org.dom4j.dom.DOMElement Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From sailfish-core with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private Element marshal(IServiceSettings settings) throws Exception { BeanMap beanMap = new BeanMap(settings); DOMElement rootElement = new DOMElement(new QName("settings")); for (Object key : beanMap.keySet()) { Object value = beanMap.get(key); if (value != null) { DOMElement domElement = new DOMElement(new QName(key.toString())); domElement.setText(value.toString()); rootElement.add(domElement); } } return rootElement; }
Example #2
Source File: From mts with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public Element toXmlElement(){
if (getParam() == null) {
param = new DOMElement("parameter");
if(getName() != null){
param.addAttribute("name", getName());
if(getOperation() != null){
param.addAttribute("operation", getOperation());
if(getValue() != null){
param.addAttribute("value", getValue());
if(getValue2() != null){
param.addAttribute("value2", getValue2());
if(getValue3() != null){
param.addAttribute("value3", getValue3());
if(getEditable() != null){
param.addAttribute("editable", getEditable());
return getParam();
Example #3
Source File: From gocd with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@ParameterizedTest @FileSource(files = "/feeds/materials/git-material.xml") void shouldGenerateXmlFromMaterialRevision(String expectedXML) { GitMaterial gitMaterial = gitMaterial("https://material/example.git"); gitMaterial.setId(100); MaterialRevision materialRevision = new MaterialRevision(gitMaterial, modifications()); DOMElement root = new DOMElement("materials"); ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(root); XmlWriterContext context = new XmlWriterContext("", null, null, null, new SystemEnvironment()); new ScmMaterialXmlRepresenter("up42", 1,materialRevision).populate(builder, context); assertThat(root.asXML()).and(expectedXML) .ignoreWhitespace() .areIdentical(); }
Example #4
Source File: From gocd with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@ParameterizedTest @FileSource(files = "/feeds/materials/dependency-material.xml") void shouldRepresentDependencyMaterial(String expectedXML) { Date date = DateUtils.parseISO8601("2019-12-31T15:31:49+05:30"); DependencyMaterial material = MaterialsMother.dependencyMaterial(); material.setId(60); MaterialRevision revision = new MaterialRevision(material, new Modification(date, "acceptance/63/twist-plugins/2", null, null)); DOMElement root = new DOMElement("materials"); ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(root); StageFinder stageFinder = getStageFinder(100L); XmlWriterContext context = new XmlWriterContext("", null, null, stageFinder, new SystemEnvironment()); new DependencyMaterialXmlRepresenter("up42", 1, revision).populate(builder, context); assertThat(root.asXML()).and(expectedXML) .ignoreWhitespace() .areIdentical(); }
Example #5
Source File: From gocd with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@ParameterizedTest @FileSource(files = "/feeds/materials/package-material.xml") void shouldRepresentDependencyMaterial(String expectedXML) { Date date = DateUtils.parseISO8601("2019-12-31T15:31:49+05:30"); PackageMaterial material = MaterialsMother.packageMaterial(); material.setId(60); Modification modification = new Modification("Bob", "Release new package", null, date, "1"); MaterialRevision revision = new MaterialRevision(material, modification); DOMElement root = new DOMElement("materials"); ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(root); XmlWriterContext context = new XmlWriterContext("", null, null, null, new SystemEnvironment()); new PackageMaterialXmlRepresenter("up42", 1, revision).populate(builder, context); assertThat(root.asXML()).and(expectedXML) .ignoreWhitespace() .areIdentical(); }
Example #6
Source File: From sailfish-core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void convertMapToElementList(Map<String, String> settings) { for(Entry<String, String> entry : settings.entrySet()) { DOMElement domElement = new DOMElement(new QName(entry.getKey())); domElement.setText(entry.getValue()); entries.add(domElement); } }
Example #7
Source File: From gocd with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static DocumentBuilder withRoot(String name, String xmlns) { DOMElement rootElement = new DOMElement(name); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(xmlns)) { rootElement.setNamespace(new Namespace("", xmlns)); } return new DocumentBuilder(new DOMDocument(rootElement)); }
Example #8
Source File: From gocd with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private DOMElement getXmlForJobPlan(XmlWriterContext writerContext, WaitingJobPlan waitingJobPlan) { JobPlan jobPlan = waitingJobPlan.jobPlan(); DOMElement root = new DOMElement("job"); root.addAttribute("name", jobPlan.getName()).addAttribute("id", String.valueOf(jobPlan.getJobId())); root.addElement("link").addAttribute("rel", "self").addAttribute("href", httpUrlFor(writerContext.getBaseUrl(), jobPlan.getIdentifier())); root.addElement("buildLocator").addText(jobPlan.getIdentifier().buildLocator()); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(waitingJobPlan.envName())) { root.addElement("environment").addText(waitingJobPlan.envName()); } if (!jobPlan.getResources().isEmpty()) { DOMElement resources = new DOMElement("resources"); for (Resource resource : jobPlan.getResources()) { resources.addElement("resource").addCDATA(resource.getName()); } root.add(resources); } if (!jobPlan.getVariables().isEmpty()) { DOMElement envVars = new DOMElement("environmentVariables"); for (EnvironmentVariable environmentVariable : jobPlan.getVariables()) { envVars.addElement("variable").addAttribute("name", environmentVariable.getName()).addText(environmentVariable.getDisplayValue()); } root.add(envVars); } return root; }
Example #9
Source File: From gocd with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public Document toXml(XmlWriterContext writerContext) { DOMElement root = new DOMElement("scheduledJobs"); for (WaitingJobPlan jobPlan : jobPlans) { DOMElement jobElement = getXmlForJobPlan(writerContext, jobPlan); root.add(jobElement); } DOMDocument domDocument = new DOMDocument(root); return domDocument; }
Example #10
Source File: From gocd with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public Document toXml(XmlWriterContext writerContext) { DOMElement root = new DOMElement("pipeline"); root.addAttribute("name", pipeline.getName()).addAttribute("counter", String.valueOf(pipeline.getCounter())).addAttribute("label", pipeline.getLabel()); Document document = new DOMDocument(root); String baseUrl = writerContext.getBaseUrl(); root.addElement("link").addAttribute("rel", "self").addAttribute("href", httpUrl(baseUrl)); root.addElement("id").addCDATA(pipeline.getPipelineIdentifier().asURN()); PipelineTimelineEntry pipelineAfter = pipeline.getPipelineAfter(); if (pipelineAfter != null) { addTimelineLink(root, baseUrl, "insertedBefore", pipelineAfter); } PipelineTimelineEntry pipelineBefore = pipeline.getPipelineBefore(); if (pipelineBefore != null) { addTimelineLink(root, baseUrl, "insertedAfter", pipelineBefore); } root.addElement("scheduleTime").addText(DateUtils.formatISO8601(pipeline.getScheduledDate())); Element materials = root.addElement("materials"); for (MaterialRevision materialRevision : pipeline.getCurrentRevisions()) { populateXml(materials, materialRevision, writerContext); } Element stages = root.addElement("stages"); for (StageInstanceModel stage : pipeline.getStageHistory()) { if (! (stage instanceof NullStageHistoryItem)) { stages.addElement("stage").addAttribute("href", StageXmlViewModel.httpUrlFor(writerContext.getBaseUrl(), stage.getId())); } } root.addElement("approvedBy").addCDATA(pipeline.getApprovedBy()); return document; }
Example #11
Source File: From gocd with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public Document toXml(XmlWriterContext writerContext) { DOMElement root = new DOMElement("stage"); root.addAttribute("name", stage.getName()).addAttribute("counter", String.valueOf(stage.getCounter())); Document document = new DOMDocument(root); root.addElement("link").addAttribute("rel", "self").addAttribute("href", httpUrl(writerContext.getBaseUrl())); StageIdentifier stageId = stage.getIdentifier(); root.addElement("id").addCDATA(stageId.asURN()); String pipelineName = stageId.getPipelineName(); root.addElement("pipeline").addAttribute("name", pipelineName) .addAttribute("counter", String.valueOf(stageId.getPipelineCounter())) .addAttribute("label", stageId.getPipelineLabel()) .addAttribute("href", writerContext.getBaseUrl() + "/api/pipelines/" + pipelineName + "/" + stage.getPipelineId() + ".xml"); root.addElement("updated").addText(DateUtils.formatISO8601(stage.latestTransitionDate())); root.addElement("result").addText(stage.getResult().toString()); root.addElement("state").addText(stage.status()); root.addElement("approvedBy").addCDATA(stage.getApprovedBy()); Element jobs = root.addElement("jobs"); for (JobInstance jobInstance : stage.getJobInstances()) { jobs.addElement("job").addAttribute("href", writerContext.getBaseUrl() + "/api/jobs/" + jobInstance.getId() + ".xml"); } return document; }
Example #12
Source File: From gocd with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public Document toXml(XmlWriterContext ctx) { DOMElement rootElement = new DOMElement("material"); ElementBuilder builder = new ElementBuilder(rootElement); populateMaterial(ctx, materialRevision.getMaterial(), builder); return new DOMDocument(rootElement); }
Example #13
Source File: From birt with Eclipse Public License 1.0 | 5 votes |
/** * @author * @param folderPath * @param plug_id * @param lastDate * @param dayInpast */ private void genVersionLog( File folderPath , String plug_id , String lastDate , int dayInpast ){ // gen the dest file path String parentPath = folderPath.getAbsolutePath(); String fileName = plug_id + "_DayInPast" + ".xml"; String fullName = parentPath + "/" + fileName; File dest = new File(fullName); System.out.println("dest file full path:\t"+fullName); try{ //genarate document factory DocumentFactory factory = new DocumentFactory(); //create root element DOMElement rootElement = new DOMElement("plugin"); rootElement.setAttribute("id",plug_id); //add child:lastdate DOMElement dateElement = new DOMElement("LastDate"); dateElement.setText(lastDate); rootElement.add(dateElement); //add child:dayinpast DOMElement dayElement = new DOMElement("DayInPast"); dayElement.setText( Integer.toString(dayInpast)); rootElement.add(dayElement); //gen the doc Document doc = factory.createDocument(rootElement); //PrettyFormat OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint(); XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter( new FileWriter(dest) , format ); writer.write( doc ); writer.close(); }catch(Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } }
Example #14
Source File: From ph-commons with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void testMisc2 ()
final DOMDocument aXML = new DOMDocument ();
final Node aChild = aXML.appendChild (new DOMElement ("rootElement",
new DOMNamespace ("xyz", "")));
aChild.appendChild (new DOMText ("anyText"));
aChild.appendChild (new DOMEntityReference ("abc"));
assertNotNull (XMLWriter.getNodeAsString (aXML));
Example #15
Source File: From mts with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public Element toXmlElement(){
test = getTest();
Element newTest = new DOMElement("test");
if(getName() != null){
newTest.addAttribute("name", getName());
if(getDescription() != null){
newTest.addAttribute("description", getDescription());
// Pour chaque testcase
for(TestCase tc : listTestCase){
// On g�n�re l'�l�ment xml
// Ajout des param�tres du test
List<Element> params = ParamGenerator.getInstance().paramTestToXml();
for(Element p : params){
for(Iterator i = test.elements("testcase").iterator(); i.hasNext();){
Element elem = (Element);
return newTest;
Example #16
Source File: From mts with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public Element toXmlElement(){
if(getScenario() == null){
scenario = new DOMElement("scenario");
if(getName() != null){
scenario.addAttribute("name", getName());
if(getPath() != null){
return getScenario();
Example #17
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* Attempts to enable Stream Management for the entity identified by the provided JID.
* @param namespace The namespace that defines what version of SM is to be enabled.
* @param resume Whether the client is requesting a resumable session.
private void enable( String namespace, boolean resume )
boolean offerResume = allowResume();
// Ensure that resource binding has occurred.
if (session.getStatus() != Session.STATUS_AUTHENTICATED) {
this.namespace = namespace;
String smId = null;
synchronized ( this )
// Do nothing if already enabled
if ( isEnabled() )
this.namespace = namespace;
this.resume = resume && offerResume;
if ( this.resume ) {
// Create SM-ID.
smId = StringUtils.encodeBase64( session.getAddress().getResource() + "\0" + session.getStreamID().getID());
// Send confirmation to the requestee.
Element enabled = new DOMElement(QName.get("enabled", namespace));
if (this.resume) {
enabled.addAttribute("resume", "true");
enabled.addAttribute("id", smId);
if ( !namespace.equals(NAMESPACE_V2) && LOCATION_ENABLED.getValue() ) {
// OF-1925: Hint clients to do resumes at the same cluster node.
enabled.addAttribute("location", XMPPServer.getInstance().getServerInfo().getHostname());
// OF-1926: Tell clients how long they can be detached.
if ( MAX_SERVER_ENABLED.getValue() ) {
final int sessionDetachTime = XMPPServer.getInstance().getSessionManager().getSessionDetachTime();
if ( sessionDetachTime > 0 ) {
enabled.addAttribute("max", String.valueOf(sessionDetachTime/1000));
Example #18
Source File: From gocd with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private void addTimelineLink(DOMElement root, String baseUrl, final String rel, final PipelineTimelineEntry entry) {
root.addElement("link").addAttribute("rel", rel).addAttribute("href", httpUrlForPipeline(baseUrl, entry.getId(), pipeline.getName()));
Example #19
Source File: From gocd with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public Document toXml(XmlWriterContext writerContext) { DOMElement root = new DOMElement("job"); root.addAttribute("name", jobInstance.getName()); Document document = new DOMDocument(root); root.addElement("link").addAttribute("rel", "self").addAttribute("href", httpUrl(writerContext.getBaseUrl())); JobIdentifier identifier = jobInstance.getIdentifier(); root.addElement("id").addCDATA(identifier.asURN()); String pipelineName = identifier.getPipelineName(); StageIdentifier stageId = identifier.getStageIdentifier(); root.addElement("pipeline").addAttribute("name", pipelineName) .addAttribute("counter", String.valueOf(stageId.getPipelineCounter())) .addAttribute("label", stageId.getPipelineLabel()); root.addElement("stage").addAttribute("name", stageId.getStageName()).addAttribute("counter", stageId.getStageCounter()).addAttribute("href", StageXmlViewModel.httpUrlFor( writerContext.getBaseUrl(), jobInstance.getStageId())); root.addElement("result").addText(jobInstance.getResult().toString()); root.addElement("state").addText(jobInstance.getState().toString()); Element properties = root.addElement("properties"); root.addElement("agent").addAttribute("uuid", jobInstance.getAgentUuid()); root.addComment("artifacts of type `file` will not be shown. See"); Element artifacts = root.addElement("artifacts"); artifacts.addAttribute("baseUri", writerContext.artifactBaseUrl(identifier)).addAttribute("pathFromArtifactRoot", writerContext.artifactRootPath(identifier)); JobPlan jobPlan = writerContext.planFor(identifier); for (ArtifactPlan artifactPlan : jobPlan.getArtifactPlansOfType(ArtifactPlanType.unit)) { artifacts.addElement("artifact").addAttribute("src", artifactPlan.getSrc()).addAttribute("dest", artifactPlan.getDest()).addAttribute("type", artifactPlan.getArtifactPlanType().toString()); } // Retain the top level elements for backward-compatibility root.addComment("resources are now intentionally left blank. See"); root.addElement("resources"); root.addComment("environmentvariables are now intentionally left blank. See"); root.addElement("environmentvariables"); return document; }
Example #20
Source File: From compiler with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private void visit(DOMElement node) { Element.Builder b = Element.newBuilder(); b.setKind(ElementKind.XML_ELEMENT); b.setTag(node.getQualifiedName()); Namespace ns = node.getNamespace(); if (!ns.getURI().equals("")){ Ast.Attribute.Builder ab = Ast.Attribute.newBuilder(); ab.setKey(ns.getPrefix() + " URI"); ab.setValue(ns.getURI()); b.addAttributes(; } DOMAttributeNodeMap attr = (DOMAttributeNodeMap) node.getAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < attr.getLength(); i++) { DOMAttribute a = (DOMAttribute) attr.item(i); visit(a); b.addAttributes(Attributes.pop()); } elements.push(new ArrayList<boa.types.Ast.Element>()); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++){ Node n = (Node) children.item(i); switch (n.getNodeType()){ case(org.dom4j.Node.ELEMENT_NODE): visit((org.dom4j.dom.DOMElement)n); break; case(org.dom4j.Node.TEXT_NODE): String t = ((DOMText) n).getText(); String check = t.replaceAll(" ", ""); if (!check.equals("") && !check.equals("\n") && !check.equals("\n\n") && !check.equals("\n ") && !check.equals("\n ") ) b.addText(t); break; } } for (ProcessingInstruction pi : node.processingInstructions()){ visit((DOMProcessingInstruction)pi); b.addProcessingInstruction(Attributes.pop()); } for (Ast.Element e : elements.pop()) b.addElements(e); elements.peek().add(; }
Example #21
Source File: From gocd with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public ElementBuilder(DOMElement parent) {
super(ElementBuilder.class, parent);
Example #22
Source File: From gocd with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public SELF node(String name, Consumer<ElementBuilder> consumer) {
DOMElement element = withNamespace(name);
consumer.accept(new ElementBuilder(element));
return mySelf;
Example #23
Source File: From gocd with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public SELF emptyNode(String name) {
DOMElement element = withNamespace(name);
return mySelf;
Example #24
Source File: From gocd with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private DOMElement withNamespace(String name) { DOMElement element = new DOMElement(name); getDefaultNameSpace().ifPresent(element::setNamespace); return element; }
Example #25
Source File: From windup with Eclipse Public License 1.0 | 4 votes |
public static void save(Furnace furnace) throws IOException { Document doc = new DOMDocument(new DOMElement(HELP)); Iterable<ConfigurationOption> windupOptions = WindupConfiguration.getWindupConfigurationOptions(furnace); for (ConfigurationOption option : windupOptions) { Element optionElement = new DOMElement(OPTION); optionElement.addAttribute(NAME, option.getName()); Element descriptionElement = new DOMElement(DESCRIPTION); descriptionElement.setText(option.getDescription()); optionElement.add(descriptionElement); // Type Element typeElement = new DOMElement(TYPE); typeElement.setText(option.getType().getSimpleName()); optionElement.add(typeElement); // UI Type Element uiTypeElement = new DOMElement(UI_TYPE); uiTypeElement.setText(option.getUIType().name()); optionElement.add(uiTypeElement); // Available Options Element availableOptionsElement = new DOMElement(AVAILABLE_OPTIONS); for (Object availableValueObject : option.getAvailableValues()) { if (availableValueObject == null) continue; Element availableOption = new DOMElement(AVAILABLE_OPTION); availableOption.setText(String.valueOf(availableValueObject)); availableOptionsElement.add(availableOption); } if (!availableOptionsElement.elements().isEmpty()) optionElement.add(availableOptionsElement); // Is it required? Element required = new DOMElement(REQUIRED); required.setText(Boolean.toString(option.isRequired())); optionElement.add(required); doc.getRootElement().add(optionElement); } try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(getDefaultFile())) { doc.write(writer); } }