Java Code Examples for

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Example 1
Source File:    From ovsdb with Eclipse Public License 1.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Create the {@link ControllerEntry} list given an MDSAL {@link Node} bridge
 * and {@link Controller} rows.
 * @param bridgeNode the {@link Node} to update
 * @param updatedControllerRows the list of {@link Controller} controllers with updates
 * @return list of {@link ControllerEntry} entries
public static List<ControllerEntry> createControllerEntries(final Node bridgeNode,
                                                            final Map<UUID, Controller> updatedControllerRows) {

    LOG.debug("createControllerEntries Bridge 2: {}\n, updatedControllerRows: {}",
            bridgeNode, updatedControllerRows);
    final List<ControllerEntry> controllerEntriesCreated = new ArrayList<>();
    final OvsdbBridgeAugmentation ovsdbBridgeAugmentation =
    if (ovsdbBridgeAugmentation == null) {
        return controllerEntriesCreated;

    final Map<ControllerEntryKey, ControllerEntry> controllerEntries = ovsdbBridgeAugmentation.getControllerEntry();
    if (controllerEntries != null) {
        for (ControllerEntry controllerEntry : controllerEntries.values()) {
            final Controller controller = updatedControllerRows.get(
                    new UUID(controllerEntry.getControllerUuid().getValue()));
            addControllerEntries(controllerEntriesCreated, controller);
    LOG.debug("controllerEntries: {}", controllerEntriesCreated);
    return controllerEntriesCreated;
Example 2
Source File:    From ovsdb with Eclipse Public License 1.0 6 votes vote down vote up
// FIXME: non-static for implementation internals mocking
private Optional<InstanceIdentifier<Node>> getTerminationPointBridge(
        final ReadWriteTransaction transaction, Node node, String tpName) {
    OvsdbNodeAugmentation ovsdbNode = node.augmentation(OvsdbNodeAugmentation.class);
    Map<ManagedNodeEntryKey, ManagedNodeEntry> managedNodes = ovsdbNode.nonnullManagedNodeEntry();
    TpId tpId = new TpId(tpName);

    for (ManagedNodeEntry managedNodeEntry : managedNodes.values()) {
        Optional<Node> optManagedNode = SouthboundUtil.readNode(transaction,
        if (optManagedNode.isPresent()) {
            Node managedNode = optManagedNode.get();
            Map<TerminationPointKey, TerminationPoint> tpEntrys = managedNode.getTerminationPoint();
            if (tpEntrys != null) {
                TerminationPoint tpEntry = tpEntrys.get(new TerminationPointKey(tpId));
                if (tpEntry != null) {
                    return Optional.of((InstanceIdentifier<Node>) managedNodeEntry.getBridgeRef().getValue());

    return Optional.empty();
Example 3
Source File:    From ovsdb with Eclipse Public License 1.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private InstanceIdentifier<?> getManagedByIid(Map<InstanceIdentifier<?>, DataObject> map,
        InstanceIdentifier<?> iidToCheck) {
    // Get the InstanceIdentifier of the containing node
    InstanceIdentifier<Node> nodeEntryIid = iidToCheck.firstIdentifierOf(Node.class);

    // Look for the Node in the created/updated data
    DataObject dataObject = null;
    if (map != null && map.get(nodeEntryIid) != null) {
        dataObject = map.get(nodeEntryIid);
    // If we are contained in a bridge managed by this iid
    if (dataObject != null && dataObject instanceof Node) {
        Node node = (Node)dataObject;
        OvsdbBridgeAugmentation bridge = node.augmentation(OvsdbBridgeAugmentation.class);
        if (bridge != null && bridge.getManagedBy() != null && bridge.getManagedBy().getValue().equals(this.iid)) {
            return bridge.getManagedBy().getValue();
    return null;
Example 4
Source File:    From ovsdb with Eclipse Public License 1.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private static Map<InstanceIdentifier<Node>, PhysicalSwitchAugmentation> extractUpdatedSwitches(
        final Collection<DataTreeModification<Node>> changes, final Class<PhysicalSwitchAugmentation> class1) {
    Map<InstanceIdentifier<Node>, PhysicalSwitchAugmentation> result = new HashMap<>();
    if (changes != null && !changes.isEmpty()) {
        for (DataTreeModification<Node> change : changes) {
            final InstanceIdentifier<Node> key = change.getRootPath().getRootIdentifier();
            final DataObjectModification<Node> mod = change.getRootNode();
            Node updated = TransactUtils.getUpdated(mod);
            if (updated != null) {
                PhysicalSwitchAugmentation physicalSwitch =
                if (physicalSwitch != null) {
                    result.put(key, physicalSwitch);
    return result;
Example 5
Source File:    From bgpcep with Eclipse Public License 1.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Display to stream operational state, rib Id is mandatory.
 * @param dataBroker data broker
 * @param stream     where to print
 * @param topologyId mandatory, Topology where Node pertains
 * @param nodeId     mandatory, State per given Node Id will be printed
public static void displayNodeState(@NonNull final DataBroker dataBroker,
        @NonNull final PrintStream stream, @NonNull final String topologyId, @NonNull final String nodeId) {
    final Node node = readNodeFromDataStore(dataBroker, topologyId, nodeId);
    if (node == null) {
        stream.println(String.format("Node [%s] not found", nodeId));
    final PcepTopologyNodeStatsAug state = node.augmentation(PcepTopologyNodeStatsAug.class);
    if (state == null) {
        stream.println(String.format("State not found for [%s]", nodeId));
    final PcepSessionState nodeState = state.getPcepSessionState();
    displayNodeState(topologyId, nodeId, nodeState, stream);
Example 6
Source File:    From ovsdb with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void updateConnections(Collection<DataTreeModification<Node>> changes) {
    for (DataTreeModification<Node> change : changes) {
        final InstanceIdentifier<Node> key = change.getRootPath().getRootIdentifier();
        final DataObjectModification<Node> mod = change.getRootNode();
        Node updated = getUpdated(mod);
        if (updated != null) {
            Node original = getOriginal(mod);
            HwvtepGlobalAugmentation hgUpdated = updated.augmentation(HwvtepGlobalAugmentation.class);
            HwvtepGlobalAugmentation hgOriginal = original.augmentation(HwvtepGlobalAugmentation.class);
            // Check if user has updated connection information
            if (hgUpdated != null && hgOriginal != null && hgUpdated.getConnectionInfo() != null
                            && !hgUpdated.getConnectionInfo().equals(hgOriginal.getConnectionInfo())) {
                OvsdbClient client = hcm.getClient(hgUpdated.getConnectionInfo());
                if (client == null) {
                    try {
                        hcm.stopConnectionReconciliationIfActive(key, hgOriginal);
                        OvsdbClient newClient = hcm.connect(key, hgUpdated);
                        if (newClient == null) {
                            hcm.reconcileConnection(key, hgUpdated);
                    } catch (UnknownHostException | ConnectException e) {
                        LOG.warn("Failed to update connection on HWVTEP Node", e);
Example 7
Source File:    From ovsdb with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public OvsdbBridgeAugmentation getBridgeFromConfig(Node node, String bridge) {
    OvsdbBridgeAugmentation ovsdbBridgeAugmentation = null;
    InstanceIdentifier<Node> bridgeIid =
            createInstanceIdentifier(node.key(), bridge);
    Node bridgeNode =, bridgeIid);
    if (bridgeNode != null) {
        ovsdbBridgeAugmentation = bridgeNode.augmentation(OvsdbBridgeAugmentation.class);
    return ovsdbBridgeAugmentation;
Example 8
Source File:    From ovsdb with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public OvsdbTerminationPointAugmentation extractTerminationPointAugmentation(Node bridgeNode, String portName) {
    if (bridgeNode.augmentation(OvsdbBridgeAugmentation.class) != null) {
        List<OvsdbTerminationPointAugmentation> tpAugmentations = extractTerminationPointAugmentations(bridgeNode);
        for (OvsdbTerminationPointAugmentation ovsdbTerminationPointAugmentation : tpAugmentations) {
            if (ovsdbTerminationPointAugmentation.getName().equals(portName)) {
                return ovsdbTerminationPointAugmentation;
    return null;
Example 9
Source File:    From ovsdb with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void execute(ReadWriteTransaction transaction) {
    FluentFuture<Optional<Node>> hwvtepGlobalFuture =
            LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, nodeInstanceIdentifier);
    try {
        Optional<Node> hwvtepGlobalOptional = hwvtepGlobalFuture.get();
        if (hwvtepGlobalOptional.isPresent()) {
            Node hwvtepNode = hwvtepGlobalOptional.get();
            HwvtepGlobalAugmentation hgAugmentation = hwvtepNode.augmentation(HwvtepGlobalAugmentation.class);
            if (checkIfOnlyConnectedManager(hgAugmentation)) {
                if (hgAugmentation != null) {
                    Map<SwitchesKey, Switches> switches = hgAugmentation.getSwitches();
                    if (switches != null) {
                        for (Switches hwSwitch : switches.values()) {
                            LOG.debug("Deleting hwvtep switch {}", hwSwitch);
                                    LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, hwSwitch.getSwitchRef().getValue());
                    } else {
                        LOG.debug("{} had no switches", hwvtepNode.getNodeId().getValue());
                } else {
                    LOG.warn("{} had no HwvtepGlobalAugmentation", hwvtepNode.getNodeId().getValue());
                transaction.delete(LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, nodeInstanceIdentifier);
            } else {
                LOG.debug("Other southbound plugin instances in cluster are connected to the device,"
                        + " not deleting OvsdbNode form data store.");
    } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
        LOG.warn("Failure to delete ovsdbNode", e);
Example 10
Source File:    From ovsdb with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
static HwvtepGlobalAugmentationBuilder augmentationFromNode(final Node node) {
    if (node == null) {
        return new HwvtepGlobalAugmentationBuilder();
    HwvtepGlobalAugmentation src = node.augmentation(HwvtepGlobalAugmentation.class);
    HwvtepGlobalAugmentationBuilder builder = new HwvtepGlobalAugmentationBuilder();
    if (src != null) {
    return builder;
Example 11
Source File:    From ovsdb with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
static List<LocalUcastMacs> getLocalUcastMacsToBeRemoved(final Node opNode, final Set<String> removedSwitchNames) {
    if (opNode == null || opNode.augmentation(HwvtepGlobalAugmentation.class) == null) {
        return null;
    Map<LocalUcastMacsKey, LocalUcastMacs> localUcastMacs = opNode.augmentation(HwvtepGlobalAugmentation.class)
    if (localUcastMacs == null) {
        return null;
    return localUcastMacs.values().stream()
            .filter(mac -> removedSwitchNames.contains(
Example 12
Source File:    From ovsdb with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public OvsdbConnectionInstance getConnectionInstance(final Node node) {
    OvsdbNodeAugmentation ovsdbNode = node.augmentation(OvsdbNodeAugmentation.class);
    OvsdbBridgeAugmentation ovsdbManagedNode = node.augmentation(OvsdbBridgeAugmentation.class);
    if (ovsdbNode != null) {
        return getConnectionInstance(ovsdbNode.getConnectionInfo());
    } else if (ovsdbManagedNode != null) {
        return getConnectionInstance(ovsdbManagedNode);
    } else {
        LOG.warn("This is not a node that gives any hint how to find its OVSDB Manager: {}",node);
        return null;
Example 13
Source File:    From ovsdb with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private InstanceIdentifier<?> getManagedByIidFromOperDS(InstanceIdentifier<?> bridgeIid) {
    // Get the InstanceIdentifier of the containing node
    InstanceIdentifier<Node> nodeEntryIid = bridgeIid.firstIdentifierOf(Node.class);

    Optional<?> bridgeNode =  SouthboundUtil.readNode(db.newReadWriteTransaction(),nodeEntryIid);
    if (bridgeNode.isPresent() && bridgeNode.get() instanceof Node) {
        Node node = (Node)bridgeNode.get();
        OvsdbBridgeAugmentation bridge = node.augmentation(OvsdbBridgeAugmentation.class);
        if (bridge != null && bridge.getManagedBy() != null) {
            return bridge.getManagedBy().getValue();
    return null;
Example 14
Source File:    From ovsdb with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
static List<LocalMcastMacs> getLocalMcastMacsToBeRemoved(final Node opNode, final Set<String> removedSwitchNames) {
    if (opNode == null || opNode.augmentation(HwvtepGlobalAugmentation.class) == null) {
        return null;
    Map<LocalMcastMacsKey, LocalMcastMacs> localMcastMacs = opNode.augmentation(HwvtepGlobalAugmentation.class)
    if (localMcastMacs == null) {
        return null;
    return localMcastMacs.values().stream()
            .filter(mac -> removedSwitchNames.contains(
Example 15
Source File:    From ovsdb with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public HwvtepOperationalState(final DataBroker db,
                              final HwvtepConnectionInstance connectionInstance,
                              final Collection<DataTreeModification<Node>> changes,
                              final Node globalOperNode,
                              final Node psNode) {
    this(db, connectionInstance, changes);
    operationalNodes.put(connectionInstance.getInstanceIdentifier(), globalOperNode);
    HwvtepGlobalAugmentation globalAugmentation = globalOperNode.augmentation(HwvtepGlobalAugmentation.class);
    if (globalAugmentation != null) {
        if (!HwvtepSouthboundUtil.isEmptyMap(globalAugmentation.getSwitches())) {
                    globalAugmentation.getSwitches().values().iterator().next().getSwitchRef().getValue(), psNode);
Example 16
Source File:    From ovsdb with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private InstanceIdentifier<Queues> getQueueIid(UUID queueUuid, Node ovsdbNode) {
    Queue queue = getQueue(queueUuid);
    if (queue != null && queue.getExternalIdsColumn() != null
            && queue.getExternalIdsColumn().getData() != null
            && queue.getExternalIdsColumn().getData().containsKey(SouthboundConstants.IID_EXTERNAL_ID_KEY)) {
        return (InstanceIdentifier<Queues>) instanceIdentifierCodec.bindingDeserializerOrNull(
    } else {
        OvsdbNodeAugmentation node = ovsdbNode.augmentation(OvsdbNodeAugmentation.class);
        Map<QueuesKey, Queues> queues = node.getQueues();
        if (queues != null) {
            final Uuid uuid = new Uuid(queueUuid.toString());
            for (Queues q : queues.values()) {
                if (uuid.equals(q.getQueueUuid())) {
                    return SouthboundMapper.createInstanceIdentifier(ovsdbNode.getNodeId())
                            .child(Queues.class, q.key());
        LOG.debug("A Queue with UUID {} was not found in Ovsdb Node {}", queueUuid, node);
        return SouthboundMapper.createInstanceIdentifier(ovsdbNode.getNodeId())
                .child(Queues.class, new QueuesKey(
                        new Uri(SouthboundConstants.QUEUE_URI_PREFIX + "://" + queueUuid.toString())));
Example 17
Source File:    From ovsdb with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static Optional<HwvtepGlobalAugmentation> getManagingNode(DataBroker db, HwvtepGlobalRef ref) {
    try {
        // Note: erasure makes this safe in combination with the typecheck
        // below
        InstanceIdentifier<Node> path = (InstanceIdentifier<Node>) ref.getValue();

        Optional<Node> optional = new MdsalUtils(db).readOptional(LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, path);
        if (optional != null && optional.isPresent()) {
            HwvtepGlobalAugmentation hwvtepNode = null;
            Node node = optional.get();
            if (node instanceof HwvtepGlobalAugmentation) {
                hwvtepNode = (HwvtepGlobalAugmentation) node;
            } else if (node != null) {
                hwvtepNode = node.augmentation(HwvtepGlobalAugmentation.class);
            if (hwvtepNode != null) {
                return Optional.of(hwvtepNode);
            } else {
                LOG.warn("Hwvtep switch claims to be managed by {} but " + "that HwvtepNode does not exist",
                return Optional.empty();
        } else {
            LOG.warn("Mysteriously got back a thing which is *not* a topology Node: {}", optional);
            return Optional.empty();
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        LOG.warn("Failed to get HwvtepNode {}", ref, e);
        return Optional.empty();
Example 18
Source File:    From ovsdb with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private Map<OvsdbConnectionInstance, Collection<DataTreeModification<Node>>> changesPerConnectionInstance(
        @NonNull Collection<DataTreeModification<Node>> changes) {
    Map<OvsdbConnectionInstance, Collection<DataTreeModification<Node>>> result = new HashMap<>();
    for (DataTreeModification<Node> change : changes) {
        OvsdbConnectionInstance client = null;
        Node dataAfter = change.getRootNode().getDataAfter();
        Node node =  dataAfter != null ? dataAfter : change.getRootNode().getDataBefore();
        if (node != null) {
            OvsdbNodeAugmentation ovsdbNode = node.augmentation(OvsdbNodeAugmentation.class);
            if (ovsdbNode != null) {
                if (ovsdbNode.getConnectionInfo() != null) {
                    client = cm.getConnectionInstance(ovsdbNode.getConnectionInfo());
                } else {
                    client = cm.getConnectionInstance(SouthboundMapper.createInstanceIdentifier(node.getNodeId()));
            } else {
                OvsdbBridgeAugmentation bridgeAugmentation = node.augmentation(OvsdbBridgeAugmentation.class);
                if (bridgeAugmentation != null) {
                    OvsdbNodeRef managedBy = bridgeAugmentation.getManagedBy();
                    if (managedBy != null) {
                        client = cm.getConnectionInstance((InstanceIdentifier<Node>) managedBy.getValue());

            if (client == null) {
                //Try getting from change root identifier
                client = cm.getConnectionInstance(change.getRootPath().getRootIdentifier());
        } else {
            LOG.warn("Following change don't have after/before data {}", change);
        if (client != null) {
            LOG.debug("Found client for {}", node);
                 * As of now data change sets are processed by single thread, so we can assume that device will
                 * be connected and ownership will be decided before sending any instructions down to the device.
                 * Note:Processing order in onDataChange() method should not change. If processing is changed to
                 * use multiple thread, we might need to take care of corner cases, where ownership is not decided
                 * but transaction are ready to go to switch. In that scenario, either we need to queue those task
                 * till ownership is decided for that specific device.
                 * Given that each DataChangeNotification is notified through separate thread, so we are already
                 * multi threaded and i don't see any need to further parallelism per DataChange
                 * notifications processing.
            if (cm.getHasDeviceOwnership(client.getMDConnectionInfo())) {
                LOG.debug("*This* instance of southbound plugin is an owner of the device {}", node);
                result.computeIfAbsent(client, key -> new ArrayList<>()).add(change);
            } else {
                LOG.debug("*This* instance of southbound plugin is *not* an owner of the device {}", node);
        } else {
            LOG.debug("Did not find client for {}", node);

    return result;
Example 19
Source File:    From ovsdb with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public OvsdbBridgeAugmentation extractBridgeAugmentation(Node node) {
    if (node == null) {
        return null;
    return node.augmentation(OvsdbBridgeAugmentation.class);
Example 20
Source File:    From ovsdb with Eclipse Public License 1.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void updateQos(final ReadWriteTransaction transaction, final Node node,
                       InstanceIdentifier<TerminationPoint> tpPath, final Entry<UUID, Port> port,
                       final OvsdbTerminationPointAugmentationBuilder ovsdbTerminationPointBuilder) {
    if (port.getValue() == null) {
    Collection<UUID> qosUuidCol = port.getValue().getQosColumn().getData();
    if (!qosUuidCol.isEmpty()) {
        UUID qosUuid = qosUuidCol.iterator().next();

        NodeId nodeId = node.getNodeId();
        OvsdbNodeAugmentation ovsdbNode = node.augmentation(OvsdbNodeAugmentation.class);

        // Delete an older QoS entry
        if (portOldRows.containsKey(port.getKey()) && portOldRows.get(port.getKey()).getQosColumn() != null) {
            Collection<UUID> oldQos = portOldRows.get(port.getKey()).getQosColumn().getData();
            if (!oldQos.isEmpty()) {
                UUID oldQosUuid = oldQos.iterator().next();
                if (!oldQosUuid.equals(qosUuid)) {
                    InstanceIdentifier<QosEntries> oldQosIid = getQosIid(nodeId, ovsdbNode, oldQosUuid);
                    if (oldQosIid != null) {
                        InstanceIdentifier<QosEntry> oldPortQosIid = tpPath
                                  new QosEntryKey(Long.valueOf(SouthboundConstants.PORT_QOS_LIST_KEY)));
                        transaction.delete(LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, oldPortQosIid);

        InstanceIdentifier<QosEntries> qosIid = getQosIid(nodeId, ovsdbNode, qosUuid);
        if (qosIid != null) {
            List<QosEntry> qosList = new ArrayList<>();
            OvsdbQosRef qosRef = new OvsdbQosRef(qosIid);
            qosList.add(new QosEntryBuilder()
                .withKey(new QosEntryKey(Long.valueOf(SouthboundConstants.PORT_QOS_LIST_KEY)))