Java Code Examples for java.util.LinkedList#iterator()
The following examples show how to use
java.util.LinkedList#iterator() .
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Example 1
Source File: From trekarta with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
private static LinkedList<Ranges> compact(int size, Set<Ranges> inputRanges) {
LinkedList<Ranges> ranges = new LinkedList<Ranges>(inputRanges);
for (int i = size-1; i >= 0; --i) {
Ranges last = null;
for (Iterator<Ranges> it = ranges.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Ranges item =;
if (last == null) {
last = item;
} else if (last.merge(i, item)) {
} else {
last = item; // go to next
return ranges;
Example 2
Source File: From settlers-remake with MIT License | 6 votes |
SoldierRequest removeOne(ESoldierType soldierType) { LinkedList<SoldierRequest> classRequests = requestsByClass[soldierType.soldierClass.ordinal]; if (classRequests.isEmpty()) { return null; } for (Iterator<SoldierRequest> iterator = classRequests.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { // check if there is a request with this soldier type SoldierRequest request =; if (request.soldierType == soldierType) { iterator.remove(); return request; } } return classRequests.removeFirst(); }
Example 3
Source File: From FoxTelem with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public void dumpPacketRingBuffer() {
// use local variable to allow unsynchronized usage of the buffer
LinkedList<StringBuilder> localPacketDebugRingBuffer = this.packetDebugRingBuffer;
if (localPacketDebugRingBuffer != null) {
StringBuilder dumpBuffer = new StringBuilder();
dumpBuffer.append("Last " + localPacketDebugRingBuffer.size() + " packets received from server, from oldest->newest:\n");
for (Iterator<StringBuilder> ringBufIter = localPacketDebugRingBuffer.iterator(); ringBufIter.hasNext();) {
Example 4
Source File: From freehealth-connector with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public void run() { LinkedList<HttpConnection> toClose = new LinkedList(); ServerImpl.this.time = System.currentTimeMillis(); ServerImpl.this.ticks++; synchronized(ServerImpl.this.idleConnections) { Iterator i$ = ServerImpl.this.idleConnections.iterator(); HttpConnection c; while(i$.hasNext()) { c = (HttpConnection)i$.next(); if (c.time <= ServerImpl.this.time) { toClose.add(c); } } i$ = toClose.iterator(); while(i$.hasNext()) { c = (HttpConnection)i$.next(); ServerImpl.this.idleConnections.remove(c); ServerImpl.this.allConnections.remove(c); c.close(); } } }
Example 5
Source File: From swift-k with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static boolean isSameCycle(LinkedList<Object> a, LinkedList<Object> b) { if (a.size() != b.size()) { return false; } Iterator<Object> i = a.iterator(); Object o =; Iterator<Object> j = b.iterator(); while (j.hasNext()) { if (sameTraces(o, { while (i.hasNext()) { if (!j.hasNext()) { j = b.iterator(); } if (!sameTraces(, { return false; } } return true; } } return false; }
Example 6
Source File: From j2objc with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static LinkedList<Ranges> compact(int size, Set<Ranges> inputRanges) {
LinkedList<Ranges> ranges = new LinkedList<Ranges>(inputRanges);
for (int i = size-1; i >= 0; --i) {
Ranges last = null;
for (Iterator<Ranges> it = ranges.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Ranges item =;
if (last == null) {
last = item;
} else if (last.merge(i, item)) {
} else {
last = item; // go to next
return ranges;
Example 7
Source File: From beam with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
List<BatchRequest> makeCopyBatches(LinkedList<RewriteOp> rewrites) throws IOException {
List<BatchRequest> batches = new ArrayList<>();
BatchRequest batch = createBatchRequest();
Iterator<RewriteOp> it = rewrites.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
RewriteOp rewrite =;
if (!rewrite.getReadyToEnqueue()) {
if (batch.size() >= MAX_REQUESTS_PER_BATCH) {
batch = createBatchRequest();
if (batch.size() > 0) {
return batches;
Example 8
Source File: From birt with Eclipse Public License 1.0 | 6 votes |
protected Long[] createEdges( long offset ) throws IOException
LinkedList parents = new LinkedList( );
IContent content = reader.loadContent( offset );
while ( content != null )
DocumentExtension ext = (DocumentExtension) content
.getExtension( IContent.DOCUMENT_EXTENSION );
if ( ext != null )
parents.addFirst( new Long( ext.getIndex( ) ) );
content = (IContent) content.getParent( );
Long[] edges = new Long[parents.size( )];
Iterator iter = parents.iterator( );
int length = 0;
while ( iter.hasNext( ) )
Long value = (Long) );
edges[length++] = value;
return edges;
Example 9
Source File: From jpexs-decompiler with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public void unregisterCodec(String codecClass) {
for (Map.Entry<String, LinkedList<RegistryEntry>> i:codecMap.entrySet()) {
LinkedList<RegistryEntry> ll=i.getValue();
for (Iterator<RegistryEntry> j=ll.iterator();j.hasNext();) {
if (e.className.equals(codecClass)) {
Example 10
Source File: From shardingsphere with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private Iterator<DatabaseMetaDataObject> initIterator(final ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException {
LinkedList<DatabaseMetaDataObject> result = new LinkedList<>();
Set<DatabaseMetaDataObject> removeDuplicationSet = new HashSet<>();
int tableNameColumnIndex = columnLabelIndexMap.getOrDefault(TABLE_NAME, -1);
int indexNameColumnIndex = columnLabelIndexMap.getOrDefault(INDEX_NAME, -1);
while ( {
DatabaseMetaDataObject databaseMetaDataObject = generateDatabaseMetaDataObject(tableNameColumnIndex, indexNameColumnIndex, resultSet);
if (!removeDuplicationSet.contains(databaseMetaDataObject)) {
return result.iterator();
Example 11
Source File: From openbd-core with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
* Looks for the correct local method (i.e. not a web service operation proxy
* method) on the Stub that matches the specified operationName and parms.
* Operations with the most arguments will be matched first using all
* specified parameters.
* @param stub
* Axis Stub to execute
* @param operationName
* name of the operation
* @param stubInfo
* web service WSDL operation/parameter information
* @param parms
* user specified parameters
* @return results of searching for the web service operation
private OperationSearchResult findMethod(Stub stub, String operationName, StubInfo stubInfo, cfWSParameter[] parms) {
OperationSearchResult result = new OperationSearchResult();
result.isWebServiceOperation = false;
// Get all the methods with the correct name and order them by
// number of parameters, descending.
Method[] methods = stub.getClass().getMethods();
LinkedList operations = new LinkedList();
for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
if (methods[i].getName().equalsIgnoreCase(operationName))
Collections.sort(operations, new Comparator() {
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
return (((Method) o2).getParameterTypes().length - ((Method) o1).getParameterTypes().length);
// Examine all the methods
Iterator itr = operations.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
// Try to match up the parameters
Method operation = (Method);
examineMethod(result, operation, parms);
if (result.method != null)
return result;
Example 12
Source File: From L2jBrasil with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
void killTeam(L2PcInstance activeChar, int team){
LinkedList linked = L2Event.players.get(team);
Iterator it = linked.iterator();
try{L2PcInstance target = L2World.getInstance().getPlayer(;
target.reduceCurrentHp(target.getMaxHp() + target.getMaxCp() + 1, activeChar);}catch(Exception e){}
Example 13
Source File: From likequanmintv with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static void cancelSubscriptions(LinkedList<Subscription> subscriptions) { Iterator<Subscription> iterator = subscriptions.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()){ Subscription subscription =; if (subscription != null && !subscription.isUnsubscribed()) { subscription.unsubscribe(); } } }
Example 14
Source File: From openjdk-8-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
* Given a list of methods, returns a list of maximally specific methods, applying language-runtime specific
* conversion preferences.
* @param methods the list of methods
* @param varArgs whether to assume the methods are varargs
* @param argTypes concrete argument types for the invocation
* @return the list of maximally specific methods.
private static <T> List<T> getMaximallySpecificMethods(List<T> methods, boolean varArgs,
Class<?>[] argTypes, LinkerServices ls, MethodTypeGetter<T> methodTypeGetter) {
if(methods.size() < 2) {
return methods;
final LinkedList<T> maximals = new LinkedList<>();
for(T m: methods) {
final MethodType methodType = methodTypeGetter.getMethodType(m);
boolean lessSpecific = false;
for(Iterator<T> maximal = maximals.iterator(); maximal.hasNext();) {
final T max =;
switch(isMoreSpecific(methodType, methodTypeGetter.getMethodType(max), varArgs, argTypes, ls)) {
case TYPE_1_BETTER: {
case TYPE_2_BETTER: {
lessSpecific = true;
// do nothing
default: {
throw new AssertionError();
if(!lessSpecific) {
return maximals;
Example 15
Source File: From OpenEyes with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static List<FindMoreEntity> parseFromJson(String jsonData){ List<FindMoreEntity> entities=new ArrayList<>(); Type listType = new TypeToken<LinkedList<FindMoreEntity>>(){}.getType(); Gson gson = new Gson(); LinkedList<FindMoreEntity> findMoreEntities = gson.fromJson(jsonData, listType); for (Iterator iterator = findMoreEntities.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { FindMoreEntity findMoreEntity = (FindMoreEntity); entities.add(findMoreEntity); } return entities; }
Example 16
Source File: From jasperreports with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
protected Cell overlapParentCell(Cell existingCell, FrameCell currentParent) { LinkedList<FrameCell> existingParents = new LinkedList<FrameCell>(); for (FrameCell parent = existingCell.getParent(); parent != null; parent = parent.getParent()) { existingParents.addFirst(parent); } LinkedList<FrameCell> currentParents = new LinkedList<FrameCell>(); for (FrameCell parent = currentParent; parent != null; parent = parent.getParent()) { currentParents.addFirst(parent); } Iterator<FrameCell> existingIt = existingParents.iterator(); Iterator<FrameCell> currentIt = currentParents.iterator(); while (existingIt.hasNext()) { FrameCell existingParent =; FrameCell currentCell = currentIt.hasNext() ? : null; if (currentCell == null || !existingParent.equals(currentCell)) { return existingParent; } } return existingCell; }
Example 17
Source File: From commons-jexl with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* Gets the most specific method that is applicable to actual argument types.<p>
* Attempts to find the most specific applicable method using the
* algorithm described in the JLS section 15.12.2 (with the exception that it can't
* distinguish a primitive type argument from an object type argument, since in reflection
* primitive type arguments are represented by their object counterparts, so for an argument of
* type (say) java.lang.Integer, it will not be able to decide between a method that takes int and a
* method that takes java.lang.Integer as a parameter.
* </p>
* <p>
* This turns out to be a relatively rare case where this is needed - however, functionality
* like this is needed.
* </p>
* @param key a method key, esp its parameters
* @param methods a list of methods
* @return the most specific method.
* @throws MethodKey.AmbiguousException if there is more than one.
private T getMostSpecific(MethodKey key, T[] methods) {
final Class<?>[] args = key.params;
LinkedList<T> applicables = getApplicables(methods, args);
if (applicables.isEmpty()) {
return null;
if (applicables.size() == 1) {
return applicables.getFirst();
* This list will contain the maximally specific methods. Hopefully at
* the end of the below loop, the list will contain exactly one method,
* (the most specific method) otherwise we have ambiguity.
LinkedList<T> maximals = new LinkedList<T>();
for (T app : applicables) {
final Class<?>[] parms = getParameterTypes(app);
boolean lessSpecific = false;
Iterator<T> maximal = maximals.iterator();
while(!lessSpecific && maximal.hasNext()) {
T max =;
switch (moreSpecific(args, parms, getParameterTypes(max))) {
* This method is more specific than the previously
* known maximally specific, so remove the old maximum.
* This method is less specific than some of the
* currently known maximally specific methods, so we
* won't add it into the set of maximally specific
* methods
lessSpecific = true;
// nothing do do
if (!lessSpecific) {
// if we have more than one maximally specific method, this call is ambiguous...
if (maximals.size() > 1) {
throw ambiguousException(args, applicables);
return maximals.getFirst();
Example 18
Source File: From steady with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public final void verify(final String host, final String[] cns,
final String[] subjectAlts,
final boolean strictWithSubDomains)
throws SSLException {
// Build the list of names we're going to check. Our DEFAULT and
// STRICT implementations of the HostnameVerifier only use the
// first CN provided. All other CNs are ignored.
// (Firefox, wget, curl, Sun Java 1.4, 5, 6 all work this way).
final LinkedList<String> names = new LinkedList<String>();
if(cns != null && cns.length > 0 && cns[0] != null) {
if(subjectAlts != null) {
for (final String subjectAlt : subjectAlts) {
if (subjectAlt != null) {
if(names.isEmpty()) {
final String msg = "Certificate for <" + host + "> doesn't contain CN or DNS subjectAlt";
throw new SSLException(msg);
// StringBuilder for building the error message.
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
// We're can be case-insensitive when comparing the host we used to
// establish the socket to the hostname in the certificate.
final String hostName = normaliseIPv6Address(host.trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
boolean match = false;
for(final Iterator<String> it = names.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
// Don't trim the CN, though!
String cn =;
cn = cn.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
// Store CN in StringBuilder in case we need to report an error.
buf.append(" <");
if(it.hasNext()) {
buf.append(" OR");
// The CN better have at least two dots if it wants wildcard
// action. It also can't be [*] or [*] or
// [*], etc...
final String parts[] = cn.split("\\.");
final boolean doWildcard =
parts.length >= 3 && parts[0].endsWith("*") &&
validCountryWildcard(cn) && !isIPAddress(host);
if(doWildcard) {
final String firstpart = parts[0];
if (firstpart.length() > 1) { // e.g. server*
final String prefix = firstpart.substring(0, firstpart.length() - 1); // e.g. server
final String suffix = cn.substring(firstpart.length()); // skip wildcard part from cn
final String hostSuffix = hostName.substring(prefix.length()); // skip wildcard part from host
match = hostName.startsWith(prefix) && hostSuffix.endsWith(suffix);
} else {
match = hostName.endsWith(cn.substring(1));
if(match && strictWithSubDomains) {
// If we're in strict mode, then [*] is not
// allowed to match []
match = countDots(hostName) == countDots(cn);
} else {
match = hostName.equals(normaliseIPv6Address(cn));
if(match) {
if(!match) {
throw new SSLException("hostname in certificate didn't match: <" + host + "> !=" + buf);
Example 19
Source File: From steady with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public final void verify(final String host, final String[] cns,
final String[] subjectAlts,
final boolean strictWithSubDomains)
throws SSLException {
// Build the list of names we're going to check. Our DEFAULT and
// STRICT implementations of the HostnameVerifier only use the
// first CN provided. All other CNs are ignored.
// (Firefox, wget, curl, Sun Java 1.4, 5, 6 all work this way).
final LinkedList<String> names = new LinkedList<String>();
if(cns != null && cns.length > 0 && cns[0] != null) {
if(subjectAlts != null) {
for (final String subjectAlt : subjectAlts) {
if (subjectAlt != null) {
if(names.isEmpty()) {
final String msg = "Certificate for <" + host + "> doesn't contain CN or DNS subjectAlt";
throw new SSLException(msg);
// StringBuilder for building the error message.
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
// We're can be case-insensitive when comparing the host we used to
// establish the socket to the hostname in the certificate.
final String hostName = normaliseIPv6Address(host.trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
boolean match = false;
for(final Iterator<String> it = names.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
// Don't trim the CN, though!
String cn =;
cn = cn.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
// Store CN in StringBuilder in case we need to report an error.
buf.append(" <");
if(it.hasNext()) {
buf.append(" OR");
// The CN better have at least two dots if it wants wildcard
// action. It also can't be [*] or [*] or
// [*], etc...
final String parts[] = cn.split("\\.");
final boolean doWildcard =
parts.length >= 3 && parts[0].endsWith("*") &&
validCountryWildcard(cn) && !isIPAddress(host);
if(doWildcard) {
final String firstpart = parts[0];
if (firstpart.length() > 1) { // e.g. server*
final String prefix = firstpart.substring(0, firstpart.length() - 1); // e.g. server
final String suffix = cn.substring(firstpart.length()); // skip wildcard part from cn
final String hostSuffix = hostName.substring(prefix.length()); // skip wildcard part from host
match = hostName.startsWith(prefix) && hostSuffix.endsWith(suffix);
} else {
match = hostName.endsWith(cn.substring(1));
if(match && strictWithSubDomains) {
// If we're in strict mode, then [*] is not
// allowed to match []
match = countDots(hostName) == countDots(cn);
} else {
match = hostName.equals(normaliseIPv6Address(cn));
if(match) {
if(!match) {
throw new SSLException("hostname in certificate didn't match: <" + host + "> !=" + buf);
Example 20
Source File: From netphony-topology with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* This function write a BGP4 update message in Data Base for each link in the list
* @param intradomainLinks
private void writeLinkDBInter(LinkedList<InterDomainEdge> interdomainLinks){
Iterator<InterDomainEdge> edgeIt = interdomainLinks.iterator();
while (edgeIt.hasNext()){
InterDomainEdge edge =;
DatabaseControlSimplifiedLSA dcsl =createSimplifiedLSAInter(edge);
String jsonLSA = dcsl.logJsonSimplifiedLSA();
String ret = jedis.set("LSA:"+dcsl.getAdvertisingRouter().getHostAddress()+":"+dcsl.getLinkId().getHostAddress(), jsonLSA);