Java Code Examples for
The following examples show how to use .
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Example 1
Source File: From the-hallow with MIT License | 6 votes |
@Override public void scheduledTick(BlockState blockState, ServerWorld world, BlockPos blockPos, Random random) { if (!world.isClient) { if (!canSurvive(blockState, world, blockPos)) { world.setBlockState(blockPos, HallowedBlocks.DECEASED_DIRT.getDefaultState()); } else { if (world.getLightLevel(blockPos.up()) >= 9) { BlockState defaultState = this.getDefaultState(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { BlockPos randomPos = blockPos.add(random.nextInt(3) - 1, random.nextInt(5) - 3, random.nextInt(3) - 1); if (world.getBlockState(randomPos).getBlock() == HallowedBlocks.DECEASED_DIRT && canSpread(defaultState, world, randomPos)) { world.setBlockState(randomPos, defaultState); } } } } } }
Example 2
Source File: From Galacticraft-Rewoven with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Override public void scheduledTick(BlockState state, ServerWorld world, BlockPos pos, Random random) { for (int y2 = pos.getY() - 1; y2 >= pos.getY() - 2; y2--) { BlockPos pos1 = new BlockPos(pos.getX(), y2, pos.getZ()); BlockState blockState = world.getBlockState(pos1); if (!blockState.isAir()) { return; } } world.setBlockState(pos.down(), this.getStateFromMeta(getVineLength(world, pos)), 2); world.updateNeighbors(pos, state.getBlock()); }
Example 3
Source File: From Galacticraft-Rewoven with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Override public void scheduledTick(BlockState blockState, ServerWorld world, BlockPos blockPos, Random random) { super.scheduledTick(blockState, world, blockPos, random); int age = blockState.get(AGE); if (age < 3 && random.nextInt(20) == 0) { world.setBlockState(blockPos, blockState.with(AGE, age + 1), 2); } }
Example 4
Source File: From the-hallow with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Override public void grow(ServerWorld world, Random random, BlockPos blockPos, BlockState blockState) { BlockPos upPos = blockPos.up(); BlockState grassBlock = HallowedBlocks.DECEASED_GRASS_BLOCK.getDefaultState(); label48: for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { BlockPos randomPos = upPos; for (int j = 0; j < i / 16; ++j) { randomPos = randomPos.add(random.nextInt(3) - 1, (random.nextInt(3) - 1) * random.nextInt(3) / 2, random.nextInt(3) - 1); if (world.getBlockState(randomPos.down()).getBlock() != this || world.getBlockState(randomPos).isFullCube(world, randomPos)) { continue label48; } } BlockState randomBlockState = world.getBlockState(randomPos); if (randomBlockState.getBlock() == grassBlock.getBlock() && random.nextInt(10) == 0) { ((Fertilizable) grassBlock.getBlock()).grow(world, random, randomPos, randomBlockState); } if (randomBlockState.isAir()) { BlockState stateToPlace; if (random.nextInt(8) == 0) { List<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> list = world.getBiomeAccess().getBiome(randomPos).getFlowerFeatures(); if (list.isEmpty()) { continue; } stateToPlace = ((FlowerFeature) ((DecoratedFeatureConfig) (list.get(0)).config).feature.feature).getFlowerToPlace(random, randomPos, list.get(0).config); } else { stateToPlace = grassBlock; } if (stateToPlace.canPlaceAt(world, randomPos)) { world.setBlockState(randomPos, stateToPlace, 3); } } } }
Example 5
Source File: From carpet-extra with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void scheduledTick(BlockState blockState_1, ServerWorld serverWorld_1, BlockPos blockPos_1, Random random_1) { for (Direction dir : Direction.values()) { FluidState neighbor = serverWorld_1.getFluidState(blockPos_1.offset(dir)); if (neighbor.getFluid() != Fluids.LAVA || !neighbor.isStill()) return; } if (random_1.nextInt(10) == 0) { serverWorld_1.setBlockState(blockPos_1, Blocks.LAVA.getDefaultState()); } }
Example 6
Source File: From carpet-extra with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Redirect(method = "keepRunning", at = @At( value = "INVOKE", target = "Lnet/minecraft/inventory/BasicInventory;getInvSize()I" )) private int plantWart(BasicInventory basicInventory, ServerWorld serverWorld, VillagerEntity villagerEntity, long l) { if (isFarmingCleric) // fill cancel that for loop by setting length to 0 { for(int i = 0; i < basicInventory.getInvSize(); ++i) { ItemStack itemStack = basicInventory.getInvStack(i); boolean bl = false; if (!itemStack.isEmpty()) { if (itemStack.getItem() == Items.NETHER_WART) { serverWorld.setBlockState(currentTarget, Blocks.NETHER_WART.getDefaultState(), 3); bl = true; } } if (bl) { serverWorld.playSound(null, currentTarget.getX(), currentTarget.getY(), this.currentTarget.getZ(), SoundEvents.ITEM_NETHER_WART_PLANT, SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 1.0F, 1.0F); itemStack.decrement(1); if (itemStack.isEmpty()) { basicInventory.setInvStack(i, ItemStack.EMPTY); } break; } } return 0; } return basicInventory.getInvSize(); }
Example 7
Source File: From fabric-carpet with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Inject(method = "generate", at = @At(value = "INVOKE", shift = At.Shift.BEFORE, target = "Lnet/minecraft/block/sapling/SaplingGenerator;generate(Lnet/minecraft/world/IWorld;Lnet/minecraft/world/gen/chunk/ChunkGenerator;Lnet/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos;Lnet/minecraft/block/BlockState;Ljava/util/Random;)Z"), cancellable = true) private void onGenerate(ServerWorld serverWorld_1, BlockPos blockPos_1, BlockState blockState_1, Random random_1, CallbackInfo ci) { if(CarpetSettings.desertShrubs && serverWorld_1.getBiome(blockPos_1) == Biomes.DESERT && !BlockSaplingHelper.hasWater(serverWorld_1, blockPos_1)) { serverWorld_1.setBlockState(blockPos_1, Blocks.DEAD_BUSH.getDefaultState(), 3); ci.cancel(); } }
Example 8
Source File: From fabric-carpet with MIT License | 5 votes |
public void grow(ServerWorld worldIn, Random random, BlockPos pos, BlockState blockUnder) { CoralFeature coral; int variant = random.nextInt(3); if (variant == 0) coral = new CoralClawFeature(DefaultFeatureConfig::deserialize); else if (variant == 1) coral = new CoralTreeFeature(DefaultFeatureConfig::deserialize); else coral = new CoralMushroomFeature(DefaultFeatureConfig::deserialize); MaterialColor color = blockUnder.getTopMaterialColor(worldIn, pos); BlockState proper_block = blockUnder; for (Block block: BlockTags.CORAL_BLOCKS.values()) { proper_block = block.getDefaultState(); if (proper_block.getTopMaterialColor(worldIn,pos) == color) { break; } } worldIn.setBlockState(pos, Blocks.WATER.getDefaultState(), 4); if (!((CoralFeatureInterface)coral).growSpecific(worldIn, random, pos, proper_block)) { worldIn.setBlockState(pos, blockUnder, 3); } else { if (worldIn.random.nextInt(10)==0) { BlockPos randomPos = pos.add(worldIn.random.nextInt(16)-8,worldIn.random.nextInt(8),worldIn.random.nextInt(16)-8 ); if (BlockTags.CORAL_BLOCKS.contains(worldIn.getBlockState(randomPos).getBlock())) { worldIn.setBlockState(randomPos, Blocks.WET_SPONGE.getDefaultState(), 3); } } } }
Example 9
Source File: From the-hallow with MIT License | 4 votes |
@Override public void grow(ServerWorld world, Random random, BlockPos pos, BlockState state) { if (state.get(AGE) == 0 && (isPlacedOnSoil(world, pos))) { world.setBlockState(pos, state.with(AGE, 1)); } }
Example 10
Source File: From carpet-extra with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") @Inject(method = "scheduledTick", at = @At("HEAD"), cancellable = true) private void onTryStartFalling(BlockState blockState_1, ServerWorld serverWorld_1, BlockPos blockPos_1, Random random_1, CallbackInfo ci) { if (CarpetExtraSettings.dragonEggBedrockBreaking && (FallingBlock)(Object)this instanceof DragonEggBlock) { if (canFallThrough(serverWorld_1.getBlockState(blockPos_1.down(1))) && blockPos_1.getY() >= 0) { if (!DragonEggBedrockBreaking.fallInstantly && serverWorld_1.getChunkManager().shouldTickChunk(new ChunkPos(blockPos_1))) { if (!serverWorld_1.isClient) { FallingBlockEntity fallingBlockEntity_1 = new FallingBlockEntity(serverWorld_1, (double) blockPos_1.getX() + 0.5D, (double) blockPos_1.getY(), (double) blockPos_1.getZ() + 0.5D, serverWorld_1.getBlockState(blockPos_1)); this.configureFallingBlockEntity(fallingBlockEntity_1); serverWorld_1.spawnEntity(fallingBlockEntity_1); } } else { if (serverWorld_1.getBlockState(blockPos_1).getBlock() == this) { serverWorld_1.removeBlock(blockPos_1, false); } BlockPos blockPos; int minY = CarpetExtraSettings.y0DragonEggBedrockBreaking ? -1 : 0; for (blockPos = blockPos_1.down(1); canFallThrough(serverWorld_1.getBlockState(blockPos)) && blockPos.getY() > minY; blockPos = blockPos.down(1)) { ; } if (blockPos.getY() > minY) { serverWorld_1.setBlockState(blockPos, this.getDefaultState()); } } } ci.cancel(); } }