spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackage Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: VariableResolver.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * * @param var * @param rootElement * @return */ private static boolean checkParent(CtVariable var, CtElement rootElement) { if (rootElement == null) logger.error("Error! root element null"); CtElement parent = var; while (parent != null && !(parent instanceof CtPackage)/* * && !CtPackage. TOP_LEVEL_PACKAGE_NAME. equals(parent.toString()) */) { if (parent.equals(rootElement)) return true; parent = parent.getParent(); } return false; }
Example #2
Source File: GramProcessor.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
@Deprecated public Map<String, NGrams> calculateByPackage(List<CtType<?>> all) throws JSAPException { Map<String, NGrams> result = new HashedMap(); CodeParserLauncher ingp = new CodeParserLauncher<>(ingredientProcessor); int allElements = 0; for (CtType<?> ctType : all) { NGrams ns = new NGrams(); CtPackage parent = (CtPackage) ctType.getParent(CtPackage.class); if (!result.containsKey(parent.getQualifiedName())) { allElements += getNGramsFromCodeElements(parent, ns, ingp); result.put(parent.getQualifiedName(), ns); } } logger.debug("allElements " + allElements); return result; }
Example #3
Source File: QueryExampleTest.java From spoon-examples with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("all") @Test public void main() { MavenLauncher launcher = new MavenLauncher( "./src/test/resources/project/", MavenLauncher.SOURCE_TYPE.APP_SOURCE); CtModel model = launcher.buildModel(); List<CtMethod> methodList = model. filterChildren(new NamedElementFilter<CtPackage>(CtPackage.class, "ow2con")). filterChildren(new NamedElementFilter<CtPackage>(CtPackage.class, "publicapi")). filterChildren(new TypeFilter<CtMethod>(CtMethod.class)). filterChildren(new Filter<CtMethod>() { @Override public boolean matches(CtMethod element) { boolean isPublic = element.isPublic(); CtTypeReference returnType = element.getType(); String privateApiPackage = "ow2con.privateapi"; boolean isTypeFromPrivateApi = returnType.getQualifiedName().contains(privateApiPackage); return isPublic && isTypeFromPrivateApi; } }).list(); }
Example #4
Source File: ReferenceProcessor.java From spoon-examples with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
public void process(CtPackage element) {
CtPackageReference pack = element.getReference();
Set<CtPackageReference> refs = new HashSet<>();
for (CtType t : element.getTypes()) {
List<CtTypeReference<?>> listReferences = Query.getReferences(t, new ReferenceTypeFilter<>(CtTypeReference.class));
for (CtTypeReference<?> tref : listReferences) {
if (tref.getPackage() != null && !tref.getPackage().equals(pack)) {
if (ignoredTypes.contains(tref))
if (!refs.isEmpty()) {
packRefs.put(pack, refs);
Example #5
Source File: PackageBasicFixSpace.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public void defineSpace(ProgramVariant variant) { List<CtType<?>> affected = variant.getAffectedClasses(); List<CtPackage> packageAnalyzed = new ArrayList<>(); for (CtType<?> ing : affected) { CtPackage p = ing.getParent(CtPackage.class); if (!packageAnalyzed.contains(p)) { packageAnalyzed.add(p); for (CtType<?> t : p.getTypes()) { this.createFixSpaceFromAClass(t); } } } }
Example #6
Source File: ASTInfoResolver.java From coming with MIT License | 6 votes |
public static List<CtElement> getPathToRootNode(CtElement element) {
CtElement par = null;
try {
par = element.getParent();
if (par == null || par instanceof CtPackage || element == par) {
List<CtElement> res = new ArrayList<>();
return res;
List<CtElement> pathToParent = getPathToRootNode(par);
return pathToParent;
} catch (ParentNotInitializedException e) {
return new ArrayList<>();
Example #7
Source File: VariableResolver.java From coming with MIT License | 6 votes |
/** * * @param var * @param rootElement * @return */ private static boolean checkParent(CtVariable var, CtElement rootElement) { if (rootElement == null) logger.error("Error! root element null"); CtElement parent = var; while (parent != null && !(parent instanceof CtPackage)/* * && !CtPackage. TOP_LEVEL_PACKAGE_NAME. equals(parent.toString()) */) { if (parent.equals(rootElement)) return true; parent = parent.getParent(); } return false; }
Example #8
Source File: LiteralsSpace.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
protected List<CtType<?>> obtainClassesFromScope(ProgramVariant variant) { if (IngredientPoolScope.PACKAGE.equals(scope)) { List<CtType<?>> affected = variant.getAffectedClasses(); List<CtType<?>> types = new ArrayList<>(); List<CtPackage> packageAnalyzed = new ArrayList<>(); for (CtType<?> ing : affected) { CtPackage p = ing.getParent(CtPackage.class); if (!packageAnalyzed.contains(p)) { packageAnalyzed.add(p); for (CtType<?> type : p.getTypes()) { types.add(type); } } } return types; } if (IngredientPoolScope.LOCAL.equals(scope)) { return variant.getAffectedClasses(); } if (IngredientPoolScope.GLOBAL.equals(scope)) { return MutationSupporter.getFactory().Type().getAll(); } return null; }
Example #9
Source File: TOSIngredientPool.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
protected List<CtType<?>> obtainClassesFromScope(ProgramVariant variant) { if (IngredientPoolScope.PACKAGE.equals(scope)) { List<CtType<?>> affected = variant.getAffectedClasses(); List<CtType<?>> types = new ArrayList<>(); List<CtPackage> packageAnalyzed = new ArrayList<>(); for (CtType<?> ing : affected) { CtPackage p = ing.getParent(CtPackage.class); if (!packageAnalyzed.contains(p)) { packageAnalyzed.add(p); for (CtType<?> type : p.getTypes()) { types.add(type); } } } return types; } if (IngredientPoolScope.LOCAL.equals(scope)) { return variant.getAffectedClasses(); } if (IngredientPoolScope.GLOBAL.equals(scope)) { return MutationSupporter.getFactory().Type().getAll(); } return null; }
Example #10
Source File: SpoonedFile.java From nopol with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public Collection<String> packageNames(Collection<CtPackage> packages) { Collection<String> names = MetaList.newArrayList(); for (CtPackage aPackage : packages) { names.add(aPackage.getQualifiedName()); } return names; }
Example #11
Source File: ExpressionTypeIngredientSpace.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public String calculateLocation(CtElement elementToModify) {
if (IngredientPoolScope.PACKAGE.equals(scope)) {
return elementToModify.getParent(CtPackage.class).getQualifiedName();
} else if (IngredientPoolScope.LOCAL.equals(scope)) {
return elementToModify.getParent(CtType.class).getQualifiedName();
} else if (IngredientPoolScope.GLOBAL.equals(scope))
return "Global";
return null;
Example #12
Source File: TOSIngredientPool.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public String calculateLocation(CtElement elementToModify) {
if (IngredientPoolScope.PACKAGE.equals(scope)) {
return elementToModify.getParent(CtPackage.class).getQualifiedName();
} else if (IngredientPoolScope.LOCAL.equals(scope)) {
return elementToModify.getParent(CtType.class).getQualifiedName();
} else if (IngredientPoolScope.GLOBAL.equals(scope))
return "Global";
return null;
Example #13
Source File: LiteralsSpace.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public String calculateLocation(CtElement elementToModify) {
if (IngredientPoolScope.PACKAGE.equals(scope)) {
return elementToModify.getParent(CtPackage.class).getQualifiedName();
} else if (IngredientPoolScope.LOCAL.equals(scope)) {
return elementToModify.getParent(CtType.class).getQualifiedName();
} else if (IngredientPoolScope.GLOBAL.equals(scope))
return "Global";
return null;
Example #14
Source File: InfinitelTest.java From nopol with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
private Map<String, CtWhile> loopsByMethodIn(File[] sourceFiles, int numberOfLoops) {
Factory model = SpoonModelLibrary.modelFor(sourceFiles);
CtPackage root = model.Package().getRootPackage();
Collection<CtWhile> elements = SpoonElementLibrary.allChildrenOf(root, CtWhile.class);
assertEquals(numberOfLoops, elements.size());
Map<String, CtWhile> byMethod = MetaMap.newHashMap();
for (CtWhile loop : elements) {
String methodName = loop.getParent(CtMethod.class).getSimpleName();
byMethod.put(methodName, loop);
return byMethod;
Example #15
Source File: PackageBasicFixSpace.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
public String calculateLocation(CtElement original) {
return original.getParent(CtPackage.class).getQualifiedName();
Example #16
Source File: BigTransfoScenarioTest.java From spoon-examples with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("all") @Test public void main() { MavenLauncher launcher = new MavenLauncher( "./src/test/resources/project/", MavenLauncher.SOURCE_TYPE.APP_SOURCE); CtModel model = launcher.buildModel(); List<CtMethod> methodList = model. filterChildren(new NamedElementFilter<CtPackage>(CtPackage.class, "ow2con")). filterChildren(new NamedElementFilter<CtPackage>(CtPackage.class, "publicapi")). filterChildren(new TypeFilter<CtMethod>(CtMethod.class)). filterChildren(new Filter<CtMethod>() { @Override public boolean matches(CtMethod element) { boolean isPublic = element.isPublic(); CtTypeReference returnType = element.getType(); String privateApiPackage = "ow2con.privateapi"; boolean isTypeFromPrivateApi = returnType.getQualifiedName().contains(privateApiPackage); return isPublic && isTypeFromPrivateApi; } }).list(); Factory factory = launcher.getFactory(); CtClass<? extends Throwable> exceptionClass = factory.createClass("ow2con.PrivateAPIException"); CtConstructorCall<? extends Throwable> exceptionInstance = factory.createConstructorCall(exceptionClass.getReference()); for (CtMethod method : methodList) { CtBlock methodBody = method.getBody(); List<CtComment> bodyComments = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<CtStatement> ctStatements = new ArrayList<>(methodBody.getStatements()); for (CtStatement ctStatement : ctStatements) { String statement = ctStatement.toString(); CtComment statementAsComment = factory.createInlineComment(statement); bodyComments.add(statementAsComment); methodBody.removeStatement(ctStatement); } CtThrow throwMyException = factory.createThrow(); CtConstructorCall<? extends Throwable> constructorCall = exceptionInstance.clone(); throwMyException.setThrownExpression(constructorCall); methodBody.addStatement(throwMyException); bodyComments.add( factory.createInlineComment( "FIXME: The private API type should never be return in a public API." ) ); for (CtComment bodyComment : bodyComments) { throwMyException.addComment(bodyComment); } } Environment environment = launcher.getEnvironment(); environment.setCommentEnabled(true); environment.setAutoImports(true); // the transformation must produce compilable code environment.setShouldCompile(true); launcher.prettyprint(); // look in folder spooned/ow2con/publicapi/ the transformed code }
Example #17
Source File: CtPackageIngredientScope.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
public Class getCtElementForSplitSpace() {
return CtPackage.class;
Example #18
Source File: CtGlobalIngredientScope.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
public Class getCtElementForSplitSpace() {
return CtPackage.class;
Example #19
Source File: SpoonedFile.java From nopol with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
public Collection<CtPackage> allPackages() {
return spoonFactory().Package().getAll();
Example #20
Source File: IngredientPoolTest.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void testMath85ScopePackageSpace() throws Exception { AstorMain main1 = new AstorMain(); String dep = new File("./examples/libs/junit-4.4.jar").getAbsolutePath(); String[] args = new String[] { "-dependencies", dep, "-mode", "jgenprog", "-failing", "org.apache.commons.math.distribution.NormalDistributionTest", "-location", new File("./examples/math_85").getAbsolutePath(), "-package", "org.apache.commons", "-srcjavafolder", "/src/java/", "-srctestfolder", "/src/test/", "-binjavafolder", "/target/classes", "-bintestfolder", "/target/test-classes", "-javacompliancelevel", "7", "-flthreshold", "0.5", "-stopfirst", "false", // We put 0 as max generation, so we force to not evolve the // population "-maxgen", "0", "-scope", "package", "-seed", "10", "-ingredientstrategy", ShortestIngredientSearchStrategy.class.getName() }; main1.execute(args); JGenProg astor = (JGenProg) main1.getEngine(); IngredientSearchStrategy ingStrategy = astor.getIngredientSearchStrategy(); // AstorOperator operator = new ReplaceOp(); // Let's take a modification point from the first variant. I take the // element at 12, it's an assignement. ModificationPoint mpoint = astor.getVariants().get(0).getModificationPoints().get(12); Ingredient ingLast = ingStrategy.getFixIngredient(mpoint, operator); Assert.assertNotNull(ingLast); List<String> packages = ingStrategy.getIngredientSpace().getLocations(); Assert.assertTrue(packages.size() > 0); Assert.assertTrue(packages.contains( mpoint.getProgramVariant().getAffectedClasses().get(0).getParent(CtPackage.class).getQualifiedName())); List<Ingredient> ingredients = ingStrategy.getIngredientSpace().getIngredients(mpoint.getCodeElement()); Assert.assertTrue(ingredients.size() > 0); Assert.assertTrue(hasIngredient(ingredients, ingLast)); boolean ingrePackageCorrect = false; // Now, we check if all ingredients retrieved belongs affected classes for (Ingredient ctCodeElement : ingredients) { for (CtType aff : mpoint.getProgramVariant().getAffectedClasses()) { if (aff.getPackage().equals(ctCodeElement.getCode().getParent(CtPackage.class))) ingrePackageCorrect = true; } ; } assertTrue(ingrePackageCorrect); }