Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From GregTech with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void generate(Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ, World world, IChunkGenerator chunkGenerator, IChunkProvider chunkProvider) {
    if (ConfigHolder.abandonedBaseRarity == 0 ||
        world.getWorldType() == WorldType.FLAT ||
        world.provider.getDimensionType() != DimensionType.OVERWORLD ||
        !world.getWorldInfo().isMapFeaturesEnabled()) {
        return; //do not generate in flat worlds, or in non-surface worlds
    BlockPos randomPos = new BlockPos(chunkX * 16 + 8, 0, chunkZ * 16 + 8);

    if (random.nextInt(ConfigHolder.abandonedBaseRarity) == 0) {
        int variantNumber = random.nextInt(3);
        Rotation rotation = Rotation.values()[random.nextInt(Rotation.values().length)];
        ResourceLocation templateId = new ResourceLocation(GTValues.MODID, "abandoned_base/abandoned_base_1_" + variantNumber);
        Template template = TemplateManager.getBuiltinTemplate(world, templateId);
        BlockPos originPos = template.getZeroPositionWithTransform(randomPos, Mirror.NONE, rotation);
        originPos = TemplateManager.calculateAverageGroundLevel(world, originPos, template.getSize());
        template.addBlocksToWorld(world, originPos, new PlacementSettings().setRotation(rotation));
Example 2
Source File:    From YUNoMakeGoodMap with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void generate(World world, BlockPos pos)
    PlacementSettings settings = new PlacementSettings();
    Template temp = null;
    String suffix = world.provider.getDimensionType().getSuffix();
    String opts = world.getWorldInfo().getGeneratorOptions() + suffix;

    if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(opts))
        temp = StructureUtil.loadTemplate(new ResourceLocation(opts), (WorldServer)world, true);
    if (temp == null)
        temp = StructureUtil.loadTemplate(new ResourceLocation("/config/", this.fileName + suffix), (WorldServer)world, !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(suffix));
    if (temp == null)
        return; //If we're not in the overworld, and we don't have a template...

    BlockPos spawn = StructureUtil.findSpawn(temp, settings);
    if (spawn != null)
        pos = pos.subtract(spawn);

    temp.addBlocksToWorld(world, pos, settings, 0); //Push to world, with no neighbor notifications!
    world.getPendingBlockUpdates(new StructureBoundingBox(pos, pos.add(temp.getSize())), true); //Remove block updates, so that sand doesn't fall!
Example 3
Source File:    From YUNoMakeGoodMap with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void execute(MinecraftServer server, ICommandSender sender, String[] args) throws CommandException
    if (args.length != 2)
        throw new WrongUsageException(getUsage(sender));

    EntityPlayer player = getPlayer(server, sender, args[1]);

    if (player != null)
        PlacementSettings settings = new PlacementSettings();
        WorldServer world = (WorldServer) sender.getEntityWorld();

        int platformNumber = SpawnPlatformSavedData.get(world).addAndGetPlatformNumber();
        BlockPos pos = getPositionOfPlatform(world, platformNumber);

        Template temp = StructureUtil.loadTemplate(new ResourceLocation(args[0]), world, true);
        BlockPos spawn = StructureUtil.findSpawn(temp, settings);
        spawn = spawn == null ? pos : spawn.add(pos);

        sender.sendMessage(new TextComponentString("Building \"" + args[0] + "\" at " + pos.toString()));
        temp.addBlocksToWorld(world, pos, settings, 2); //Push to world, with no neighbor notifications!
        world.getPendingBlockUpdates(new StructureBoundingBox(pos, pos.add(temp.getSize())), true); //Remove block updates, so that sand doesn't fall!

        if (player instanceof EntityPlayerMP) {
            ((EntityPlayerMP) player).setPositionAndUpdate(spawn.getX() + 0.5, spawn.getY() + 1.6, spawn.getZ() + 0.5);

        player.setSpawnChunk(spawn, true, world.provider.getDimension());
        throw new WrongUsageException(getUsage(sender));
Example 4
Source File:    From YUNoMakeGoodMap with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void execute(MinecraftServer server, ICommandSender sender, String[] args) throws CommandException
    if (args.length < 1)
        throw new WrongUsageException(getUsage(sender));

    String cmd = args[0].toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
    if ("list".equals(cmd))
        sender.sendMessage(new TextComponentString("Known Platforms:"));
        for (ResourceLocation rl : getPlatforms())
            sender.sendMessage(new TextComponentString("  " + rl.toString()));
    else if ("spawn".equals(cmd) || "preview".equals(cmd))
        if (args.length < 2)
            throw new WrongUsageException(getUsage(sender));

        Entity ent = sender.getCommandSenderEntity();
        PlacementSettings settings = new PlacementSettings();
        WorldServer world = (WorldServer)sender.getEntityWorld();

        if (args.length >= 3)
            //TODO: Preview doesnt quite work correctly with rotations....
            String rot = args[2].toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
            if ("0".equals(rot) || "none".equals(rot))
            else if ("90".equals(rot))
            else if ("180".equals(rot))
            else if ("270".equals(rot))
                throw new WrongUsageException("Only rotations none, 0, 90, 180, and 270 allowed.");

        BlockPos pos;
        if (args.length >= 6)
            pos = CommandBase.parseBlockPos(sender, args, 3, false);
        else if (ent != null)
            pos = ent.getPosition();
            throw new WrongUsageException("Must specify a position if the command sender is not an entity");

        Template temp = StructureUtil.loadTemplate(new ResourceLocation(args[1]), world, true);

        BlockPos spawn = StructureUtil.findSpawn(temp, settings);
        if (spawn != null)
            pos = pos.subtract(spawn);

        if ("spawn".equals(cmd))
            sender.sendMessage(new TextComponentString("Building \"" + args[1] +"\" at " + pos.toString()));
            temp.addBlocksToWorld(world, pos, settings, 2); //Push to world, with no neighbor notifications!
            world.getPendingBlockUpdates(new StructureBoundingBox(pos, pos.add(temp.getSize())), true); //Remove block updates, so that sand doesn't fall!
            BlockPos tpos = pos.down();
            if (spawn != null)
                tpos = tpos.add(spawn);
            sender.sendMessage(new TextComponentString("Previewing \"" + args[1] +"\" at " + pos.toString()));
            world.setBlockState(tpos, Blocks.STRUCTURE_BLOCK.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockStructure.MODE, TileEntityStructure.Mode.LOAD));
            TileEntityStructure te = (TileEntityStructure)world.getTileEntity(tpos);
            if (spawn != null)
        throw new WrongUsageException(getUsage(sender));