Java Code Examples for org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath#max()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath#max() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testSmallError() {
    Random randomizer = new Random(53882150042l);
    double maxError = 0;
    for (int degree = 0; degree < 10; ++degree) {
        PolynomialFunction p = buildRandomPolynomial(degree, randomizer);

        PolynomialFitter fitter = new PolynomialFitter(new LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer());
        for (double x = -1.0; x < 1.0; x += 0.01) {
            fitter.addObservedPoint(1.0, x,
                                    p.value(x) + 0.1 * randomizer.nextGaussian());

        final double[] init = new double[degree + 1];
        PolynomialFunction fitted = new PolynomialFunction(;

        for (double x = -1.0; x < 1.0; x += 0.01) {
            double error = FastMath.abs(p.value(x) - fitted.value(x)) /
                          (1.0 + FastMath.abs(p.value(x)));
            maxError = FastMath.max(maxError, error);
            Assert.assertTrue(FastMath.abs(error) < 0.1);
    Assert.assertTrue(maxError > 0.01);
Example 2
Source File:    From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Test of solver for the quintic function.
public void testQuinticFunction() {
    UnivariateFunction f = new QuinticFunction();
    UnivariateSolver solver = new RiddersSolver();
    double min, max, expected, result, tolerance;

    min = -0.4; max = 0.2; expected = 0.0;
    tolerance = FastMath.max(solver.getAbsoluteAccuracy(),
                FastMath.abs(expected * solver.getRelativeAccuracy()));
    result = solver.solve(100, f, min, max);
    Assert.assertEquals(expected, result, tolerance);

    min = 0.75; max = 1.5; expected = 1.0;
    tolerance = FastMath.max(solver.getAbsoluteAccuracy(),
                FastMath.abs(expected * solver.getRelativeAccuracy()));
    result = solver.solve(100, f, min, max);
    Assert.assertEquals(expected, result, tolerance);

    min = -0.9; max = -0.2; expected = -0.5;
    tolerance = FastMath.max(solver.getAbsoluteAccuracy(),
                FastMath.abs(expected * solver.getRelativeAccuracy()));
    result = solver.solve(100, f, min, max);
    Assert.assertEquals(expected, result, tolerance);
Example 3
Source File:    From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected double estimateError(final double[][] yDotK,
                               final double[] y0, final double[] y1,
                               final double h) {

  double error = 0;

  for (int j = 0; j < mainSetDimension; ++j) {
      final double errSum = E1 * yDotK[0][j] +  E3 * yDotK[2][j] +
                            E4 * yDotK[3][j] +  E5 * yDotK[4][j] +
                            E6 * yDotK[5][j] +  E7 * yDotK[6][j];

      final double yScale = FastMath.max(FastMath.abs(y0[j]), FastMath.abs(y1[j]));
      final double tol = (vecAbsoluteTolerance == null) ?
                         (scalAbsoluteTolerance + scalRelativeTolerance * yScale) :
                             (vecAbsoluteTolerance[j] + vecRelativeTolerance[j] * yScale);
      final double ratio  = h * errSum / tol;
      error += ratio * ratio;


  return FastMath.sqrt(error / mainSetDimension);

Example 4
Source File:    From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * End visiting the Nordsieck vector.
 * <p>The correction is used to control stepsize. So its amplitude is
 * considered to be an error, which must be normalized according to
 * error control settings. If the normalized value is greater than 1,
 * the correction was too large and the step must be rejected.</p>
 * @return the normalized correction, if greater than 1, the step
 * must be rejected
public double end() {

    double error = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < after.length; ++i) {
        after[i] += previous[i] + scaled[i];
        if (i < mainSetDimension) {
            final double yScale = FastMath.max(FastMath.abs(previous[i]), FastMath.abs(after[i]));
            final double tol = (vecAbsoluteTolerance == null) ?
                               (scalAbsoluteTolerance + scalRelativeTolerance * yScale) :
                               (vecAbsoluteTolerance[i] + vecRelativeTolerance[i] * yScale);
            final double ratio  = (after[i] - before[i]) / tol;
            error += ratio * ratio;

    return FastMath.sqrt(error / mainSetDimension);

Example 5
Source File:    From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testLargeSample() {
    final Random randomizer = new Random(0x5551480dca5b369bl);
    double maxError = 0;
    for (int degree = 0; degree < 10; ++degree) {
        final PolynomialFunction p = buildRandomPolynomial(degree, randomizer);
        final PolynomialCurveFitter fitter = PolynomialCurveFitter.create(degree);
        final WeightedObservedPoints obs = new WeightedObservedPoints();
        for (int i = 0; i < 40000; ++i) {
            final double x = -1.0 + i / 20000.0;
            obs.add(1.0, x, p.value(x) + 0.1 * randomizer.nextGaussian());

        final PolynomialFunction fitted = new PolynomialFunction(;
        for (double x = -1.0; x < 1.0; x += 0.01) {
            final double error = FastMath.abs(p.value(x) - fitted.value(x)) /
                (1.0 + FastMath.abs(p.value(x)));
            maxError = FastMath.max(maxError, error);
            Assert.assertTrue(FastMath.abs(error) < 0.01);
    Assert.assertTrue(maxError > 0.001);
Example 6
Source File:    From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * End visiting the Nordsieck vector.
 * <p>The correction is used to control stepsize. So its amplitude is
 * considered to be an error, which must be normalized according to
 * error control settings. If the normalized value is greater than 1,
 * the correction was too large and the step must be rejected.</p>
 * @return the normalized correction, if greater than 1, the step
 * must be rejected
public double end() {

    double error = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < after.length; ++i) {
        after[i] += previous[i] + scaled[i];
        if (i < mainSetDimension) {
            final double yScale = FastMath.max(FastMath.abs(previous[i]), FastMath.abs(after[i]));
            final double tol = (vecAbsoluteTolerance == null) ?
                               (scalAbsoluteTolerance + scalRelativeTolerance * yScale) :
                               (vecAbsoluteTolerance[i] + vecRelativeTolerance[i] * yScale);
            final double ratio  = (after[i] - before[i]) / tol;
            error += ratio * ratio;

    return FastMath.sqrt(error / mainSetDimension);

Example 7
Source File:    From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testGetLInfNorm() {
    final double x = getPreferredEntryValue();
    final double[] data = new double[] { x, x, 1d, x, 2d, x, x, 3d, x };
    final RealVector v = create(data);
    final double actual = v.getLInfNorm();
    double expected = 0d;
    for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        expected = FastMath.max(expected, FastMath.abs(data[i]));
    Assert.assertEquals("", expected, actual, 0d);

Example 8
Source File:    From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public double getLInfNorm() {
    double max = 0;
    for (double a : data) {
        max = FastMath.max(max, FastMath.abs(a));
    return max;
Example 9
Source File:    From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public double walkInOptimizedOrder(final RealMatrixChangingVisitor visitor,
                                   final int startRow, final int endRow,
                                   final int startColumn,
                                   final int endColumn)
    throws OutOfRangeException, NumberIsTooSmallException {
    MatrixUtils.checkSubMatrixIndex(this, startRow, endRow, startColumn, endColumn);
    visitor.start(rows, columns, startRow, endRow, startColumn, endColumn);
    for (int iBlock = startRow / BLOCK_SIZE; iBlock < 1 + endRow / BLOCK_SIZE; ++iBlock) {
        final int p0 = iBlock * BLOCK_SIZE;
        final int pStart = FastMath.max(startRow, p0);
        final int pEnd = FastMath.min((iBlock + 1) * BLOCK_SIZE, 1 + endRow);
        for (int jBlock = startColumn / BLOCK_SIZE; jBlock < 1 + endColumn / BLOCK_SIZE; ++jBlock) {
            final int jWidth = blockWidth(jBlock);
            final int q0 = jBlock * BLOCK_SIZE;
            final int qStart = FastMath.max(startColumn, q0);
            final int qEnd = FastMath.min((jBlock + 1) * BLOCK_SIZE, 1 + endColumn);
            final double[] block = blocks[iBlock * blockColumns + jBlock];
            for (int p = pStart; p < pEnd; ++p) {
                int k = (p - p0) * jWidth + qStart - q0;
                for (int q = qStart; q < qEnd; ++q) {
                    block[k] = visitor.visit(p, q, block[k]);
    return visitor.end();
Example 10
Source File:    From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public double walkInOptimizedOrder(final RealMatrixChangingVisitor visitor,
                                   final int startRow, final int endRow,
                                   final int startColumn, final int endColumn) {
    MatrixUtils.checkSubMatrixIndex(this, startRow, endRow, startColumn, endColumn);
    visitor.start(rows, columns, startRow, endRow, startColumn, endColumn);
    for (int iBlock = startRow / BLOCK_SIZE; iBlock < 1 + endRow / BLOCK_SIZE; ++iBlock) {
        final int p0 = iBlock * BLOCK_SIZE;
        final int pStart = FastMath.max(startRow, p0);
        final int pEnd = FastMath.min((iBlock + 1) * BLOCK_SIZE, 1 + endRow);
        for (int jBlock = startColumn / BLOCK_SIZE; jBlock < 1 + endColumn / BLOCK_SIZE; ++jBlock) {
            final int jWidth = blockWidth(jBlock);
            final int q0 = jBlock * BLOCK_SIZE;
            final int qStart = FastMath.max(startColumn, q0);
            final int qEnd = FastMath.min((jBlock + 1) * BLOCK_SIZE, 1 + endColumn);
            final double[] block = blocks[iBlock * blockColumns + jBlock];
            for (int p = pStart; p < pEnd; ++p) {
                int k = (p - p0) * jWidth + qStart - q0;
                for (int q = qStart; q < qEnd; ++q) {
                    block[k] = visitor.visit(p, q, block[k]);
    return visitor.end();
Example 11
Source File:    From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public T walkInRowOrder(final FieldMatrixPreservingVisitor<T> visitor,
                        final int startRow, final int endRow,
                        final int startColumn, final int endColumn)
    throws OutOfRangeException, NumberIsTooSmallException {
    checkSubMatrixIndex(startRow, endRow, startColumn, endColumn);
    visitor.start(rows, columns, startRow, endRow, startColumn, endColumn);
    for (int iBlock = startRow / BLOCK_SIZE; iBlock < 1 + endRow / BLOCK_SIZE; ++iBlock) {
        final int p0     = iBlock * BLOCK_SIZE;
        final int pStart = FastMath.max(startRow, p0);
        final int pEnd   = FastMath.min((iBlock + 1) * BLOCK_SIZE, 1 + endRow);
        for (int p = pStart; p < pEnd; ++p) {
            for (int jBlock = startColumn / BLOCK_SIZE; jBlock < 1 + endColumn / BLOCK_SIZE; ++jBlock) {
                final int jWidth = blockWidth(jBlock);
                final int q0     = jBlock * BLOCK_SIZE;
                final int qStart = FastMath.max(startColumn, q0);
                final int qEnd   = FastMath.min((jBlock + 1) * BLOCK_SIZE, 1 + endColumn);
                final T[] block = blocks[iBlock * blockColumns + jBlock];
                int k = (p - p0) * jWidth + qStart - q0;
                for (int q = qStart; q < qEnd; ++q) {
                    visitor.visit(p, q, block[k]);
    return visitor.end();
Example 12
Source File:    From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Checks whether a matrix is symmetric, within a given relative tolerance.
 * @param matrix Matrix to check.
 * @param relativeTolerance Tolerance of the symmetry check.
 * @param raiseException If {@code true}, an exception will be raised if
 * the matrix is not symmetric.
 * @return {@code true} if {@code matrix} is symmetric.
 * @throws NonSquareMatrixException if the matrix is not square.
 * @throws NonSymmetricMatrixException if the matrix is not symmetric.
private static boolean isSymmetricInternal(RealMatrix matrix,
                                           double relativeTolerance,
                                           boolean raiseException) {
    final int rows = matrix.getRowDimension();
    if (rows != matrix.getColumnDimension()) {
        if (raiseException) {
            throw new NonSquareMatrixException(rows, matrix.getColumnDimension());
        } else {
            return false;
    for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
        for (int j = i + 1; j < rows; j++) {
            final double mij = matrix.getEntry(i, j);
            final double mji = matrix.getEntry(j, i);
            if (FastMath.abs(mij - mji) >
                FastMath.max(FastMath.abs(mij), FastMath.abs(mji)) * relativeTolerance) {
                if (raiseException) {
                    throw new NonSymmetricMatrixException(i, j, relativeTolerance);
                } else {
                    return false;
    return true;
Example 13
Source File:    From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testStepSizeUnstability() {
    UnivariateDifferentiableFunction quintic = new QuinticFunction();
    UnivariateDifferentiableFunction goodStep =
            new FiniteDifferencesDifferentiator(7, 0.25).differentiate(quintic);
    UnivariateDifferentiableFunction badStep =
            new FiniteDifferencesDifferentiator(7, 1.0e-6).differentiate(quintic);
    double[] maxErrorGood = new double[7];
    double[] maxErrorBad  = new double[7];
    for (double x = -10; x < 10; x += 0.1) {
        DerivativeStructure dsX  = new DerivativeStructure(1, 6, 0, x);
        DerivativeStructure yRef  = quintic.value(dsX);
        DerivativeStructure yGood = goodStep.value(dsX);
        DerivativeStructure yBad  = badStep.value(dsX);
        for (int order = 0; order <= 6; ++order) {
            maxErrorGood[order] = FastMath.max(maxErrorGood[order],
                                               FastMath.abs(yRef.getPartialDerivative(order) -
            maxErrorBad[order]  = FastMath.max(maxErrorBad[order],
                                               FastMath.abs(yRef.getPartialDerivative(order) -

    // the 0.25 step size is good for finite differences in the quintic on this abscissa range for 7 points
    // the errors are fair
    final double[] expectedGood = new double[] {
        7.276e-12, 7.276e-11, 9.968e-10, 3.092e-9, 5.432e-8, 8.196e-8, 1.818e-6

    // the 1.0e-6 step size is far too small for finite differences in the quintic on this abscissa range for 7 points
    // the errors are huge!
    final double[] expectedBad = new double[] {
        1.792e-22, 6.926e-5, 56.25, 1.783e8, 2.468e14, 3.056e20, 5.857e26            

    for (int i = 0; i < maxErrorGood.length; ++i) {
        Assert.assertEquals(expectedGood[i], maxErrorGood[i], 0.01 * expectedGood[i]);
        Assert.assertEquals(expectedBad[i],  maxErrorBad[i],  0.01 * expectedBad[i]);

Example 14
Source File:    From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Check if the optimization algorithm has converged considering the
 * last two points.
 * This method may be called several time from the same algorithm
 * iteration with different points. This can be detected by checking the
 * iteration number at each call if needed. Each time this method is
 * called, the previous and current point correspond to points with the
 * same role at each iteration, so they can be compared. As an example,
 * simplex-based algorithms call this method for all points of the simplex,
 * not only for the best or worst ones.
 * @param iteration Index of current iteration
 * @param previous Best point in the previous iteration.
 * @param current Best point in the current iteration.
 * @return {@code true} if the algorithm has converged.
public boolean converged(final int iteration,
                         final UnivariatePointValuePair previous,
                         final UnivariatePointValuePair current) {
    if (maxIterationCount != ITERATION_CHECK_DISABLED && iteration >= maxIterationCount) {
        return true;

    final double p = previous.getValue();
    final double c = current.getValue();
    final double difference = FastMath.abs(p - c);
    final double size = FastMath.max(FastMath.abs(p), FastMath.abs(c));
    return difference <= size * getRelativeThreshold() ||
        difference <= getAbsoluteThreshold();
Example 15
Source File:    From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
/** Force a root found by a non-bracketing solver to lie on a specified side,
 * as if the solver was a bracketing one.
 * @param maxEval maximal number of new evaluations of the function
 * (evaluations already done for finding the root should have already been subtracted
 * from this number)
 * @param f function to solve
 * @param bracketing bracketing solver to use for shifting the root
 * @param baseRoot original root found by a previous non-bracketing solver
 * @param min minimal bound of the search interval
 * @param max maximal bound of the search interval
 * @param allowedSolution the kind of solutions that the root-finding algorithm may
 * accept as solutions.
 * @return a root approximation, on the specified side of the exact root
 * @throws NoBracketingException if the function has the same sign at the
 * endpoints.
public static double forceSide(final int maxEval, final UnivariateFunction f,
                               final BracketedUnivariateSolver<UnivariateFunction> bracketing,
                               final double baseRoot, final double min, final double max,
                               final AllowedSolution allowedSolution)
    throws NoBracketingException {

    if (allowedSolution == AllowedSolution.ANY_SIDE) {
        // no further bracketing required
        return baseRoot;

    // find a very small interval bracketing the root
    final double step = FastMath.max(bracketing.getAbsoluteAccuracy(),
                                     FastMath.abs(baseRoot * bracketing.getRelativeAccuracy()));
    double xLo        = FastMath.max(min, baseRoot - step);
    double fLo        = f.value(xLo);
    double xHi        = FastMath.min(max, baseRoot + step);
    double fHi        = f.value(xHi);
    int remainingEval = maxEval - 2;
    while (remainingEval > 0) {

        if ((fLo >= 0 && fHi <= 0) || (fLo <= 0 && fHi >= 0)) {
            // compute the root on the selected side
            return bracketing.solve(remainingEval, f, xLo, xHi, baseRoot, allowedSolution);

        // try increasing the interval
        boolean changeLo = false;
        boolean changeHi = false;
        if (fLo < fHi) {
            // increasing function
            if (fLo >= 0) {
                changeLo = true;
            } else {
                changeHi = true;
        } else if (fLo > fHi) {
            // decreasing function
            if (fLo <= 0) {
                changeLo = true;
            } else {
                changeHi = true;
        } else {
            // unknown variation
            changeLo = true;
            changeHi = true;

        // update the lower bound
        if (changeLo) {
            xLo = FastMath.max(min, xLo - step);
            fLo  = f.value(xLo);

        // update the higher bound
        if (changeHi) {
            xHi = FastMath.min(max, xHi + step);
            fHi  = f.value(xHi);


    throw new NoBracketingException(LocalizedFormats.FAILED_BRACKETING,
                                    xLo, xHi, fLo, fHi,
                                    maxEval - remainingEval, maxEval, baseRoot,
                                    min, max);

Example 16
Source File:    From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected final double doSolve()
    throws TooManyEvaluationsException,
           NoBracketingException {
    // Get initial solution
    double x0 = getMin();
    double x1 = getMax();
    double f0 = computeObjectiveValue(x0);
    double f1 = computeObjectiveValue(x1);

    // If one of the bounds is the exact root, return it. Since these are
    // not under-approximations or over-approximations, we can return them
    // regardless of the allowed solutions.
    if (f0 == 0.0) {
        return x0;
    if (f1 == 0.0) {
        return x1;

    // Verify bracketing of initial solution.
    verifyBracketing(x0, x1);

    // Get accuracies.
    final double ftol = getFunctionValueAccuracy();
    final double atol = getAbsoluteAccuracy();
    final double rtol = getRelativeAccuracy();

    // Keep finding better approximations.
    while (true) {
        // Calculate the next approximation.
        final double x = x1 - ((f1 * (x1 - x0)) / (f1 - f0));
        final double fx = computeObjectiveValue(x);

        // If the new approximation is the exact root, return it. Since
        // this is not an under-approximation or an over-approximation,
        // we can return it regardless of the allowed solutions.
        if (fx == 0.0) {
            return x;

        // Update the bounds with the new approximation.
        x0 = x1;
        f0 = f1;
        x1 = x;
        f1 = fx;

        // If the function value of the last approximation is too small,
        // given the function value accuracy, then we can't get closer to
        // the root than we already are.
        if (FastMath.abs(f1) <= ftol) {
            return x1;

        // If the current interval is within the given accuracies, we
        // are satisfied with the current approximation.
        if (FastMath.abs(x1 - x0) < FastMath.max(rtol * FastMath.abs(x1), atol)) {
            return x1;
Example 17
Source File:    From NOVA-Core with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static Vector2D max(Vector2D a, Vector2D b) {
	return new Vector2D(FastMath.max(a.getX(), b.getX()), FastMath.max(a.getY(), b.getY()));
Example 18
Source File:    From SimFix with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public double getNormInf() {
    return FastMath.max(FastMath.max(FastMath.abs(x), FastMath.abs(y)), FastMath.abs(z));
Example 19
Source File:    From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Distance between two vectors.
 * <p>This method computes the distance consistent with
 * L<sub>&infin;</sub> norm, i.e. the max of the absolute values of
 * element differences.</p>
 * @param v Vector to which distance is requested.
 * @return the distance between two vectors.
 * @throws DimensionMismatchException if {@code v} is not the same size as
 * {@code this} vector.
 * @see #getDistance(RealVector)
 * @see #getL1Distance(RealVector)
 * @see #getLInfNorm()
public double getLInfDistance(RealVector v)
    throws DimensionMismatchException {
    double d = 0;
    Iterator<Entry> it = iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        final Entry e =;
        d = FastMath.max(FastMath.abs(e.getValue() - v.getEntry(e.getIndex())), d);
    return d;
Example 20
Source File:    From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Check whether the given complex root is actually a real zero
 * in the given interval, within the solver tolerance level.
 * @param min Lower bound for the interval.
 * @param max Upper bound for the interval.
 * @param z Complex root.
 * @return {@code true} if z is a real zero.
public boolean isRoot(double min, double max, Complex z) {
    if (isSequence(min, z.getReal(), max)) {
        double tolerance = FastMath.max(getRelativeAccuracy() * z.abs(), getAbsoluteAccuracy());
        return (FastMath.abs(z.getImaginary()) <= tolerance) ||
             (z.abs() <= getFunctionValueAccuracy());
    return false;