org.xmpp.packet.StreamError Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void closeStream(StreamError streamError)
if (isWebSocketOpen()) {
if (streamError != null) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(250);
sb.append("<close ");
Example #2
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Authenticates the connection manager. Shared secret is validated with the one provided * by the connection manager. If everything went fine then the session will have a status * of "authenticated" and the connection manager will receive the client configuration * options. * * @param digest the digest provided by the connection manager with the handshake stanza. * @return true if the connection manager was sucessfully authenticated. */ public boolean authenticate(String digest) { // Perform authentication. Wait for the handshake (with the secret key) String anticipatedDigest = AuthFactory.createDigest(getStreamID().getID(), ConnectionMultiplexerManager.getDefaultSecret()); // Check that the provided handshake (secret key + sessionID) is correct if (!anticipatedDigest.equalsIgnoreCase(digest)) { Log.debug("LocalConnectionMultiplexerSession: [ConMng] Incorrect handshake for connection manager with domain: " + getAddress().getDomain()); // The credentials supplied by the initiator are not valid (answer an error // and close the connection) conn.deliverRawText(new StreamError(StreamError.Condition.not_authorized).toXML()); // Close the underlying connection conn.close(); return false; } else { // Component has authenticated fine setStatus(STATUS_AUTHENTICATED); // Send empty handshake element to acknowledge success conn.deliverRawText("<handshake></handshake>"); Log.debug("LocalConnectionMultiplexerSession: [ConMng] Connection manager was AUTHENTICATED with domain: " + getAddress()); sendClientOptions(); return true; } }
Example #3
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@OnWebSocketError public void onError(Throwable error) { Log.error("Error detected; session: " + wsSession, error); closeStream(new StreamError(StreamError.Condition.internal_server_error)); try { if (wsSession != null) { wsSession.disconnect(); } } catch ( Exception e ) { Log.error("Error disconnecting websocket", e); } }
Example #4
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Close the connection since TLS was mandatory and the entity never negotiated TLS. Before * closing the connection a stream error will be sent to the entity. */ void closeNeverSecuredConnection() { // Set the not_authorized error StreamError error = new StreamError(StreamError.Condition.not_authorized); // Deliver stanza connection.deliverRawText(error.toXML()); // Close the underlying connection connection.close(); // Log a warning so that admins can track this case from the server side Log.warn("TLS was required by the server and connection was never secured. " + "Closing connection : " + connection); }
Example #5
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private void processStanza(Element stanza) { try { String tag = stanza.getName(); if (STREAM_FOOTER.equals(tag)) { xmppSession.getStreamManager().formalClose(); closeStream(null); } else if ("auth".equals(tag)) { // User is trying to authenticate using SASL startedSASL = true; // Process authentication stanza xmppSession.incrementClientPacketCount(); saslStatus = SASLAuthentication.handle(xmppSession, stanza); } else if (startedSASL && "response".equals(tag) || "abort".equals(tag)) { // User is responding to SASL challenge. Process response xmppSession.incrementClientPacketCount(); saslStatus = SASLAuthentication.handle(xmppSession, stanza); } else if (STREAM_HEADER.equals(tag)) { // restart the stream openStream(stanza.attributeValue(QName.get("lang", XMLConstants.XML_NS_URI), "en"), stanza.attributeValue("from")); configureStream(); } else if (Status.authenticated.equals(saslStatus)) { if (router == null) { if (StreamManager.isStreamManagementActive()) { router = new StreamManagementPacketRouter(xmppSession); } else { // fall back for older Openfire installations router = new SessionPacketRouter(xmppSession); } } router.route(stanza); } else { // require authentication Log.warn("Not authorized: " + stanza.asXML()); sendPacketError(stanza, PacketError.Condition.not_authorized); } } catch (UnknownStanzaException use) { Log.warn("Received invalid stanza: " + stanza.asXML()); sendPacketError(stanza, PacketError.Condition.bad_request); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.error("Failed to process incoming stanza: " + stanza.asXML(), ex); closeStream(new StreamError(StreamError.Condition.internal_server_error)); } }
Example #6
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public void systemShutdown() { deliverRawText(new StreamError(StreamError.Condition.system_shutdown).toXML()); close(); }
Example #7
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Authenticate the external component using a digest method. The digest includes the * stream ID and the secret key of the main domain of the external component. A component * needs to authenticate just once but it may bind several domains. * * @param digest the digest sent in the handshake. * @return true if the authentication was successful. */ public boolean authenticate(String digest) { // Perform authentication. Wait for the handshake (with the secret key) String secretKey = ExternalComponentManager.getSecretForComponent(defaultSubdomain); String anticipatedDigest = AuthFactory.createDigest(getStreamID().getID(), secretKey); // Check that the provided handshake (secret key + sessionID) is correct if (!anticipatedDigest.equalsIgnoreCase(digest)) { Log.debug("LocalComponentSession: [ExComp] Incorrect handshake for component with domain: " + defaultSubdomain); // The credentials supplied by the initiator are not valid (answer an error // and close the connection) conn.deliverRawText(new StreamError(StreamError.Condition.not_authorized).toXML()); // Close the underlying connection conn.close(); return false; } else { // Component has authenticated fine setStatus(STATUS_AUTHENTICATED); // Send empty handshake element to acknowledge success conn.deliverRawText("<handshake></handshake>"); // Bind the domain to this component ExternalComponent component = getExternalComponent(); try { InternalComponentManager.getInstance().addComponent(defaultSubdomain, component); conn.registerCloseListener( handback -> InternalComponentManager.getInstance().removeComponent( defaultSubdomain, (ExternalComponent) handback ), component ); Log.debug( "LocalComponentSession: [ExComp] External component was registered SUCCESSFULLY with domain: " + defaultSubdomain); return true; } catch (ComponentException e) { Log.debug("LocalComponentSession: [ExComp] Another component is already using domain: " + defaultSubdomain); // The credentials supplied by the initiator are not valid (answer an error // and close the connection) conn.deliverRawText(new StreamError(StreamError.Condition.conflict).toXML()); // Close the underlying connection conn.close(); return false; } } }
Example #8
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Returns a new {@link IncomingServerSession} with a domain validated by the Authoritative * Server. New domains may be added to the returned IncomingServerSession after they have * been validated. See * {@link LocalIncomingServerSession#validateSubsequentDomain(org.dom4j.Element)}. The remote * server will be able to send packets through this session whose domains were previously * validated.<p> * * When acting as an Authoritative Server this method will verify the requested key * and will return null since the underlying TCP connection will be closed after sending the * response to the Receiving Server.<p> * * @param reader reader of DOM documents on the connection to the remote server. * @return an IncomingServerSession that was previously validated against the remote server. * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs while communicating with the remote server. * @throws XmlPullParserException if an error occurs while parsing XML packets. */ public LocalIncomingServerSession createIncomingSession(XMPPPacketReader reader) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { XmlPullParser xpp = reader.getXPPParser(); StringBuilder sb; if ("jabber:server:dialback".equals(xpp.getNamespace("db"))) { Log.debug("ServerDialback: Processing incoming session."); StreamID streamID = sessionManager.nextStreamID(); sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<stream:stream"); sb.append(" xmlns:stream=\"\""); sb.append(" xmlns=\"jabber:server\" xmlns:db=\"jabber:server:dialback\""); sb.append(" id=\""); sb.append(streamID.toString()); sb.append("\">"); connection.deliverRawText(sb.toString()); try { Element doc = reader.parseDocument().getRootElement(); if ("db".equals(doc.getNamespacePrefix()) && "result".equals(doc.getName())) { String hostname = doc.attributeValue("from"); String recipient = doc.attributeValue("to"); Log.debug("ServerDialback: RS - Validating remote domain for incoming session from {} to {}", hostname, recipient); if (validateRemoteDomain(doc, streamID)) { Log.debug("ServerDialback: RS - Validation of remote domain for incoming session from {} to {} was successful.", hostname, recipient); // Create a server Session for the remote server LocalIncomingServerSession session = sessionManager. createIncomingServerSession(connection, streamID, hostname); // Add the validated domain as a valid domain session.addValidatedDomain(hostname); // Set the domain or subdomain of the local server used when // validating the session session.setLocalDomain(recipient); // After the session has been created, inform all listeners as well. ServerSessionEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(session, ServerSessionEventDispatcher.EventType.session_created); return session; } else { Log.debug("ServerDialback: RS - Validation of remote domain for incoming session from {} to {} was not successful.", hostname, recipient); return null; } } else if ("db".equals(doc.getNamespacePrefix()) && "verify".equals(doc.getName())) { // When acting as an Authoritative Server the Receiving Server will send a // db:verify packet for verifying a key that was previously sent by this // server when acting as the Originating Server verifyReceivedKey(doc, connection); // Close the underlying connection connection.close(); String verifyFROM = doc.attributeValue("from"); String id = doc.attributeValue("id"); Log.debug("ServerDialback: AS - Connection closed for host: " + verifyFROM + " id: " + id); return null; } else { Log.debug("ServerDialback: Received an invalid/unknown packet while trying to process an incoming session: {}", doc.asXML()); // The remote server sent an invalid/unknown packet connection.deliverRawText( new StreamError(StreamError.Condition.invalid_xml).toXML()); // Close the underlying connection connection.close(); return null; } } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("An error occured while creating a server session", e); // Close the underlying connection connection.close(); return null; } } else { Log.debug("ServerDialback: Received a stanza in an invalid namespace while trying to process an incoming session: {}", xpp.getNamespace("db")); connection.deliverRawText( new StreamError(StreamError.Condition.invalid_namespace).toXML()); // Close the underlying connection connection.close(); return null; } }
Example #9
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Read the incoming stream until it ends. */ private void readStream() throws Exception { = true; while ( { Element doc = socketReader.reader.parseDocument().getRootElement(); if (doc == null) { // Stop reading the stream since the client has sent an end of // stream element and probably closed the connection. return; } String tag = doc.getName(); if ("starttls".equals(tag)) { // Negotiate TLS if (negotiateTLS()) { tlsNegotiated(); } else { = false; socketReader.session = null; } } else if ("auth".equals(tag)) { // User is trying to authenticate using SASL if (authenticateClient(doc)) { // SASL authentication was successful so open a new stream and offer // resource binding and session establishment (to client sessions only) saslSuccessful(); } else if (socketReader.connection.isClosed()) { = false; socketReader.session = null; } } else if ("error".equals(tag)) { try { final StreamError error = new StreamError( doc ); "Peer '{}' sent a stream error: '{}'{}. Closing connection.", socketReader.session != null ? socketReader.session.getAddress() : "(unknown)", error.getCondition().toXMPP(), error.getText() != null ? " ('" + error.getText() +"')" : "" ); } catch ( Exception e ) { Log.debug( "An unexpected exception occurred while trying to parse a stream error.", e ); } finally { if ( socketReader.session != null ) { socketReader.session.close(); socketReader.session = null; } = false; } } else if ("compress".equals(tag)) { // Client is trying to initiate compression if (compressClient(doc)) { // Compression was successful so open a new stream and offer // resource binding and session establishment (to client sessions only) compressionSuccessful(); } } else { socketReader.process(doc); } } }