingBase) target).getHeldItemMainhand(); if (stack.isEmpty()) return true; if (lookVec == null) return true; if (!target.hasNoGravity()) { double potency = spellRing.getAttributeValue(world, AttributeRegistry.POTENCY, spell); if (!spellRing.taxCaster(world, spell, true)) return false; if (!NBTHelper.hasNBTEntry(stack, "jump_count") || !NBTHelper.hasNBTEntry(stack, "max_jumps") || !NBTHelper.hasNBTEntry(stack, "jump_timer")) { NBTHelper.setInt(stack, "jump_count", (int) potency); NBTHelper.setInt(stack, "max_jumps", (int) potency); NBTHelper.setInt(stack, "jump_timer", 200); } target.motionX += lookVec.x; target.motionY += 0.65; target.motionZ += lookVec.z; target.velocityChanged = true; target.fallDistance /= (1 + MathHelper.ceil(spellRing.getAttributeValue(world, AttributeRegistry.POTENCY, spell) / 8)); if (target instanceof EntityPlayerMP) ((EntityPlayerMP) target).connection.sendPacket(new SPacketEntityVelocity(target)); world.playSound(null, target.getPosition(), ModSounds.FLY, SoundCategory.NEUTRAL, 1, 1); } return true; }
Example 9
Source File: From enderutilities with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Override protected void onCrafting(ItemStack stack) { stack.onCrafting(this.player.getEntityWorld(), this.player, this.amountCrafted); if (this.player.getEntityWorld().isRemote == false) { int i = this.amountCrafted; float f = FurnaceRecipes.instance().getSmeltingExperience(stack); if (f == 0.0F) { i = 0; } else if (f < 1.0F) { int j = MathHelper.floor((float)i * f); if (j < MathHelper.ceil((float)i * f) && Math.random() < (double)((float)i * f - (float)j)) { ++j; } i = j; } while (i > 0) { int k = EntityXPOrb.getXPSplit(i); i -= k; this.player.getEntityWorld().spawnEntity(new EntityXPOrb(this.player.getEntityWorld(), this.player.posX, this.player.posY + 0.5D, this.player.posZ + 0.5D, k)); } } this.amountCrafted = 0; net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.instance().firePlayerSmeltedEvent(player, stack); }
Example 10
Source File: From OpenModsLib with MIT License | 5 votes |
public GuiComponentSideSelector(int x, int y, double scale, IBlockState blockState, TileEntity te, boolean highlightSelectedSides) { super(x, y); this.scale = scale; this.diameter = MathHelper.ceil(scale * SQRT_3); this.blockState = blockState; this.te = te; this.access = new FakeBlockAccess(blockState, te); this.highlightSelectedSides = highlightSelectedSides; }
Example 11
Source File: From GregTech with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public long getMaxVoltage() { MetaTileEntityRotorHolder rotorHolder = largeTurbine.getAbilities(MetaTileEntityLargeTurbine.ABILITY_ROTOR_HOLDER).get(0); if (rotorHolder.hasRotorInInventory()) { double rotorEfficiency = rotorHolder.getRotorEfficiency(); double totalEnergyOutput = (BASE_EU_OUTPUT + getBonusForTurbineType(largeTurbine) * rotorEfficiency); return MathHelper.ceil(totalEnergyOutput); } return BASE_EU_OUTPUT + getBonusForTurbineType(largeTurbine); }
Example 12
Source File: From OptiFabric with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Inject(method = "render", at = @At("RETURN")) private void render(int int_1, int int_2, float float_1, CallbackInfo info) { if (!OptifabricError.hasError()) { float fadeTime = this.doBackgroundFade ? (float) (Util.getMeasuringTimeMs() - this.backgroundFadeStart) / 1000.0F : 1.0F; float fadeColor = this.doBackgroundFade ? MathHelper.clamp(fadeTime - 1.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F) : 1.0F; int int_6 = MathHelper.ceil(fadeColor * 255.0F) << 24; if ((int_6 & -67108864) != 0) { this.drawString(this.font, OptifineVersion.version, 2, this.height - 20, 16777215 | int_6); } } }
Example 13
Source File: From the-hallow with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Override public boolean generate(IWorld world, ChunkGenerator<? extends ChunkGeneratorConfig> chunkGenerator, Random random, BlockPos blockPos, HallowedOreFeatureConfig oreFeatureConfig) { float randomNumberFromZeroToPi = random.nextFloat() * 3.1415927F; float dividedSize = (float) oreFeatureConfig.size / 8.0F; int ceilSize = MathHelper.ceil(((float) oreFeatureConfig.size / 16.0F * 2.0F + 1.0F) / 2.0F); double positiveX = (blockPos.getX() + MathHelper.sin(randomNumberFromZeroToPi) * dividedSize); double negativeX = (blockPos.getX() - MathHelper.sin(randomNumberFromZeroToPi) * dividedSize); double positiveZ = (blockPos.getZ() + MathHelper.cos(randomNumberFromZeroToPi) * dividedSize); double negativeZ = (blockPos.getZ() - MathHelper.cos(randomNumberFromZeroToPi) * dividedSize); double positiveY = (blockPos.getY() + random.nextInt(3) - 2); double negativeY = (blockPos.getY() + random.nextInt(3) - 2); int startX = blockPos.getX() - MathHelper.ceil(dividedSize) - ceilSize; int y = blockPos.getY() - 2 - ceilSize; int startZ = blockPos.getZ() - MathHelper.ceil(dividedSize) - ceilSize; int xSize = 2 * (MathHelper.ceil(dividedSize) + ceilSize); int int_7 = 2 * (2 + ceilSize); for (int x = startX; x <= startX + xSize; ++x) { for (int z = startZ; z <= startZ + xSize; ++z) { if (y <= world.getTopY(Type.OCEAN_FLOOR_WG, x, z)) { return this.generateVeinPart(world, random, oreFeatureConfig, positiveX, negativeX, positiveZ, negativeZ, positiveY, negativeY, startX, y, startZ, xSize, int_7); } } } return false; }
Example 14
Source File: From Sandbox with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
public void render(int int_1, int int_2, float float_1) { if (this.backgroundFadeStart == 0L && this.doBackgroundFade) { this.backgroundFadeStart = Util.getMeasuringTimeMs(); } float float_2 = this.doBackgroundFade ? (float) (Util.getMeasuringTimeMs() - this.backgroundFadeStart) / 1000.0F : 1.0F; fill(0, 0, this.width, this.height, -1); this.backgroundRenderer.render(float_1, MathHelper.clamp(float_2, 0.0F, 1.0F)); int int_4 = this.width / 2 - 137; this.minecraft.getTextureManager().bindTexture(PANORAMA_OVERLAY); GlStateManager.enableBlend(); GlStateManager.blendFunc(GlStateManager.SrcFactor.SRC_ALPHA.value, GlStateManager.DstFactor.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA.value); GlStateManager.color4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, this.doBackgroundFade ? (float) MathHelper.ceil(MathHelper.clamp(float_2, 0.0F, 1.0F)) : 1.0F); blit(0, 0, this.width, this.height, 0.0F, 0.0F, 16, 128, 16, 128); float float_3 = this.doBackgroundFade ? MathHelper.clamp(float_2 - 1.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F) : 1.0F; int int_6 = MathHelper.ceil(float_3 * 255.0F) << 24; if ((int_6 & -67108864) != 0) { this.minecraft.getTextureManager().bindTexture(MINECRAFT_TITLE_TEXTURE); GlStateManager.color4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, float_3); if (this.field_17776) { this.blit(int_4 + 0, 30, 0, 0, 99, 44); this.blit(int_4 + 99, 30, 129, 0, 27, 44); this.blit(int_4 + 99 + 26, 30, 126, 0, 3, 44); this.blit(int_4 + 99 + 26 + 3, 30, 99, 0, 26, 44); this.blit(int_4 + 155, 30, 0, 45, 155, 44); } else { this.blit(int_4 + 0, 30, 0, 0, 155, 44); this.blit(int_4 + 155, 30, 0, 45, 155, 44); } this.minecraft.getTextureManager().bindTexture(EDITION_TITLE_TEXTURE); blit(int_4 + 88, 67, 0.0F, 0.0F, 98, 14, 128, 16); if (this.splashText != null) { GlStateManager.pushMatrix(); GlStateManager.translatef((float) (this.width / 2 + 90), 70.0F, 0.0F); GlStateManager.rotatef(-20.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F); float float_4 = 1.8F - MathHelper.abs(MathHelper.sin((float) (Util.getMeasuringTimeMs() % 1000L) / 1000.0F * 6.2831855F) * 0.1F); float_4 = float_4 * 100.0F / (float) (this.font.getStringWidth(this.splashText) + 32); GlStateManager.scalef(float_4, float_4, float_4); this.drawCenteredString(this.font, this.splashText, 0, -8, 16776960 | int_6); GlStateManager.popMatrix(); } String string_1 = "Minecraft " + SharedConstants.getGameVersion().getName(); if (this.minecraft.isDemo()) { string_1 = string_1 + " Demo"; } else { string_1 = string_1 + ("release".equalsIgnoreCase(this.minecraft.getVersionType()) ? "" : "/" + this.minecraft.getVersionType()); } this.drawString(this.font, string_1, 2, this.height - 10, 16777215 | int_6); this.drawString(this.font, "Copyright Mojang AB. Do not distribute!", this.copyrightTextX, this.height - 10, 16777215 | int_6); if (int_1 > this.copyrightTextX && int_1 < this.copyrightTextX + this.copyrightTextWidth && int_2 > this.height - 10 && int_2 < this.height) { fill(this.copyrightTextX, this.height - 1, this.copyrightTextX + this.copyrightTextWidth, this.height, 16777215 | int_6); } if (this.warning != null) { this.warning.render(int_6); } Iterator var11 = this.buttons.iterator(); while (var11.hasNext()) { AbstractButtonWidget abstractButtonWidget_1 = (AbstractButtonWidget); abstractButtonWidget_1.setAlpha(float_3); } super.render(int_1, int_2, float_1); } }
Example 15
Source File: From multiconnect with MIT License | 4 votes |
@Inject(method = "updateMovementInFluid", at = @At("HEAD"), cancellable = true) private void modifyFluidMovementBoundingBox(Tag<Fluid> fluidTag, double d, CallbackInfoReturnable<Boolean> ci) { if (ConnectionInfo.protocolVersion > Protocols.V1_12_2) return; Box box = getBoundingBox().expand(0, -0.4, 0).contract(0.001); int minX = MathHelper.floor(box.minX); int maxX = MathHelper.ceil(box.maxX); int minY = MathHelper.floor(box.minY); int maxY = MathHelper.ceil(box.maxY); int minZ = MathHelper.floor(box.minZ); int maxZ = MathHelper.ceil(box.maxZ); if (!world.isRegionLoaded(minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ)) ci.setReturnValue(false); double waterHeight = 0; boolean foundFluid = false; Vec3d pushVec = Vec3d.ZERO; BlockPos.Mutable mutable = new BlockPos.Mutable(); for (int x = minX; x < maxX; x++) { for (int y = minY - 1; y < maxY; y++) { for (int z = minZ; z < maxZ; z++) { mutable.set(x, y, z); FluidState state = world.getFluidState(mutable); if (state.isIn(fluidTag)) { double height = y + state.getHeight(world, mutable); if (height >= box.minY - 0.4) waterHeight = Math.max(height - box.minY + 0.4, waterHeight); if (y >= minY && maxY >= height) { foundFluid = true; pushVec = pushVec.add(state.getVelocity(world, mutable)); } } } } } if (pushVec.length() > 0) { pushVec = pushVec.normalize().multiply(0.014); setVelocity(getVelocity().add(pushVec)); } this.fluidHeight.put(fluidTag, waterHeight); ci.setReturnValue(foundFluid); }
Example 16
Source File: From Wizardry with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
public boolean generate(World worldIn, Random rand, BlockPos position) { while (worldIn.isAirBlock(position) && position.getY() > 2) { position = position.down(); } if (worldIn.getBlockState(position).getBlock() != Blocks.SNOW) { return false; } else { position = position.up(rand.nextInt(4)); int i = rand.nextInt(4) + 7; int j = i / 4 + rand.nextInt(2); if (j > 1 && rand.nextInt(60) == 0) { position = position.up(10 + rand.nextInt(30)); } for (int k = 0; k < i; ++k) { float f = (1.0F - (float) k / (float) i) * (float) j; int l = MathHelper.ceil(f); for (int i1 = -l; i1 <= l; ++i1) { float f1 = (float) MathHelper.abs(i1) - 0.25F; for (int j1 = -l; j1 <= l; ++j1) { float f2 = (float) MathHelper.abs(j1) - 0.25F; if ((i1 == 0 && j1 == 0 || f1 * f1 + f2 * f2 <= f * f) && (i1 != -l && i1 != l && j1 != -l && j1 != l || rand.nextFloat() <= 0.75F)) { IBlockState iblockstate = worldIn.getBlockState(position.add(i1, k, j1)); Block block = iblockstate.getBlock(); if (iblockstate.getBlock().isAir(iblockstate, worldIn, position.add(i1, k, j1)) || block == Blocks.DIRT || block == Blocks.SNOW || block == Blocks.ICE) { this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(worldIn, position.add(i1, k, j1), Blocks.PACKED_ICE.getDefaultState()); } if (k != 0 && l > 1) { iblockstate = worldIn.getBlockState(position.add(i1, -k, j1)); block = iblockstate.getBlock(); if (iblockstate.getBlock().isAir(iblockstate, worldIn, position.add(i1, -k, j1)) || block == Blocks.DIRT || block == Blocks.SNOW || block == Blocks.ICE) { this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(worldIn, position.add(i1, -k, j1), Blocks.PACKED_ICE.getDefaultState()); } } } } } } int k1 = j - 1; if (k1 < 0) { k1 = 0; } else if (k1 > 1) { k1 = 1; } for (int l1 = -k1; l1 <= k1; ++l1) { for (int i2 = -k1; i2 <= k1; ++i2) { BlockPos blockpos = position.add(l1, -1, i2); int j2 = 50; if (Math.abs(l1) == 1 && Math.abs(i2) == 1) { j2 = rand.nextInt(5); } while (blockpos.getY() > 50) { IBlockState iblockstate1 = worldIn.getBlockState(blockpos); Block block1 = iblockstate1.getBlock(); if (!iblockstate1.getBlock().isAir(iblockstate1, worldIn, blockpos) && block1 != Blocks.DIRT && block1 != Blocks.SNOW && block1 != Blocks.ICE && block1 != Blocks.PACKED_ICE) { break; } this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(worldIn, blockpos, Blocks.PACKED_ICE.getDefaultState()); blockpos = blockpos.down(); --j2; if (j2 <= 0) { blockpos = blockpos.down(rand.nextInt(5) + 1); j2 = rand.nextInt(5); } } } } return true; } }
Example 17
Source File: From TofuCraftReload with MIT License | 4 votes |
/** * the itemStack passed in is the output - ie, iron ingots, and pickaxes, not ore and wood. */ @Override protected void onCrafting(ItemStack par1ItemStack) { par1ItemStack.onCrafting(, this.thePlayer, this.field_75228_b); if (! { int i = this.field_75228_b; float f = par1ItemStack.getItem() == ItemLoader.material ? 0.2f : par1ItemStack.getItem() == ItemLoader.nigari ? 0.3f : 0.0f; int j; if (f == 0.0F) { i = 0; } else if (f < 1.0F) { j = MathHelper.floor(i * f); if (j < MathHelper.ceil(i * f) && (float)Math.random() < i * f - j) { ++j; } i = j; } while (i > 0) { j = EntityXPOrb.getXPSplit(i); i -= j; EntityXPOrb(, this.thePlayer.posX, this.thePlayer.posY + 0.5D, this.thePlayer.posZ + 0.5D, j)); } } this.field_75228_b = 0; if (par1ItemStack.getItem() == ItemLoader.material) { TofuAdvancements.grantAdvancement(this.thePlayer, "getsalt"); } else if (par1ItemStack.getItem() == ItemLoader.nigari) { TofuAdvancements.grantAdvancement(this.thePlayer, "getnigari"); } }
Example 18
Source File: From Galacticraft-Rewoven with MIT License | 4 votes |
@Override public List<Widget> setupDisplay(DefaultFabricationDisplay recipeDisplay, Rectangle bounds) { final Point startPoint = new Point(bounds.getCenterX() - 81, bounds.getCenterY() - 41); class BaseWidget extends Widget { private BaseWidget() { } public void render(MatrixStack stack, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) { //super.render(mouseX, mouseY, delta); DiffuseLighting.disable(); MinecraftClient.getInstance().getTextureManager().bindTexture(DefaultFabricationCategory.DISPLAY_TEXTURE); this.drawTexture(stack, startPoint.x, startPoint.y, 0, 0, 162, 82); int height = MathHelper.ceil((double) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 250L) % 14.0D / 1.0D); this.drawTexture(stack, startPoint.x + 2, startPoint.y + 21 + (14 - height), 82, 77 + (14 - height), 14, height); int width = MathHelper.ceil((double) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 250L) % 24.0D / 1.0D); this.drawTexture(stack, startPoint.x + 24, startPoint.y + 18, 82, 91, width, 17); } @Override public List<? extends Element> children() { return new ArrayList<>(); } } List<Widget> widgets = new LinkedList<>(); widgets.add(new BaseWidget()); // Diamond input // Silicon // Silicon // Redstone // User input // Output widgets.add(Widgets.createSlot(new Point(startPoint.x + 1, startPoint.y + 1)).entry(EntryStack.create(new ItemStack(Items.DIAMOND)))); widgets.add(Widgets.createSlot(new Point(startPoint.x + (18 * 7) + 1, startPoint.y + 1)).entries(recipeDisplay.getInput().get(0))); widgets.add(Widgets.createSlot(new Point(startPoint.x + (18 * 3) + 1, startPoint.y + 47)).entry(EntryStack.create(new ItemStack(GalacticraftItems.RAW_SILICON)))); widgets.add(Widgets.createSlot(new Point(startPoint.x + (18 * 3) + 1, startPoint.y + 47 + 18)).entry(EntryStack.create(new ItemStack(GalacticraftItems.RAW_SILICON)))); widgets.add(Widgets.createSlot(new Point(startPoint.x + (18 * 6) + 1, startPoint.y + 47)).entry(EntryStack.create(new ItemStack(Items.REDSTONE)))); widgets.add(Widgets.createSlot(new Point(startPoint.x + (18 * 8) + 1, startPoint.y + 47 + 18)).entries(recipeDisplay.getOutputEntries())); return widgets; }
Example 19
Source File: From TFC2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
/** * the itemStack passed in is the output - ie, iron ingots, and pickaxes, not ore and wood. */ @Override protected void onCrafting(ItemStack stack) { stack.onCrafting(, this.player, this.removeCount); if (! { int i = this.removeCount; float f = FurnaceRecipes.instance().getSmeltingExperience(stack); if (f == 0.0F) { i = 0; } else if (f < 1.0F) { int j = MathHelper.floor((float)i * f); if (j < MathHelper.ceil((float)i * f) && Math.random() < (double)((float)i * f - (float)j)) { ++j; } i = j; } while (i > 0) { int k = EntityXPOrb.getXPSplit(i); i -= k; EntityXPOrb(, this.player.posX, this.player.posY + 0.5D, this.player.posZ + 0.5D, k)); } } this.removeCount = 0; net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.instance().firePlayerSmeltedEvent(player, stack); if (stack.getItem() == Items.IRON_INGOT) { this.player.addStat(AchievementList.ACQUIRE_IRON); } if (stack.getItem() == Items.COOKED_FISH) { this.player.addStat(AchievementList.COOK_FISH); } }
Example 20
Source File: From Galacticraft-Rewoven with MIT License | 4 votes |
public List<Widget> setupDisplay(DefaultCompressingDisplay recipeDisplay, Rectangle bounds) { final Point startPoint = new Point(bounds.getCenterX() - 68, bounds.getCenterY() - 37); class BaseWidget extends Widget { BaseWidget() { } public void render(MatrixStack stack, int mouseX, int mouseY, float delta) { //super.render(stack, mouseX, mouseY, delta); DiffuseLighting.disable(); MinecraftClient.getInstance().getTextureManager().bindTexture(DefaultCompressingCategory.DISPLAY_TEXTURE); this.drawTexture(stack, startPoint.x, startPoint.y, 0, 83, 137, 157); int height = MathHelper.ceil((double) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 250L) % 14.0D / 1.0D); this.drawTexture(stack, startPoint.x + 2, startPoint.y + 21 + (14 - height), 82, 77 + (14 - height), 14, height); int width = MathHelper.ceil((double) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 250L) % 24.0D / 1.0D); this.drawTexture(stack, startPoint.x + 24, startPoint.y + 18, 82, 91, width, 17); } @Override public List<? extends Element> children() { return new ArrayList<>(); } } List<Widget> widgets = new LinkedList<>(Collections.singletonList(new BaseWidget())); List<List<EntryStack>> input = recipeDisplay.getInputEntries(); List<Slot> slots = Lists.newArrayList(); // 3x3 grid // Output int i; for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x) { slots.add(Widgets.createSlot(new Point(startPoint.x + (x * 18) + 1, startPoint.y + (i * 18) + 1))); } } for (i = 0; i < input.size(); ++i) { if (!input.get(i).isEmpty()) { slots.get(this.getSlotWithSize(recipeDisplay, i)).entries(input.get(i)); } } widgets.addAll(slots); widgets.add(Widgets.createSlot(new Point(startPoint.x + 120, startPoint.y + (18) + 3)).entries(new ArrayList<>(Objects.requireNonNull(recipeDisplay).getOutputEntries()))); widgets.add(Widgets.createSlot(new Point(startPoint.x + (2 * 18) + 1, startPoint.y + (18 * 3) + 4)).entries(AbstractFurnaceBlockEntity.createFuelTimeMap().keySet().stream().map(EntryStack::create).collect(Collectors.toList()))); return widgets; }