org.xmpp.component.ComponentException Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From openfire-ofmeet-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void destroy()
if (componentManager != null && component != null)
catch (ComponentException ce)
Log.warn( "An unexpected exception occurred while destroying the wrapper.", ce );
componentManager = null;
component = null;
pluginDirectory = null;
Example #2
Source File: From Whack with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Shuts down running components that were found by the service.
public void shutdown() {
// Stop the component monitoring service.
if (executor != null) {
// Shutdown found components.
for (String subdomain : componentDomains.values()) {
try {
} catch (ComponentException e) {
manager.getLog().error("Error shutting down component", e);
Example #3
Source File: From Whack with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Unloads a component. The {@link ComponentManager#removeComponent(String)} method will be
* called and then any resources will be released. The name should be the name of the component
* directory and not the name as given by the component meta-data. This method only removes
* the component but does not delete the component JAR file. Therefore, if the component JAR
* still exists after this method is called, the component will be started again the next
* time the component monitor process runs. This is useful for "restarting" components.<p>
* This method is called automatically when a component's JAR file is deleted.
* @param componentName the name of the component to unload.
public void unloadComponent(String componentName) {
manager.getLog().debug("Unloading component " + componentName);
Component component = components.get(componentName);
if (component == null) {
File webXML = new File(componentDirectory + File.separator + componentName +
File.separator + "web" + File.separator + "web.xml");
if (webXML.exists()) {
ComponentClassLoader classLoader = classloaders.get(component);
try {
} catch (ComponentException e) {
manager.getLog().error("Error shutting down component", e);
Example #4
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void unregisterMultiUserChatService(String subdomain, boolean allNodes) {
Log.debug("MultiUserChatManager: Unregistering MUC service "+subdomain);
MultiUserChatService service = mucServices.get(subdomain);
if (service != null) {
try {
catch (ComponentException e) {
Log.error("MultiUserChatManager: Unable to remove "+subdomain+" from component manager.", e);
if (allNodes) {
CacheFactory.doClusterTask(new ServiceRemovedEvent(subdomain));
Example #5
Source File: From Whack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void addComponent(String subdomain, Component component, Integer port) throws ComponentException { if (componentsByDomain.containsKey(subdomain)) { if (componentsByDomain.get(subdomain).getComponent() == component) { // Do nothing since the component has already been registered return; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Subdomain already in use by another component"); } } // Create a wrapping ExternalComponent on the component ExternalComponent externalComponent = new ExternalComponent(component, this); try { // Register the new component componentsByDomain.put(subdomain, externalComponent); components.put(component, externalComponent); // Ask the ExternalComponent to connect with the remote server externalComponent.connect(host, port, subdomain, startEncrypted); // Initialize the component JID componentJID = new JID(null, externalComponent.getDomain(), null); externalComponent.initialize(componentJID, this); } catch (ComponentException e) { // Unregister the new component componentsByDomain.remove(subdomain); components.remove(component); // Re-throw the exception throw e; } // Ask the external component to start processing incoming packets externalComponent.start(); }
Example #6
Source File: From Whack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void removeComponent(String subdomain) throws ComponentException {
ExternalComponent externalComponent = componentsByDomain.remove(subdomain);
if (externalComponent != null) {
Example #7
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void registerMultiUserChatService(MultiUserChatService service, boolean allNodes) {
Log.debug("MultiUserChatManager: Registering MUC service "+service.getServiceName());
try {
ComponentManagerFactory.getComponentManager().addComponent(service.getServiceName(), service);
mucServices.put(service.getServiceName(), service);
catch (ComponentException e) {
Log.error("MultiUserChatManager: Unable to add "+service.getServiceName()+" as component.", e);
if (allNodes) {
CacheFactory.doClusterTask(new ServiceAddedEvent(service.getServiceName(), service.getDescription(), service.isHidden()));
Example #8
Source File: From Whack with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* Handle the receied packet and answer the weather information of the requested station id.
* The request must be made using Message packets where the body of the message should be the
* station id.<p>
* Note: I don't know the list of valid station ids so if you find the list please send it to me
* so I can add it to this example.
* @param packet the Message requesting information about a certain station id.
public void processPacket(Packet packet) {
System.out.println("Received package:"+packet.toXML());
// Only process Message packets
if (packet instanceof Message) {
// Get the requested station to obtain it's weather information
Message message = (Message) packet;
String station = message.getBody();
// Send the request and get the weather information
Metar metar = Weather.getMetar(station, 5000);
// Build the answer
Message reply = new Message();
// Append the discovered information if something was found
if (metar != null) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("station id : " + metar.getStationID());
sb.append("\rwind dir : " + metar.getWindDirection() + " degrees");
sb.append("\rwind speed : " + metar.getWindSpeedInMPH() + " mph, " +
metar.getWindSpeedInKnots() + " knots");
if (!metar.getVisibilityLessThan()) {
sb.append("\rvisibility : " + metar.getVisibility() + " mile(s)");
} else {
sb.append("\rvisibility : < " + metar.getVisibility() + " mile(s)");
sb.append("\rpressure : " + metar.getPressure() + " in Hg");
sb.append("\rtemperaturePrecise: " +
metar.getTemperaturePreciseInCelsius() + " C, " +
metar.getTemperaturePreciseInFahrenheit() + " F");
sb.append("\rtemperature: " +
metar.getTemperatureInCelsius() + " C, " +
metar.getTemperatureInFahrenheit() + " F");
sb.append("\rtemperatureMostPrecise: " +
metar.getTemperatureMostPreciseInCelsius() + " C, " +
metar.getTemperatureMostPreciseInFahrenheit() + " F");
else {
// Answer that the requested station id does not exist
reply.setBody("Unknown station ID");
// Send the response to the sender of the request
try {
ComponentManagerFactory.getComponentManager().sendPacket(this, reply);
} catch (ComponentException e) {
Example #9
Source File: From Whack with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void addComponent(String subdomain, Component component) throws ComponentException {
addComponent(subdomain, component, this.port);
Example #10
Source File: From Whack with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void query(Component component, IQ packet, IQResultListener listener) throws ComponentException {
ExternalComponent externalComponent = components.get(component);
// Add listenet with a timeout of 5 minutes to prevent memory leaks
externalComponent.addIQResultListener(packet.getID(), listener, 300000);
sendPacket(component, packet);
Example #11
Source File: From Whack with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void initialize(JID jid, ComponentManager componentManager) throws ComponentException {
component.initialize(jid, componentManager);
Example #12
Source File: From Whack with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* Notification message that the connection with the server was lost unexpectedly. We will try
* to reestablish the connection for ever until the connection has been reestablished or this
* thread has been stopped.
public void connectionLost() {
// Ensure that only one thread will try to reconnect.
synchronized(this) {
if (reconnecting) {
reconnecting = true;
readerThread = null;
boolean isConnected = false;
if (!shutdown) {
// Notify the component that connection was lost so it needs to shutdown. The component is
// still registered in the local component manager but just not connected to the server
while (!isConnected && !shutdown) {
try {
connect(host, port, subdomain, startEncrypted);
isConnected = true;
// It may be possible that while a new connection was being established the
// component was required to shutdown so in this case we need to close the new
// connection
if (shutdown) {
else {
// Component is back again working so start it up again
} catch (ComponentException e) {
manager.getLog().error("Error trying to reconnect with the server", e);
// Wait for 5 seconds until the next retry
try {
catch (InterruptedException e1) {
// Do nothing
reconnecting = false;
Example #13
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* Authenticate the external component using a digest method. The digest includes the
* stream ID and the secret key of the main domain of the external component. A component
* needs to authenticate just once but it may bind several domains.
* @param digest the digest sent in the handshake.
* @return true if the authentication was successful.
public boolean authenticate(String digest) {
// Perform authentication. Wait for the handshake (with the secret key)
String secretKey = ExternalComponentManager.getSecretForComponent(defaultSubdomain);
String anticipatedDigest = AuthFactory.createDigest(getStreamID().getID(), secretKey);
// Check that the provided handshake (secret key + sessionID) is correct
if (!anticipatedDigest.equalsIgnoreCase(digest)) {
Log.debug("LocalComponentSession: [ExComp] Incorrect handshake for component with domain: " +
// The credentials supplied by the initiator are not valid (answer an error
// and close the connection)
conn.deliverRawText(new StreamError(StreamError.Condition.not_authorized).toXML());
// Close the underlying connection
return false;
else {
// Component has authenticated fine
// Send empty handshake element to acknowledge success
// Bind the domain to this component
ExternalComponent component = getExternalComponent();
try {
InternalComponentManager.getInstance().addComponent(defaultSubdomain, component);
conn.registerCloseListener( handback -> InternalComponentManager.getInstance().removeComponent( defaultSubdomain, (ExternalComponent) handback ), component );
"LocalComponentSession: [ExComp] External component was registered SUCCESSFULLY with domain: " +
return true;
catch (ComponentException e) {
Log.debug("LocalComponentSession: [ExComp] Another component is already using domain: " +
// The credentials supplied by the initiator are not valid (answer an error
// and close the connection)
conn.deliverRawText(new StreamError(StreamError.Condition.conflict).toXML());
// Close the underlying connection
return false;
Example #14
Source File: From Whack with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
/** * Generates a connection with the server and tries to authenticate. If an error occurs in any * of the steps then a ComponentException is thrown. * * @param host the host to connect with. * @param port the port to use. * @param subdomain the subdomain that this component will be handling. * @throws ComponentException if an error happens during the connection and authentication steps. */ @Deprecated public void connect(String host, int port, String subdomain) throws ComponentException { connect(host,port,subdomain,false); }