Java Code Examples for java.util.LinkedList#addFirst()
The following examples show how to use
java.util.LinkedList#addFirst() .
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Example 1
Source File: From cfr with MIT License | 6 votes |
private void deAssign(AssignmentSimple assignmentSimple, Op03SimpleStatement container, List<Op03SimpleStatement> added) {
Expression rhs = assignmentSimple.getRValue();
if (rhs instanceof LValueExpression || rhs instanceof Literal) return;
Deassigner deassigner = new Deassigner();
LinkedList<LValue> lValues = ListFactory.newLinkedList();
while (rhs instanceof AssignmentExpression) {
AssignmentExpression assignmentExpression = (AssignmentExpression)rhs;
rhs = assignmentExpression.getrValue();
Expression rhs2 = deassigner.rewriteExpression(rhs, container.getSSAIdentifiers(), container, ExpressionRewriterFlags.RVALUE);
if (deassigner.extracted.isEmpty()) return;
for (LValue outer : lValues) {
rhs2 = new AssignmentExpression(outer, rhs2);
rewrite(deassigner, container, added);
Example 2
Source File: From javagame with MIT License | 6 votes |
/** * �S�[���m�[�h�܂ł̃p�X���\�z���� * * @param node �S�[���m�[�h * @return �X�^�[�g�m�[�h����S�[���m�[�h�܂ł̃p�X */ private LinkedList constructPath(Node node) { LinkedList path = new LinkedList(); // �e�m�[�h�����X���ǂ� while (node.parentNode != null) { // �ŏ��ɒlj�����̂��~�\ // �X�^�[�g�m�[�h��LinkedList�̐擪 // �S�[���m�[�h��LinkedList�̍Ō�ɂȂ�悤�ɂ��� path.addFirst(node); node = node.parentNode; } // �X�^�[�g�m�[�h�inode.parentNode == null�ƂȂ�m�[�h�j // ���lj����Ă��� path.addFirst(node); return path; }
Example 3
Source File: From syncer with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
public void run(String[] args) throws Exception {
LinkedList<Starter> starters = new LinkedList<>();
HashSet<String> consumerIds = new HashSet<>();
for (ConsumerConfig consumerConfig : consumerConfigs) {
if (!validPipeline(consumerConfig)) {
if (consumerIds.contains(consumerConfig.getConsumerId())) {
throw new InvalidConfigException("Duplicate consumerId: " + consumerConfig.getConsumerId());
starters.add(new ConsumerStarter(consumerConfig, syncerConfig, consumerRegistry).start());
// add producer as first item, stop producer first
.getInstance(producerConfig.getInput(), syncerConfig.getInput(), consumerRegistry)
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new WaitingAckHook(starters));
Example 4
Source File: From consulo with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static Collection<Pair<PsiElement, BreadcrumbsProvider>> getLineElements(Document document,
int offset,
VirtualFile file,
Project project,
BreadcrumbsProvider defaultInfoProvider,
boolean checkSettings) {
PsiElement element = findStartElement(document, offset, file, project, defaultInfoProvider, checkSettings);
if (element == null) return null;
LinkedList<Pair<PsiElement, BreadcrumbsProvider>> result = new LinkedList<>();
while (element != null) {
BreadcrumbsProvider provider = findProviderForElement(element, defaultInfoProvider, checkSettings);
if (provider != null && provider.acceptElement(element)) {
result.addFirst(Pair.create(element, provider));
element = getParent(element, provider);
if (element instanceof PsiDirectory) break;
return result;
Example 5
Source File: From AnyMock with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private HttpInterfaceDTO convertToDTO(HttpInterfaceBO httpInterfaceBO) {
HttpInterfaceDTO httpInterfaceDTO = new HttpInterfaceDTO();
BeanUtils.copyProperties(httpInterfaceBO, httpInterfaceDTO);
// path
Long spaceId = httpInterfaceBO.getSpaceId();
LinkedList<Long> path = new LinkedList<>();
while (!spaceId.equals(ROOT_SPACE_ID)) {
spaceId = spaceDao.queryById(spaceId).getParentId();
// variable
return httpInterfaceDTO;
Example 6
Source File: From vespa with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
FieldPathIteratorHandler.ModificationStatus iterateSubset(int startPos, int endPos, FieldPath fieldPath, String variable, int nextPos, FieldPathIteratorHandler handler) {
FieldPathIteratorHandler.ModificationStatus retVal = FieldPathIteratorHandler.ModificationStatus.NOT_MODIFIED;
LinkedList<Integer> indicesToRemove = new LinkedList<Integer>();
for (int i = startPos; i <= endPos && i < values.size(); i++) {
if (variable != null) {
handler.getVariables().put(variable, new FieldPathIteratorHandler.IndexValue(i));
FieldValue fv = values.get(i);
FieldPathIteratorHandler.ModificationStatus status = fv.iterateNested(fieldPath, nextPos, handler);
if (status == FieldPathIteratorHandler.ModificationStatus.REMOVED) {
retVal = FieldPathIteratorHandler.ModificationStatus.MODIFIED;
} else if (status == FieldPathIteratorHandler.ModificationStatus.MODIFIED) {
retVal = status;
if (variable != null) {
for (Integer idx : indicesToRemove) {
return retVal;
Example 7
Source File: From consulo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static List<VirtualFile> findSuitableFilesFor(final String filePath, final Project project) {
final ProjectFileIndex index = ProjectRootManager.getInstance(project).getFileIndex();
// at first let's try to find file as is, by it's real path
// and check that file belongs to current project
// this location provider designed for tests thus we will check only project content
// (we cannot check just sources or tests folders because RM doesn't use it
final VirtualFile file = getByFullPath(filePath);
final boolean inProjectContent = file != null && (index.isInContent(file));
if (inProjectContent) {
return Collections.singletonList(file);
//split file by "/" in parts
final LinkedList<String> folders = new LinkedList<String>();
final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(filePath, "/", false);
String fileName = null;
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
final String pathComponent = st.nextToken();
if (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
} else {
// last token
fileName = pathComponent;
if (fileName == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return findFilesClosestToTarget(folders, collectCandidates(project, fileName, true), MIN_PROXIMITY_THRESHOLD);
Example 8
Source File: From io2014-codelabs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Creates a {@link} for IN operation.
* @param propertyName Name of the target property.
* @param values any number of {@link Object}s for the IN operation.
* @return {@link} for this operation.
public static Filter in(String propertyName, List<Object> values) {
LinkedList<Object> l = new LinkedList<Object>(values);
Filter f = new Filter();
return f;
Example 9
Source File: From translationstudio8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
private void registerMouseBinding(boolean first, MouseEventTypeEnum mouseEventType, IMouseEventMatcher mouseEventMatcher, IMouseAction action) {
LinkedList<MouseBinding> mouseEventBindings = mouseBindingsMap.get(mouseEventType);
if (mouseEventBindings == null) {
mouseEventBindings = new LinkedList<MouseBinding>();
mouseBindingsMap.put(mouseEventType, mouseEventBindings);
if (first) {
mouseEventBindings.addFirst(new MouseBinding(mouseEventMatcher, action));
} else {
mouseEventBindings.addLast(new MouseBinding(mouseEventMatcher, action));
Example 10
Source File: From ganttproject with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public List<Task> getTasksInDocumentOrder() {
List<Task> result = Lists.newArrayList();
LinkedList<Task> deque = new LinkedList<>();
while (!deque.isEmpty()) {
Task head = deque.poll();
deque.addAll(0, Arrays.asList(head.getNestedTasks()));
return result;
Example 11
Source File: From asf-sdk with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Deeply compare two SortedMap instances. This method walks the Maps in order, * taking advantage of the fact that the Maps are SortedMaps. * * @param map1 SortedMap one * @param map2 SortedMap two * @param stack add items to compare to the Stack (Stack versus recursion) * @param visited Set containing items that have already been compared, to prevent cycles. * * @return false if the Maps are for certain not equals. 'true' indicates that 'on the surface' * the maps * are equal, however, it will place the contents of the Maps on the stack for further * comparisons. */ private static boolean compareSortedMap(SortedMap map1, SortedMap map2, LinkedList stack, Set visited) { // Same instance check already performed... if (map1.size() != map2.size()) { return false; } Iterator i1 = map1.entrySet() .iterator(); Iterator i2 = map2.entrySet() .iterator(); while (i1.hasNext()) { Entry entry1 = (Entry); Entry entry2 = (Entry); // Must split the Key and Value so that Map.Entry's equals() method is not used. DualKey dk = new DualKey(entry1.getKey(), entry2.getKey()); if (!visited.contains(dk)) { // Push Keys for further comparison stack.addFirst(dk); } dk = new DualKey(entry1.getValue(), entry2.getValue()); if (!visited.contains(dk)) { // Push values for further comparison stack.addFirst(dk); } } return true; }
Example 12
Source File: From live-chat-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static List<FileProps> createFileProps(Collection<String> paths){
LinkedList<FileProps> list = new LinkedList<>();
for (String path : paths) {
File file = new File(path);
if( ! file.exists()){
log.error("can't find file by path: "+path);
list.addFirst(new FileProps(file));
return list;
Example 13
Source File: From tmxeditor8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
private void registerMouseBinding(boolean first, MouseEventTypeEnum mouseEventType, IMouseEventMatcher mouseEventMatcher, IMouseAction action) {
LinkedList<MouseBinding> mouseEventBindings = mouseBindingsMap.get(mouseEventType);
if (mouseEventBindings == null) {
mouseEventBindings = new LinkedList<MouseBinding>();
mouseBindingsMap.put(mouseEventType, mouseEventBindings);
if (first) {
mouseEventBindings.addFirst(new MouseBinding(mouseEventMatcher, action));
} else {
mouseEventBindings.addLast(new MouseBinding(mouseEventMatcher, action));
Example 14
Source File: From mapper-generator-javafx with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * 添加配置 * * @param generatorConfig 配置信息 * @return 1:原来文件被修改;2:已存在配置且和原来配置相同;3:新配置 */ public int addConfig(GeneratorConfig generatorConfig) { File configFile = BaseConstants.getConfigFile(); LinkedList<GeneratorConfig> generatorConfigs; if (configFile.exists()) { generatorConfigs = this.loadConfigFromFile(); } else { generatorConfigs = new LinkedList<>(); } LinkedList<GeneratorConfig> existConfigLinkedList = -> generatorConfig.getConfigName().equals(generatorConfig1.getConfigName())).collect(Lists::newLinkedList, LinkedList::add, List::addAll); //配置已存在,如果内容修改,则修改 if (!existConfigLinkedList.isEmpty()) { GeneratorConfig olderConfig = existConfigLinkedList.getFirst(); boolean isSame = BeanUtils.checkPropertyOfBean(generatorConfig, olderConfig); if (!isSame) { existConfigLinkedList.remove(olderConfig); existConfigLinkedList.addFirst(generatorConfig); this.downLoadConfigToFile(existConfigLinkedList); return 1; } else { return 2; } } else { generatorConfigs.addFirst(generatorConfig); this.downLoadConfigToFile(generatorConfigs); return 3; } }
Example 15
Source File: From ChatRoom-JavaFX with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* 设置在线用户列表,并显示在线人数(需要在列表中排除本机用户)
* @param userInfolist 用户集
public void setUserList(LinkedList<UserInfo> userInfolist) {
this.userInfoList = userInfolist;
for(UserInfo user: userInfolist){
UserInfo allUser = new UserInfo(Utils.ALL,"All.png");
int userCount = userInfolist.size()-1;
for(UserInfo user : userInfolist){
Platform.runLater(() -> {
ObservableList<UserInfo> users = FXCollections.observableList(userInfolist);
userListView.setCellFactory((ListView<UserInfo> L) -> new UsersCell());
userCountLabel.setText(userCount + "");
* userListView列表项点击事件监视器
(ObservableValue<? extends UserInfo> ov, UserInfo old_val,
UserInfo new_val) -> {
//solve bug
if(new_val == null){
otherUserNameLabel.setText("Welcome to ChatRoom");
otherUserName = new_val.getUsername();
otherUserNameLabel.setText("Chat with everyone..");
}else {
otherUserNameLabel.setText("Chat with " + otherUserName +":");
Example 16
Source File: From birt with Eclipse Public License 1.0 | 4 votes |
private void loadReportletDataSource( ReportDocumentReader document,
IDocArchiveReader dataSource, String reportletBookmark )
throws EngineException, IOException
InstanceID reportletIid = null;
if ( document.isReporltetDocument( ) )
String bookmark = document.getReportletBookmark( );
if ( !reportletBookmark.equals( bookmark ) )
throw new EngineException(
"The user must specify the same reportlet with the one used to generate the document" );
reportletIid = document.getReportletInstanceID( );
// load the result set used by reportlet
long offset = document.getBookmarkOffset( reportletBookmark );
if ( offset == -1 )
throw new EngineException(
"The user specified reportlet {0} doesn''t exits in the report document",
new Object[]{reportletBookmark} );
ClassLoader loader = document.getClassLoader( );
RAInputStream in = dataSource
.getInputStream( ReportDocumentConstants.CONTENT_STREAM );
ReportContentReaderV3 reader = new ReportContentReaderV3(
new ReportContent( ), in, loader );
LinkedList<InstanceID> iids = new LinkedList<InstanceID>( );
while ( offset != -1 )
IContent content = reader.readContent( offset );
iids.addFirst( content.getInstanceID( ) );
offset = ( (DocumentExtension) content
.getExtension( IContent.DOCUMENT_EXTENSION ) )
.getParent( );
for ( InstanceID iid : iids )
if ( reportletIid == null )
reportletIid = iid;
reportletIid = new InstanceID( reportletIid, iid );
reader.close( );
in.close( );
// set the datasources
executionContext.setDataSource( new DocumentDataSource( dataSource,
reportletBookmark, reportletIid ) );
Example 17
Source File: From cfr with MIT License | 4 votes |
static String generateInnerClassShortName(final IllegalIdentifierDump iid, final JavaRefTypeInstance clazz, JavaRefTypeInstance analysisType, boolean prefixAnalysisType) {
LinkedList<JavaRefTypeInstance> classStack = ListFactory.newLinkedList();
boolean analysisTypeFound = false;
if (clazz.getRawName().startsWith(analysisType.getRawName())) {
// In case we don't have full info.
// This is, at best, a guess.
String possible = clazz.getRawName().substring(analysisType.getRawName().length());
if (!possible.isEmpty()) {
switch (possible.charAt(0)) {
case '$':
case '.':
analysisTypeFound = true;
JavaRefTypeInstance currentClass = clazz;
boolean first = true;
do {
InnerClassInfo innerClassInfo = currentClass.getInnerClassHereInfo();
// Need to skip anonymous classes, see (eg) anonymousInnerClassTest3.
if (!innerClassInfo.isAnonymousClass() || first) {
first = false;
if (!innerClassInfo.isInnerClass()) {
currentClass = innerClassInfo.getOuterClass();
if (currentClass.equals(analysisType)) {
analysisTypeFound = true;
break; // We don't want to go any further back than here!
} while (true);
* Local inner class. We want the smallest postfix. We can drop the local class, but because we're not doing
* imports for local classes, we can't drop any more.
if (analysisTypeFound == currentClass.equals(analysisType)) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
first = true;
* if we've been overridden, we need to prefix the analysis type. (See ShortNameTest5)
if (prefixAnalysisType) {
first = false;
for (JavaRefTypeInstance stackClass : classStack) {
first =, sb);
return sb.toString();
} else {
// string approximation.
String clazzRawName = clazz.getRawName(iid);
// Cheat using $.
String analysisTypeRawName = analysisType.getRawName(iid);
if (clazzRawName.equals(analysisTypeRawName)) {
int idx = clazzRawName.lastIndexOf('.');
if (idx >= 1 && idx < (clazzRawName.length() - 1)) {
return clazzRawName.substring(idx + 1);
if (analysisTypeRawName.length() >= (clazzRawName.length() - 1)) {
return clazzRawName;
return clazzRawName.substring(analysisType.getRawName().length() + 1);
Example 18
Source File: From deltachat-android with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
public void updateSource(int chatId, int contactId, long startTimestamp, long endTimestamp) { DcArray locations = dcContext.getLocations(chatId, contactId, startTimestamp, endTimestamp); MapSource contactMapMetadata = contactMapSources.get(contactId); if (contactMapMetadata == null) { contactMapMetadata = addContactMapSource(contactMapSources, contactId); } int count = locations.getCnt(); LinkedList<Feature> sortedPointFeatures = featureCollections.get(contactMapMetadata.getMarkerFeatureCollection()); if (sortedPointFeatures != null && sortedPointFeatures.size() == count) { return; } else { sortedPointFeatures = new LinkedList<>(); } LinkedList<Feature> sortedLineFeatures = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Point point = Point.fromLngLat(locations.getLongitude(i), locations.getLatitude(i)); String codepointChar = locations.getMarker(i) != null ? locations.getMarker(i) : ""; boolean isPoi = locations.isIndependent(i); int messageId = locations.getMsgId(i); Feature pointFeature = Feature.fromGeometry(point, new JsonObject(), String.valueOf(locations.getLocationId(i))); pointFeature.addBooleanProperty(MARKER_SELECTED, false); pointFeature.addBooleanProperty(LAST_LOCATION, false); pointFeature.addNumberProperty(CONTACT_ID, contactId); pointFeature.addNumberProperty(TIMESTAMP, locations.getTimestamp(i)); pointFeature.addNumberProperty(MESSAGE_ID, messageId); pointFeature.addNumberProperty(ACCURACY, locations.getAccuracy(i)); pointFeature.addStringProperty(MARKER_CHAR, codepointChar); pointFeature.addStringProperty(MARKER_ICON, isPoi ? contactMapMetadata.getMarkerPoi() : contactMapMetadata.getMarkerIcon()); pointFeature.addBooleanProperty(IS_POI, isPoi); if (isPoi && codepointChar.length() == 0 && messageId != 0) { //has a long poi label DcMsg poiMsg = dcContext.getMsg(messageId); String poiLongDescription = poiMsg.getText(); pointFeature.addStringProperty(POI_LONG_DESCRIPTION, poiLongDescription); } sortedPointFeatures.addFirst(pointFeature); if (!locations.isIndependent(i) && sortedPointFeatures.size() > 1) { Point lastPoint = (Point) sortedPointFeatures.get(1).geometry(); ArrayList<Point> lineSegmentPoints = new ArrayList<>(3); lineSegmentPoints.add(lastPoint); lineSegmentPoints.add(point); LineString l = LineString.fromLngLats(lineSegmentPoints); Feature lineFeature = Feature.fromGeometry(l, new JsonObject(), "l_" +; lineFeature.addNumberProperty(TIMESTAMP, pointFeature.getNumberProperty(TIMESTAMP)); sortedLineFeatures.addFirst(lineFeature); } if (boundingBuilder != null) { boundingBuilder.include(new LatLng(locations.getLatitude(i), locations.getLongitude(i))); } } if (sortedPointFeatures.size() > 0) { for (Feature position : sortedPointFeatures) { if (!position.getBooleanProperty(IS_POI)) { position.addStringProperty(LAST_POSITION_ICON, contactMapMetadata.getMarkerLastPositon()); position.addStringProperty(LAST_POSITION_LABEL, contactMapMetadata.getDisplayName()); position.removeProperty(MARKER_ICON); position.addBooleanProperty(LAST_LOCATION, true); lastPositions.put(contactId, position); break; } } } featureCollections.put(contactMapMetadata.getMarkerFeatureCollection(), sortedPointFeatures); featureCollections.put(contactMapMetadata.getLineFeatureCollection(), sortedLineFeatures); }
Example 19
Source File: From TrakEM2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
/** Assumes this is NOT a graph with cycles. Non-recursive to avoid stack overflows. */
final void setRoot() {
// Works, but can be done in one pass TODO
// Find first the list of nodes from this node to the current root
// and then proceed in reverse direction!
final LinkedList<Node<T>> path = new LinkedList<Node<T>>();
Node<T> parent = this.parent;
while (null != parent) {
parent = parent.parent;
Node<T> newchild = path.removeFirst();
for (final Node<T> nd : path) {
// Made nd the parent of newchild (was the opposite)
// 1 - Find out the confidence of the edge to the child node:
for (int i=0; i<newchild.children.length; i++) {
if (nd == newchild.children[i]) {
conf = newchild.children[i].confidence;
// 2 - Remove the child node from the parent's child list
// 3 - Reverse: add newchild to nd (newchild was parent of nd)
newchild.parent = null;
nd.add(newchild, conf);
// 4 - Prepare next step
newchild = nd;
// As root:
this.parent = null;
// TODO Below, it should work, but it doesn't (?)
// It results in all touched nodes not having a parent (all appear as 'S')
Node child = this;
Node parent = this.parent;
while (null != parent) {
// 1 - Find out the confidence of the edge to the child node:
for (int i=0; i<parent.children.length; i++) {
if (child == parent.children[i]) {
conf = parent.children[i].confidence;
// 2 - Remove the child node from the parent's child list
// 3 - Cache the parent's parent, since it will be overwriten in the next step
Node pp = parent.parent;
// 4 - Add the parent as a child of the child, with the same edge confidence
parent.parent = null; // so it won't be refused
child.add(parent, conf);
// 5 - prepare next step
child = parent;
parent = pp;
// Make this node the root node
this.parent = null;
Example 20
Source File: From lucene-solr with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private void addDocs(int nDocs, int start, LinkedList<Long> versions) throws Exception {
for (int i=0; i<nDocs; i++) {
versions.addFirst( addAndGetVersion( sdoc("id",Integer.toString(start + nDocs)) , null) );