Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From ghidra with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected void actionPerformed(NavigatableActionContext context) {
	Address address = context.getAddress();
	Program program = context.getProgram();
	Function function = getPreviousFunction(program, address);
	if (function == null) {

	GoToService service = tool.getService(GoToService.class);
	if (service != null) {
		FunctionSignatureFieldLocation location = new FunctionSignatureFieldLocation(program,
			function.getEntryPoint(), null, 0, function.getPrototypeString(false, false));

		Navigatable navigatable = context.getNavigatable();
		service.goTo(navigatable, location, navigatable.getProgram());
	else {
		tool.setStatusInfo("Can't find Go To Service!");
Example 2
Source File:    From ghidra with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
   public void testNotVisible() throws Exception {
	GoToService goToService = tool.getService(GoToService.class);
	Address addr = getAddr(0x01002000);
	final ByteViewerComponent c = panel.getCurrentComponent();
	ByteBlockInfo info = c.getViewerCursorLocation();
	assertEquals(cbPlugin.getCurrentAddress(), convertToAddr(info));


	addr = getAddr(0x01002500);
	info = c.getViewerCursorLocation();
	assertEquals(addr, convertToAddr(info));
Example 3
Source File:    From dragondance with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public static boolean goToAddress(long addr) {
	GoToService gotoService = tool.getService(GoToService.class);
	if (gotoService==null) 
		return false;
	if (!isValidExecutableSectionAddress(addr)) {
		showWarning("%x is not valid offset.",addr);
		return false;

	if (getInstructionNoThrow(getAddress(addr),true) == null) {
		return false;
	return gotoService.goTo(getAddress(addr));
Example 4
Source File:    From ghidra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
	GoToService gs = plugin.getTool().getService(GoToService.class);

	// Only go somewhere if something is actually in the table.  If it's empty this makes
	// no sense.  Note that the plugin.getInstructions() call can never be null, so no 
	// need to check that here.
	if (dialog.getSearchData().getInstructions().size() <= 0) {

	// We have something in the table, so navigate to the first instruction.  If the
	// first instruction address is null, this means the instruction was likely loaded
	// manually (hence no actual location in the listing).  In this case, just search
	// for the first instance of this instruction and navigate there.  If search returns
	// no results, display a message to the user.
	Address firstAddr = dialog.getSearchData().getInstructions().get(0).getAddr();

	if (firstAddr != null) {
	else {
		if (dialog.getMessagePanel() != null) {
				"Instruction was loaded manually, no address in the listing to navigate to.",
Example 5
Source File:    From ghidra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public boolean handleMouseClick(String[] annotationParts, Navigatable sourceNavigatable,
		ServiceProvider serviceProvider) {

	String symbolText = annotationParts[1];
	Program program = sourceNavigatable.getProgram();
	List<Symbol> symbols = getSymbols(symbolText, program);

	GoToService goToService = serviceProvider.getService(GoToService.class);

	// try going to the symbol first
	if (!symbols.isEmpty()) {
		QueryData data = new QueryData(symbols.get(0).getName(), true);
		return goToService.goToQuery(sourceNavigatable, null, data, null, null);

	// try going to the address
	Address address = program.getAddressFactory().getAddress(symbolText);
	if (address != null) {
		return goToService.goTo(sourceNavigatable, address);

	Msg.showInfo(getClass(), null, "Invalid symbol text: " + symbolText,
		"Unable to locate a symbol for \"" + symbolText + "\"");

	return false;
Example 6
Source File:    From ghidra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testGoToUsingGoToService() {
	setTreeView("Main Tree");
	ProgramNode funcNode = root.getChild("Functions");
	ProgramNode sscanfNode = funcNode.getChild("sscanf");
	setViewPaths(new TreePath[] { sscanfNode.getTreePath() });

	GoToService goToService = tool.getService(GoToService.class);
	goToService.goTo(new ProgramLocation(program, sscanfNode.getFragment().getMinAddress()));
Example 7
Source File:    From ghidra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void actionPerformed(NavigatableActionContext context) {
	Address goToAddress = getGoToAddress(context);
	GoToService service = tool.getService(GoToService.class);
	if (service != null) {
		service.goTo(context.getNavigatable(), goToAddress);
Example 8
Source File:    From ghidra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testSetSelectionWithMouse() throws Exception {

	loadViews("Ascii", "Octal");

	ByteViewerComponent c = panel.getCurrentComponent();
	GoToService goToService = tool.getService(GoToService.class);

	Point startPoint = c.getCursorPoint();

	Point endPoint = c.getCursorPoint();

	dragMouse(c, 1, startPoint.x, startPoint.y, endPoint.x, endPoint.y, 0);

	ByteBlockSelection sel = c.getViewerSelection();
	ByteViewerComponent octal = findComponent(panel, "Octal");
	assertTrue(byteBlockSelectionEquals(sel, octal.getViewerSelection()));

	ProgramSelection psel = cbPlugin.getCurrentSelection();
	ByteBlockSelection bsel = panel.getViewerSelection();

	// convert bsel to an address set
	AddressSet set =
		((ProgramByteBlockSet) plugin.getProvider().getByteBlockSet()).getAddressSet(bsel);
Example 9
Source File:    From ghidra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testMemoryBlockDeletedNotInView() throws Exception {
	// delete a memory block that is not showing in the view

	// remove code browser plugin so the cursor position does not
	// get changed because of location events that the code browser
	// generates.
	SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(() -> tool.removePlugins(new Plugin[] { cbPlugin }));

	Address addr = getAddr(0x0f001000);
	GoToService goToService = tool.getService(GoToService.class);
	goToService.goTo(new ProgramLocation(program, addr));

	ByteViewerComponent c = panel.getCurrentComponent();
	FieldLocation loc = c.getCursorLocation();
	assertEquals(getFieldLocation(addr), loc);

	MemoryBlock block = memory.getBlock(getAddr(0x01001000));
	int transactionID = program.startTransaction("Test");
	memory.removeBlock(block, TaskMonitorAdapter.DUMMY_MONITOR);
	program.endTransaction(transactionID, true);

	loc = getFieldLocation(addr);
	// cursor position should not be affected
	assertEquals(loc, c.getCursorLocation());
Example 10
Source File:    From ghidra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testMemoryBlockExpandDown() throws Exception {
	SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(() -> tool.removePlugins(new Plugin[] { cbPlugin }));

	// expand block down: create a block, then join to its predecessor
	Address addr = getAddr(0x01001000);
	MemoryBlock block = memory.getBlock(addr);
	GoToService goToService = tool.getService(GoToService.class);
	goToService.goTo(new ProgramLocation(program, addr));

	Address newaddr = getAddr(0x01003000L);

	int transactionID = program.startTransaction("Test");
	MemoryBlock newblock =
		memory.createInitializedBlock(".test", newaddr, 0x100, (byte) 0, null, false);
	memory.join(block, newblock);
	program.endTransaction(transactionID, true);

	ByteViewerComponent c = panel.getCurrentComponent();
	FieldLocation loc = getFieldLocation(newaddr);
	ByteField field = c.getField(loc.getIndex(), loc.getFieldNum());
	loc = c.getCursorLocation();
	// cursor should remain where it was before the block expansion
	assertEquals(getFieldLocation(addr), loc);
Example 11
Source File:    From ghidra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testMemoryBlockExpandUp() throws Exception {
	// expand up: create a block, then join to its successor
	SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(() -> tool.removePlugins(new Plugin[] { cbPlugin }));

	Address addr = getAddr(0x01001000);
	MemoryBlock block = memory.getBlock(addr);
	GoToService goToService = tool.getService(GoToService.class);
	goToService.goTo(new ProgramLocation(program, addr));

	Address newaddr = getAddr(0x01000500);

	int transactionID = program.startTransaction("Test");
	MemoryBlock newblock =
		memory.createInitializedBlock(".test", newaddr, 0xb00, (byte) 0, null, false);
	memory.join(newblock, block);
	program.endTransaction(transactionID, true);

	ByteViewerComponent c = panel.getCurrentComponent();
	FieldLocation loc = getFieldLocation(newaddr);
	ByteField field = c.getField(loc.getIndex(), loc.getFieldNum());
	loc = c.getCursorLocation();
	// cursor should remain where it was before the block expansion
	assertEquals(getFieldLocation(addr), loc);

	// there should be no separator above the current location
	field = c.getField(loc.getIndex().subtract(BigInteger.ONE), 0);

Example 12
Source File:    From ghidra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void actionPerformed(NavigatableActionContext context) {
	Address goToAddress = getGoToAddress(context);
	GoToService service = tool.getService(GoToService.class);
	if (service != null) {
		service.goTo(context.getNavigatable(), goToAddress);
Example 13
Source File:    From ghidra with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void testDisassembledRecognition2() throws Exception {
	// verify that when data is created, the dingbat char changes to '.'


	ByteViewerOptionsDialog dialog = launchByteViewerOptions();
	setViewSelected(dialog, "Disassembled", true);
	pressButtonByText(dialog.getComponent(), "OK");

	ByteViewerComponent c = findComponent(panel, "Disassembled");

	GoToService goToService = tool.getService(GoToService.class);
	goToService.goTo(new ProgramLocation(program, getAddr(01001530)));


	int transactionID = program.startTransaction("test");
	Address addr = getAddr(0x01001530);
	for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
		listing.createData(addr, new ByteDataType(), 1);
		addr = addr.add(1);
	program.endTransaction(transactionID, true);


	addr = getAddr(0x01001530);
	for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
		FieldLocation loc = getFieldLocation(addr);
		ByteField field = c.getField(loc.getIndex(), loc.getFieldNum());
		assertEquals(".", field.getText());
		addr = addr.add(1);
Example 14
Source File:    From ghidra with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Test that when using the GoTo service the edit comments action
 * is enabled.
 * @since Tracker Id 354
public void testGoToEditCommentEnablement() throws Exception {

	// create function at 0x1008040
	Address functionAddress = addr(0x1008040);
	addFunction("TestFunc", 0x1008040, 0x20);

	Address startAddress = addr(0x01006420);
	GoToService service = tool.getService(GoToService.class);

	// make sure we are starting on a known address

	// in order to catch the bug for which this test was written we need
	// to call the goToQuery() method of the GoToService because that
	// method call results in a generic ProgramLocation event being
	// generated, whereas the goTo() methods will use a more specific
	// location, like an AddressFieldLocation
	Address nextAddress =;
	service.goToQuery(startAddress, new QueryData(nextAddress.toString(), false), null, null);

	// this call would fail before the fix was in place
	assertTrue("The edit comments action is not enabled after using " + "the GoToService.",
		editAction.isEnabledForContext(browser.getProvider().getActionContext(null)) &&

	// now go to a function location and make sure the action is disabled
	assertTrue("Unable to use the code browser to go to a function " + "signature location.",
		browser.goToField(functionAddress, FunctionSignatureFieldFactory.FIELD_NAME, 0, 0));

		"The edit comments action is not enabled when the current " +
			"program location is on a comment editable location.",
		editAction.isEnabledForContext(browser.getProvider().getActionContext(null)) &&

	assertTrue("Unable to use the code browser to go to a function " + "signature location.",
		browser.goToField(functionAddress, VariableCommentFieldFactory.FIELD_NAME, 0, 0));

		"The edit comments action is enabled over a variable " +
			"location when editing these comments is covered by a different " + "action.",
Example 15
Source File:    From ghidra with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected void gotoAddress(Address address) {
	GoToService gotoService = tool.getService(GoToService.class);
	if (gotoService != null) {
Example 16
Source File:    From ghidra with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private boolean checkMemRefs(Navigatable navigatable, CodeUnit codeUnit,
		OperandFieldLocation loc, ServiceProvider serviceProvider) {

	Address refAddr = loc.getRefAddress();
	if (refAddr == null || !refAddr.isMemoryAddress()) {
		return false;

	Reference[] refs = codeUnit.getOperandReferences(loc.getOperandIndex());
	Address[] addrs = getAddressesForReferences(refs, codeUnit, serviceProvider);
	if (addrs.length == 0) {
		return false;

	if (addrs.length > 1) {
		List<OutgoingReferenceEndpoint> outgoingReferences = new ArrayList<>();
		for (int i = 0; i < refs.length; i++) {
			Reference ref = refs[i];
			boolean offcut = ReferenceUtils.isOffcut(codeUnit.getProgram(), ref.getToAddress());
			outgoingReferences.add(new OutgoingReferenceEndpoint(ref, addrs[i], offcut));

		IncomingReferencesTableModel model = new IncomingReferencesTableModel("Operand",
			serviceProvider, codeUnit.getProgram(), outgoingReferences, null);
		TableService service = serviceProvider.getService(TableService.class);

		Navigatable nav = NavigationUtils.getActiveNavigatable();
		String addressString = codeUnit.getMinAddress().toString();
		service.showTable("Operand References for " + addressString, "Operands", model,
			"References", nav);
		return true;

	// 1 address found
	Address gotoAddr = addrs[0];
	if (gotoAddr == null) {
		return false;

	GoToService goToService = serviceProvider.getService(GoToService.class);
	return goToService.goTo(navigatable, codeUnit.getProgram(), gotoAddr,
Example 17
Source File:    From ghidra with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void goTo(ProgramLocation loc, Program theProgram) {
	GoToService goToService = tool.getService(GoToService.class);
	goToService.goTo(loc, theProgram);
Example 18
Source File:    From ghidra with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
   public void testSetVisible() throws Exception {

	GoToService goToService = tool.getService(GoToService.class);
	final ByteViewerComponent c = panel.getCurrentComponent();
	ByteBlockInfo info = c.getViewerCursorLocation();
	assertEquals(cbPlugin.getCurrentAddress(), convertToAddr(info));

	// make a selection in the Code Browser
	Point startPoint = c.getCursorPoint();
	SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
		public void run() {
			FieldLocation loc = getFieldLocation(getAddr(0x010010bc));
			c.setCursorPosition(loc.getIndex(), loc.getFieldNum(), loc.getRow(), loc.getCol());
	Point endPoint = c.getCursorPoint();

	dragMouse(c, 1, startPoint.x, startPoint.y, endPoint.x, endPoint.y, 0);

	ProgramSelection psel = cbPlugin.getCurrentSelection();

	ByteBlockSelection bsel = panel.getViewerSelection();

	// convert bsel to an address set
	AddressSet set =
		((ProgramByteBlockSet) plugin.getProvider().getByteBlockSet()).getAddressSet(bsel);

	info = c.getViewerCursorLocation();

	// hide the byte viewer

	// show the byte viewer

	// the location and selection should be intact
	CodeUnit cu = program.getListing().getCodeUnitContaining(convertToAddr(info));
	assertEquals(cbPlugin.getCurrentAddress(), cu.getMinAddress());

	psel = cbPlugin.getCurrentSelection();

	bsel = panel.getViewerSelection();

	// convert bsel to an address set
	set = ((ProgramByteBlockSet) plugin.getProvider().getByteBlockSet()).getAddressSet(bsel);
Example 19
Source File:    From ghidra with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void gotoAddress(GoToService service, Navigatable navigatable, Address address) {
	service.goTo(navigatable, address);
Example 20
Source File:    From ghidra with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
	public void testPreviewOrgChange() throws Exception {

		DTPPTableModel model = plugin.getTableModel();
		GoToService gotoService = plugin.getGoToService();


		// Default size specified by DataOrganization
		//      shortSize		= 2;
		//      integerSize		= 4;
		//    	longSize		= 4;
		//		defaultAlignment = 1;


		Structure struct = new StructureDataType("test", 0);
		struct.add(IntegerDataType.dataType, "intField", "");
		struct.add(LongDataType.dataType, "longField", "");
		struct.add(ShortDataType.dataType, "shortField", "");


		assertEquals(6, model.getRowCount());

		Program program = buildProgram();

		DataOrganizationImpl dataOrganization =
			(DataOrganizationImpl) program.getDataTypeManager().getDataOrganization();


		gotoService.goTo(addr(program, 0x100df26));

// TODO: The below values have not been confirmed, since variation in DataOrganization is not yet supported by this plugin

		assertEquals("680054h", model.getValueAt(0, DTPPTableModel.PREVIEW_COL));// 4-byte int
		assertEquals("20006500680054h", model.getValueAt(1, DTPPTableModel.PREVIEW_COL));// 8-byte long
		assertEquals("54h", model.getValueAt(2, DTPPTableModel.PREVIEW_COL));// 2-byte short

		assertEquals("680054h", model.getValueAt(3, DTPPTableModel.PREVIEW_COL));// 4-byte int at offset 0
		assertEquals("61004D00200065h", model.getValueAt(4, DTPPTableModel.PREVIEW_COL));// 8-byte long at offset 4
		assertEquals("72h", model.getValueAt(5, DTPPTableModel.PREVIEW_COL));// 2-byte short at offset 12

		// deactivate program
		plugin.getTool().firePluginEvent(new ProgramActivatedPluginEvent("Test", null));

		// NOTE: Altering data organization on-the-fly is not supported

		// activate program
		plugin.getTool().firePluginEvent(new ProgramActivatedPluginEvent("Test", program));

		gotoService.goTo(addr(program, 0x100df26));

		assertEquals("680054h", model.getValueAt(0, DTPPTableModel.PREVIEW_COL));// 3-byte int
		assertEquals("6500680054h", model.getValueAt(1, DTPPTableModel.PREVIEW_COL));// 6-byte long
		assertEquals("680054h", model.getValueAt(2, DTPPTableModel.PREVIEW_COL));// 3-byte short

		assertEquals("680054h", model.getValueAt(3, DTPPTableModel.PREVIEW_COL));// 3-byte int at offset 0
		assertEquals("4D00200065h", model.getValueAt(4, DTPPTableModel.PREVIEW_COL));// 6-byte long at offset 4
		assertEquals("720061h", model.getValueAt(5, DTPPTableModel.PREVIEW_COL));// 3-byte short at offset 10
