Java Code Examples for io.atomix.protocols.raft.protocol.AppendResponse#succeeded()

The following examples show how to use io.atomix.protocols.raft.protocol.AppendResponse#succeeded() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From atomix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Handles a {@link RaftResponse.Status#OK} response.
protected void handleAppendResponseOk(RaftMemberContext member, AppendRequest request, AppendResponse response) {
  // Reset the member failure count and update the member's availability status if necessary.

  // If replication succeeded then trigger commit futures.
  if (response.succeeded()) {
    updateMatchIndex(member, response);

    // If there are more entries to send then attempt to send another commit.
    if (request.prevLogIndex() != response.lastLogIndex() && hasMoreEntries(member)) {
  // If we've received a greater term, update the term and transition back to follower.
  else if (response.term() > raft.getTerm()) {
  // If the response failed, the follower should have provided the correct last index in their log. This helps
  // us converge on the matchIndex faster than by simply decrementing nextIndex one index at a time.
  else {
    resetMatchIndex(member, response);
    resetNextIndex(member, response);
    resetSnapshotIndex(member, response);

    // If there are more entries to send then attempt to send another commit.
    if (response.lastLogIndex() != request.prevLogIndex() && hasMoreEntries(member)) {
Example 2
Source File:    From atomix with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected void handleAppendResponseOk(RaftMemberContext member, AppendRequest request, AppendResponse response) {
  // Reset the member failure count and update the member's availability status if necessary.

  // If replication succeeded then trigger commit futures.
  if (response.succeeded()) {
    updateMatchIndex(member, response);

    // If entries were committed to the replica then check commit indexes.
    if (!request.entries().isEmpty()) {

    // If there are more entries to send then attempt to send another commit.
    if (hasMoreEntries(member)) {
  // If we've received a greater term, update the term and transition back to follower.
  else if (response.term() > raft.getTerm()) {
  // If the response failed, the follower should have provided the correct last index in their log. This helps
  // us converge on the matchIndex faster than by simply decrementing nextIndex one index at a time.
  else {
    resetMatchIndex(member, response);
    resetNextIndex(member, response);
    resetSnapshotIndex(member, response);

    // If there are more entries to send then attempt to send another commit.
    if (hasMoreEntries(member)) {