apollo-boost#from JavaScript Examples
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Example #1
Source File: Index.js From acy-dex-interface with MIT License | 4 votes |
Swap = props => { const { savedIsPnlInLeverage, setSavedIsPnlInLeverage, savedSlippageAmount, pendingTxns, setPendingTxns } = props const { account, library, chainId, farmSetting: { API_URL: apiUrlPrefix }, globalSettings, } = useConstantLoader(); // console.log("this is constantInstance ", constantInstance); const supportedTokens = constantInstance.perpetuals.tokenList; const [isConfirming, setIsConfirming] = useState(false); const [isPendingConfirmation, setIsPendingConfirmation] = useState(false); const [pricePoint, setPricePoint] = useState(0); const [pastToken1, setPastToken1] = useState('ETH'); const [pastToken0, setPastToken0] = useState('USDC'); const [isReceiptObtained, setIsReceiptObtained] = useState(false); const [routeData, setRouteData] = useState([]); const [format, setFormat] = useState('h:mm:ss a'); const [activeToken1, setActiveToken1] = useState(supportedTokens[1]); const [activeToken0, setActiveToken0] = useState(supportedTokens[0]); const [activeTimeScale, setActiveTimeScale] = useState("5m"); const [activeAbsoluteChange, setActiveAbsoluteChange] = useState('+0.00'); const [activeRate, setActiveRate] = useState('Not available'); const [range, setRange] = useState('1D'); const [chartData, setChartData] = useState([]); const [alphaTable, setAlphaTable] = useState('Line'); const [visibleLoading, setVisibleLoading] = useState(false); const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false); const [visibleConfirmOrder, setVisibleConfirmOrder] = useState(false); const [transactionList, setTransactionList] = useState([]); const [tableLoading, setTableLoading] = useState(true); const [transactionNum, setTransactionNum] = useState(0); // this are new states for PERPETUAL const [tableContent, setTableContent] = useState(POSITIONS); const [positionsData, setPositionsData] = useState([]); const { active, activate } = useWeb3React(); const [placement, setPlacement] = useState('5m'); const [high24, setHigh24] = useState(0); const [low24, setLow24] = useState(0); const [deltaPrice24, setDeltaPrice24] = useState(0); const [percentage24, setPercentage24] = useState(0); const [currentAveragePrice, setCurrentAveragePrice] = useState(0); const tokens = supportedTokens; const defaultTokenSelection = useMemo(() => ({ ["Pool"]: { from: AddressZero, to: getTokenBySymbol(tokens, ARBITRUM_DEFAULT_COLLATERAL_SYMBOL).address, // to: getTokenBySymbol(tokens, 'BTC').address, }, ["Long"]: { from: AddressZero, to: AddressZero, }, ["Short"]: { from: getTokenBySymbol(tokens, ARBITRUM_DEFAULT_COLLATERAL_SYMBOL).address, // from: getTokenBySymbol(tokens, 'BTC').address, to: AddressZero, } }), [chainId, ARBITRUM_DEFAULT_COLLATERAL_SYMBOL]) // }), [chainId]) const [tokenSelection, setTokenSelection] = useLocalStorageByChainId(chainId, "Exchange-token-selection-v2", defaultTokenSelection) const [swapOption, setSwapOption] = useLocalStorageByChainId(chainId, 'Swap-option-v2', "Long") const setFromTokenAddress = useCallback((selectedSwapOption, address) => { const newTokenSelection = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(tokenSelection)) newTokenSelection[selectedSwapOption].from = address setTokenSelection(newTokenSelection) }, [tokenSelection, setTokenSelection]) const setToTokenAddress = useCallback((selectedSwapOption, address) => { const newTokenSelection = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(tokenSelection)) newTokenSelection[selectedSwapOption].to = address setTokenSelection(newTokenSelection) }, [tokenSelection, setTokenSelection]) const fromTokenAddress = tokenSelection[swapOption].from const toTokenAddress = tokenSelection[swapOption].to const { perpetuals } = useConstantLoader() const readerAddress = perpetuals.getContract("Reader") const vaultAddress = perpetuals.getContract("Vault") const usdgAddress = perpetuals.getContract("USDG") const nativeTokenAddress = perpetuals.getContract("NATIVE_TOKEN") const routerAddress = perpetuals.getContract("Router") const glpManagerAddress = perpetuals.getContract("GlpManager") const glpAddress = perpetuals.getContract("GLP") const orderBookAddress = perpetuals.getContract("OrderBook") //---------- FOR TESTING const whitelistedTokens = supportedTokens.filter(token => token.symbol !== "USDG"); const whitelistedTokenAddresses = whitelistedTokens.map(token => token.address); const positionQuery = getPositionQuery(whitelistedTokens, nativeTokenAddress) const { data: vaultTokenInfo, mutate: updateVaultTokenInfo } = useSWR([chainId, readerAddress, "getFullVaultTokenInfo"], { fetcher: fetcher(library, Reader, [vaultAddress, nativeTokenAddress, expandDecimals(1, 18), whitelistedTokenAddresses]), }) const { data: positionData, mutate: updatePositionData } = useSWR([chainId, readerAddress, "getPositions", vaultAddress, account], { fetcher: fetcher(library, Reader, [positionQuery.collateralTokens, positionQuery.indexTokens, positionQuery.isLong]), }) const tokenAddresses = tokens.map(token => token.address) const { data: tokenBalances, mutate: updateTokenBalances } = useSWR([chainId, readerAddress, "getTokenBalances", account], { fetcher: fetcher(library, Reader, [tokenAddresses]), }) const { data: fundingRateInfo, mutate: updateFundingRateInfo } = useSWR(account && [chainId, readerAddress, "getFundingRates"], { fetcher: fetcher(library, Reader, [vaultAddress, nativeTokenAddress, whitelistedTokenAddresses]), }) const { data: totalTokenWeights, mutate: updateTotalTokenWeights } = useSWR([chainId, vaultAddress, "totalTokenWeights"], { fetcher: fetcher(library, Vault), }) const { data: usdgSupply, mutate: updateUsdgSupply } = useSWR([chainId, usdgAddress, "totalSupply"], { fetcher: fetcher(library, Glp), }) const { data: orderBookApproved, mutate: updateOrderBookApproved } = useSWR(account && [chainId, routerAddress, "approvedPlugins", account, orderBookAddress], { fetcher: fetcher(library, Router) }); const infoTokens = getInfoTokens(tokens, tokenBalances, whitelistedTokens, vaultTokenInfo, fundingRateInfo); const { positions, positionsMap } = getPositions(chainId, positionQuery, positionData, infoTokens, true, nativeTokenAddress); const flagOrdersEnabled = true; const [orders] = useAccountOrders(flagOrdersEnabled); const [isWaitingForPluginApproval, setIsWaitingForPluginApproval] = useState(false); const [isPluginApproving, setIsPluginApproving] = useState(false); // for stats alp price const NOW = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) const DEFAULT_GROUP_PERIOD = 86400 const [groupPeriod, setGroupPeriod] = useState(DEFAULT_GROUP_PERIOD) const params = { undefined, NOW, groupPeriod } const [feesData, feesLoading] = useFeesData(params) const [alpData, alpLoading] = useAlpData(params) const [alpPriceData, alpPriceDataLoading] = useAlpPriceData(alpData, feesData, params) const approveOrderBook = () => { setIsPluginApproving(true) return approvePlugin(chainId, orderBookAddress, { library, pendingTxns, setPendingTxns }).then(() => { setIsWaitingForPluginApproval(true) updateOrderBookApproved(undefined, true); }).finally(() => { setIsPluginApproving(false) }) } //--------- useEffect(() => { if (!supportedTokens) return // reset on chainId change => supportedTokens change setPricePoint(0); setPastToken1('ETH'); setPastToken0('USDC'); setIsReceiptObtained(false); setRouteData([]); setFormat('h:mm:ss a'); setActiveToken1(supportedTokens[1]); setActiveToken0(supportedTokens[0]); setActiveAbsoluteChange('+0.00'); setActiveRate('Not available'); setRange('1D'); setChartData([]); setAlphaTable('Line'); setVisibleLoading(false); setVisible(false); setVisibleConfirmOrder(false); setTransactionList([]); setTableLoading(true); setTransactionNum(0); for (let item of samplePositionsData) { item['collateralToken'] = findTokenWithSymbol(item.collateralTokenSymbol); item['indexToken'] = findTokenWithSymbol(item.indexTokenSymbol); item['liqPrice'] = getLiquidationPrice(item); } setPositionsData(samplePositionsData); }, [chainId]) useEffect(() => { library.on('block', (blockNum) => { updateVaultTokenInfo() updateTokenBalances() updatePositionData() updateFundingRateInfo() updateTotalTokenWeights() updateUsdgSupply() updateOrderBookApproved() }) return () => { library.removeAllListeners('block'); } }, [library]) const refContainer = useRef(); refContainer.current = transactionList; // connect to provider, listen for wallet to connect const connectWalletByLocalStorage = useConnectWallet(); useEffect(() => { if (!account) { connectWalletByLocalStorage() } }, [account]); // 时间段选择 const onhandPeriodTimeChoose = periodTimeName => { let pt; switch (periodTimeName) { case '24h': pt = '1D'; break; case 'Max': pt = '1M'; break; } let _format = 'h:mm:ss a'; switch (pt) { case '1D': _format = 'h:mm:ss a'; break; case '1W': _format = 'ha DD MMM'; break; case '1M': _format = 'DD/MM'; break; default: _format = 'h:mm:ss a'; } setRange(pt); setFormat(_format); }; // useEffect(async () => { // // dispatch({ // // type: "swap/updateTokens", // // payload: { // // token0: activeToken0, // // token1: activeToken1 // // } // // }); // console.log("hereim", activeToken1); // // setChartData(await getKChartData(activeToken1.symbol, "56", "1h", "1650234954", "1650378658", "chainlink")) // }, [activeToken0, activeToken1]); const getRoutePrice = (token0Address, token1Address) => { if (!token0Address || !token1Address) return; axios .post( `${apiUrlPrefix}/chart/swap?token0=${token0Address}&token1=${token1Address}&range=1D` ) .then(data => { }); } const getCurrentTime = () => { let currentTime = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000); return currentTime; } const getFromTime = (currentTime) => { let fromTime = currentTime - 100 * 24 * 60 * 60; // console.log("hereim from time", fromTime); return fromTime; } // useEffect(async () => { // let currentTime = getCurrentTime(); // let previous24 = currentTime - 24*60*60; // console.log("hereim time", previous24, currentTime); // let data24 = await getKChartData(activeToken1.symbol, "56", "1d", previous24.toString(), currentTime.toString(), "chainlink"); // console.log("hereim data24", data24); // let high24 = 0; // let low24 = 0; // let deltaPrice24 = 0; // let currentAveragePrice = 0; // let percentage = 0; // if (data24.length > 1) { // high24 = Math.round(data24[0].high * 100) / 100; // low24 = Math.round(data24[0].low * 100) / 100; // deltaPrice24 = Math.round(data24[0].open * 100) / 100; // currentAveragePrice = ((high24+low24)/2); // percentage = Math.round((currentAveragePrice - deltaPrice24) *100 / currentAveragePrice *100)/100; // } // setHigh24(high24); // setLow24(low24); // setDeltaPrice24(deltaPrice24); // setPercentage24(percentage); // }, [activeToken1]) useEffect(async () => { let currentTime = getCurrentTime(); let previousTime = currentTime - 24 * 60 * 60; let data24 = await getKChartData(activeToken1.symbol, "56", "5m", previousTime.toString(), currentTime.toString(), "chainlink"); let high24 = 0; let low24 = 0; let deltaPrice24 = 0; let percentage = 0; let average = 0; let highArr = []; let lowArr = []; if (data24.length > 0) { for (let i = 1; i < data24.length; i++) { highArr.push(data24[i].high); lowArr.push(data24[i].low); } high24 = Math.max(...highArr); low24 = Math.min(...lowArr); high24 = Math.round(high24 * 100) / 100; low24 = Math.round(low24 * 100) / 100; deltaPrice24 = Math.round(data24[0].open * 100) / 100; average = Math.round(((high24 + low24) / 2) * 100) / 100; percentage = Math.round((average - deltaPrice24) * 100 / average * 100) / 100; } setHigh24(high24); setLow24(low24); setDeltaPrice24(deltaPrice24); setPercentage24(percentage); setCurrentAveragePrice(average); // console.log("hereim show 24 cal", "high24:", high24, " low24:", low24, " average:", currentAveragePrice, " delta:", deltaPrice24); }, [activeToken1]) const lineTitleRender = () => { // let token0logo = null; // let token1logo = null; // for (let j = 0; j < supportedTokens.length; j++) { // if (activeToken0.symbol === supportedTokens[j].symbol) { // token0logo = supportedTokens[j].logoURI; // } // if (activeToken1.symbol === supportedTokens[j].symbol) { // token1logo = supportedTokens[j].logoURI; // } // } // console.log("hereim after await", high24 ); // const chartToken = getTokenInfo(infoTokens, activeToken1.address) // const swapTokenPosition = () => { // const tempSwapToken = activeToken0; // setActiveToken0(activeToken1); // setActiveToken1(tempSwapToken); // } // const onSelectToken = (token) => { // console.log ("tmp", token) // const tmp = getTokenInfo(infoTokens, token.address) // //setActiveToken0(tmp) // setActiveToken1(tmp, token.address) // } return [ // <div style={{ width: 50%}}> <div className={styles.maintitle}> <div> <div className={styles.secondarytitle}> 24h Change </div> <div className={styles.lighttitle}> {percentage24} % </div> </div> <div> <div className={styles.secondarytitle}> 24h High </div> <div className={styles.lighttitle}> $ {high24} </div> </div> <div> <div className={styles.secondarytitle}> 24h Low </div> <div className={styles.lighttitle}> $ {low24} </div> </div> </div> ]; }; const selectTime = pt => { const dateSwitchFunctions = { Line: () => { setAlphaTable('Line'); }, Bar: () => { setAlphaTable('Bar'); }, }; dateSwitchFunctions[pt](); }; const onClickDropdown = e => { // console.log("hereim dropdown", e.key); setActiveToken1((supportedTokens.filter(ele => ele.symbol == e))[0]); }; // 选择Coin const onClickCoin = () => { setVisible(true); }; const onCancel = () => { setVisible(false); }; const onHandModalConfirmOrder = falg => { setVisibleConfirmOrder(!!falg); }; const getTokenSymbol = async (address, library, account) => { const tokenContract = getTokenContract(address, library, account); return tokenContract.symbol(); }; const getTokenDecimal = async (address, library, account) => { const tokenContract = getTokenContract(address, library, account); return tokenContract.decimals(); }; const updateTransactionList = async (receipt) => { setTableLoading(true); appendNewSwapTx(refContainer.current, receipt, account, library).then((data) => { if (data && data.length > 0) setTransactionList(data); setTableLoading(false); }) } const onGetReceipt = async (receipt, library, account) => { updateTransactionList(receipt); }; const { isMobile, transaction: { transactions }, swap: { token0, token1 }, dispatch } = props; const updateActiveChartData = (data, dataIndex) => { const prevData = dataIndex === 0 ? 0 : chartData[dataIndex - 1][1]; const absoluteChange = (dataIndex === 0 ? 0 : data - prevData).toFixed(3); const formattedAbsChange = absoluteChange > 0 ? "+" + absoluteChange : absoluteChange; setActiveRate(data.toFixed(3)); setActiveAbsoluteChange(formattedAbsChange); } useEffect(() => { if (!chartData.length) return; const lastDataIndex = chartData.length - 1; updateActiveChartData(chartData[lastDataIndex][1], lastDataIndex); }, [chartData]) // Glp Swap const [isBuying, setIsBuying] = useState(true) const [showTokenTable, setShowTokenTable] = useState(false) const [swapTokenAddress, setSwapTokenAddress] = useState(tokens[0].address) const [isWaitingForApproval, setIsWaitingForApproval] = useState(false) // const history = useHistory() // useEffect(() => { // const hash = history.location.hash.replace('#', '') // const buying = !(hash === 'redeem') // setIsBuying(buying) // }, [history.location.hash]) const glp_tokenList = whitelistedTokens.filter(t => !t.isWrapped) // const tokensForBalanceAndSupplyQuery = [stakedGlpTrackerAddress, usdgAddress] // const { data: balancesAndSupplies, mutate: updateBalancesAndSupplies } = useSWR([chainId, readerAddress, "getTokenBalancesWithSupplies", account || PLACEHOLDER_ACCOUNT], { // fetcher: fetcher(library, ReaderV2, [tokensForBalanceAndSupplyQuery]), // }) // const { data: aums, mutate: updateAums } = useSWR([chainId, glpManagerAddress, "getAums"], { // fetcher: fetcher(library, GlpManager), // }) const { data: glpBalance, mutate: updateGlpBalance } = useSWR([chainId, glpAddress, "balanceOf", account || PLACEHOLDER_ACCOUNT], { fetcher: fetcher(library, Glp), }) // const { data: glpBalance, mutate: updateGlpBalance } = useSWR([chainId, feeGlpTrackerAddress, "stakedAmounts", account || PLACEHOLDER_ACCOUNT], { // fetcher: fetcher(library, RewardTracker), // }) const [glpValue, setGlpValue] = useState("") const glpAmount = parseValue(glpValue, GLP_DECIMALS) const { data: glpSupply, mutate: updateGlpSupply } = useSWR([chainId, glpAddress, "totalSupply"], { fetcher: fetcher(library, Glp), }) // todo: usdgSupply -> vaultUtil // const { data: glpUsdgSupply, mutate: updateGlpUsdgSupply } = useSWR([chainId, vaultAddress, "vaultUtils"], { // fetcher: fetcher(library, Vault), // }) const { data: glpUsdgSupply, mutate: updateGlpUsdgSupply } = useSWR([chainId, usdgAddress, "totalSupply"], { fetcher: fetcher(library, Usdg), }) // const glpSupply = balancesAndSupplies ? balancesAndSupplies[1] : bigNumberify(0) // const glp_usdgSupply = balancesAndSupplies ? balancesAndSupplies[3] : bigNumberify(0) // let aum // if (aums && aums.length > 0) { // aum = isBuying ? aums[0] : aums[1] // } const { data: aumInUsdg, mutate: updateAumInUsdg } = useSWR([chainId, glpManagerAddress, "getAumInUsda", true], { fetcher: fetcher(library, GlpManager), }) const glpPrice = (aumInUsdg && aumInUsdg.gt(0) && glpSupply && glpSupply.gt(0)) ? aumInUsdg.mul(expandDecimals(1, GLP_DECIMALS)).div(glpSupply) : expandDecimals(1, USD_DECIMALS) // const glpPrice = (aum && aum.gt(0) && glpSupply.gt(0)) ? aum.mul(expandDecimals(1, GLP_DECIMALS)).div(glpSupply) : expandDecimals(1, USD_DECIMALS) let glpBalanceUsd if (glpBalance) { glpBalanceUsd = glpBalance.mul(glpPrice).div(expandDecimals(1, GLP_DECIMALS)) } const glpSupplyUsd = glpSupply ? glpSupply.mul(glpPrice).div(expandDecimals(1, GLP_DECIMALS)) : bigNumberify(0) const onChangeMode = (mode) => { if (mode === "Pool") { setShowTokenTable(true) } else { setShowTokenTable(false) } } const { Option } = Select; const [updatingKchartsFlag, setUpdatingKchartsFlag] = useState(false); //charttokenselection const { Header, Footer, Sider, Content } = Layout; // const tokenPlacements = ['BTC', 'ETH']; // const tokenPlacementChange = e => { // console.log("hereim set placement", e) // setActiveToken1((supportedTokens.filter(ele => ele.symbol == e.target.value))[0]); // // setPlacement(e.target.value); // // setActiveTimeScale(e.target.value); // }; // const tokenPlacementChange = value => { // console.log("hereim set placement", value) // // setActiveToken1((supportedTokens.filter(ele => ele.symbol == e.target.value))[0]); // // setPlacement(e.target.value); // // setActiveTimeScale(e.target.value); // }; const onClickSetActiveToken = (e) => { console.log("hereim see click token", e) setActiveToken1((supportedTokens.filter(ele => ele.symbol == e))[0]); } const chartPanes = [ { title: 'BTC', content: 'BTC', key: 'BTC', closable: false }, { title: 'ETH', content: 'ETH', key: 'ETH' }, // { title: 'Tab 3', content: 'Content of Tab 3', key: '3'}, ]; const [activeKey, setActiveKey] = useState(chartPanes[0].key); const [panes, setPanes] = useState(chartPanes); const newTabIndex = useRef(0); const onChange = (newActiveKey) => { setActiveKey(newActiveKey); setActiveToken1((supportedTokens.filter(ele => ele.symbol == newActiveKey))[0]) }; const add = () => { const newActiveKey = `newTab${newTabIndex.current++}`; const newPanes = [...panes]; newPanes.push({ title: 'New Tab', content: 'Content of new Tab', key: newActiveKey, }); setPanes(newPanes); setActiveKey(newActiveKey); }; const remove = (targetKey) => { let newActiveKey = activeKey; let lastIndex = -1; panes.forEach((pane, i) => { if (pane.key === targetKey) { lastIndex = i - 1; } }); const newPanes = panes.filter((pane) => pane.key !== targetKey); if (newPanes.length && newActiveKey === targetKey) { if (lastIndex >= 0) { newActiveKey = newPanes[lastIndex].key; } else { newActiveKey = newPanes[0].key; } } setPanes(newPanes); setActiveKey(newActiveKey); }; const onEdit = (targetKey, action) => { if (action === 'add') { add(); } else { remove(targetKey); } }; // let options = supportedTokens; // const menu = ( // <div className={styles.tokenSelector}> // <Menu onClick={onClickDropdown}> // { // // supportedTokens.filter(token => !token.symbol !== 'USDT').map((option) => ( // // <Menu.Item key={option.symbol}> // // <span>{option.symbol} / USD</span> // // {/* for showing before hover */} // // </Menu.Item> // // )) // } // </Menu> // </div> // ); // function onChange (value) { // // console.log("hereim onchange",value); // setActiveToken1(option); // } const [kChartTab, setKChartTab] = useState("BTC") const kChartTabs = ["BTC", "ETH"] const selectChart = item => { setKChartTab(item) onClickSetActiveToken(item) } return ( <PageHeaderWrapper> <div className={styles.main}> <div className={styles.rowFlexContainer}> { swapOption != "Pool" && ( <div style={{ padding: "0 0 3rem" }}> <div className={styles.chartTokenSelectorTab}> <PerpetualTabs option={kChartTab} options={kChartTabs} onChange={selectChart} /> </div> <div className={styles.kchartBox}> <div style={{ backgroundColor: '#0E0304', height: "450px", display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", marginBottom:"30px" }}> <div className={`${styles.colItem} ${styles.priceChart}`} style={{ flex: 1 }}> { // currentAveragePrice === 0 ? // <Spin/> // // : <KChart activeToken0={activeToken0} activeToken1={activeToken1} activeTimeScale={activeTimeScale} currentAveragePrice={currentAveragePrice} /> // : <ExchangeTVChart swapOption={swapOption} fromTokenAddress={fromTokenAddress} toTokenAddress={toTokenAddress} infoTokens={infoTokens} chainId={chainId} positions={positions} // savedShouldShowPositionLines, orders={orders} setToTokenAddress={setToTokenAddress} /> } </div> </div> </div> </div> )} { swapOption == 'Pool' && ( <div> <div className={styles.chart}> <ChartWrapper title="Alp Price Comparison" loading={alpLoading} data={alpPriceData} // csvFields={[{ key: 'syntheticPrice' }, { key: 'alpPrice' }, { key: 'alpPlusFees' }, { key: 'lpBtcPrice' }, { key: 'lpEthPrice' }]} > <ResponsiveContainer width="100%" height={CHART_HEIGHT}> <LineChart data={alpPriceData} syncId="syncAlp"> <CartesianGrid strokeDasharray="3 3" stroke='#333333' /> <XAxis dataKey="timestamp" tickFormatter={tooltipLabelFormatter} minTickGap={30} /> <YAxis dataKey="performanceSyntheticCollectedFees" domain={[60, 210]} unit="%" tickFormatter={yaxisFormatterNumber} width={YAXIS_WIDTH} /> <YAxis dataKey="alpPrice" domain={[0.4, 1.7]} orientation="right" yAxisId="right" tickFormatter={yaxisFormatterNumber} width={YAXIS_WIDTH} /> <Tooltip formatter={tooltipFormatterNumber} labelFormatter={tooltipLabelFormatter} contentStyle={{ textAlign: 'left' }} /> <Legend /> {/* <Line dot={false} isAnimationActive={false} type="monotone" unit="%" strokeWidth={2} dataKey="performanceLpBtcCollectedFees" name="% LP BTC-USDC (w/ fees)" stroke={COLORS[2]} /> <Line dot={false} isAnimationActive={false} type="monotone" unit="%" strokeWidth={2} dataKey="performanceLpEthCollectedFees" name="% LP ETH-USDC (w/ fees)" stroke={COLORS[4]} /> <Line dot={false} isAnimationActive={false} type="monotone" unit="%" strokeWidth={2} dataKey="performanceSyntheticCollectedFees" name="% Index (w/ fees)" stroke={COLORS[0]} /> */} {/* <Line isAnimationActive={false} type="monotone" unit="$" strokeWidth={1} yAxisId="right" dot={false} dataKey="syntheticPrice" name="Index Price" stroke={COLORS[2]} /> */} <Line isAnimationActive={false} type="monotone" unit="$" strokeWidth={1} yAxisId="right" dot={false} dataKey="alpPrice" name="Alp Price" stroke={COLORS[1]} strokeWidth={1} /> <Line isAnimationActive={false} type="monotone" unit="$" strokeWidth={1} yAxisId="right" dot={false} dataKey="alpPlusFees" name="Alp w/ fees" stroke={COLORS[3]} strokeWidth={1} /> {/* <Line isAnimationActive={false} type="monotone" unit="$" strokeWidth={1} yAxisId="right" dot={false} dataKey="lpBtcPrice" name="LP BTC-USDC" stroke={COLORS[2]} /> <Line isAnimationActive={false} type="monotone" unit="$" strokeWidth={1} yAxisId="right" dot={false} dataKey="lpEthPrice" name="LP ETH-USDC" stroke={COLORS[4]} /> */} </LineChart> </ResponsiveContainer> <div className="chart-description"> <p> <span style={{ color: COLORS[3] }}>Alp with fees</span> is based on ALP share of fees received<br /> {/* <span style={{ color: COLORS[0] }}>% of Index (with fees)</span> is Alp with fees / Index Price * 100<br /> <span style={{ color: COLORS[4] }}>% of LP ETH-USDC (with fees)</span> is Alp Price with fees / LP ETH-USDC * 100<br /> <span style={{ color: COLORS[2] }}>Index Price</span> is 25% BTC, 25% ETH, 50% USDC */} </p> </div> </ChartWrapper> </div> </div> )} {/* Position table */} {!showTokenTable ? <> <AcyPerpetualCard style={{ backgroundColor: '#0E0304', padding: '10px' }}> <div className={`${styles.colItem} ${styles.priceChart}`}> <div className={`${styles.colItem}`}> <a className={`${styles.colItem} ${styles.optionTab}`} onClick={() => { setTableContent(POSITIONS) }}>Positions</a> <a className={`${styles.colItem} ${styles.optionTab}`} onClick={() => { setTableContent(ORDERS) }}>Orders</a> <a className={`${styles.colItem} ${styles.optionTab}`} onClick={() => { setTableContent(ACTIONS) }}>Actions </a> </div> <div className={styles.positionsTable}> {tableContent == POSITIONS && ( <PositionsTable isMobile={isMobile} dataSource={positions} setPendingTxns={setPendingTxns} infoTokens={infoTokens} /> )} {tableContent == ORDERS && ( <OrderTable isMobile={isMobile} dataSource={orders} infoTokens={infoTokens} /> )} {tableContent == ACTIONS && ( <ActionHistoryTable isMobile={isMobile} dataSource={positionsData} /> )} </div> </div> </AcyPerpetualCard> </> : <> <GlpSwapTokenTable isBuying={isBuying} setIsBuying={setIsBuying} setSwapTokenAddress={setSwapTokenAddress} setIsWaitingForApproval={setIsWaitingForApproval} tokenList={glp_tokenList} infoTokens={infoTokens} glpAmount={glpAmount} glpPrice={glpPrice} usdgSupply={glpUsdgSupply} totalTokenWeights={totalTokenWeights} /> </>} {/* <div className={styles.rowFlexContainer}> <div className={`${styles.colItem}`}> <a className={`${styles.colItem} ${styles.optionTab}`} onClick={()=>{setTableContent(POSITIONS)}}>Positions</a> <a className={`${styles.colItem} ${styles.optionTab}`} onClick={()=>{setTableContent(ORDERS)}}>Orders</a> <a className={`${styles.colItem} ${styles.optionTab}`} onClick={()=>{setTableContent(ACTIONS)}}>Actions </a> </div> </div> */} {/* <div className={styles.rowFlexContainer}> <div className={`${styles.colItem} ${styles.priceChart}`}> <div className={styles.positionsTable}> <RenderTable/> </div> </div> <div className={styles.exchangeItem}> </div> </div> */} <AcyModal onCancel={onCancel} width={600} visible={visible}> <div className={styles.title}> <AcyIcon name="back" /> Select a token </div> <div className={styles.search}> <AcyInput placeholder="Enter the token symbol or address" suffix={<AcyIcon name="search" />} /> </div> <div className={styles.coinList}> <AcyTabs> <AcyTabPane tab="All" key="1"> <AcyCoinItem /> <AcyCoinItem /> <AcyCoinItem /> <AcyCoinItem /> </AcyTabPane> <AcyTabPane tab="Favorite" key="2" /> <AcyTabPane tab="Index" key="3" /> <AcyTabPane tab="Synth" key="4" /> </AcyTabs> </div> </AcyModal> <AcyApprove onCancel={() => setVisibleLoading(false)} visible={visibleLoading} /> </div> {/* <div className={styles.rowFlexContainer}> */} {/* Perpetual Component */} <div className={styles.perpetualComponent}> <PerpetualComponent swapOption={swapOption} setSwapOption={setSwapOption} activeToken0={activeToken0} setActiveToken0={setActiveToken0} activeToken1={activeToken1} setActiveToken1={setActiveToken1} fromTokenAddress={fromTokenAddress} setFromTokenAddress={setFromTokenAddress} toTokenAddress={toTokenAddress} setToTokenAddress={setToTokenAddress} positionsMap={positionsMap} pendingTxns={pendingTxns} setPendingTxns={setPendingTxns} savedIsPnlInLeverage={savedIsPnlInLeverage} approveOrderBook={approveOrderBook} isWaitingForPluginApproval={isWaitingForPluginApproval} setIsWaitingForPluginApproval={setIsWaitingForPluginApproval} isPluginApproving={isPluginApproving} isConfirming={isConfirming} setIsConfirming={setIsConfirming} isPendingConfirmation={isPendingConfirmation} setIsPendingConfirmation={setIsPendingConfirmation} isBuying={isBuying} setIsBuying={setIsBuying} onChangeMode={onChangeMode} swapTokenAddress={swapTokenAddress} setSwapTokenAddress={setSwapTokenAddress} glp_isWaitingForApproval={isWaitingForApproval} glp_setIsWaitingForApproval={setIsWaitingForApproval} orders={orders} /> </div> </div> {/* </div> */} </PageHeaderWrapper> ); }