Java Code Examples for java.util.LinkedList#indexOf()
The following examples show how to use
java.util.LinkedList#indexOf() .
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Example 1
Source File: From imsdk-android with MIT License | 6 votes |
public static void recycleView(View v) {
Class type = v.getClass();
if (v != null && type != null) {
LinkedList<View> recycleQueue = recycleMap.get(type);
LinkedList<View> usingList = usingMap.get(type);
if (recycleQueue == null) {
recycleQueue = new LinkedList<>();
recycleMap.put(type, recycleQueue);
if (usingList == null) {
usingList = new LinkedList<>();
usingMap.put(type, usingList);
int index = usingList.indexOf(v);
if (index != -1) {
Object o = v.getTag(TAG_VIEW_CANNOT_RECYCLE);
if (o == null) {
Example 2
Source File: From NettyChat with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* 注册监听器
* @param listener
* 监听器
* @param topics
* 主题(一个服务可以发布多个主题事件)
public static void registerEventListener(I_CEventListener listener, String[] topics) {
if(null == listener || null == topics) {
synchronized (mListenerLock) {
for(String topic : topics) {
if(TextUtils.isEmpty(topic)) {
Object obj = mListenerMap.get(topic);
if(null == obj) {
// 还没有监听器,直接放到Map集合
mListenerMap.put(topic, listener);
}else if(obj instanceof I_CEventListener) {
// 有一个监听器
I_CEventListener oldListener = (I_CEventListener) obj;
if(listener == oldListener) {
// 去重
LinkedList<I_CEventListener> list = new LinkedList<I_CEventListener>();
mListenerMap.put(topic, list);
}else if(obj instanceof List) {
// 有多个监听器
LinkedList<I_CEventListener> listenerList = (LinkedList<I_CEventListener>) obj;
if(listenerList.indexOf(listener) >= 0) {
// 去重
Example 3
Source File: From CEventCenter with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* 注册监听器
* @param listener 监听器
* @param topics 多个主题
public static void registerEventListener(I_CEventListener listener, String[] topics) {
if (null == listener || null == topics) {
synchronized (LISTENER_LOCK) {
for (String topic : topics) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(topic)) {
Object obj = LISTENER_MAP.get(topic);
if (null == obj) {
// 还没有监听器,直接放到Map集合
LISTENER_MAP.put(topic, listener);
} else if (obj instanceof I_CEventListener) {
// 有一个监听器
I_CEventListener oldListener = (I_CEventListener) obj;
if (listener == oldListener) {
// 去重
LinkedList<I_CEventListener> list = new LinkedList<>();
LISTENER_MAP.put(topic, list);
} else if (obj instanceof List) {
// 有多个监听器
LinkedList<I_CEventListener> listeners = (LinkedList<I_CEventListener>) obj;
if (listeners.indexOf(listener) >= 0) {
// 去重
Example 4
Source File: From MHViewer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void deleteDownload(String gid) {
DownloadInfo info = mAllInfoMap.get(gid);
if (info != null) {
// Remove from DB
// Remove all list and map
// Remove label list
LinkedList<DownloadInfo> list = getInfoListForLabel(info.label);
if (list != null) {
int index = list.indexOf(info);
if (index >= 0) {
// Update listener
for (DownloadInfoListener l: mDownloadInfoListeners) {
l.onRemove(info, list, index);
// Ensure download
Example 5
Source File: From iceberg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:IllegalType") private static List<Types.NestedField> moveFields(List<Types.NestedField> fields, Collection<Move> moves) { LinkedList<Types.NestedField> reordered = Lists.newLinkedList(fields); for (Move move : moves) { Types.NestedField toMove = Iterables.find(reordered, field -> field.fieldId() == move.fieldId()); reordered.remove(toMove); switch (move.type()) { case FIRST: reordered.addFirst(toMove); break; case BEFORE: Types.NestedField before = Iterables.find(reordered, field -> field.fieldId() == move.referenceFieldId()); int beforeIndex = reordered.indexOf(before); // insert the new node at the index of the existing node reordered.add(beforeIndex, toMove); break; case AFTER: Types.NestedField after = Iterables.find(reordered, field -> field.fieldId() == move.referenceFieldId()); int afterIndex = reordered.indexOf(after); reordered.add(afterIndex + 1, toMove); break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown move type: " + move.type()); } } return reordered; }
Example 6
Source File: From nullpomino with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
* Update player names
private void updatePlayerNames() {
LinkedList<NetPlayerInfo> pList = netLobby.getSameRoomPlayerInfoList();
LinkedList<String> teamList = new LinkedList<String>();
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {
playerNames[i] = "";
playerTeams[i] = "";
playerTeamColors[i] = 0;
playerGamesCount[i] = 0;
playerWinCount[i] = 0;
for(NetPlayerInfo pInfo: pList) {
if((pInfo.seatID != -1) && (getPlayerIDbySeatID(pInfo.seatID) == i)) {
playerNames[i] = pInfo.strName;
playerTeams[i] = pInfo.strTeam;
playerGamesCount[i] = pInfo.playCountNow;
playerWinCount[i] = pInfo.winCountNow;
// Set team color
if(playerTeams[i].length() > 0) {
if(!teamList.contains(playerTeams[i])) {
playerTeamColors[i] = teamList.size();
} else {
playerTeamColors[i] = teamList.indexOf(playerTeams[i]) + 1;
Example 7
Source File: From Zettelkasten with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
/** * This method extracts all author IDs of footnotes in a HTML formatted entry. * This method is used when displaying an entry in the main window, to * show all authors of an entry, including those authors which appear * in footnotes, but are not assigned as author value. * * @param content the HTML-formatted content of an entry. * @return all author IDs inside footnotes */ public static LinkedList extractFootnotesFromContent(String content) { // now prepare a reference list from possible footnotes LinkedList<String> footnotes = new LinkedList<>(); // position index for finding the footnotes int pos = 0; // do search as long as pos is not -1 (not-found) while (pos != -1) { // find the html-tag for the footnote pos = content.indexOf(Constants.footnoteHtmlTag, pos); // if we found something... if (pos != -1) { // find the closing quotes int end = content.indexOf("\"", pos + Constants.footnoteHtmlTag.length()); // if we found that as well... if (end != -1) { // extract footnote-number String fn = content.substring(pos + Constants.footnoteHtmlTag.length(), end); // and add it to the linked list, if it doesn't already exist if (-1 == footnotes.indexOf(fn)) { footnotes.add(fn); } // set pos to new position pos = end; } else { pos = pos + Constants.footnoteHtmlTag.length(); } } } return footnotes; }
Example 8
Source File: From fnlp with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
void getRightOOV(String string) {
TreeMap<String,String> set = new TreeMap<String,String>();
for(int i=0;i<entityCs.size();i++){
LinkedList<Entity> cList = entityCs.get(i);
LinkedList<Entity> pList = entityPs.get(i);
LinkedList<Entity> cpList = entityCinPs.get(i);
for(Entity entity:cpList){
String e = entity.getEntityStr();
// if(dict.contains(e))
// break;
int idx = cList.indexOf(entity);
String s= " ... ";
s = cList.get(idx-1).getEntityStr() + s;
s = s+ cList.get(idx+1).getEntityStr();
adjust(set, s, 1);
List<Entry> sortedposFreq = MyCollection.sort(set);
MyCollection.write(sortedposFreq, string, true);
Example 9
Source File: From Rel with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static void updateRecentlyUsedDatabaseList(String dbURL) {
if (dbURL.startsWith("db:")) {
File urlFileRef = new File(dbURL.substring(3));
dbURL = "db:" + urlFileRef.getAbsolutePath();
LinkedList<String> recentlyUsed = new LinkedList<String>();
int indexOfDBURL = recentlyUsed.indexOf(dbURL);
if (indexOfDBURL >= 0)
Preferences.setPreference(recentlyUsedDatabaseListPreference, recentlyUsed.toArray(new String[0]));
Example 10
Source File: From EhViewer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void deleteDownload(long gid) {
DownloadInfo info = mAllInfoMap.get(gid);
if (info != null) {
// Remove from DB
// Remove all list and map
// Remove label list
LinkedList<DownloadInfo> list = getInfoListForLabel(info.label);
if (list != null) {
int index = list.indexOf(info);
if (index >= 0) {
// Update listener
for (DownloadInfoListener l: mDownloadInfoListeners) {
l.onRemove(info, list, index);
// Ensure download
Example 11
Source File: From nullpomino with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
* NET-VS: Update player variables
protected void netUpdatePlayerExist() {
netvsMySeatID = netLobby.netPlayerClient.getYourPlayerInfo().seatID;
netvsNumPlayers = 0;
netNumSpectators = 0;
netPlayerName = netLobby.netPlayerClient.getPlayerName();
netIsWatch = netvsIsWatch();
for(int i = 0; i < NETVS_MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {
netvsPlayerExist[i] = false;
netvsPlayerReady[i] = false;
netvsPlayerActive[i] = false;
netvsPlayerSeatID[i] = -1;
netvsPlayerUID[i] = -1;
netvsPlayerWinCount[i] = 0;
netvsPlayerPlayCount[i] = 0;
netvsPlayerName[i] = "";
netvsPlayerTeam[i] = "";
owner.engine[i].framecolor = GameEngine.FRAME_COLOR_GRAY;
LinkedList<NetPlayerInfo> pList = netLobby.updateSameRoomPlayerInfoList();
LinkedList<String> teamList = new LinkedList<String>();
for(NetPlayerInfo pInfo: pList) {
if(pInfo.roomID == netCurrentRoomInfo.roomID) {
if(pInfo.seatID == -1) {
} else {
int playerID = netvsGetPlayerIDbySeatID(pInfo.seatID);
netvsPlayerExist[playerID] = true;
netvsPlayerReady[playerID] = pInfo.ready;
netvsPlayerActive[playerID] = pInfo.playing;
netvsPlayerSeatID[playerID] = pInfo.seatID;
netvsPlayerUID[playerID] = pInfo.uid;
netvsPlayerWinCount[playerID] = pInfo.winCountNow;
netvsPlayerPlayCount[playerID] = pInfo.playCountNow;
netvsPlayerName[playerID] = pInfo.strName;
netvsPlayerTeam[playerID] = pInfo.strTeam;
// Set frame color
if(pInfo.seatID < NETVS_PLAYER_COLOR_FRAME.length) {
owner.engine[playerID].framecolor = NETVS_PLAYER_COLOR_FRAME[pInfo.seatID];
// Set team color
if(netvsPlayerTeam[playerID].length() > 0) {
if(!teamList.contains(netvsPlayerTeam[playerID])) {
netvsPlayerTeamColor[playerID] = teamList.size();
} else {
netvsPlayerTeamColor[playerID] = teamList.indexOf(netvsPlayerTeam[playerID]) + 1;
Example 12
Source File: From spotbugs with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 4 votes |
public void test2NoBugs(LinkedList<CharSequence> list) {
list.indexOf(new StringBuffer("Key"));
Example 13
Source File: From spotbugs with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 4 votes |
public void test2Bugs(LinkedList<CharSequence> list) {
Example 14
Source File: From Zettelkasten with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
/** * This method creates a reference list in the export-format. This method is * used when exporting entries into html-format. The reference-list is * created from the used footnotes, i.e. each author-footnote in an entry is * added to the final reference-list. When exporting to HTML, the * authors-footnotes are linked with the author-value in the reference-list. * * @param dataObj * @param settingsObj * @param contentpage the complete html-page that is going to be exported, * so the author-footnotes can be extracted from this content. * @param footnotetag the footnote-tag, to identify where a footnote starts * @param footnoteclose the closing-tag of footnotes, so the author-number * within the footnote can be extracted * @param headeropen the header-tag, in case the title "reference list" is * surrounded by a header-tag * @param headerclose the header-tag, in case the title "reference list" is * surrounded by a header-tag * @param listtype whether the list is formatted in html or plain text. use * following constants:<br> * - CConstants.REFERENCE_LIST_TXT<br> * - CConstants.REFERENCE_LIST_HTML * @return a converted String containing the reference list with all * references (authors) that appeared as author-footnote in the export-file */ public static String createReferenceList(Daten dataObj, Settings settingsObj, String contentpage, String footnotetag, String footnoteclose, String headeropen, String headerclose, int listtype) { // now prepare a reference list from possible footnotes LinkedList<String> footnotes = new LinkedList<>(); // position index for finding the footnotes int pos = 0; // get length of footnote-tag, so we know where to look for the author-number within the footnote int len = footnotetag.length(); // do search as long as pos is not -1 (not-found) while (pos != -1) { // find the html-tag for the footnote pos = contentpage.indexOf(footnotetag, pos); // if we found something... if (pos != -1) { // find the closing quotes int end = contentpage.indexOf(footnoteclose, pos + len); // if we found that as well... if (end != -1) { // extract footnote-number String fn = contentpage.substring(pos + len, end); // and add it to the linked list, if it doesn't already exist if (-1 == footnotes.indexOf(fn)) { footnotes.add(fn); } // set pos to new position pos = end; } else { pos = pos + len; } } } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(""); // now we have all footnotes, i.e. the author-index-numbers, in the linked // list. now we can create a reference list if (footnotes.size() > 0) { // first, init the list in html... sb.append(headeropen); // append a new headline with the bullet's name sb.append(resourceMap.getString("referenceListHeading")); sb.append(headerclose).append(System.lineSeparator()); // iterator for the linked list Iterator<String> i = footnotes.iterator(); // go through all footnotes while (i.hasNext()) { // get author-number-string String au =; try { // convert string to int int aunr = Integer.parseInt(au); switch (listtype) { case Constants.REFERENCE_LIST_TXT: // prepare html-stuff for authors sb.append("[").append(au).append("] ").append(dataObj.getAuthor(aunr)).append(System.lineSeparator()); break; case Constants.REFERENCE_LIST_HTML: // prepare html-stuff for authors sb.append("<p class=\"reflist\"><b>[<a name=\"fn_").append(au).append("\">").append(au).append("</a>]</b> "); sb.append(dataObj.getAuthor(aunr)); sb.append("</p>").append(System.lineSeparator()); break; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.WARNING, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } return sb.toString(); }
Example 15
Source File: From Zettelkasten with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
/** * * @param createTOC * @return */ private String createFootnotes(boolean createTOC) { // now prepare a reference list from possible footnotes LinkedList<String> footnotes = new LinkedList<>(); // position index for finding the footnotes int pos = 0; // we need the content of the stringbuilder in a string that we can search through String dummysb = exportPage.toString(); // do search as long as pos is not -1 (not-found) while (pos != -1) { // find the html-tag for the footnote pos = dummysb.indexOf(Constants.footnoteHtmlTag, pos); // if we found something... if (pos != -1) { // find the closing quotes int end = dummysb.indexOf("\"", pos + Constants.footnoteHtmlTag.length()); // if we found that as well... if (end != -1) { // extract footnote-number String fn = dummysb.substring(pos + Constants.footnoteHtmlTag.length(), end); // and add it to the linked list, if it doesn't already exist if (-1 == footnotes.indexOf(fn)) { footnotes.add(fn); } // set pos to new position pos = end; } else { pos = pos + Constants.footnoteHtmlTag.length(); } } } // now we have all footnotes, i.e. the author-index-numbers, in the linked // list. now we can create a reference list if (footnotes.size() > 0) { // insert a paragraph for space exportPage.append("<p> </p>").append(System.lineSeparator()); // first, init the list in html and add title "references" exportPage.append("<h1>").append(resourceMap.getString("referenceListHeading")).append("</h1>").append(System.lineSeparator()); // open unordered list-tag exportPage.append("<ul>").append(System.lineSeparator()); // iterator for the linked list Iterator<String> i = footnotes.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String au =; try { int aunr = Integer.parseInt(au); exportPage.append("<li class=\"reflist\"><b>[<a name=\"fn_").append(au).append("\">").append(au).append("</a>]</b> "); exportPage.append(dataObj.getAuthor(aunr)); exportPage.append("</li>").append(System.lineSeparator()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Constants.zknlogger.log(Level.WARNING, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } // close unordered list-tag exportPage.append("</ul>").append(System.lineSeparator()); } // add table of contents, if requested if (createTOC) { exportPage.insert(0, exportTableOfContent.toString() + "<br><p> </p><br>"); } // and if so, insert style-definition exportPage.insert(0, HtmlUbbUtil.getHtmlHeaderForDesktopExport(settingsObj)); // and close tags exportPage.append("</body></html>"); // return result return exportPage.toString(); }
Example 16
Source File: From niftyeditor with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private int findIndex(GElement dragged) {
LinkedList<GElement> elements = dragged.getParent().getElements();
return elements.indexOf(dragged);