Java Code Examples for java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable#getBounds()
The following examples show how to use
java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable#getBounds() .
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Example 1
Source File: From qaf with MIT License | 7 votes |
public static Class<?> getRawType(Type type) { if (type instanceof Class<?>) { // type is a normal class. return (Class<?>) type; } else if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) { ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType) type; Type rawType = parameterizedType.getRawType(); return (Class<?>) rawType; } else if (type instanceof GenericArrayType) { final GenericArrayType genericArrayType = (GenericArrayType) type; final Class<?> componentRawType = getRawType(genericArrayType.getGenericComponentType()); return Array.newInstance(componentRawType, 0).getClass(); } else if (type instanceof TypeVariable) { final TypeVariable typeVar = (TypeVariable) type; if ((typeVar.getBounds() != null) && (typeVar.getBounds().length > 0)) { return getRawType(typeVar.getBounds()[0]); } } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to determine base class from Type"); }
Example 2
Source File: From quarkus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Returns <tt>true</tt> if <tt>type2</tt> is a "sub-variable" of <tt>type1</tt>, i.e. if they are equal or if * <tt>type2</tt> (transitively) extends <tt>type1</tt>. */ private static boolean isAssignableFrom(TypeVariable<?> type1, TypeVariable<?> type2) { if (type1.equals(type2)) { return true; } // if a type variable extends another type variable, it cannot declare other bounds if (type2.getBounds()[0] instanceof TypeVariable<?>) { return isAssignableFrom(type1, (TypeVariable<?>) type2.getBounds()[0]); } return false; }
Example 3
Source File: From beam with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Adds any types exposed to this set. These will come from the (possibly absent) bounds on the
* type variable.
private void addExposedTypes(TypeVariable type, Class<?> cause) {
if (done(type)) {
for (Type bound : type.getBounds()) {
LOG.debug("Adding exposed types from {}, which is a type bound on {}", bound, type);
addExposedTypes(bound, cause);
Example 4
Source File: From elasticsearch-jdbc with MIT License | 5 votes |
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
public <T> T deserialize(Object object, Type type) {
JSONArray jsonArray;
if (object instanceof JSONArray) {
jsonArray = (JSONArray) object;
} else {
jsonArray = new JSONArray(object);
Class componentClass = null;
Type componentType = null;
if (type instanceof GenericArrayType) {
componentType = ((GenericArrayType) type).getGenericComponentType();
if (componentType instanceof TypeVariable) {
TypeVariable<?> componentVar = (TypeVariable<?>) componentType;
componentType = componentVar.getBounds()[0];
if (componentType instanceof Class<?>) {
componentClass = (Class<?>) componentType;
} else {
Class clazz = (Class) type;
componentType = componentClass = clazz.getComponentType();
int size = jsonArray.size();
Object array = Array.newInstance(componentClass, size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
Object value = jsonArray.get(i);
Deserializer deserializer = JSONParser.getDeserializer(componentClass);
Array.set(array, i, deserializer.deserialize(value, componentType));
return (T) array;
Example 5
Source File: From Java2PlantUML with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void addClassTypeParams(StringBuilder sb, Class<?> aClass) {
List<String> typeParams = new ArrayList<>();
// TODO: we are leaving lower bounds out, e.g. <? super Integer>
for (TypeVariable t : aClass.getTypeParameters()) {
Type[] bounds = t.getBounds();
String jointBounds = TypesHelper.getSimpleName(StringUtils.join(bounds, "&"));
typeParams.add(t.getName() + " extends " + jointBounds);
if (0 < typeParams.size()) {
sb.append(" <").append(StringUtils.join(typeParams, ", ")).append(">");
Example 6
Source File: From onetwo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Resolves the first bound for the {@code typeVariable}, returning {@code Unknown.class} if none can be resolved.
public static Type resolveBound(TypeVariable<?> typeVariable) {
Type[] bounds = typeVariable.getBounds();
if (bounds.length == 0)
return Unknown.class;
Type bound = bounds[0];
if (bound instanceof TypeVariable)
bound = resolveBound((TypeVariable<?>) bound);
return bound == Object.class ? Unknown.class : bound;
Example 7
Source File: From j2objc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Tests whether the specified method declares a parameter with the type of
* the type parameter.
* @param method
* the declaring method
private void parameterType(Method method) {
TypeVariable<Method> typeParameter = getTypeParameter(method);
Type genericParameterType = method.getGenericParameterTypes()[0];
assertEquals(typeParameter, genericParameterType);
assertTrue(genericParameterType instanceof TypeVariable);
TypeVariable<?> typeVariable = (TypeVariable<?>) genericParameterType;
assertEquals(method, typeVariable.getGenericDeclaration());
Type[] paramBounds = typeVariable.getBounds();
Type paramBound = paramBounds[0];
assertEquals(BoundedGenericMethods.class, paramBound);
Example 8
Source File: From j2objc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void testSimpleTypeVariableOnClass(){
Class<? extends A> clazz = A.class;
TypeVariable[] typeParameters = clazz.getTypeParameters();
TypeVariable<Class> typeVariable = typeParameters[0];
assertEquals(clazz, typeVariable.getGenericDeclaration());
assertEquals("T", typeVariable.getName());
assertEquals("T", typeVariable.toString());
assertEquals("T", typeVariable.getTypeName());
Type[] bounds = typeVariable.getBounds();
assertEquals(Object.class, bounds[0]);
Example 9
Source File: From j2objc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void testSingleBound() throws Exception {
Class<? extends G> clazz = G.class;
TypeVariable[] typeParameters = clazz.getTypeParameters();
TypeVariable<Class> typeVariable = typeParameters[0];
Type[] bounds = typeVariable.getBounds();
assertEquals(Number.class, bounds[0]);
assertEquals("T", typeVariable.toString());
assertEquals("T", typeVariable.getTypeName());
Example 10
Source File: From spearal-java with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static Type getBoundType(TypeVariable<?> typeVariable) {
Type[] ubs = typeVariable.getBounds();
if (ubs.length > 0)
return ubs[0];
// should never happen...
if (typeVariable.getGenericDeclaration() instanceof Type)
return (Type)typeVariable.getGenericDeclaration();
return typeVariable;
Example 11
Source File: From j2objc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void testSimpleTypeVariableOnMethod() throws Exception{
Class<? extends B> clazz = B.class;
Method method = clazz.getDeclaredMethod("b");
TypeVariable<Method>[] typeParameters = method.getTypeParameters();
TypeVariable<Method> typeVariable = typeParameters[0];
assertEquals(method, typeVariable.getGenericDeclaration());
assertEquals("T", typeVariable.getName());
assertEquals("T", typeVariable.toString());
assertEquals("T", typeVariable.getTypeName());
Type[] bounds = typeVariable.getBounds();
assertEquals(Object.class, bounds[0]);
Example 12
Source File: From yGuard with MIT License | 5 votes |
public void run(){
new GenericSignatureFormatError();
ParameterizedType<MyStringType> pt = new ParameterizedType<MyStringType>();
pt.add(new MyStringType());
pt.add(new MyStringType(){});
for (MyType myType : pt.getList()){
System.out.println("myType " + myType);
System.out.println("Enclosed by " + myType.getClass().getEnclosingMethod());
System.out.println("Enclosed by " + myType.getClass().getEnclosingClass().getName());
// Field[] fields = this.getClass().getDeclaredFields();
for (Field field : this.getClass().getDeclaredFields()){
for (Annotation a : field.getAnnotations()){
System.out.println("generic type " + field.getGenericType());
for (TypeVariable tv : pt.getClass().getTypeParameters()){
for (Type t : tv.getBounds()){
System.out.println("bounds " + t);
Example 13
Source File: From ldp4j with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected static <T> Class<T> processTypeVariable(Class<? super T> bound, TypeVariable<?> typeVariable) {
for(Type paramBound:typeVariable.getBounds()) {
if(paramBound instanceof Class<?>) {
Class<T >cls=determineClass(bound,paramBound);
if(cls!=null) {
return cls;
return null;
Example 14
Source File: From generics-resolver with MIT License | 5 votes |
* Declarations like {@code Some<T extends Some<T>>} could cause infinite analysis cycles without proper detection.
* @param src generic declaration class
* @param genericName generic name
* @param genericType actual generic value
* @return true if cycle detected, false otherwise
private static boolean isGenericLoop(final Class<?> src, final String genericName, final Type genericType) {
// to avoid redundant checks, first look if same type is declared in parameter
if (src.isAssignableFrom(GenericsUtils.resolveClass(genericType))) {
// look if this generic declaration reference itself (Some<T extends Some<T>>)
for (TypeVariable var : src.getTypeParameters()) {
if (var.getName().equals(genericName)) {
for (Type bound : var.getBounds()) {
// declaration through the same type found (Some<T extends Some>)
if (bound instanceof ParameterizedType
&& ((ParameterizedType) bound).getRawType().equals(src)) {
for (Type param : ((ParameterizedType) bound).getActualTypeArguments()) {
// loop detected (recursive generic declaration)
if (param instanceof TypeVariable
&& ((TypeVariable) param).getName().equals(genericName)) {
return false;
return false;
Example 15
Source File: From quarkus with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
static Type[] getUppermostTypeVariableBounds(TypeVariable<?> bound) { if (bound.getBounds()[0] instanceof TypeVariable<?>) { return getUppermostTypeVariableBounds((TypeVariable<?>) bound.getBounds()[0]); } return bound.getBounds(); }
Example 16
Source File: From codebuff with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 4 votes |
* Resolves {@code var} using the encapsulated type mapping. If it maps to yet another
* non-reified type or has bounds, {@code forDependants} is used to do further resolution, which
* doesn't try to resolve any type variable on generic declarations that are already being
* resolved.
* <p>Should only be called and overridden by {@link #resolve(TypeVariable)}.
Type resolveInternal(TypeVariable<?> var, TypeTable forDependants) {
Type type = map.get(new TypeVariableKey(var));
if (type == null) {
Type[] bounds = var.getBounds();
if (bounds.length == 0) {
return var;
Type[] resolvedBounds = new TypeResolver(forDependants).resolveTypes(bounds);
* We'd like to simply create our own TypeVariable with the newly resolved bounds. There's
* just one problem: Starting with JDK 7u51, the JDK TypeVariable's equals() method doesn't
* recognize instances of our TypeVariable implementation. This is a problem because users
* compare TypeVariables from the JDK against TypeVariables returned by TypeResolver. To
* work with all JDK versions, TypeResolver must return the appropriate TypeVariable
* implementation in each of the three possible cases:
* 1. Prior to JDK 7u51, the JDK TypeVariable implementation interoperates with ours.
* Therefore, we can always create our own TypeVariable.
* 2. Starting with JDK 7u51, the JDK TypeVariable implementations does not interoperate
* with ours. Therefore, we have to be careful about whether we create our own TypeVariable:
* 2a. If the resolved types are identical to the original types, then we can return the
* original, identical JDK TypeVariable. By doing so, we sidestep the problem entirely.
* 2b. If the resolved types are different from the original types, things are trickier. The
* only way to get a TypeVariable instance for the resolved types is to create our own. The
* created TypeVariable will not interoperate with any JDK TypeVariable. But this is OK: We
* don't _want_ our new TypeVariable to be equal to the JDK TypeVariable because it has
* _different bounds_ than the JDK TypeVariable. And it wouldn't make sense for our new
* TypeVariable to be equal to any _other_ JDK TypeVariable, either, because any other JDK
* TypeVariable must have a different declaration or name. The only TypeVariable that our
* new TypeVariable _will_ be equal to is an equivalent TypeVariable that was also created
* by us. And that equality is guaranteed to hold because it doesn't involve the JDK
* TypeVariable implementation at all.
if (Types.NativeTypeVariableEquals.NATIVE_TYPE_VARIABLE_ONLY
&& Arrays.equals(bounds, resolvedBounds)) {
return var;
return Types.newArtificialTypeVariable(var.getGenericDeclaration(), var.getName(), resolvedBounds);
// in case the type is yet another type variable.
return new TypeResolver(forDependants).resolveType(type);
Example 17
Source File: From codebuff with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 4 votes |
* Resolves {@code var} using the encapsulated type mapping. If it maps to yet another
* non-reified type or has bounds, {@code forDependants} is used to do further resolution, which
* doesn't try to resolve any type variable on generic declarations that are already being
* resolved.
* <p>Should only be called and overridden by {@link #resolve(TypeVariable)}.
Type resolveInternal(TypeVariable<?> var, TypeTable forDependants) {
Type type = map.get(new TypeVariableKey(var));
if (type == null) {
Type[] bounds = var.getBounds();
if (bounds.length == 0) {
return var;
Type[] resolvedBounds = new TypeResolver(forDependants).resolveTypes(bounds);
* We'd like to simply create our own TypeVariable with the newly resolved bounds. There's
* just one problem: Starting with JDK 7u51, the JDK TypeVariable's equals() method doesn't
* recognize instances of our TypeVariable implementation. This is a problem because users
* compare TypeVariables from the JDK against TypeVariables returned by TypeResolver. To
* work with all JDK versions, TypeResolver must return the appropriate TypeVariable
* implementation in each of the three possible cases:
* 1. Prior to JDK 7u51, the JDK TypeVariable implementation interoperates with ours.
* Therefore, we can always create our own TypeVariable.
* 2. Starting with JDK 7u51, the JDK TypeVariable implementations does not interoperate
* with ours. Therefore, we have to be careful about whether we create our own TypeVariable:
* 2a. If the resolved types are identical to the original types, then we can return the
* original, identical JDK TypeVariable. By doing so, we sidestep the problem entirely.
* 2b. If the resolved types are different from the original types, things are trickier. The
* only way to get a TypeVariable instance for the resolved types is to create our own. The
* created TypeVariable will not interoperate with any JDK TypeVariable. But this is OK: We
* don't _want_ our new TypeVariable to be equal to the JDK TypeVariable because it has
* _different bounds_ than the JDK TypeVariable. And it wouldn't make sense for our new
* TypeVariable to be equal to any _other_ JDK TypeVariable, either, because any other JDK
* TypeVariable must have a different declaration or name. The only TypeVariable that our
* new TypeVariable _will_ be equal to is an equivalent TypeVariable that was also created
* by us. And that equality is guaranteed to hold because it doesn't involve the JDK
* TypeVariable implementation at all.
if (Types.NativeTypeVariableEquals.NATIVE_TYPE_VARIABLE_ONLY
&& Arrays.equals(bounds, resolvedBounds)) {
return var;
return Types.newArtificialTypeVariable(var.getGenericDeclaration(), var.getName(), resolvedBounds);
// in case the type is yet another type variable.
return new TypeResolver(forDependants).resolveType(type);
Example 18
Source File: From openpojo with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public Type[] getParameterTypes(TypeVariable type) {
return type.getBounds();
Example 19
Source File: From coming with MIT License | 2 votes |
/** * <p> Returns an array containing the sole type of {@link Object} if * {@link TypeVariable#getBounds()} returns an empty array. Otherwise, it * returns the result of <code>TypeVariable.getBounds()</code> passed into * {@link #normalizeUpperBounds}. </p> * * @param typeVariable the subject type variable * @return a non-empty array containing the bounds of the type variable. */ public static Type[] getImplicitBounds(TypeVariable<?> typeVariable) { Type[] bounds = typeVariable.getBounds(); return bounds.length == 0 ? new Type[] { Object.class } : normalizeUpperBounds(bounds); }
Example 20
Source File: From coming with MIT License | 2 votes |
/** * <p> Returns an array containing the sole type of {@link Object} if * {@link TypeVariable#getBounds()} returns an empty array. Otherwise, it * returns the result of <code>TypeVariable.getBounds()</code> passed into * {@link #normalizeUpperBounds}. </p> * * @param typeVariable the subject type variable * @return a non-empty array containing the bounds of the type variable. */ public static Type[] getImplicitBounds(TypeVariable<?> typeVariable) { Type[] bounds = typeVariable.getBounds(); return bounds.length == 0 ? new Type[] { Object.class } : normalizeUpperBounds(bounds); }