org.apache.logging.log4j.util.SortedArrayStringMap Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void testConvert02() {
final StringMap map = new SortedArrayStringMap();
map.putValue("someKey", "coolValue");
map.putValue("anotherKey", "testValue");
map.putValue("myKey", "yourValue");
final String converted = this.converter.convertToDatabaseColumn(map);
assertNotNull("The converted value should not be null.", converted);
final ReadOnlyStringMap reversed = this.converter.convertToEntityAttribute(converted);
assertNotNull("The reversed value should not be null.", reversed);
assertEquals("The reversed value is not correct.", map, reversed);
Example #2
Source File: From opencensus-java with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void insertConfigurationProperties() {
new OpenCensusTraceContextDataInjector()
Property.createProperty("property1", "value1"),
Property.createProperty("property2", "value2")),
new SortedArrayStringMap())
Example #3
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void testLayoutRingBufferEventReusableMessageWithCurlyBraces() throws Exception {
final boolean propertiesAsList = false;
final AbstractJacksonLayout layout = JsonLayout.newBuilder()
Message message = ReusableMessageFactory.INSTANCE.newMessage("Testing {}", new TestObj());
try {
RingBufferLogEvent ringBufferEvent = new RingBufferLogEvent();
null, "a.B", null, "f.q.c.n", Level.DEBUG, message,
null, new SortedArrayStringMap(), ThreadContext.EMPTY_STACK, 1L,
"threadName", 1, null, new SystemClock(), new DummyNanoClock());
final String str = layout.toSerializable(ringBufferEvent);
final String expectedMessage = "Testing " + TestObj.TO_STRING_VALUE;
assertThat(str, containsString("\"message\":\"" + expectedMessage + '"'));
final Log4jLogEvent actual = new Log4jJsonObjectMapper(propertiesAsList, true, false, false).readValue(str, Log4jLogEvent.class);
assertEquals(expectedMessage, actual.getMessage().getFormattedMessage());
} finally {
Example #4
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void testConvert01() {
final StringMap map = new SortedArrayStringMap();
map.putValue("test1", "another1");
map.putValue("key2", "value2");
final String converted = this.converter.convertToDatabaseColumn(map);
assertNotNull("The converted value should not be null.", converted);
final ReadOnlyStringMap reversed = this.converter.convertToEntityAttribute(converted);
assertNotNull("The reversed value should not be null.", reversed);
assertEquals("The reversed value is not correct.", map, reversed);
Example #5
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void testConvertToDatabaseColumn01() {
final StringMap map = new SortedArrayStringMap();
map.putValue("test1", "another1");
map.putValue("key2", "value2");
assertEquals("The converted value is not correct.", map.toString(),
Example #6
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void test_writeObject_IndexedReadOnlyStringMap() {
final IndexedReadOnlyStringMap map =
new SortedArrayStringMap(new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>() {{
put("buzz", 1.2D);
put("foo", "bar");
final String expectedJson = "{'buzz':1.2,'foo':'bar'}".replace('\'', '"');
final String actualJson = WRITER.use(() -> WRITER.writeObject(map));
Example #7
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void testConvertToDatabaseColumn02() {
final StringMap map = new SortedArrayStringMap();
map.putValue("someKey", "coolValue");
map.putValue("anotherKey", "testValue");
map.putValue("myKey", "yourValue");
assertEquals("The converted value is not correct.", map.toString(),
Example #8
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public StringMap getReadOnlyContextData() {
final Map<String, String> copy = getCopy();
if (copy.isEmpty()) {
final StringMap result = new SortedArrayStringMap();
for (final Entry<String, String> entry : copy.entrySet()) {
result.putValue(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return result;
Example #9
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static StringMap createContextData() { if (DEFAULT_CONSTRUCTOR == null) { return new SortedArrayStringMap(); } try { return (IndexedStringMap) DEFAULT_CONSTRUCTOR.newInstance(); } catch (final Throwable ignored) { return new SortedArrayStringMap(); } }
Example #10
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static StringMap createContextData(final int initialCapacity) { if (INITIAL_CAPACITY_CONSTRUCTOR == null) { return new SortedArrayStringMap(initialCapacity); } try { return (IndexedStringMap) INITIAL_CAPACITY_CONSTRUCTOR.newInstance(initialCapacity); } catch (final Throwable ignored) { return new SortedArrayStringMap(initialCapacity); } }
Example #11
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected MapFilter(final Map<String, List<String>> map, final boolean oper, final Result onMatch, final Result onMismatch) {
super(onMatch, onMismatch);
this.isAnd = oper;
Objects.requireNonNull(map, "map cannot be null"); = new SortedArrayStringMap(map.size());
for (final Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : map.entrySet()) {, entry.getValue());
Example #12
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void intArgSetsCapacityIfNoPropertySpecified() throws Exception { final SortedArrayStringMap actual = (SortedArrayStringMap) ContextDataFactory.createContextData(2); final Field thresholdField = SortedArrayStringMap.class.getDeclaredField("threshold"); thresholdField.setAccessible(true); assertEquals(2, thresholdField.getInt(actual)); }
Example #13
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void intArgReturnsSortedArrayStringMapIfPropertySpecifiedButMissingIntConstructor() throws Exception { System.setProperty("log4j2.ContextData", FactoryTestStringMapWithoutIntConstructor.class.getName()); assertTrue(ContextDataFactory.createContextData(2) instanceof SortedArrayStringMap); final SortedArrayStringMap actual = (SortedArrayStringMap) ContextDataFactory.createContextData(2); final Field thresholdField = SortedArrayStringMap.class.getDeclaredField("threshold"); thresholdField.setAccessible(true); assertEquals(2, thresholdField.getInt(actual)); System.clearProperty("log4j2.ContextData"); }
Example #14
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void testContextDataInjector() {
ReadOnlyThreadContextMap readOnlythreadContextMap = getThreadContextMap();
assertThat("thread context map class name",
(readOnlythreadContextMap == null) ? null : readOnlythreadContextMap.getClass().getName(),
ContextDataInjector contextDataInjector = createInjector();
StringMap stringMap = contextDataInjector.injectContextData(null, new SortedArrayStringMap());
assertThat("thread context map", ThreadContext.getContext(), allOf(hasEntry("foo", "bar"), not(hasKey("baz"))));
assertThat("context map", stringMap.toMap(), allOf(hasEntry("foo", "bar"), not(hasKey("baz"))));
if (!stringMap.isFrozen()) {
assertThat("thread context map", ThreadContext.getContext(), allOf(hasEntry("foo", "bar"), not(hasKey("baz"))));
assertThat("context map", stringMap.toMap().entrySet(), is(empty()));
ThreadContext.put("foo", "bum");
ThreadContext.put("baz", "bam");
assertThat("thread context map", ThreadContext.getContext(), allOf(hasEntry("foo", "bum"), hasEntry("baz", "bam")));
if (stringMap.isFrozen()) {
assertThat("context map", stringMap.toMap(), allOf(hasEntry("foo", "bar"), not(hasKey("baz"))));
} else {
assertThat("context map", stringMap.toMap().entrySet(), is(empty()));
Example #15
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Setup public void setup() { openHashMapContextData = new OpenHashStringMap<>(); sortedStringArrayMap = new SortedArrayStringMap(); map = new HashMap<>(); keys = new String[count]; final Random r = new Random(); for (int j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) { final char[] str = new char[length]; for (int i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { str[i] = (char) r.nextInt(); } keys[j] = new String(str); } populatedMap = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { populatedMap.put(keys[i], value); } populatedSortedStringArrayMap = new SortedArrayStringMap(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { populatedSortedStringArrayMap.putValue(keys[i], value); } populatedOpenHashContextData = new OpenHashStringMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { populatedOpenHashContextData.putValue(keys[i], value); } }
Example #16
Source File: From cf-java-logging-support with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void mergesMdcFieldsAndArguments() throws Exception {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
when(event.getContextData()).thenReturn(new SortedArrayStringMap(MDC_PROPERTIES));
CustomField customField = customField("some key", "some value");
when(event.getMessage().getParameters()).thenReturn(new Object[] { customField });
converter.format(event, sb);
verifyConverterCall(allOf(hasEntry("this key", "this value"), hasEntry("that key", "that value"),
not(hasEntry("other key", "other value"))), is(sameInstance(customField)));
Example #17
Source File: From cf-java-logging-support with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void mdcFields() throws Exception {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
when(event.getContextData()).thenReturn(new SortedArrayStringMap(MDC_PROPERTIES));
converter.format(event, sb);
verifyConverterCall(allOf(hasEntry("this key", "this value"), hasEntry("that key", "that value"),
not(hasEntry("other key", "other value"))));
Example #18
Source File: From cf-java-logging-support with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void singleCustomFieldArgument() throws Exception {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
when(event.getContextData()).thenReturn(new SortedArrayStringMap());
CustomField customField = customField("some key", "some value");
when(event.getMessage().getParameters()).thenReturn(new Object[] { customField });
converter.format(event, sb);
verifyConverterCall(emptyMap(), is(sameInstance(customField)));
Example #19
Source File: From cf-java-logging-support with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void standardArgument() throws Exception {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
when(event.getContextData()).thenReturn(new SortedArrayStringMap());
when(event.getMessage().getParameters()).thenReturn(new Object[] { "standard argument" });
converter.format(event, sb);
verifyConverterCall(emptyMap(), is("standard argument"));
Example #20
Source File: From cf-java-logging-support with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void emptyMdcAndArguments() throws Exception {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
when(event.getContextData()).thenReturn(new SortedArrayStringMap());
converter.format(event, sb);
Example #21
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void intArgReturnsSortedArrayStringMapIfNoPropertySpecified() throws Exception {
assertTrue(ContextDataFactory.createContextData(2) instanceof SortedArrayStringMap);
Example #22
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void noArgReturnsSortedArrayStringMapIfNoPropertySpecified() throws Exception {
assertTrue(ContextDataFactory.createContextData() instanceof SortedArrayStringMap);
Example #23
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void testBuilderCorrectlyCopiesMutableLogEvent() throws Exception {
final StringMap contextData = new SortedArrayStringMap();
contextData.putValue("A", "B");
final ContextStack contextStack = ThreadContext.getImmutableStack();
final Exception exception = new Exception("test");
final Marker marker = MarkerManager.getMarker("EVENTTEST");
final Message message = new SimpleMessage("foo");
new StackTraceElement("A", "B", "file", 123);
final String fqcn = "qualified";
final String name = "Ceci n'est pas une pipe";
final String threadName = "threadName";
final MutableLogEvent event = new MutableLogEvent();
//event.setSource(stackTraceElement); // cannot be explicitly set
assertSame(contextData, event.getContextData());
assertSame(contextStack, event.getContextStack());
assertEquals(true, event.isEndOfBatch());
assertEquals(true, event.isIncludeLocation());
assertSame(Level.FATAL, event.getLevel());
assertSame(fqcn, event.getLoggerFqcn());
assertSame(name, event.getLoggerName());
assertSame(marker, event.getMarker());
assertSame(message, event.getMessage());
assertEquals(1234567890L, event.getNanoTime());
//assertSame(stackTraceElement, event.getSource()); // don't invoke
assertSame(threadName, event.getThreadName());
assertSame(exception, event.getThrown());
assertEquals(987654321L, event.getTimeMillis());
final LogEvent e2 = new Log4jLogEvent.Builder(event).build();
assertEquals(contextData, e2.getContextData());
assertSame(contextStack, e2.getContextStack());
assertEquals(true, e2.isEndOfBatch());
assertEquals(true, e2.isIncludeLocation());
assertSame(Level.FATAL, e2.getLevel());
assertSame(fqcn, e2.getLoggerFqcn());
assertSame(name, e2.getLoggerName());
assertSame(marker, e2.getMarker());
assertSame(message, e2.getMessage());
assertEquals(1234567890L, e2.getNanoTime());
//assertSame(stackTraceElement, e2.getSource()); // don't invoke
assertSame(threadName, e2.getThreadName());
assertSame(exception, e2.getThrown());
assertEquals(987654321L, e2.getTimeMillis());
// use reflection to get value of source field in log event copy:
// invoking the getSource() method would initialize the field
final Field fieldSource = Log4jLogEvent.class.getDeclaredField("source");
final Object value = fieldSource.get(e2);
assertNull("source in copy", value);
Example #24
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void testBuilderCorrectlyCopiesAllEventAttributesInclContextData() {
final StringMap contextData = new SortedArrayStringMap();
contextData.putValue("A", "B");
final ContextStack contextStack = ThreadContext.getImmutableStack();
final Exception exception = new Exception("test");
final Marker marker = MarkerManager.getMarker("EVENTTEST");
final Message message = new SimpleMessage("foo");
final StackTraceElement stackTraceElement = new StackTraceElement("A", "B", "file", 123);
final String fqcn = "qualified";
final String name = "Ceci n'est pas une pipe";
final String threadName = "threadName";
final Log4jLogEvent event = Log4jLogEvent.newBuilder() //
.setContextData(contextData) //
.setContextStack(contextStack) //
.setEndOfBatch(true) //
.setIncludeLocation(true) //
.setLevel(Level.FATAL) //
.setLoggerFqcn(fqcn) //
.setLoggerName(name) //
.setMarker(marker) //
.setMessage(message) //
.setNanoTime(1234567890L) //
.setSource(stackTraceElement) //
.setThreadName(threadName) //
.setThrown(exception) //
assertSame(contextData, event.getContextData());
assertSame(contextStack, event.getContextStack());
assertEquals(true, event.isEndOfBatch());
assertEquals(true, event.isIncludeLocation());
assertSame(Level.FATAL, event.getLevel());
assertSame(fqcn, event.getLoggerFqcn());
assertSame(name, event.getLoggerName());
assertSame(marker, event.getMarker());
assertSame(message, event.getMessage());
assertEquals(1234567890L, event.getNanoTime());
assertSame(stackTraceElement, event.getSource());
assertSame(threadName, event.getThreadName());
assertSame(exception, event.getThrown());
assertEquals(987654321L, event.getTimeMillis());
final LogEvent event2 = new Log4jLogEvent.Builder(event).build();
assertEquals("copy constructor builder", event2, event);
assertEquals("same hashCode", event2.hashCode(), event.hashCode());
Example #25
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private static StringMap createContextData() {
final StringMap result = new SortedArrayStringMap();
result.putValue("a", "1");
result.putValue("b", "2");
return result;
Example #26
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void test_mdc_pattern() {
// Create the log event.
final SimpleMessage message = new SimpleMessage("Hello, World!");
final StringMap contextData = new SortedArrayStringMap();
final String mdcPatternMatchedKey = "mdcKey1";
final String mdcPatternMatchedValue = "mdcValue1";
contextData.putValue(mdcPatternMatchedKey, mdcPatternMatchedValue);
final String mdcPatternMismatchedKey = "mdcKey2";
final String mdcPatternMismatchedValue = "mdcValue2";
contextData.putValue(mdcPatternMismatchedKey, mdcPatternMismatchedValue);
final LogEvent logEvent = Log4jLogEvent
// Create the event template.
final String mdcFieldName = "mdc";
final String eventTemplate = writeJson(Map(
mdcFieldName, Map(
"$resolver", "mdc",
"pattern", mdcPatternMatchedKey)));
// Create the layout.
final JsonTemplateLayout layout = JsonTemplateLayout
// Check the serialized event.
usingSerializedLogEventAccessor(layout, logEvent, accessor -> {
assertThat(accessor.getString(new String[]{mdcFieldName, mdcPatternMatchedKey})).isEqualTo(mdcPatternMatchedValue);
assertThat(accessor.exists(new String[]{mdcFieldName, mdcPatternMismatchedKey})).isFalse();
Example #27
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void test_writeObject_Map() {
final Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>() {{
put("key1", "val1");
put("key2", Collections.singletonMap("key2.1", "val2.1"));
put("key3", Arrays.asList(
(byte) 127,
Arrays.asList(true, false),
new BigDecimal("30.12345678901234567890123456789"),
new BigInteger("12345678901234567890123456789"),
Collections.singletonMap("key3.3", "val3.3")));
put("key4", new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>() {{
put("chars", new char[]{'a', 'b', 'c'});
put("booleans", new boolean[]{true, false});
put("bytes", new byte[]{1, 2});
put("shorts", new short[]{3, 4});
put("ints", new int[]{256, 257});
put("longs", new long[]{2147483648L, 2147483649L});
put("floats", new float[]{1.0F, 1.1F});
put("doubles", new double[]{2.0D, 2.1D});
put("objects", new Object[]{"foo", "bar"});
put("key5\t", new Object() {
public String toString() {
return "custom-object\r";
put("key6", Arrays.asList(
new SortedArrayStringMap(new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>() {{
put("buzz", 1.2D);
put("foo", "bar");
new JdkMapAdapterStringMap(Collections.singletonMap("a", "b"))));
put("key7", (StringBuilderFormattable) buffer ->
final String expectedJson = ("{" +
"'key1':'val1'," +
"'key2':{'key2.1':'val2.1'}," +
"'key3':[" +
"3," +
"127," +
"4.5," +
"4.6," +
"[true,false]," +
"30.12345678901234567890123456789," +
"12345678901234567890123456789," +
"['a']," +
"{'key3.3':'val3.3'}" +
"]," +
"'key4':{" +
"'chars':['a','b','c']," +
"'booleans':[true,false]," +
"'bytes':[1,2]," +
"'shorts':[3,4]," +
"'ints':[256,257]," +
"'longs':[2147483648,2147483649]," +
"'floats':[1.0,1.1]," +
"'doubles':[2.0,2.1]," +
"'objects':['foo','bar']" +
"}," +
"'key5\\t':'custom-object\\r'," +
"'key6':[{'buzz':1.2,'foo':'bar'},{'a':'b'}]," +
"'key7':'7.7777777777777'" +
"}").replace('\'', '"');
final String actualJson = WRITER.use(() -> WRITER.writeObject(map));
Example #28
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void test_mdc_flatten() {
// Create the log event.
final SimpleMessage message = new SimpleMessage("Hello, World!");
final StringMap contextData = new SortedArrayStringMap();
final String mdcPatternMatchedKey = "mdcKey1";
final String mdcPatternMatchedValue = "mdcValue1";
contextData.putValue(mdcPatternMatchedKey, mdcPatternMatchedValue);
final String mdcPatternMismatchedKey = "mdcKey2";
final String mdcPatternMismatchedValue = "mdcValue2";
contextData.putValue(mdcPatternMismatchedKey, mdcPatternMismatchedValue);
final LogEvent logEvent = Log4jLogEvent
// Create the event template.
final String mdcPrefix = "_mdc.";
final String eventTemplate = writeJson(Map(
"ignoredFieldName", Map(
"$resolver", "mdc",
"pattern", mdcPatternMatchedKey,
"flatten", Map("prefix", mdcPrefix))));
// Create the layout.
final JsonTemplateLayout layout = JsonTemplateLayout
// Check the serialized event.
usingSerializedLogEventAccessor(layout, logEvent, accessor -> {
assertThat(accessor.getString(mdcPrefix + mdcPatternMatchedKey)).isEqualTo(mdcPatternMatchedValue);
assertThat(accessor.exists(mdcPrefix + mdcPatternMismatchedKey)).isFalse();
Example #29
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void test_mdc_key_access() {
// Create the log event.
final SimpleMessage message = new SimpleMessage("Hello, World!");
final StringMap contextData = new SortedArrayStringMap();
final String mdcDirectlyAccessedKey = "mdcKey1";
final String mdcDirectlyAccessedValue = "mdcValue1";
contextData.putValue(mdcDirectlyAccessedKey, mdcDirectlyAccessedValue);
final String mdcDirectlyAccessedNullPropertyKey = "mdcKey2";
final String mdcDirectlyAccessedNullPropertyValue = null;
// noinspection ConstantConditions
contextData.putValue(mdcDirectlyAccessedNullPropertyKey, mdcDirectlyAccessedNullPropertyValue);
final LogEvent logEvent = Log4jLogEvent
// Create the event template.
String eventTemplate = writeJson(Map(
mdcDirectlyAccessedKey, Map(
"$resolver", "mdc",
"key", mdcDirectlyAccessedKey),
mdcDirectlyAccessedNullPropertyKey, Map(
"$resolver", "mdc",
"key", mdcDirectlyAccessedNullPropertyKey)));
// Create the layout.
final JsonTemplateLayout layout = JsonTemplateLayout
// Check the serialized event.
usingSerializedLogEventAccessor(layout, logEvent, accessor -> {
Example #30
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public LoggingEvent rewrite(final LoggingEvent source) { if (!properties.isEmpty()) { Map<String, String> rewriteProps = source.getProperties() != null ? new HashMap<>(source.getProperties()) : new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : properties.entrySet()) { if (!rewriteProps.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { rewriteProps.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } LogEvent event; if (source instanceof LogEventAdapter) { event = new Log4jLogEvent.Builder(((LogEventAdapter) source).getEvent()) .setContextData(new SortedArrayStringMap(rewriteProps)) .build(); } else { LocationInfo info = source.getLocationInformation(); StackTraceElement element = new StackTraceElement(info.getClassName(), info.getMethodName(), info.getFileName(), Integer.parseInt(info.getLineNumber())); Thread thread = getThread(source.getThreadName()); long threadId = thread != null ? thread.getId() : 0; int threadPriority = thread != null ? thread.getPriority() : 0; event = Log4jLogEvent.newBuilder() .setContextData(new SortedArrayStringMap(rewriteProps)) .setLevel(OptionConverter.convertLevel(source.getLevel())) .setLoggerFqcn(source.getFQNOfLoggerClass()) .setMarker(null) .setMessage(new SimpleMessage(source.getRenderedMessage())) .setSource(element) .setLoggerName(source.getLoggerName()) .setThreadName(source.getThreadName()) .setThreadId(threadId) .setThreadPriority(threadPriority) .setThrown(source.getThrowableInformation().getThrowable()) .setTimeMillis(source.getTimeStamp()) .setNanoTime(0) .setThrownProxy(null) .build(); } return new LogEventAdapter(event); } return source; }