spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: SpoonStatementLibrary.java From nopol with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
public static boolean isLastStatementOfMethod(CtStatement statement) { CtElement statementParent = statement.getParent(); if (!isStatementList(statementParent)) { return isLastStatementOfMethod((CtStatement) statementParent); } CtStatementList block = (CtStatementList) statementParent; if (isLastStatementOf(block, statement)) { CtElement blockParent = block.getParent(); if (isStatement(blockParent)) { return isLastStatementOfMethod((CtStatement) blockParent); } else { return isMethod(blockParent); } } return false; }
Example #2
Source File: LogicalExpressionAnalyzer.java From coming with MIT License | 6 votes |
public boolean isBooleanExpression(CtElement currentexpression) {
if (currentexpression == null|| currentexpression instanceof CtVariableAccess)
return false;
if (isLogicalExpression(currentexpression)) {
return true;
if(currentexpression instanceof CtExpression) {
CtExpression exper= (CtExpression) currentexpression;
try {
if (exper.getType() != null
&& exper.getType().unbox().toString().equals("boolean")) {
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
return false;
Example #3
Source File: ASTInfoResolver.java From coming with MIT License | 6 votes |
public static List<CtElement> getNSubsequentParents(CtElement node, int n) { List<CtElement> lst = new ArrayList<CtElement>(); lst.add(node); CtElement curPar = node.getParent(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (curPar == null) break; lst.add(curPar); curPar = curPar.getParent(); } return lst; }
Example #4
Source File: EnhancedRepairGenerator.java From coming with MIT License | 6 votes |
private Set<CtElement> fuzzyLocator(CtElement statement) { Set<CtElement> locations = new HashSet<>(); if (statement instanceof CtMethod || statement instanceof CtClass || statement instanceof CtIf || statement instanceof CtStatementList) { locations.add(statement); } else { // "int a;" is not CtStatement? CtElement parent = statement.getParent(); if (parent != null) { List<CtElement> statements = parent.getElements(new TypeFilter<>(CtElement.class)); if (parent instanceof CtStatement) { statements = statements.subList(1, statements.size()); } int idx = statements.indexOf(statement); if (idx >= 0) { if (idx > 0) locations.add(statements.get(idx - 1)); locations.add(statements.get(idx)); if (idx < statements.size() - 1) locations.add(statements.get(idx + 1)); } } } return locations; }
Example #5
Source File: UnwrapfromMethodCallOp.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
private MapList<CtInvocation, Ingredient> retrieveMethodHasCompatibleParameterAndReturnSameMethod(
CtElement suspiciousElement) {
MapList<CtInvocation, Ingredient> result = new MapList<CtInvocation, Ingredient>();
List<CtInvocation> invocations = suspiciousElement.getElements(e -> (e instanceof CtInvocation)).stream()
for (CtInvocation invocation : invocations) {
for (Object oparameter : invocation.getArguments()) {
CtExpression argument = (CtExpression) oparameter;
if (SupportOperators.checkIsSubtype(argument.getType(), invocation.getType())) {
CtExpression clonedExpressionArgument = argument.clone();
Ingredient newIngredient = new Ingredient(clonedExpressionArgument);
result.add(invocation, newIngredient);
return result;
Example #6
Source File: AbstractCodeAnalyzer.java From coming with MIT License | 6 votes |
public boolean isElementBeforeVariable(CtVariableAccess variableAffected, CtElement element) {
try {
CtStatement stst = (element instanceof CtStatement) ? (CtStatement) element
: element.getParent(CtStatement.class);
CtStatement target = (variableAffected instanceof CtStatement) ? (CtStatement) variableAffected
: variableAffected.getParent(CtStatement.class);
return target.getPosition() != null && getParentNotBlock(stst) != null
&& target.getPosition().getSourceStart() > stst.getPosition().getSourceStart();
} catch (Exception e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
return false;
Example #7
Source File: DiffImpl.java From gumtree-spoon-ast-diff with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private String toDebugString(List<Operation> ops) {
String result = "";
for (Operation operation : ops) {
ITree node = operation.getAction().getNode();
final CtElement nodeElement = operation.getNode();
String nodeType = context.getTypeLabel(node.getType());
if (nodeElement != null) {
nodeType += "(" + nodeElement.getClass().getSimpleName() + ")";
result += "OperationKind." + operation.getAction().getClass().getSimpleName() + ", \"" + nodeType + "\", \"" + node.getLabel()+ "\"";
if (operation instanceof UpdateOperation) {
// adding the new value for update
result += ", \"" + ((Update) operation.getAction()).getValue() + "\"";
result += " (size: " + node.getDescendants().size() + ")" + node.toTreeString();
return result;
Example #8
Source File: AstComparatorTest.java From gumtree-spoon-ast-diff with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void test_t_204225() throws Exception {
AstComparator diff = new AstComparator();
// meld
// src/test/resources/examples/t_204225/left_UMLModelElementStereotypeComboBoxModel_1.3.java
// src/test/resources/examples/t_204225/right_UMLModelElementStereotypeComboBoxModel_1.4.java
File fl = new File("src/test/resources/examples/t_204225/left_UMLModelElementStereotypeComboBoxModel_1.3.java");
File fr = new File(
Diff result = diff.compare(fl, fr);
CtElement ancestor = result.commonAncestor();
assertTrue(ancestor instanceof CtReturn);
List<Operation> actions = result.getRootOperations();
// result.debugInformation();
assertEquals(actions.size(), 2);
assertTrue(result.containsOperation(OperationKind.Insert, "BinaryOperator", "OR"));
assertTrue(result.containsOperation(OperationKind.Move, "BinaryOperator", "AND"));
Example #9
Source File: VariableResolver.java From coming with MIT License | 6 votes |
/** * * @param var * @param rootElement * @return */ private static boolean checkParent(CtVariable var, CtElement rootElement) { if (rootElement == null) logger.error("Error! root element null"); CtElement parent = var; while (parent != null && !(parent instanceof CtPackage)/* * && !CtPackage. TOP_LEVEL_PACKAGE_NAME. equals(parent.toString()) */) { if (parent.equals(rootElement)) return true; parent = parent.getParent(); } return false; }
Example #10
Source File: Prediction.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
public JsonElement toJson() {
JsonObject root = new JsonObject();
for (PredictionElement predictedElement : this.getElementsWithPrediction()) {
CtElement element = predictedElement.getElement();
root.addProperty("code", element.toString());
root.addProperty("type", element.getClass().getSimpleName());
root.addProperty("path", element.getPath().toString());
root.addProperty("index", predictedElement.getIndex());
JsonArray ops = new JsonArray();
root.add("ops", ops);
for (AstorOperator op : this.get(predictedElement)) {
if (op != null)
return root;
Example #11
Source File: CodeFeatureDetector.java From coming with MIT License | 6 votes |
public CtElement retrieveElementToStudy(CtElement element) { if (element instanceof CtIf) { return (((CtIf) element).getCondition()); } else if (element instanceof CtWhile) { return (((CtWhile) element).getLoopingExpression()); } else if (element instanceof CtFor) { return (((CtFor) element).getExpression()); } else if (element instanceof CtDo) { return (((CtDo) element).getLoopingExpression()); // } else if (element instanceof CtConditional) { // return (((CtConditional) element).getCondition()); } else if (element instanceof CtForEach) { return (((CtForEach) element).getExpression()); } else if (element instanceof CtSwitch) { return (((CtSwitch) element).getSelector()); } else return (element); }
Example #12
Source File: ExtendedRepairGenerator.java From coming with MIT License | 6 votes |
private Set<CtElement> fuzzyLocator(CtElement statement) { Set<CtElement> locations = new HashSet<>(); if (statement instanceof CtMethod || statement instanceof CtClass || statement instanceof CtIf || statement instanceof CtStatementList) { locations.add(statement); } else { // "int a;" is not CtStatement? CtElement parent = statement.getParent(); if (parent != null) { List<CtElement> statements = parent.getElements(new TypeFilter<>(CtElement.class)); if (parent instanceof CtStatement) { statements = statements.subList(1, statements.size()); } int idx = statements.indexOf(statement); if (idx >= 0) { if (idx > 0) locations.add(statements.get(idx - 1)); locations.add(statements.get(idx)); if (idx < statements.size() - 1) locations.add(statements.get(idx + 1)); } } } return locations; }
Example #13
Source File: CtLocationIngredientSpace.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
* Creation of fix space from a CtClass
* @param root
public void determineScopeOfIngredient(List<CtCodeElement> ingredients) {
for (CtCodeElement ctCodeElement : ingredients) {
Ingredient ing = new Ingredient(ctCodeElement);
CtElement key = mapKey(ctCodeElement);
if (getFixSpace().containsKey(key)) {
} else {
List<Ingredient> ingr = new ArrayList<>();
getFixSpace().put(key, ingr);
Example #14
Source File: VariableResolver.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
public static IngredientPoolScope determineIngredientScope(CtElement ingredient, CtElement fix) { File ingp = ingredient.getPosition().getFile(); File fixp = fix.getPosition().getFile(); if (ingp == null || fixp == null) return null; if (ingp.getAbsolutePath().equals(fixp.getAbsolutePath())) { return IngredientPoolScope.LOCAL; } if (ingp.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath().equals(fixp.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath())) { return IngredientPoolScope.PACKAGE; } return IngredientPoolScope.GLOBAL; }
Example #15
Source File: SupportOperators.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Retrieves all variables from the target element and all ingredients * * @param elementtochange * @param candidates * @return */ public static List<CtVariableAccess> collectAllVars(CtElement elementtochange, List<Ingredient> candidates) { List<CtVariableAccess> varAccess = VariableResolver.collectVariableAccess(elementtochange); for (Ingredient candidateIngr : candidates) { CtElement candidate = candidateIngr.getCode(); List<CtVariableAccess> varAccessCandidate = VariableResolver.collectVariableAccess(candidate); for (CtVariableAccess varX : varAccessCandidate) { if (!varAccess.contains(varX)) { varAccess.add(varX); } } } return varAccess; }
Example #16
Source File: TOSEntity.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public CtElement getCode() {
if (this.ingredientCode == null) {
return this.generateCodeofTOS();
return super.getCode();
Example #17
Source File: VariabletoNullMetaMutator.java From metamutator with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Check if this sub expression was already inside an uppermost expression * that was processed has a hot spot. This version does not allowed * conflicting hot spots * * @param element * the current expression to test * @return true if this expression is descendant of an already processed * expression */ private boolean alreadyInHotsSpot(CtElement element) { CtElement parent = element.getParent(); while (!isTopLevel(parent) && parent != null) { if (hostSpots.contains(parent)) return true; parent = parent.getParent(); } return false; }
Example #18
Source File: VariableAnalyzer.java From coming with MIT License | 5 votes |
private CtElement getPotentionalParentCondition (CtStatement toStudy) { CtElement parent; parent=toStudy; do { parent= parent.getParent(); } while (!whetherConditionalStat(parent) && parent!=null); return parent; }
Example #19
Source File: ValuesCollectorTest.java From nopol with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private CtElement elementFromSnippet(File sourceFile, String codeSnippet) { Factory model = SpoonModelLibrary.modelFor(new File[]{sourceFile}); Filter filter = new CodeSnippetFilter(sourceFile, codeSnippet); // used to debug when the pretty-printed format of Spoon changes // for (CtType t : model.getModel().getAllTypes()) { // System.out.println(t); //} List<CtElement> elements = SpoonElementLibrary.filteredElements(model, filter); assertEquals(1, elements.size()); return elements.get(0); }
Example #20
Source File: SymbolicConditionalAdder.java From nopol with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public void process(CtStatement element) {
logger.debug("##### {} ##### Before:\n{}", element, element.getParent());
CtElement parent = element.getParent();
CtIf newIf = element.getFactory().Core().createIf();
CtCodeSnippetExpression<Boolean> condition;
if (getValue() != null) {
switch (getValue()) {
case "1":
condition = element.getFactory().Code()
case "0":
condition = element.getFactory().Code()
condition = element.getFactory().Code()
} else {
condition = element
+ ".makeSymbolicBoolean(\"guess_fix\")");
// Fix : warning: ignoring inconsistent parent for [CtElem1] ( [CtElem2] != [CtElem3] )
// this should be after the replace to avoid an StackOverflowException caused by the circular reference.
// Fix : warning: ignoring inconsistent parent for [CtElem1] ( [CtElem2] != [CtElem3] )
logger.debug("##### {} ##### After:\n{}", element, element.getParent().getParent());
Example #21
Source File: PatchGenerator.java From nopol with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
private CtElement getTarget() { CtType type = factory.Type().get(patch.getSourceLocation().getRootClassName()); EarlyTerminatingScanner<CtElement> targetFinder = new EarlyTerminatingScanner<CtElement>() { @Override protected void enter(CtElement e) { if (e.getPosition() instanceof NoSourcePosition) { return; } if (e.getPosition().getSourceStart() == patch.getSourceLocation().getBeginSource() && e.getPosition().getSourceEnd() == patch.getSourceLocation().getEndSource() && e.isImplicit() == false) { if (patch.getType() == RepairType.CONDITIONAL && e instanceof CtIf) { setResult(((CtIf) e).getCondition()); } else { setResult(e); } terminate(); return; } if (e.getPosition().getSourceStart() <= patch.getSourceLocation().getBeginSource() && e.getPosition().getSourceEnd() >= patch.getSourceLocation().getEndSource()) { super.enter(e); } } }; type.accept(targetFinder); return targetFinder.getResult(); }
Example #22
Source File: ExpressionTypeIngredientSpace.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public String calculateLocation(CtElement elementToModify) {
if (IngredientPoolScope.PACKAGE.equals(scope)) {
return elementToModify.getParent(CtPackage.class).getQualifiedName();
} else if (IngredientPoolScope.LOCAL.equals(scope)) {
return elementToModify.getParent(CtType.class).getQualifiedName();
} else if (IngredientPoolScope.GLOBAL.equals(scope))
return "Global";
return null;
Example #23
Source File: SpoonSupport.java From gumtree-spoon-ast-diff with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public CtElement getMappedElement(Diff diff, CtElement elementToMatch, boolean isFromSource) { for (Mapping mapping : diff.getMappingsComp().asSet()) { ITree matchingNode = isFromSource ? mapping.getFirst() : mapping.getSecond(); CtElement associatedElement = (CtElement) matchingNode.getMetadata(SpoonGumTreeBuilder.SPOON_OBJECT); if (elementToMatch == associatedElement) { ITree linked = isFromSource ? diff.getMappingsComp().getDst(matchingNode) : diff.getMappingsComp().getSrc(matchingNode); return (CtElement) linked.getMetadata(SpoonGumTreeBuilder.SPOON_OBJECT); } } return null; }
Example #24
Source File: ValuesCollectorTest.java From nopol with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public void reachedVariablesInExample4() {
elementInNopolProject(4, "int uninitializedVariableShouldNotBeCollected");
CtElement element = elementInNopolProject(4, "a = a.substring(1)");
testReachedVariableNames(element, "a", "initializedVariableShouldBeCollected", "otherInitializedVariableShouldBeCollected");
Example #25
Source File: Nopol.java From coming with MIT License | 5 votes |
private CtElement getWrapperIfConditoin(CtElement node) { List<CtElement> pathToRoot = ASTInfoResolver.getPathToRootNode(node); for (int i = pathToRoot.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (pathToRoot.get(i).getRoleInParent().equals(CtRole.CONDITION) && pathToRoot.get(i - 1) instanceof CtIf) { return pathToRoot.get(i); } } return null; }
Example #26
Source File: AbstractCodeAnalyzer.java From coming with MIT License | 5 votes |
public String adjustIdentifyInJson(CtElement spoonElement) {
if (spoonElement.getAllMetadata().containsKey("gtnode")) {
ITree gumtreeObject = (ITree) spoonElement.getMetadata("gtnode");
return gumtreeObject.getLabel();
} else {
return spoonElement.getShortRepresentation();
Example #27
Source File: FineGrainedExpressionReplaceOperator.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public boolean applyChangesInModel(OperatorInstance opInstance, ProgramVariant p) {
CtExpression elementToModify = (CtExpression) opInstance.getOriginal();
CtExpression elementOriginalCloned = (CtExpression) MutationSupporter.clone(elementToModify);
CtElement elFixIngredient = opInstance.getModified();
MetaGenerator.getSourceTarget().put(elementToModify, elFixIngredient);
// MetaGenerator.targetSource.put(elementToModify, elFixIngredient);
this.originalParent = elementToModify.getParent();
// we transform the Spoon model
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("error to modify " + elementOriginalCloned + " to " + elFixIngredient);
return false;
boolean change = !opInstance.getModificationPoint().getCodeElement().toString()
if (!change)
log.error("Replacement does not work for modify " + elementOriginalCloned + " to " + elFixIngredient);
return true;
Example #28
Source File: OriginalFeatureVisitor.java From coming with MIT License | 5 votes |
private void putValueFeature(CtElement v, AtomicFeature af) {
if (v == null) {
if (!resMap.containsKey("@")) {
resMap.put("@", new HashSet<>());
else {
// CtExpression e = stripParenAndCast(v);
// std::string tmp = stmtToString(*ast, e);
String tmp = v.toString();
// i can not know why there is one return here
// if (v instanceof CtAssignment) {
// return;
// }
// CtInvocation or CtExecutable todo check
// if (v.getElements(new TypeFilter<>(CtInvocation.class)).size() > 0 && !isAbstractStub(v)) {
// return;
// }
if (!resMap.containsKey(tmp)) {
resMap.put(tmp, new HashSet<>());
if (!valueExprInfo.containsKey(tmp)) {
valueExprInfo.put(tmp, v);
Example #29
Source File: MethodAnalyzer.java From coming with MIT License | 5 votes |
private int[] argumentDiffMethod(List<CtElement> argumentsoriginal, List<CtElement> argumentsother, CtInvocation invocationaccess) { int numberdiffargument =0; int numberdiffmethodreplacebyvar =0; int numberdiffmethodreplacebymethod =0; for(int index=0; index<argumentsoriginal.size(); index++) { CtElement original = argumentsoriginal.get(index); CtElement other = argumentsother.get(index); if(original.equals(other) || original.toString().equals(other.toString())) { // same } else { numberdiffargument+=1; if(original instanceof CtInvocation && original.equals(invocationaccess)) { if(other instanceof CtVariableAccess) numberdiffmethodreplacebyvar+=1; else if(other instanceof CtInvocation || other instanceof CtConstructorCall) numberdiffmethodreplacebymethod+=1; else { // do nothing } } } } int diffarray[]=new int[3]; diffarray[0]=numberdiffargument; diffarray[1]=numberdiffmethodreplacebyvar; diffarray[2]=numberdiffmethodreplacebymethod; return diffarray; }
Example #30
Source File: jMutRepairEvolutionary.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
private CtExpression getExpressionFromElement(CtElement element) {
if (element instanceof CtExpression)
return (CtExpression) element;
if (element instanceof CtIf) {
return ((CtIf) element).getCondition();
// TODO: to continue
return null;