Java Code Examples for android.view.accessibility.CaptioningManager.CaptionStyle#getTypeface()

The following examples show how to use android.view.accessibility.CaptioningManager.CaptionStyle#getTypeface() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From MediaSDK with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static CaptionStyleCompat createFromCaptionStyleV19(
    CaptionStyle captionStyle) {
  return new CaptionStyleCompat(
      captionStyle.foregroundColor, captionStyle.backgroundColor, Color.TRANSPARENT,
      captionStyle.edgeType, captionStyle.edgeColor, captionStyle.getTypeface());
Example 2
Source File:    From MediaSDK with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static CaptionStyleCompat createFromCaptionStyleV21(
    CaptionStyle captionStyle) {
  return new CaptionStyleCompat(
      captionStyle.hasForegroundColor() ? captionStyle.foregroundColor : DEFAULT.foregroundColor,
      captionStyle.hasBackgroundColor() ? captionStyle.backgroundColor : DEFAULT.backgroundColor,
      captionStyle.hasWindowColor() ? captionStyle.windowColor : DEFAULT.windowColor,
      captionStyle.hasEdgeType() ? captionStyle.edgeType : DEFAULT.edgeType,
      captionStyle.hasEdgeColor() ? captionStyle.edgeColor : DEFAULT.edgeColor,
Example 3
Source File:    From 365browser with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Converts from a platform CaptionStyle to a Chromium CaptioningStyle. In the case that null
 * is passed in, a CaptioningStyle that includes no settings is returned.
 * This is safe to call on KitKat.
 * KitKat CaptionStyle supported neither windowColor nor a few enum values of edgeType.
 * @param captionStyle an Android platform CaptionStyle object
 * @return a Chromium CaptioningStyle object
public static CaptioningStyle createFrom(CaptionStyle captionStyle) {
    if (captionStyle == null) {
        return new CaptioningStyle(null, null, null, null, null, null);

    Integer backgroundColor = null;
    Integer edgeColor = null;
    Integer edgeType = null;
    Integer foregroundColor = null;
    Integer windowColor = null;
        if (captionStyle.hasBackgroundColor()) {
            backgroundColor = Integer.valueOf(captionStyle.backgroundColor);
        if (captionStyle.hasEdgeColor()) {
            edgeColor = Integer.valueOf(captionStyle.edgeColor);
        if (captionStyle.hasEdgeType()) {
            edgeType = Integer.valueOf(captionStyle.edgeType);
        if (captionStyle.hasForegroundColor()) {
            foregroundColor = Integer.valueOf(captionStyle.foregroundColor);
        if (captionStyle.hasWindowColor()) {
            windowColor = Integer.valueOf(captionStyle.windowColor);
    } else {
        backgroundColor = Integer.valueOf(captionStyle.backgroundColor);
        edgeColor = Integer.valueOf(captionStyle.edgeColor);
        edgeType = Integer.valueOf(captionStyle.edgeType);
        foregroundColor = Integer.valueOf(captionStyle.foregroundColor);

    return new CaptioningStyle(backgroundColor, edgeColor, edgeType, foregroundColor,
            windowColor, captionStyle.getTypeface());