gnu.inet.encoding.StringprepException Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Deletes a user (optional operation).
* @param user the user to delete.
public void deleteUser(final User user) {
if (provider.isReadOnly()) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("User provider is read-only.");
final String username = user.getUsername();
// Make sure that the username is valid.
try {
/*username =*/ Stringprep.nodeprep(username);
catch (final StringprepException se) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid username: " + username, se);
// Fire event.
final Map<String,Object> params = Collections.emptyMap();
UserEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(user, UserEventDispatcher.EventType.user_deleting, params);
// Remove the user from cache.
Example #2
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Creates a new User. Required values are username and password. The email address
* and name can optionally be {@code null}, unless the UserProvider deems that
* either of them are required.
* @param username the new and unique username for the account.
* @param password the password for the account (plain text).
* @param name the name of the user, which can be {@code null} unless the UserProvider
* deems that it's required.
* @param email the email address to associate with the new account, which can
* be {@code null}, unless the UserProvider deems that it's required.
* @return a new User.
* @throws UserAlreadyExistsException if the username already exists in the system.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the provider does not support the
* operation.
public User createUser(String username, final String password, final String name, final String email)
throws UserAlreadyExistsException
if (provider.isReadOnly()) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("User provider is read-only.");
if (username == null || username.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null or empty username.");
if (password == null || password.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null or empty password.");
// Make sure that the username is valid.
try {
username = Stringprep.nodeprep(username);
catch (final StringprepException se) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid username: " + username, se);
if (provider.isNameRequired() && (name == null || name.matches("\\s*"))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid or empty name specified with provider that requires name. User: "
+ username + " Name: " + name);
if (provider.isEmailRequired() && !StringUtils.isValidEmailAddress(email)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid or empty email address specified with provider that requires email address. User: "
+ username + " Email: " + email);
final User user = provider.createUser(username, password, name, email);
userCache.put(username, user);
// Fire event.
final Map<String,Object> params = Collections.emptyMap();
UserEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(user, UserEventDispatcher.EventType.user_created, params);
return user;
Example #3
Source File: From jxmpp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public String localprep(String string) throws XmppStringprepException {
try {
// Allow unassigned codepoints as of RFC6122 A.2
return Stringprep.nodeprep(string, true);
} catch (StringprepException e) {
throw new XmppStringprepException(string, e);
Example #4
Source File: From jxmpp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public String domainprep(String string) throws XmppStringprepException {
try {
// Don't allow unassigned because this is a "stored string". See
// RFC3453 7, RFC3490 4 1) and RFC6122 2.2
return Stringprep.nameprep(string);
} catch (StringprepException e) {
throw new XmppStringprepException(string, e);
Example #5
Source File: From jxmpp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public String resourceprep(String string) throws XmppStringprepException {
try {
// Allow unassigned codepoints as of RFC6122 B.2
return Stringprep.resourceprep(string, true);
} catch (StringprepException e) {
throw new XmppStringprepException(string, e);