Java Code Examples for org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell#getTimestamp()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell#getTimestamp() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From phoenix-tephra with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public Cell transformCell(Cell cell) throws IOException {
  // Convert Tephra deletes back into HBase deletes
  if (tx.getVisibilityLevel() == Transaction.VisibilityLevel.SNAPSHOT_ALL) {
    if (DeleteTracker.isFamilyDelete(cell)) {
      return new KeyValue(CellUtil.cloneRow(cell), CellUtil.cloneFamily(cell), null, cell.getTimestamp(),
    } else if (isColumnDelete(cell)) {
      // Note: in some cases KeyValue.Type.Delete is used in Delete object,
      // and in some other cases KeyValue.Type.DeleteColumn is used.
      // Since Tephra cannot distinguish between the two, we return KeyValue.Type.DeleteColumn.
      // KeyValue.Type.DeleteColumn makes both CellUtil.isDelete and CellUtil.isDeleteColumns return true, and will
      // work in both cases.
      return new KeyValue(CellUtil.cloneRow(cell), CellUtil.cloneFamily(cell), CellUtil.cloneQualifier(cell),
                          cell.getTimestamp(), KeyValue.Type.DeleteColumn);
  return cell;
Example 2
Source File:    From phoenix-tephra with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Gets a list of {@link RegionPruneInfo} for given regions. Returns all regions if the given regions set is null.
 * @param regions a set of regions
 * @return list of {@link RegionPruneInfo}s.
 * @throws IOException when not able to read the data from HBase
public List<RegionPruneInfo> getPruneInfoForRegions(@Nullable SortedSet<byte[]> regions) throws IOException {
  List<RegionPruneInfo> regionPruneInfos = new ArrayList<>();
  try (Table stateTable = stateTableSupplier.get()) {
    byte[] startRow = makeRegionKey(EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY);
    Scan scan = new Scan(startRow, REGION_KEY_PREFIX_STOP);
    scan.addColumn(FAMILY, PRUNE_UPPER_BOUND_COL);

    try (ResultScanner scanner = stateTable.getScanner(scan)) {
      Result next;
      while ((next = != null) {
        byte[] region = getRegionFromKey(next.getRow());
        if (regions == null || regions.contains(region)) {
          Cell cell = next.getColumnLatestCell(FAMILY, PRUNE_UPPER_BOUND_COL);
          if (cell != null) {
            byte[] pruneUpperBoundBytes = CellUtil.cloneValue(cell);
            long timestamp = cell.getTimestamp();
            regionPruneInfos.add(new RegionPruneInfo(region, Bytes.toStringBinary(region),
                                                     Bytes.toLong(pruneUpperBoundBytes), timestamp));
  return Collections.unmodifiableList(regionPruneInfos);
Example 3
Source File:    From phoenix-tephra with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Gets a list of {@link RegionPruneInfo} for given regions. Returns all regions if the given regions set is null.
 * @param regions a set of regions
 * @return list of {@link RegionPruneInfo}s.
 * @throws IOException when not able to read the data from HBase
public List<RegionPruneInfo> getPruneInfoForRegions(@Nullable SortedSet<byte[]> regions) throws IOException {
  List<RegionPruneInfo> regionPruneInfos = new ArrayList<>();
  try (Table stateTable = stateTableSupplier.get()) {
    byte[] startRow = makeRegionKey(EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY);
    Scan scan = new Scan(startRow, REGION_KEY_PREFIX_STOP);
    scan.addColumn(FAMILY, PRUNE_UPPER_BOUND_COL);

    try (ResultScanner scanner = stateTable.getScanner(scan)) {
      Result next;
      while ((next = != null) {
        byte[] region = getRegionFromKey(next.getRow());
        if (regions == null || regions.contains(region)) {
          Cell cell = next.getColumnLatestCell(FAMILY, PRUNE_UPPER_BOUND_COL);
          if (cell != null) {
            byte[] pruneUpperBoundBytes = CellUtil.cloneValue(cell);
            long timestamp = cell.getTimestamp();
            regionPruneInfos.add(new RegionPruneInfo(region, Bytes.toStringBinary(region),
                                                     Bytes.toLong(pruneUpperBoundBytes), timestamp));
  return Collections.unmodifiableList(regionPruneInfos);
Example 4
Source File:    From phoenix-tephra with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public Cell transformCell(Cell cell) throws IOException {
  // Convert Tephra deletes back into HBase deletes
  if (tx.getVisibilityLevel() == Transaction.VisibilityLevel.SNAPSHOT_ALL) {
    if (DeleteTracker.isFamilyDelete(cell)) {
      return new KeyValue(CellUtil.cloneRow(cell), CellUtil.cloneFamily(cell), null, cell.getTimestamp(),
    } else if (isColumnDelete(cell)) {
      // Note: in some cases KeyValue.Type.Delete is used in Delete object,
      // and in some other cases KeyValue.Type.DeleteColumn is used.
      // Since Tephra cannot distinguish between the two, we return KeyValue.Type.DeleteColumn.
      // KeyValue.Type.DeleteColumn makes both CellUtil.isDelete and CellUtil.isDeleteColumns return true, and will
      // work in both cases.
      return new KeyValue(CellUtil.cloneRow(cell), CellUtil.cloneFamily(cell), CellUtil.cloneQualifier(cell),
                          cell.getTimestamp(), KeyValue.Type.DeleteColumn);
  return cell;
Example 5
Source File:    From hbase-tools with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static Map<String, Map<String, String>> versionedRegionMap(HBaseAdmin admin, long timestamp)
    throws IOException {
    Map<String, Map<String, String>> regionLocationMap = new HashMap<>();
    try (HTable metaTable = new HTable(admin.getConfiguration(), metaTableName())) {
        Scan scan = new Scan();
        ResultScanner scanner = metaTable.getScanner(scan);
        for (Result result : scanner) {
            List<Cell> columnCells = result.getColumnCells("info".getBytes(), "server".getBytes());
            for (Cell cell : columnCells) {
                if (cell.getTimestamp() <= timestamp) {
                    String tableName = Bytes.toString(HRegionInfo.getTableName(cell.getRow()));
                    String encodeRegionName = HRegionInfo.encodeRegionName(cell.getRow());
                    String regionServer = Bytes.toString(cell.getValue()).replaceAll(":", ",");

                    Map<String, String> innerMap = regionLocationMap.get(tableName);
                    if (innerMap == null) {
                        innerMap = new HashMap<>();
                        regionLocationMap.put(tableName, innerMap);
                    if (innerMap.get(encodeRegionName) == null)
                        innerMap.put(encodeRegionName, regionServer);
    return regionLocationMap;
Example 6
Source File:    From phoenix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public ReturnCode filterKeyValue(Cell v) {
  long timestamp = v.getTimestamp();
  if (timestamp > ts) {
    return ReturnCode.SKIP;
  return ReturnCode.INCLUDE;
Example 7
Source File:    From phoenix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static long getMaxTimestamp(Mutation m) {
    long ts = 0;
    for (List<Cell> cells : m.getFamilyCellMap().values()) {
        if (cells == null) {
        for (Cell cell : cells) {
            if (ts < cell.getTimestamp()) {
                ts = cell.getTimestamp();
    return ts;
Example 8
Source File:    From phoenix-tephra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public ReturnCode filterKeyValue(Cell cell) throws IOException {
  // include all cells visible to in-progress transactions, except for those already marked as invalid
  long ts = cell.getTimestamp();
  if (ts > visibilityUpperBound) {
    // include everything that could still be in-progress except invalids
    if (invalidIds.contains(ts)) {
      return ReturnCode.SKIP;
    return ReturnCode.INCLUDE;
  return txFilter.filterKeyValue(cell);
Example 9
Source File:    From phoenix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public long createSequence(Result result, long minValue, long maxValue, boolean cycle) throws SQLException {
    Cell statusKV = result.rawCells()[0];
    long timestamp = statusKV.getTimestamp();
    int statusCode = PInteger.INSTANCE.getCodec().decodeInt(statusKV.getValueArray(), statusKV.getValueOffset(), SortOrder.getDefault());
    if (statusCode == 0) {  // Success - add sequence value and return timestamp
        SequenceValue value = new SequenceValue(timestamp, minValue, maxValue, cycle);
        return timestamp;
    SQLExceptionCode code = SQLExceptionCode.fromErrorCode(statusCode);
    throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(code)
Example 10
Source File:    From phoenix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static long getTimestamp(Mutation m) {
    for (List<Cell> cells : m.getFamilyCellMap().values()) {
        for (Cell cell : cells) {
            return cell.getTimestamp();
    throw new IllegalStateException("No cell found");
Example 11
Source File:    From phoenix-tephra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public ReturnCode filterKeyValue(Cell cell) throws IOException {
  // include all cells visible to in-progress transactions, except for those already
  // marked as invalid
  long ts = cell.getTimestamp();
  if (ts > visibilityUpperBound) {
    // include everything that could still be in-progress except invalids
    if (invalidIds.contains(ts)) {
      return ReturnCode.SKIP;
    return ReturnCode.INCLUDE;
  return txFilter.filterKeyValue(cell);
Example 12
Source File:    From simplified-lambda with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public long getTimestampForKey(String key, byte[] column) throws IOException {
    Cell cell = getCell(key, column);

    if (cell != null) {
        return cell.getTimestamp();
    } else {
        throw new IOException("Cannot retrieve string from hbase");
Example 13
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected final void trackDelete(Cell cell) {
  // If keepDeletedCells is true, then we only remove cells by versions or TTL during
  // compaction, so we do not need to track delete here.
  // If keepDeletedCells is TTL and the delete marker is expired, then we can make sure that the
  // minVerions is larger than 0(otherwise we will just return at preCheck). So here we still
  // need to track the delete marker to see if it masks some cells.
  if (keepDeletedCells == KeepDeletedCells.FALSE
      || (keepDeletedCells == KeepDeletedCells.TTL && cell.getTimestamp() < oldestUnexpiredTS)) {
Example 14
Source File:    From phoenix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static KeyValue addSaltByte(Cell keyValue, int nSaltBuckets) {
    byte[] buf = keyValue.getRowArray();
    int length = keyValue.getRowLength();
    int offset = keyValue.getRowOffset();
    boolean isViewSeq = length > SEQ_PREFIX_BYTES.length && Bytes.compareTo(SEQ_PREFIX_BYTES, 0, SEQ_PREFIX_BYTES.length, buf, offset, SEQ_PREFIX_BYTES.length) == 0;
    if (!isViewSeq && nSaltBuckets == 0) {
        return null;
    byte[] newBuf;
    if (isViewSeq) { // We messed up the name for the sequences for view indexes so we'll take this opportunity to fix it
        if (buf[length-1] == 0) { // Global indexes on views have trailing null byte
        byte[][] rowKeyMetaData = new byte[3][];
        SchemaUtil.getVarChars(buf, offset, length, 0, rowKeyMetaData);
        byte[] schemaName = rowKeyMetaData[PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SCHEMA_NAME_INDEX];
        byte[] unprefixedSchemaName = new byte[schemaName.length - MetaDataUtil.VIEW_INDEX_SEQUENCE_PREFIX_BYTES.length];
        System.arraycopy(schemaName, MetaDataUtil.VIEW_INDEX_SEQUENCE_PREFIX_BYTES.length, unprefixedSchemaName, 0, unprefixedSchemaName.length);
        byte[] tableName = rowKeyMetaData[PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.TABLE_NAME_INDEX];
        PName physicalName = PNameFactory.newName(unprefixedSchemaName);
        // Reformulate key based on correct data
        newBuf = MetaDataUtil.getViewIndexSequenceKey(tableName == null ? null : Bytes.toString(tableName),
                physicalName, nSaltBuckets, false).getKey();
    } else {
        newBuf = new byte[length + 1];
        System.arraycopy(buf, offset, newBuf, SaltingUtil.NUM_SALTING_BYTES, length);
        newBuf[0] = SaltingUtil.getSaltingByte(newBuf, SaltingUtil.NUM_SALTING_BYTES, length, nSaltBuckets);
    return new KeyValue(newBuf, 0, newBuf.length,
            buf, keyValue.getFamilyOffset(), keyValue.getFamilyLength(),
            buf, keyValue.getQualifierOffset(), keyValue.getQualifierLength(),
            keyValue.getTimestamp(), KeyValue.Type.codeToType(keyValue.getTypeByte()),
            buf, keyValue.getValueOffset(), keyValue.getValueLength());
Example 15
Source File:    From phoenix-tephra with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public ReturnCode filterKeyValue(Cell cell) throws IOException {
  if (!CellUtil.matchingFamily(cell, currentFamily.get(), currentFamily.getOffset(), currentFamily.getLength())) {
    // column family changed
    currentFamily.set(cell.getFamilyArray(), cell.getFamilyOffset(), cell.getFamilyLength());
    Long familyOldestTs = oldestTsByFamily.get(currentFamily);
    currentOldestTs = familyOldestTs != null ? familyOldestTs : 0;
  // need to apply TTL for the column family here
  long kvTimestamp = cell.getTimestamp();
  if (TxUtils.getTimestampForTTL(kvTimestamp) < currentOldestTs) {
    // passed TTL for this column, seek to next
    return ReturnCode.NEXT_COL;
  } else if (tx.isVisible(kvTimestamp)) {
    // Return all writes done by current transaction (including deletes) for VisibilityLevel.SNAPSHOT_ALL
    if (tx.getVisibilityLevel() == Transaction.VisibilityLevel.SNAPSHOT_ALL && tx.isCurrentWrite(kvTimestamp)) {
      // cell is visible
      // visibility SNAPSHOT_ALL needs all matches
      return runSubFilter(ReturnCode.INCLUDE, cell);
    if (DeleteTracker.isFamilyDelete(cell)) {
      if (clearDeletes) {
        return ReturnCode.NEXT_COL;
      } else {
        // cell is visible
        // as soon as we find a KV to include we can move to the next column
        return runSubFilter(ReturnCode.INCLUDE_AND_NEXT_COL, cell);
    // check if masked by family delete
    if (deleteTracker.isDeleted(cell)) {
      return ReturnCode.NEXT_COL;
    // check for column delete
    if (isColumnDelete(cell)) {
      if (clearDeletes) {
        // skip "deleted" cell
        return ReturnCode.NEXT_COL;
      } else {
        // keep the marker but skip any remaining versions
        return runSubFilter(ReturnCode.INCLUDE_AND_NEXT_COL, cell);
    // cell is visible
    // as soon as we find a KV to include we can move to the next column
    return runSubFilter(ReturnCode.INCLUDE_AND_NEXT_COL, cell);
  } else {
    return ReturnCode.SKIP;
Example 16
Source File:    From hbase with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Pretend we have done a seek but don't do it yet, if possible. The hope is
 * that we find requested columns in more recent files and won't have to seek
 * in older files. Creates a fake key/value with the given row/column and the
 * highest (most recent) possible timestamp we might get from this file. When
 * users of such "lazy scanner" need to know the next KV precisely (e.g. when
 * this scanner is at the top of the heap), they run {@link #enforceSeek()}.
 * <p>
 * Note that this function does guarantee that the current KV of this scanner
 * will be advanced to at least the given KV. Because of this, it does have
 * to do a real seek in cases when the seek timestamp is older than the
 * highest timestamp of the file, e.g. when we are trying to seek to the next
 * row/column and use OLDEST_TIMESTAMP in the seek key.
public boolean requestSeek(Cell kv, boolean forward, boolean useBloom)
    throws IOException {
  if (kv.getFamilyLength() == 0) {
    useBloom = false;

  boolean haveToSeek = true;
  if (useBloom) {
    // check ROWCOL Bloom filter first.
    if (reader.getBloomFilterType() == BloomType.ROWCOL) {
      haveToSeek = reader.passesGeneralRowColBloomFilter(kv);
    } else if (canOptimizeForNonNullColumn
        && ((PrivateCellUtil.isDeleteFamily(kv)
            || PrivateCellUtil.isDeleteFamilyVersion(kv)))) {
      // if there is no such delete family kv in the store file,
      // then no need to seek.
      haveToSeek = reader.passesDeleteFamilyBloomFilter(kv.getRowArray(), kv.getRowOffset(),

  delayedReseek = forward;
  delayedSeekKV = kv;

  if (haveToSeek) {
    // This row/column might be in this store file (or we did not use the
    // Bloom filter), so we still need to seek.
    realSeekDone = false;
    long maxTimestampInFile = reader.getMaxTimestamp();
    long seekTimestamp = kv.getTimestamp();
    if (seekTimestamp > maxTimestampInFile) {
      // Create a fake key that is not greater than the real next key.
      // (Lower timestamps correspond to higher KVs.)
      // To understand this better, consider that we are asked to seek to
      // a higher timestamp than the max timestamp in this file. We know that
      // the next point when we have to consider this file again is when we
      // pass the max timestamp of this file (with the same row/column).
      setCurrentCell(PrivateCellUtil.createFirstOnRowColTS(kv, maxTimestampInFile));
    } else {
      // This will be the case e.g. when we need to seek to the next
      // row/column, and we don't know exactly what they are, so we set the
      // seek key's timestamp to OLDEST_TIMESTAMP to skip the rest of this
      // row/column.
    return cur != null;

  // Multi-column Bloom filter optimization.
  // Create a fake key/value, so that this scanner only bubbles up to the top
  // of the KeyValueHeap in StoreScanner after we scanned this row/column in
  // all other store files. The query matcher will then just skip this fake
  // key/value and the store scanner will progress to the next column. This
  // is obviously not a "real real" seek, but unlike the fake KV earlier in
  // this method, we want this to be propagated to ScanQueryMatcher.

  realSeekDone = true;
  return true;
Example 17
Source File:    From cloud-bigtable-examples with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void run(Connection connection, List<String> args) throws InvalidArgsException, IOException {
    if (args.size() < 1 || args.size() > 2) {
        throw new InvalidArgsException(args);
    String tableName = args.get(0);
    String filterVal = null;
    if (args.size() > 1) {
        filterVal = args.get(1);

    Table table = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf(tableName));

    // Create a new Scan instance.
    Scan scan = new Scan();

    // This command supports using a columnvalue filter.
    // The filter takes the form of <columnfamily>:<column><operator><value>
    // An example would be cf:col>=10
    if (filterVal != null) {
        String splitVal = "=";
        CompareFilter.CompareOp op = CompareFilter.CompareOp.EQUAL;

        if (filterVal.contains(">=")) {
             op = CompareFilter.CompareOp.GREATER_OR_EQUAL;
             splitVal = ">=";
        } else if (filterVal.contains("<=")) {
             op = CompareFilter.CompareOp.LESS_OR_EQUAL;
             splitVal = "<=";
        } else if (filterVal.contains(">")) {
             op = CompareFilter.CompareOp.GREATER;
             splitVal = ">";
        } else if (filterVal.contains("<")) {
             op = CompareFilter.CompareOp.LESS;
             splitVal = "<";
        String[] filter = filterVal.split(splitVal);
        String[] filterCol = filter[0].split(":");
        scan.setFilter(new SingleColumnValueFilter(filterCol[0].getBytes(), filterCol[1].getBytes(), op, filter[1].getBytes()));
    ResultScanner resultScanner = table.getScanner(scan);
    for (Result result : resultScanner) {
        for (Cell cell : result.listCells()) {
            String row = new String(CellUtil.cloneRow(cell));
            String family = new String(CellUtil.cloneFamily(cell));
            String column = new String(CellUtil.cloneQualifier(cell));
            String value = new String(CellUtil.cloneValue(cell));
            long timestamp = cell.getTimestamp();
            System.out.printf("%-20s column=%s:%s, timestamp=%s, value=%s\n", row, family, column, timestamp, value);
Example 18
Source File:    From phoenix with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void splitStats(HRegion p, HRegion l, HRegion r, StatisticsCollector tracker, ImmutableBytesPtr cfKey,
        List<Mutation> mutations) throws IOException {
    if (tracker == null) { return; }
    boolean useMaxTimeStamp = clientTimeStamp == StatisticsCollector.NO_TIMESTAMP;
    if (!useMaxTimeStamp) {
    long readTimeStamp = useMaxTimeStamp ? HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP : clientTimeStamp;
    Result result = StatisticsUtil.readRegionStatistics(statsReaderTable, tableName, cfKey, p.getRegionName(),
    if (result != null && !result.isEmpty()) {
    	Cell cell = result.getColumnLatestCell(QueryConstants.DEFAULT_COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.GUIDE_POSTS_BYTES);
    	Cell rowCountCell = result.getColumnLatestCell(QueryConstants.DEFAULT_COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.GUIDE_POSTS_ROW_COUNT_BYTES);
        long rowCount = 0;
    	if (cell != null) {
            long writeTimeStamp = useMaxTimeStamp ? cell.getTimestamp() : clientTimeStamp;

            GuidePostsInfo guidePostsRegionInfo = GuidePostsInfo.deserializeGuidePostsInfo(cell.getValueArray(),
                    cell.getValueOffset(), cell.getValueLength(), rowCount);
            byte[] pPrefix = StatisticsUtil.getRowKey(tableName, cfKey, p.getRegionName());
            mutations.add(new Delete(pPrefix, writeTimeStamp));
     	long byteSize = 0;
            Cell byteSizeCell = result.getColumnLatestCell(QueryConstants.DEFAULT_COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES,
            int index = Collections.binarySearch(guidePostsRegionInfo.getGuidePosts(), r.getStartKey(),
            int size = guidePostsRegionInfo.getGuidePosts().size();
            int midEndIndex, midStartIndex;
            if (index < 0) {
                midEndIndex = midStartIndex = -(index + 1);
            } else {
                // For an exact match, we want to get rid of the exact match guidepost,
                // since it's replaced by the region boundary.
                midEndIndex = index;
                midStartIndex = index + 1;
            double per = (double)(midEndIndex) / size;
            long leftRowCount = 0;
            long rightRowCount = 0;
            long leftByteCount = 0;
            long rightByteCount = 0;
            if (rowCountCell != null) {
                rowCount = PLong.INSTANCE.getCodec().decodeLong(rowCountCell.getValueArray(),
                        rowCountCell.getValueOffset(), SortOrder.getDefault());
                leftRowCount = (long)(per * rowCount);
                rightRowCount = (long)((1 - per) * rowCount);
            if (byteSizeCell != null) {
                byteSize = PLong.INSTANCE.getCodec().decodeLong(byteSizeCell.getValueArray(),
                        byteSizeCell.getValueOffset(), SortOrder.getDefault());
                leftByteCount = (long)(per * byteSize);
                rightByteCount = (long)((1 - per) * byteSize);
         if (midEndIndex > 0) {
             GuidePostsInfo lguidePosts = new GuidePostsInfo(leftByteCount, guidePostsRegionInfo
                        .getGuidePosts().subList(0, midEndIndex), leftRowCount);
             tracker.addGuidePost(cfKey, lguidePosts, leftByteCount, cell.getTimestamp());
             addStats(l.getRegionName(), tracker, cfKey, mutations);
         if (midStartIndex < size) {
             GuidePostsInfo rguidePosts = new GuidePostsInfo(rightByteCount, guidePostsRegionInfo
                        .getGuidePosts().subList(midStartIndex, size),
             tracker.addGuidePost(cfKey, rguidePosts, rightByteCount, cell.getTimestamp());
             addStats(r.getRegionName(), tracker, cfKey, mutations);
Example 19
Source File:    From phoenix-tephra with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public ReturnCode filterKeyValue(Cell cell) throws IOException {
  if (!CellUtil.matchingFamily(cell, currentFamily.get(), currentFamily.getOffset(), currentFamily.getLength())) {
    // column family changed
    currentFamily.set(cell.getFamilyArray(), cell.getFamilyOffset(), cell.getFamilyLength());
    Long familyOldestTs = oldestTsByFamily.get(currentFamily);
    currentOldestTs = familyOldestTs != null ? familyOldestTs : 0;
  // need to apply TTL for the column family here
  long kvTimestamp = cell.getTimestamp();
  if (TxUtils.getTimestampForTTL(kvTimestamp) < currentOldestTs) {
    // passed TTL for this column, seek to next
    return ReturnCode.NEXT_COL;
  } else if (tx.isVisible(kvTimestamp)) {
    // Return all writes done by current transaction (including deletes) for VisibilityLevel.SNAPSHOT_ALL
    if (tx.getVisibilityLevel() == Transaction.VisibilityLevel.SNAPSHOT_ALL && tx.isCurrentWrite(kvTimestamp)) {
      // cell is visible
      // visibility SNAPSHOT_ALL needs all matches
      return runSubFilter(ReturnCode.INCLUDE, cell);
    if (DeleteTracker.isFamilyDelete(cell)) {
      if (clearDeletes) {
        return ReturnCode.NEXT_COL;
      } else {
        // cell is visible
        // as soon as we find a KV to include we can move to the next column
        return runSubFilter(ReturnCode.INCLUDE_AND_NEXT_COL, cell);
    // check if masked by family delete
    if (deleteTracker.isDeleted(cell)) {
      return ReturnCode.NEXT_COL;
    // check for column delete
    if (isColumnDelete(cell)) {
      if (clearDeletes) {
        // skip "deleted" cell
        return ReturnCode.NEXT_COL;
      } else {
        // keep the marker but skip any remaining versions
        return runSubFilter(ReturnCode.INCLUDE_AND_NEXT_COL, cell);
    // cell is visible
    // as soon as we find a KV to include we can move to the next column
    return runSubFilter(ReturnCode.INCLUDE_AND_NEXT_COL, cell);
  } else {
    return ReturnCode.SKIP;
Example 20
Source File:    From phoenix-tephra with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public ReturnCode filterKeyValue(Cell cell) throws IOException {
  if (!CellUtil.matchingFamily(cell, currentFamily)) {
    // column family changed
    currentFamily = CellUtil.cloneFamily(cell);
    Long familyOldestTs = oldestTsByFamily.get(currentFamily);
    currentOldestTs = familyOldestTs != null ? familyOldestTs : 0;
  // need to apply TTL for the column family here
  long kvTimestamp = cell.getTimestamp();
  if (TxUtils.getTimestampForTTL(kvTimestamp) < currentOldestTs) {
    // passed TTL for this column, seek to next
    return ReturnCode.NEXT_COL;
  } else if (tx.isVisible(kvTimestamp)) {
    // Return all writes done by current transaction (including deletes) for VisibilityLevel.SNAPSHOT_ALL
    if (tx.getVisibilityLevel() == Transaction.VisibilityLevel.SNAPSHOT_ALL && tx.isCurrentWrite(kvTimestamp)) {
      // cell is visible
      // visibility SNAPSHOT_ALL needs all matches
      return runSubFilter(ReturnCode.INCLUDE, cell);
    if (DeleteTracker.isFamilyDelete(cell)) {
      if (clearDeletes) {
        return ReturnCode.NEXT_COL;
      } else {
        // cell is visible
        // as soon as we find a KV to include we can move to the next column
        return runSubFilter(ReturnCode.INCLUDE_AND_NEXT_COL, cell);
    // check if masked by family delete
    if (deleteTracker.isDeleted(cell)) {
      return ReturnCode.NEXT_COL;
    // check for column delete
    if (isColumnDelete(cell)) {
      if (clearDeletes) {
        // skip "deleted" cell
        return ReturnCode.NEXT_COL;
      } else {
        // keep the marker but skip any remaining versions
        return runSubFilter(ReturnCode.INCLUDE_AND_NEXT_COL, cell);
    // cell is visible
    // as soon as we find a KV to include we can move to the next column
    return runSubFilter(ReturnCode.INCLUDE_AND_NEXT_COL, cell);
  } else {
    return ReturnCode.SKIP;