info.aduna.lang.FileFormat Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From sparql-playground with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
private FileFormatServiceRegistry<? extends FileFormat, ?> getRegistryInstance(SparqlQueryType queryType) {
case TUPLE_QUERY: return TupleQueryResultWriterRegistry.getInstance();
case GRAPH_QUERY: return RDFWriterRegistry.getInstance();
case BOOLEAN_QUERY: return BooleanQueryResultWriterRegistry.getInstance();
return null;
Example #2
Source File: From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 3 votes |
* Return a set of accept header values annotated with quality scores.
* @param formats
* The set of formats which can be accepted.
* @param preferredFormat
* The preferred format (optional).
* @return The list of accept header values with quality scores.
public static <T extends FileFormat> List<String> getAcceptParams(
final Iterable<T> formats,
final T preferredFormat) {
final List<String> acceptParams = new LinkedList<String>();
for (T format : formats) {
// Determine a q-value that reflects the user specified preference
int qValue = defaultQValue;
if (preferredFormat != null && !preferredFormat.equals(format)) {
// Prefer specified format over other formats
qValue -= 2;
for (String mimeType : format.getMIMETypes()) {
// Default is the bare mime type
String acceptParam = mimeType;
if (qValue < 10) {
// Annotate with the factional quality score.
acceptParam += ";q=0." + qValue;
return acceptParams;