Java Code Examples for org.apache.ibatis.mapping.BoundSql#getSql()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.ibatis.mapping.BoundSql#getSql() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From java-tutorial with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public Object intercept(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable {

    MappedStatement mappedStatement = (MappedStatement) invocation.getArgs()[0];
    SqlCommandType sqlCommandType = mappedStatement.getSqlCommandType();
    final Object[] queryArgs = invocation.getArgs();
    final Object parameter = queryArgs[1];

    BoundSql boundSql = mappedStatement.getBoundSql(parameter);
    String sql = boundSql.getSql();

    if (SqlCommandType.DELETE.equals(sqlCommandType)) {
        sql = sql.replace("\n", "");
        if (!sql.toLowerCase().contains(SQL_DELETE_WHERE)) {
            sql = sql.replace(" ", "");
            logger.warn("删除语句中没有where条件,sql为:{}", sql);
            throw new SQLException("删除语句中没有where条件");
        return invocation.proceed();

    return null;
Example 2
Source File:    From mybatis with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public int doUpdate(MappedStatement ms, Object parameterObject) throws SQLException {
  final Configuration configuration = ms.getConfiguration();
  final StatementHandler handler = configuration.newStatementHandler(this, ms, parameterObject, RowBounds.DEFAULT, null, null);
  final BoundSql boundSql = handler.getBoundSql();
  final String sql = boundSql.getSql();
  final Statement stmt;
  if (sql.equals(currentSql) && ms.equals(currentStatement)) {
    int last = statementList.size() - 1;
    stmt = statementList.get(last);
    BatchResult batchResult = batchResultList.get(last);
  } else {
    Connection connection = getConnection(ms.getStatementLog());
    stmt = handler.prepare(connection);
    currentSql = sql;
    currentStatement = ms;
    batchResultList.add(new BatchResult(ms, sql, parameterObject));
Example 3
Source File:    From joyqueue with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public Object intercept(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable {
    StatementHandler statementHandler = (StatementHandler) invocation.getTarget();
    BoundSql boundSql = statementHandler.getBoundSql();
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("raw SQL : " + boundSql.getSql());
    if (boundSql.getSql() == null || boundSql.getSql().isEmpty() || boundSql.getSql().contains(" limit ")) {
        return invocation.proceed();
    MetaObject metaStatementHandler = null;
    RowBounds rowBounds = (RowBounds) metaStatementHandler.getValue("delegate.rowBounds");
    if (rowBounds == null || rowBounds == RowBounds.DEFAULT) {
        return invocation.proceed();
    String originalSql = (String) metaStatementHandler.getValue("delegate.boundSql.sql");
            getLimitString(originalSql, rowBounds.getOffset(), rowBounds.getLimit()));
    metaStatementHandler.setValue("delegate.rowBounds.offset", RowBounds.NO_ROW_OFFSET);
    metaStatementHandler.setValue("delegate.rowBounds.limit", RowBounds.NO_ROW_LIMIT);
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("pagination SQL : " + boundSql.getSql());
    return invocation.proceed();
Example 4
Source File:    From mybatis with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private Statement prepareStatement(StatementHandler handler, Log statementLog) throws SQLException {
  Statement stmt;
  BoundSql boundSql = handler.getBoundSql();
  String sql = boundSql.getSql();
  if (hasStatementFor(sql)) {
    stmt = getStatement(sql);
  } else {
    Connection connection = getConnection(statementLog);
    stmt = handler.prepare(connection);
    putStatement(sql, stmt);
  return stmt;
Example 5
Source File:    From pinpoint with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void bindingLog(Invocation invocation) throws SQLException {

        Object[] args = invocation.getArgs();
        MappedStatement ms = (MappedStatement) args[0];
        Object parameterObject = args[1];
        StatementType statementType = ms.getStatementType();
        if (StatementType.PREPARED == statementType || StatementType.CALLABLE == statementType) {
            Log statementLog = ms.getStatementLog();
            if (isDebugEnable(statementLog)) {
                BoundSql boundSql = ms.getBoundSql(parameterObject);

                String sql = boundSql.getSql();
                List<String> parameterList = getParameters(ms, parameterObject, boundSql);
                debug(statementLog, "==> BindingLog: " + bindLogFormatter.format(sql, parameterList));
Example 6
Source File:    From mybatis-generator-plugin with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * 通过命名空间方式获取sql
 * @param session
 * @param namespace
 * @param params
 * @return
public static String getNamespaceSql(SqlSession session, String namespace, Object params) {
    Configuration configuration = session.getConfiguration();
    MappedStatement mappedStatement = configuration.getMappedStatement(namespace);
    TypeHandlerRegistry typeHandlerRegistry = mappedStatement.getConfiguration().getTypeHandlerRegistry();
    BoundSql boundSql = mappedStatement.getBoundSql(params);
    List<ParameterMapping> parameterMappings = boundSql.getParameterMappings();
    String sql = boundSql.getSql();
    if (parameterMappings != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < parameterMappings.size(); i++) {
            ParameterMapping parameterMapping = parameterMappings.get(i);
            if (parameterMapping.getMode() != ParameterMode.OUT) {
                Object value;
                String propertyName = parameterMapping.getProperty();
                if (boundSql.hasAdditionalParameter(propertyName)) {
                    value = boundSql.getAdditionalParameter(propertyName);
                } else if (params == null) {
                    value = null;
                } else if (typeHandlerRegistry.hasTypeHandler(params.getClass())) {
                    value = params;
                } else {
                    MetaObject metaObject = configuration.newMetaObject(params);
                    value = metaObject.getValue(propertyName);
                JdbcType jdbcType = parameterMapping.getJdbcType();
                if (value == null && jdbcType == null) jdbcType = configuration.getJdbcTypeForNull();
                sql = replaceParameter(sql, value, jdbcType, parameterMapping.getJavaType());
    return sql;
Example 7
Source File:    From pig with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public Object intercept(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable {
    StatementHandler statementHandler = (StatementHandler) PluginUtils.realTarget(invocation.getTarget());
    MetaObject metaObject = SystemMetaObject.forObject(statementHandler);
    // 先判断是不是SELECT操作
    MappedStatement mappedStatement = (MappedStatement) metaObject.getValue("delegate.mappedStatement");
    if (!SqlCommandType.SELECT.equals(mappedStatement.getSqlCommandType())) {
        return invocation.proceed();

    BoundSql boundSql = (BoundSql) metaObject.getValue("delegate.boundSql");
    String originalSql = boundSql.getSql();
    Object parameterObject = boundSql.getParameterObject();

    DataScope dataScope = findDataScopeObject(parameterObject);

    if (dataScope == null) {
        return invocation.proceed();
    } else {
        String scopeName = dataScope.getScopeName();
        List<Integer> deptIds = dataScope.getDeptIds();
        if(StrUtil.isNotBlank(scopeName) && CollectionUtil.isNotEmpty(deptIds)){
            String join = CollectionUtil.join(deptIds, ",");
            originalSql = "select * from (" + originalSql + ") temp_data_scope where temp_data_scope." + scopeName + " in (" + join + ")";
            metaObject.setValue("delegate.boundSql.sql", originalSql);
        return invocation.proceed();
Example 8
Source File:    From Mybatis-PageHelper with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public String getPageSql(MappedStatement ms, BoundSql boundSql, Object parameterObject, RowBounds rowBounds, CacheKey pageKey) {
    String sql = boundSql.getSql();
    Page page = getLocalPage();
    //支持 order by
    String orderBy = page.getOrderBy();
    if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(orderBy)) {
        sql = OrderByParser.converToOrderBySql(sql, orderBy);
    if (page.isOrderByOnly()) {
        return sql;
    return getPageSql(sql, page, pageKey);
Example 9
Source File:    From Mybatis-PageHelper with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public String getCountSql(MappedStatement ms, BoundSql boundSql, Object parameterObject, RowBounds rowBounds, CacheKey countKey) {
    String sql = boundSql.getSql();
    String cacheSql = CACHE_COUNTSQL.get(sql);
    if (cacheSql != null) {
        return cacheSql;
    } else {
        cacheSql = sql;
    cacheSql = replaceSql.replace(cacheSql);
    cacheSql = countSqlParser.getSmartCountSql(cacheSql);
    cacheSql = replaceSql.restore(cacheSql);
    CACHE_COUNTSQL.put(sql, cacheSql);
    return cacheSql;
Example 10
Source File:    From Mario with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Object intercept(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable {

    StatementHandler statementHandler = (StatementHandler) invocation.getTarget();
    BoundSql boundSql = statementHandler.getBoundSql();

    String sql = boundSql.getSql();
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(sql)) {
        return invocation.proceed();

    //select sql do 
    if (sql.matches(SQL_SELECT_REGEX) && !Pattern.matches(SQL_COUNT_REGEX, sql)) {
        Object obj = FieldUtils.readField(statementHandler, "delegate", true);
        // 反射获取 RowBounds 对象。
        RowBounds rowBounds = (RowBounds) FieldUtils.readField(obj, "rowBounds", true);

        // 分页参数存在且不为默认值时进行分页SQL构造
        if (rowBounds != null && rowBounds != RowBounds.DEFAULT) {
            FieldUtils.writeField(boundSql, "sql", newSql(sql, rowBounds), true);

            // 一定要还原否则将无法得到下一组数据(第一次的数据被缓存了)
            FieldUtils.writeField(rowBounds, "offset", RowBounds.NO_ROW_OFFSET, true);
            FieldUtils.writeField(rowBounds, "limit", RowBounds.NO_ROW_LIMIT, true);

    return invocation.proceed();
Example 11
Source File:    From mybatis-boost with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public void replace(Connection connection, MetaObject metaObject, MappedStatement mappedStatement, BoundSql boundSql) {
    if (mappedStatement.getSqlCommandType() == SqlCommandType.SELECT ||
            mappedStatement.getSqlCommandType() == SqlCommandType.DELETE) {
        String sql = boundSql.getSql();

        Matcher matcher = SqlUtils.PATTERN_PLACEHOLDER.matcher(sql);
        Iterator<ParameterMapping> iterator = boundSql.getParameterMappings().iterator();
        MetaObject parameterMetaObject = MyBatisUtils.getMetaObject(boundSql.getParameterObject());
        boolean isUpperCase = Character.isUpperCase(sql.charAt(0));

        int offset = 0;
        StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        while (matcher.find() & iterator.hasNext()) {
            try {
                if (parameterMetaObject.getValue( != null) continue;
            } catch (Exception ignored) {

            String substring = sql.substring(offset, matcher.end());
            int before = substring.length();
            substring = substring.replaceFirst(" ?!= *\\?$| ?<> *\\?$",
                    isUpperCase ? " IS NOT NULL" : " is not null");
            if (substring.length() == before) {
                substring = substring.replaceFirst(" ?= *\\?$", isUpperCase ? " IS NULL" : " is null");
            offset = matcher.end();
        sqlBuilder.append(sql, offset, sql.length());
        metaObject.setValue("delegate.boundSql.sql", sqlBuilder.toString());
Example 12
Source File:    From mybatis-boost with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public void replace(Connection connection, MetaObject metaObject, MappedStatement mappedStatement, BoundSql boundSql) {
    String sql = boundSql.getSql();
    if (sql.contains("#t")) {
        Class<?> entityType = MapperUtils.getEntityTypeFromMapper
                (mappedStatement.getId().substring(0, mappedStatement.getId().lastIndexOf('.')));
        metaObject.setValue("delegate.boundSql.sql", sql.replace("#t",
                EntityUtils.getTableName(entityType, configuration.getNameAdaptor())));
Example 13
Source File:    From DataPermissionHelper with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Object intercept(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable {
    Object[] args = invocation.getArgs();
    MappedStatement mappedStatement = (MappedStatement) args[0];
    Object parameter = args[1];
    DataPermission dataPermission = DPHelper.getLocalDataPermissions();
    if (dataPermission != null && dataPermission.getAdmin() == false) {
        BoundSql boundSql = mappedStatement.getBoundSql(parameter);
        String sql = boundSql.getSql();
        Select select = (Select) CCJSqlParserUtil.parse(sql);
        select.getSelectBody().accept(new SelectVisitorImpl());
        if (DPHelper.getChangeTable()) {
            BoundSql newBoundSql = new BoundSql(mappedStatement.getConfiguration(), select.toString(), boundSql
                    .getParameterMappings(), parameter);
            String newMsId = mappedStatement.getId() + DATA_PERMISSION;
            MappedStatement newMs = copyFromMappedStatement(mappedStatement, new BoundSqlSqlSource(newBoundSql), newMsId);
            args[0] = newMs;
    return invocation.proceed();
Example 14
Source File:    From Mybatis-PageHelper with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public String getCountSql(MappedStatement ms, BoundSql boundSql, Object parameterObject, RowBounds rowBounds, CacheKey countKey) {
    String sql = boundSql.getSql();
    sql = replaceSql.replace(sql);
    sql = countSqlParser.getSmartCountSql(sql);
    sql = replaceSql.restore(sql);
    return sql;
Example 15
Source File:    From MeetingFilm with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Object intercept(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable {
    StatementHandler statementHandler = (StatementHandler) PluginUtils.realTarget(invocation.getTarget());
    MetaObject metaStatementHandler = SystemMetaObject.forObject(statementHandler);
    MappedStatement mappedStatement = (MappedStatement) metaStatementHandler.getValue("delegate.mappedStatement");

    if (!SqlCommandType.SELECT.equals(mappedStatement.getSqlCommandType())) {
        return invocation.proceed();

    BoundSql boundSql = (BoundSql) metaStatementHandler.getValue("delegate.boundSql");
    String originalSql = boundSql.getSql();
    Object parameterObject = boundSql.getParameterObject();

    DataScope dataScope = findDataScopeObject(parameterObject);

    if (dataScope == null) {
        return invocation.proceed();
    } else {
        String scopeName = dataScope.getScopeName();
        List<Integer> deptIds = dataScope.getDeptIds();
        String join = CollectionKit.join(deptIds, ",");
        originalSql = "select * from (" + originalSql + ") temp_data_scope where temp_data_scope." + scopeName + " in (" + join + ")";
        metaStatementHandler.setValue("delegate.boundSql.sql", originalSql);
        return invocation.proceed();
Example 16
Source File:    From smaker with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Object intercept(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable {
	StatementHandler statementHandler = (StatementHandler) PluginUtils.realTarget(invocation.getTarget());
	MetaObject metaObject = SystemMetaObject.forObject(statementHandler);
	// 先判断是不是SELECT操作
	MappedStatement mappedStatement = (MappedStatement) metaObject.getValue("delegate.mappedStatement");
	if (!SqlCommandType.SELECT.equals(mappedStatement.getSqlCommandType())) {
		return invocation.proceed();

	BoundSql boundSql = (BoundSql) metaObject.getValue("delegate.boundSql");
	String originalSql = boundSql.getSql();
	Object parameterObject = boundSql.getParameterObject();

	DataScope dataScope = findDataScopeObject(parameterObject);

	if (dataScope == null) {
		return invocation.proceed();
	} else {
		String scopeName = dataScope.getScopeName();
		List<Integer> deptIds = dataScope.getDeptIds();
		if (StrUtil.isNotBlank(scopeName) && CollectionUtil.isNotEmpty(deptIds)) {
			String join = CollectionUtil.join(deptIds, ",");
			originalSql = "select * from (" + originalSql + ") temp_data_scope where temp_data_scope." + scopeName + " in (" + join + ")";
			metaObject.setValue("delegate.boundSql.sql", originalSql);
		return invocation.proceed();
Example 17
Source File:    From sqlhelper with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void inbound(HandlerContext ctx) throws Throwable {
    ExecutorInvocation executorInvocation = (ExecutorInvocation) ctx.getPipeline().getTarget();
    MappedStatement mappedStatement = executorInvocation.getMappedStatement();

    if (!MybatisUtils.isQueryStatement(mappedStatement) || !MybatisUtils.isPreparedStatement(mappedStatement) || !isEnableLikeEscape()) {
        Pipelines.skipHandler(ctx, true);

    // notice: the sqlcontext, sqlrequest is not null
    SqlRequestContext sqlContext = SqlRequestContextHolder.getInstance().get();
    LikeEscaper likeEscaper = getLikeEscaper(mappedStatement, sqlContext.getRequest(), executorInvocation);
    if (Objects.isNull(likeEscaper)) {
        logger.warn("Can't find a suitable LikeEscaper for the sql request: {}, statement id: {}", sqlContext.getRequest(), mappedStatement.getId());
        Pipelines.skipHandler(ctx, true);
    BoundSql boundSql = executorInvocation.getBoundSql();
    String sql = boundSql.getSql();
    Pair<List<Integer>, List<Integer>> pair = LikeEscapers.findEscapedSlots(sql);
    if (Emptys.isEmpty(pair.getKey()) && Emptys.isEmpty(pair.getValue())) {
        Pipelines.skipHandler(ctx, true);

    String newSql = LikeEscapers.insertLikeEscapeDeclares(sql, pair.getValue(), likeEscaper);
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        SqlDmlFormatter sqlDmlFormatter = new SqlDmlFormatter();
        logger.debug("After like escape, the sql {} become: {}", sqlDmlFormatter.format(sql), sqlDmlFormatter.format(newSql));
    // rebuild a BoundSql
    boundSql = MybatisUtils.rebuildBoundSql(newSql, mappedStatement.getConfiguration(), boundSql);
    sqlContext.set(MybatisSqlRequestContextKeys.LIKE_ESCAPE_PARAMETERS_INDEXES, pair.getKey());
    sqlContext.set(MybatisSqlRequestContextKeys.LIKE_ESCAPER, likeEscaper);
Example 18
Source File:    From joyqueue with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Object intercept(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable {
    StatementHandler handler = (StatementHandler) invocation.getTarget();

    // 获取MappedStatement,Configuration对象
    MetaObject metaObject =
            MetaObject.forObject(handler, new DefaultObjectFactory(), new DefaultObjectWrapperFactory(), new DefaultReflectorFactory());
    MappedStatement mappedStatement = (MappedStatement) metaObject.getValue("delegate.mappedStatement");
    String statement = mappedStatement.getId();
    if (!isPageSql(statement,metaObject.getValue("boundSql.parameterObject"))) {
        return invocation.proceed();

    Configuration configuration = (Configuration) metaObject.getValue("delegate.configuration");
    Executor executor = (Executor) metaObject.getValue("delegate.executor");

    // 获取分页参数
    BoundSql boundSql = handler.getBoundSql();
    QPageQuery pageQuery = (QPageQuery) boundSql.getParameterObject();
    String countStatement = buildCountStatement(statement);
    List<Integer> counts = executor.query(configuration.
            getMappedStatement(countStatement), pageQuery, RowBounds.DEFAULT, null);

    int count = 0;
    if (counts != null && !counts.isEmpty()) {
        count = counts.get(0) == null ? 0 : counts.get(0);

    if (pageQuery.getPagination() == null) {
        pageQuery.setPagination(new Pagination());

    String sql = boundSql.getSql();
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug("raw SQL : " + sql);

    if (sql == null || sql.isEmpty() || sql.contains(" limit ")) {
        return invocation.proceed();

    String originalSql = (String) metaObject.getValue("delegate.boundSql.sql");
            getLimitString(originalSql, pageQuery.getPagination().getStart(),
    metaObject.setValue("delegate.rowBounds.offset", RowBounds.NO_ROW_OFFSET);
    metaObject.setValue("delegate.rowBounds.limit", RowBounds.NO_ROW_LIMIT);

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug("pagination SQL : " + sql);
    return invocation.proceed();
Example 19
Source File:    From dubbox with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Object intercept(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable {
	Object result = null;

	if (invocation.getTarget() instanceof RoutingStatementHandler) {
		RoutingStatementHandler statementHandler = (RoutingStatementHandler) invocation.getTarget();
		StatementHandler delegate = (StatementHandler) ReflectionUtil.getFieldValue(statementHandler, "delegate");
		BoundSql boundSql = delegate.getBoundSql();

		// 拦截到的prepare方法参数是一个Connection对象
		Connection connection = (Connection) invocation.getArgs()[0];
		String sql = boundSql.getSql();

		// 1、 如果前端有指定路由则,优先采用指定的路由
		if (RouterContext.containsKey(RouterConsts.ROUTER_KEY) && !hasAnnotation(sql)) {
			RouterInfo routerInfo = RouterContext.get(RouterConsts.ROUTER_KEY);
			sql = new StringBuilder(routerInfo.getSqlrouter()).append(sql).toString();

			// 利用反射设置当前BoundSql对应的sql属性为我们建立好的分页Sql语句
			ReflectionUtil.setFieldValue(boundSql, "sql", sql);

		// 2、如果没有路由信息,对只读事物添加读取从库的路由
		if (!hasAnnotation(sql) && connection.isReadOnly()) {

			// 获取当前要执行的Sql语句,也就是我们直接在Mapper映射语句中写的Sql语句
			sql = msHint.genRouteInfo(MasterSlaveHint.SLAVE, sql);

			// 利用反射设置当前BoundSql对应的sql属性为我们建立好的分页Sql语句
			ReflectionUtil.setFieldValue(boundSql, "sql", sql);

		result = invocation.proceed();

		// if (isDML(sql) &&
		// !RouterContext.containsKey(RouterConsts.ROUTER_KEY)) {
		// 如果更改执行的是DML语句,则设置后续的CRUD路由到master
		// String appName = PropertiesUtil.get("");
		// //TODO这里可能需要针对应用来进行主从路由,存在一条链路路由到多个应用的不同DB中
		// RouterContext.put(RouterConsts.ROUTER_KEY,
		// msHint.getRouteMasterHint());
		// }

	} else {
		result = invocation.proceed();

	return result;
Example 20
Source File:    From platform with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Object intercept(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable {
    Executor executor = MyBatisUtils.getRealTarget(invocation.getTarget());
    Object[] args = invocation.getArgs();
    MappedStatement mappedStatement = (MappedStatement) args[MAPPED_STATEMENT_INDEX];

    // 查询操作或者存储过程,无需分页
    if (SqlCommandType.SELECT != mappedStatement.getSqlCommandType()
            || StatementType.CALLABLE == mappedStatement.getStatementType()) {
        return invocation.proceed();

    Object parameterObject = invocation.getArgs()[PARAMETER_INDEX];

    // 不包含PageableRequest或者Pageable参数时,无需分页
    PageableRequest<?> pageableRequest = MyBatisUtils.findPageableRequest(parameterObject).orElse(null);
    if (null == pageableRequest || pageableRequest.getPageable() == null ||
            pageableRequest.getPageable().getPageSize() < 0) {
        return invocation.proceed();

    Connection connection = executor.getTransaction().getConnection();

    DbType dbType = this.dbType == null ? JdbcUtils.getDbType(connection) : this.dbType;
    DbDialect dialect = Optional.ofNullable(this.dbDialect).orElseGet(() -> JdbcUtils.getDialect(dbType));

    // 针对定义了rowBounds,做为mapper接口方法的参数
    BoundSql boundSql = mappedStatement.getBoundSql(parameterObject);
    String originalSql = boundSql.getSql();

    // 查询总记录数
    long total = 0;
    if (pageableRequest.isQueryTotalCount()) {
        String countSql = dialect.buildCountSql(boundSql.getSql());

        total = this.queryTotal(countSql, mappedStatement, boundSql, connection);

        if (total <= 0) {
            return null;

    Pageable pageable = pageableRequest.getPageable();
    String buildSql = concatOrderBy(originalSql, pageable);
    String paginationSql = dialect.buildPaginationSql(buildSql, pageable.getOffset(), pageable.getPageSize());

    BoundSql newBs = MyBatisUtils.copyFromBoundSql(mappedStatement, boundSql, paginationSql, parameterObject);
    MappedStatement newMs = MyBatisUtils.copyFromMappedStatement(mappedStatement, new BoundSqlSqlSource(newBs));
    args[ROWBOUNDS_INDEX] = RowBounds.DEFAULT;

    Object result = invocation.proceed();
    pageableRequest.setRecords((List) result);
    return result;