@reduxjs/toolkit#nanoid JavaScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: server.js From Learning-Redux with MIT License | 4 votes |
new Server({
routes() {
this.namespace = 'fakeApi'
//this.timing = 2000
const server = this
this.post('/posts', function (schema, req) {
const data = this.normalizedRequestAttrs()
data.date = new Date().toISOString()
// Work around some odd behavior by Mirage that's causing an extra
// user entry to be created unexpectedly when we only supply a userId.
// It really want an entire Model passed in as data.user for some reason.
const user = schema.users.find(data.userId)
data.user = user
if (data.content === 'error') {
throw new Error('Could not save the post!')
const result = server.create('post', data)
return result
this.get('/posts/:postId/comments', (schema, req) => {
const post = schema.posts.find(req.params.postId)
return post.comments
this.get('/notifications', (schema, req) => {
const numNotifications = getRandomInt(1, 5)
let pastDate
const now = new Date()
if (req.queryParams.since) {
pastDate = parseISO(req.queryParams.since)
} else {
pastDate = new Date(now.valueOf())
pastDate.setMinutes(pastDate.getMinutes() - 15)
// Create N random notifications. We won't bother saving these
// in the DB - just generate a new batch and return them.
const notifications = [...Array(numNotifications)].map(() => {
const user = randomFromArray(schema.db.users)
const template = randomFromArray(notificationTemplates)
return {
id: nanoid(),
date: faker.date.between(pastDate, now).toISOString(),
message: template,
user: user.id,
read: false,
isNew: true,
return { notifications }
models: {
user: Model.extend({
posts: hasMany(),
post: Model.extend({
user: belongsTo(),
comments: hasMany(),
comment: Model.extend({
post: belongsTo(),
notification: Model.extend({}),
factories: {
user: Factory.extend({
id() {
return nanoid()
firstName() {
return faker.name.firstName()
lastName() {
return faker.name.lastName()
name() {
return faker.name.findName(this.firstName, this.lastName)
username() {
return faker.internet.userName(this.firstName, this.lastName)
afterCreate(user, server) {
server.createList('post', 3, { user })
post: Factory.extend({
id() {
return nanoid()
title() {
return sentence()
date() {
return faker.date.recent(7)
content() {
return article(1)
reactions() {
return {
thumbsUp: 0,
hooray: 0,
heart: 0,
rocket: 0,
eyes: 0,
afterCreate(post, server) {
//server.createList('comment', 3, { post })
user: association(),
comment: Factory.extend({
id() {
return nanoid()
date() {
return faker.date.past(2)
text() {
return paragraph()
post: association(),
serializers: {
user: IdSerializer,
post: IdSerializer,
comment: IdSerializer,
seeds(server) {
server.createList('user', 3)