Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From beast-mcmc with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 6 votes vote down vote up
public static double det(DenseMatrix64F mat) {
    int numCol = mat.getNumCols();
    int numRow = mat.getNumRows();
    if (numCol != numRow) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must be a square matrix.");
    } else if (numCol <= 6) {
        return numCol >= 2 ? UnrolledDeterminantFromMinor.det(mat) : mat.get(0);
    } else {
        LUDecompositionAlt_D64 alg = new LUDecompositionAlt_D64();
        if (alg.inputModified()) {
            mat = mat.copy();

        return !alg.decompose(mat) ? 0.0D : alg.computeDeterminant().real;
Example 2
Source File:    From beast-mcmc with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 6 votes vote down vote up
public static double invertAndGetDeterminant(DenseMatrix64F mat, DenseMatrix64F result, boolean log) {

        final int numCol = mat.getNumCols();
        final int numRow = mat.getNumRows();
        if (numCol != numRow) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must be a square matrix.");

        if (numCol <= 5) {

            if (numCol >= 2) {
                UnrolledInverseFromMinor.inv(mat, result);
            } else {
                result.set(0, 1.0D / mat.get(0));

            double det = numCol >= 2 ?
                    UnrolledDeterminantFromMinor.det(mat) :
            return log ? Math.log(det) : det;

        } else {

            LUDecompositionAlt_D64 alg = new LUDecompositionAlt_D64();
            LinearSolverLu_D64 solver = new LinearSolverLu_D64(alg);
            if (solver.modifiesA()) {
                mat = mat.copy();

            if (!solver.setA(mat)) {
                return Double.NaN;


            return log ? computeLogDeterminant(alg) : alg.computeDeterminant().real;

Example 3
Source File:    From beast-mcmc with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 6 votes vote down vote up
public DenseMatrix64F getGradientVarianceWrtVariance(NodeRef node,
                                                     ContinuousDiffusionIntegrator cdi,
                                                     ContinuousDataLikelihoodDelegate likelihoodDelegate,
                                                     DenseMatrix64F gradient) {
    if (tree.isRoot(node)) {
        return super.getGradientVarianceWrtVariance(node, cdi, likelihoodDelegate, gradient);
    } else {
        DenseMatrix64F result = gradient.copy();
        if (hasDiagonalActualization()) {
            actualizeGradientDiagonal(cdi, node.getNumber(), result);
        } else {
            actualizeGradient(cdi, node.getNumber(), result);
        return result;
Example 4
Source File:    From beast-mcmc with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
private DenseMatrix64F scaleGradient(double scalar, DenseMatrix64F gradient) {
    DenseMatrix64F result = gradient.copy();
    if (scalar == 0.0) {
        CommonOps.fill(result, 0.0);
    } else {
        CommonOps.scale(scalar, result);
    return result;
Example 5
Source File:    From beast-mcmc with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
DenseMatrix64F getGradientDisplacementWrtDrift(NodeRef node,
                                               ContinuousDiffusionIntegrator cdi,
                                               ContinuousDataLikelihoodDelegate likelihoodDelegate,
                                               DenseMatrix64F gradient) {
    DenseMatrix64F result = gradient.copy();
    if (hasDiagonalActualization()) {
        actualizeDisplacementGradientDiagonal(cdi, node.getNumber(), result);
    } else {
        actualizeDisplacementGradient(cdi, node.getNumber(), result);
    return result;
Example 6
Source File:    From java-timeseries with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
private KalmanOutput filter() {

        int n = 0;
        double f;
        predictionError[0] = y[0];
        // f[t] is always the first element of the first column of the predicted covariance matrix,
        // because f[t] = Z * M, where Z is a row vector with a 1 in the first (index 0) position and zeros elsewhere,
        // and M is the first column of the predicted covariance matrix.
        mult(Z, predictedStateCovariance, ZP);
        transpose(Z, Zt);
        predictionErrorVariance[0] = dot(ZP, Zt);
        f = predictionErrorVariance[0];

        double ssq = 0.0;
        double sumlog = 0.0;
        if (f < 1E4) {
            ssq = ((predictionError[0] * predictionError[0]) / f);
            sumlog = log(f);

        // Initialize filteredState.
        DenseMatrix64F newInfo = new DenseMatrix64F(rd, 1, true, new double[rd]);
        transpose(ZP, newInfo);
        divide(newInfo, f);
        PZtf = newInfo.copy();
        scale(predictionError[0], newInfo);
        add(predictedState, newInfo, filteredState);

        // Initialize filteredCovariance.
        final RowD1Matrix64F adjustedPredictionCovariance = new DenseMatrix64F(rd, rd);
        mult(PZtf, Z, PZtfZ);
        mult(PZtfZ, predictedStateCovariance, adjustedPredictionCovariance);
        //multOuter(predictedCovarianceFirstColumn, adjustedPredictionCovariance);
        //divide(adjustedPredictionCovariance, predictionErrorVariance[0]);
        subtract(predictedStateCovariance, adjustedPredictionCovariance, filteredStateCovariance);

        final RowD1Matrix64F filteredCovarianceTransition = new DenseMatrix64F(rd, rd);
        final RowD1Matrix64F stateCovarianceTransition = new DenseMatrix64F(rd, rd);
        final DenseMatrix64F transitionTranspose = transitionMatrix.copy();

        predictionError[0] /= Math.sqrt(f);

        for (int t = 1; t < y.length; t++) {

            // Update predicted mean of the state vector.
            mult(transitionMatrix, filteredState, predictedState);

            // Update predicted covariance of the state vector.
            mult(transitionMatrix, filteredStateCovariance, filteredCovarianceTransition);
            mult(filteredCovarianceTransition, transitionTranspose, stateCovarianceTransition);
            add(stateCovarianceTransition, stateDisturbance, predictedStateCovariance);

            predictionError[t] = y[t] - dot(Z, predictedState);
            mult(Z, predictedStateCovariance, ZP);
            predictionErrorVariance[t] = dot(ZP, Zt);
            f = predictionErrorVariance[t];
            if (f < 1E4) {
                ssq += ((predictionError[t] * predictionError[t]) / f);
                sumlog += log(f);

            // Update filteredState.
            transpose(ZP, newInfo);
            //mult(predictedStateCovariance, Zt, newInfo);
            divide(newInfo, f);
            PZtf = newInfo.copy();
            scale(predictionError[t], newInfo);
            add(predictedState, newInfo, filteredState);

            // Update filteredCovariance.
            mult(PZtf, Z, PZtfZ);
            mult(PZtfZ, predictedStateCovariance, adjustedPredictionCovariance);
            //multOuter(predictedCovarianceFirstColumn, adjustedPredictionCovariance);
            //divide(adjustedPredictionCovariance, predictionErrorVariance[0]);
            subtract(predictedStateCovariance, adjustedPredictionCovariance, filteredStateCovariance);

            predictionError[t] /= Math.sqrt(f);
        return new KalmanOutput(n, ssq, sumlog, predictionError);