org.jitsi.service.neomedia.DefaultStreamConnector Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* Starts the transmission. Returns null if transmission started ok.
* Otherwise it returns a string with the reason why the setup failed.
* Starts receive also.
public synchronized String start() {
MediaService mediaService = LibJitsi.getMediaService();
MediaDevice device = null;
List<MediaDevice> devices = mediaService.getDevices(MediaType.AUDIO, MediaUseCase.CALL);
for (MediaDevice foundDevice : devices)
if (foundDevice instanceof AudioMediaDeviceImpl)
AudioMediaDeviceImpl amdi = (AudioMediaDeviceImpl) foundDevice;
if(inLocator == amdi.getCaptureDeviceInfo().getLocator())
System.out.println("Test" + inLocator + "-" + amdi.getCaptureDeviceInfo().getLocator());
device = foundDevice;
System.out.println(foundDevice.getClass() + "-" + inLocator);
mediaStream = mediaService.createMediaStream(device);
connector = new DefaultStreamConnector(new DatagramSocket(this.localPort),new DatagramSocket(this.localRTCPPort));
new MediaStreamTarget(
new InetSocketAddress(this.ipAddress, this.remotePort),
new InetSocketAddress(this.ipAddress, this.remoteRTCPPort)));
catch (Exception e)
return null;
Example #2
Source File: From jitsi-videobridge-openfire-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
* When multiplexing of media streams is not possible, the videobridge will automatically fallback to using
* dynamically allocated UDP ports in a specific range. This method returns the upper-bound of that range.
* Note that this method returns the configured value, which might differ from the configuration that is
* in effect (as configuration changes require a restart to be taken into effect).
* @return A UDP port number value.
public static int getMaxPort()
return LibJitsi.getConfigurationService().getInt( DefaultStreamConnector.MAX_PORT_NUMBER_PROPERTY_NAME, MAX_PORT_DEFAULT_VALUE );
Example #3
Source File: From jitsi-videobridge-openfire-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
* When multiplexing of media streams is not possible, the videobridge will automatically fallback to using
* dynamically allocated UDP ports in a specific range. This method returns the lower-bound of that range.
* Note that this method returns the configured value, which might differ from the configuration that is
* in effect (as configuration changes require a restart to be taken into effect).
* @return A UDP port number value.
public static int getMinPort()
return LibJitsi.getConfigurationService().getInt( DefaultStreamConnector.MIN_PORT_NUMBER_PROPERTY_NAME, MIN_PORT_DEFAULT_VALUE );