date-fns#parseISO JavaScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: utils.js From lnft with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
canAccept = ({ type, artwork, created_at, accepted }, debug) => {
let $user = get(user);
if (accepted) return false;
let isOwner = ({ owner }) => $user && $ ===;
let underway = ({ auction_start: s, auction_end: e }) =>
e && isWithinInterval(new Date(), { start: parseISO(s), end: parseISO(e) });
return (
artwork &&
isCurrent(artwork, created_at, type) &&
isOwner(artwork) &&
Example #2
Source File: helpers.js From monsuivipsy with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
formatDateThread = (date) => {
const isoDate = parseISO(date);
if (isToday(isoDate)) {
return "Aujourd'hui";
} else if (isYesterday(isoDate)) {
return "Hier";
} else {
const formattedDate = format(isoDate, "EEEE d MMMM", { locale: fr });
return firstLetterUppercase(formattedDate);
Example #3
Source File: index.js From ftx-cli with MIT License | 6 votes |
function calculateMillisecondsUntilDate(date) {
const currentDate = new Date();
const scheduleDate = parseISO(date);
if (!isValid(scheduleDate)) {
return null;
if (isBefore(scheduleDate, currentDate)) {
return null;
return differenceInMilliseconds(scheduleDate, currentDate);
Example #4
Source File: request.js From ftx-cli with MIT License | 6 votes |
async function setServerTimeOffset(options) {
const startMilliseconds =;
const serverTime = await request(time.getServerTime(options));
const endMilliseconds =;
const serverMilliseconds = parseISO(serverTime).getTime();
serverTimeOffsetMilliseconds = calculateServerTimeOffset(
Example #5
Source File: Item.jsx From killed-by-microsoft with MIT License | 6 votes |
getYears() {
const { dateClose, dateOpen } = this.props;
const duration = formatDistance(parseISO(dateClose), parseISO(dateOpen));
if (this.isPast()) {
return ` It was ${duration} old.`;
return ` It will be ${duration} old.`;
Example #6
Source File: Item.jsx From killed-by-microsoft with MIT License | 6 votes |
ageRange(grave) {
const monthOpen = format(parseISO(grave.dateClose), 'LLLL');
const yearOpen = format(parseISO(grave.dateOpen), 'uuuu');
const yearClose = format(parseISO(grave.dateClose), 'uuuu');
if (!this.isPast()) {
const date = parseISO(grave.dateClose);
return (
<time dateTime={format(date, 'uuuu-LL-dd')}>
<br />
{format(date, 'uuuu')}
return (
<time dateTime={format(parseISO(grave.dateOpen), 'uuuu-LL-dd')}>
{' - '}
<time dateTime={format(parseISO(grave.dateClose), 'uuuu-LL-dd')}>
Example #7
Source File: monitor.js From lnft with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
isSpent = async ({ ins }, artwork_id) => {
try {
let { transactions } = await q(getLastTransaction, { artwork_id });
if (
!transactions.length ||
subMinutes(new Date(), 2)
) > 0
return false;
for (let i = 0; i < ins.length; i++) {
let { index, hash } = ins[i];
let txid = reverse(hash).toString("hex");
let { spent } = await electrs
if (spent) return true;
return false;
} catch (e) {
console.log("problem checking spent status", e);
return false;
Example #8
Source File: utils.js From lnft with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
underway = ({ auction_start: s, auction_end: e }) =>
e && isWithinInterval(new Date(), { start: parseISO(s), end: parseISO(e) })
Example #9
Source File: TransactionsTable.js From actual with MIT License | 6 votes |
function serializeTransaction(transaction, showZeroInDeposit, dateFormat) {
let { amount, date } = transaction;
if (isPreviewId( {
amount = getScheduledAmount(amount);
let debit = amount < 0 ? -amount : null;
let credit = amount > 0 ? amount : null;
if (amount === 0) {
if (showZeroInDeposit) {
credit = 0;
} else {
debit = 0;
// Validate the date format
if (!isDateValid(parseISO(date))) {
// Be a little forgiving if the date isn't valid. This at least
// stops the UI from crashing, but this is a serious problem with
// the data. This allows the user to go through and see empty
// dates and manually fix them.
date = null;
return {
debit: debit != null ? integerToCurrency(debit) : '',
credit: credit != null ? integerToCurrency(credit) : ''
Example #10
Source File: SimpleTransactionsTable.js From actual with MIT License | 6 votes |
function serializeTransaction(transaction, dateFormat) {
let { date } = transaction;
if (!isDateValid(parseISO(date))) {
date = null;
return {
date: date ? formatDate(parseISO(date), dateFormat) : null
Example #11
Source File: utils.js From lnft with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
isCurrent = ({ transferred_at: t }, created_at, type) =>
type === "bid" && (!t || compareAsc(parseISO(created_at), parseISO(t)) > 0)
Example #12
Source File: helpers.js From monsuivipsy with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
formatRelativeDate = (date) => {
const isoDate = parseISO(date);
if (isToday(isoDate)) {
return "aujourd'hui";
} else if (isYesterday(isoDate)) {
return "hier";
} else {
return format(isoDate, "EEEE d MMMM", { locale: fr });
Example #13
Source File: survey-data.js From monsuivipsy with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
alertNoDataYesterday = ({ date, diaryData, navigation }) => {
if (isToday(parseISO(date)) && !diaryData[formatDay(beforeToday(1))]) {
Alert.alert("Souhaitez-vous remplir votre questionnaire pour hier ?", "", [
text: "Oui, je le renseigne maintenant",
onPress: () => {
startAtFirstQuestion(formatDay(beforeToday(1)), navigation);
style: "default",
text: "Plus tard",
onPress: () => {
style: "cancel",
Example #14
Source File: index.jsx From stream-live-system with MIT License | 6 votes |
Listlive = ({ lives }) => {
return (
{, index) => (
<div className="card" key={index}>
<div className="uuid-live" data-label="UUID">{}</div>
<div className="title-live" data-label="TITLE">{live.title}</div>
<div className="date-live" data-label="DATE" >{ format(parseISO(live.created_at), 'dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm')}</div>
<div className="create-link-live effect-in" data-label="CREATE LIVE"> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href={`http://localhost:4000/broadcaster/${live.slug}`}>create live</a> </div>
<div className="invite-live effect-in" data-label="INVITE"> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href={`http://localhost:4000/viewer/${live.slug}`}>invite</a> </div>
<div className="status-live" data-label="STATUS">
<div className="circle-status-live" style={{ backgroundColor: live.status === 'pending' ? 'rgb(255, 208, 86)' : 'red' }}></div>
Example #15
Source File: RealtimeChart.js From umami with MIT License | 6 votes |
function mapData(data) {
let last = 0;
const arr = [];
data.reduce((obj, val) => {
const { created_at } = val;
const t = startOfMinute(parseISO(created_at));
if (t.getTime() > last) {
obj = { t: format(t, 'yyyy-LL-dd HH:mm:00'), y: 1 };
last = t;
} else {
obj.y += 1;
return obj;
}, {});
return arr;
Example #16
Source File: useDateRange.js From umami with MIT License | 6 votes |
export default function useDateRange(websiteId) {
const { locale } = useLocale();
const forceUpdate = useForceUpdate();
const selector = useCallback(state => state?.[websiteId]?.dateRange, [websiteId]);
const websiteDateRange = useStore(selector);
const defaultDateRange = useMemo(() => getDateRange(DEFAULT_DATE_RANGE, locale), [locale]);
const globalDefault = getItem(DATE_RANGE_CONFIG);
let globalDateRange;
if (globalDefault) {
if (typeof globalDefault === 'string') {
globalDateRange = getDateRange(globalDefault, locale);
} else if (typeof globalDefault === 'object') {
globalDateRange = {
startDate: parseISO(globalDefault.startDate),
endDate: parseISO(globalDefault.endDate),
function saveDateRange(dateRange) {
if (websiteId) {
setDateRange(websiteId, dateRange);
} else {
setItem(DATE_RANGE_CONFIG, dateRange);
return [websiteDateRange || globalDateRange || defaultDateRange, saveDateRange];
Example #17
Source File: date-time.js From with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
formatUtcToTimeZone = (dateString, formatString) =>
locale: getLocale(),
Example #18
Source File: date-time.js From with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
formatDate = (dateString) =>
format(parseISO(dateString.split('T')[0]), 'P', {
locale: getLocale(),
Example #19
Source File: wallet.js From lnft with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
isMultisig = ({ has_royalty, auction_end }) => {
return !!(
(auction_end && compareAsc(parseISO(auction_end), new Date()) > 0) ||
Example #20
Source File: index.jsx From stream-live-system with MIT License | 5 votes |
ContainerVideo = ({ videoRef, countViews, titleVideo, live }) => {
const isDone = live && live.status === 'done';
if (videoRef) {
.srcObject = videoRef;
return (
<div className="video">
<div className="responsive-video">
<div className="title-video">
? `${titleVideo} made in - ${
"dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm")}`
<div className="countViews">
? `Views ${ countViews }`
: ''
Example #21
Source File: artworks.js From lnft with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |"/transaction", auth, async (req, res) => {
try {
const { transaction } = req.body;
let { artworks } = await q(getTransactionArtwork, {
id: transaction.artwork_id,
let {
id: artwork_id,
} = artworks[0];
if (
bid &&
transaction.type === "bid" &&
transaction.amount < bid.amount + bid_increment &&
auction_end &&
compareAsc(parseISO(auction_end), new Date()) > 0
) {
throw new Error(
`Minimum bid is ${((bid.amount + bid_increment) / 100000000).toFixed(
if (transaction.type === "purchase") {
let { id: owner_id } = await getUser(req);
await q(setOwner, { id: artwork_id, owner_id });
let locals = {
outbid: false,
url: `${SERVER_URL}/a/${slug}`,
try {
await mail.send({
template: "notify-bid",
message: {
to: owner.display_name,
if (bid && bid.user) {
locals.outbid = true;
await mail.send({
template: "notify-bid",
message: {
to: bid.user.display_name,
} catch (err) {
console.error("Unable to send email");
let result = await api(req.headers)
.post({ query: createTransaction, variables: { transaction } })
if (result.errors) throw new Error(result.errors[0].message);
} catch (e) {
console.log("problem creating transaction", e);
Example #22
Source File: DrawLastUpdated.js From covid19japan with MIT License | 5 votes |
drawLastUpdated = (lastUpdatedString, currentLanguage) => {
// Draw the last updated time
// If this is called before data is loaded, lastUpdated can be null.
if (!lastUpdatedString) {
const display = document.getElementById("last-updated-time");
if (!display) {
let lastUpdated;
try {
lastUpdated = parseISO(lastUpdatedString);
// If the timestamp is not ISO, fall back on the old date format
// TODO: remove after ISO time format is fully deployed
if (lastUpdated === "Invalid Date") {
lastUpdated = parse(
lastUpdatedString.slice(0, -4),
new Date()
} catch (e) {
// Fall back to raw value on failed parse
display.textContent = lastUpdatedString;
for (const language of LANGUAGES) {
addRelativeTimeLocalization(lastUpdated, language);
display.setAttribute("title", lastUpdatedString);
display.setAttribute("data-i18n", "last-updated-time");
display.textContent = i18next.getResource(
Example #23
Source File: Item.jsx From killed-by-microsoft with MIT License | 5 votes |
timePhrase() {
const { dateClose } = this.props;
const relativeDate = formatDistanceToNow(parseISO(dateClose), new Date());
if (!this.isPast()) {
return <span>{`${soonToDieIdiom()} in ${relativeDate}, `}</span>;
return <span>{`Killed ${relativeDate} ago, `}</span>;
Example #24
Source File: post.js From with Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International | 5 votes |
formatPostDate = post =>
format(parseISO(, "MMMM d, yyyy")
Example #25
Source File: date-formater.js From next-tina-blog-starter with MIT License | 5 votes |
export default function DateFormater({ dateString }) {
const date = parseISO(dateString)
return <time dateTime={dateString}>{format(date, 'LLLL d, yyyy')}</time>
Example #26
Source File: date-time.js From with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
distanceToNow = (dateTimeString) =>
formatDistanceToNow(parseISO(dateTimeString), { locale: getLocale() })
Example #27
Source File: DatePicker.js From basis with MIT License | 5 votes |
color: InternalInput.DEFAULT_PROPS.color,
dayMode: "2-digits",
yearMode: "4-digits",
disabled: false,
optional: false,
validate: (value, { isEmpty, dayMode, yearMode }) => {
if (isEmpty(value)) {
return "Required";
const { day, month, year } = value;
const errors = [];
if (dayMode === "2-digits") {
if (DAY_REGEX.test(day) === false) {
errors.push("Day must be within 1-31.");
if (MONTH_REGEX.test(month) === false) {
errors.push("Month must be within 1-12.");
if (yearMode === "2-digits") {
if (TWO_DIGITS_YEAR_REGEX.test(year) === false) {
errors.push("Year must be within 00-99.");
} else {
if (FOUR_DIGITS_YEAR_REGEX.test(year) === false) {
errors.push("Year must be within 1900-2199.");
if (dayMode === "2-digits" && errors.length === 0) {
const twoDigitsDay = day.length === 1 ? `0${day}` : day;
const twoDigitsMonth = month.length === 1 ? `0${month}` : month;
if (
yearMode === "2-digits" ? `20${year}` : year
) === false
) {
errors.push("Invalid date.");
return errors;
Example #28
Source File: index.js From monsuivipsy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
canEdit = (d) => {
const limitDate = beforeToday(7);
const canEditBool = compareAsc(parseISO(d), limitDate) === 1;
return canEditBool;
Example #29
Source File: transaction.js From actual with MIT License | 5 votes |
function serializeTransaction(transaction, dateFormat) {
let { date, amount } = transaction;
return {
date: formatDate(parseISO(date), dateFormat),
amount: integerToAmount(amount || 0)