crypto#createHmac JavaScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: UserDelegationKeyCredential.js From action-install-gh-release with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Generates a hash signature for an HTTP request or for a SAS.
* @param stringToSign -
computeHMACSHA256(stringToSign) {
// console.log(`stringToSign: ${JSON.stringify(stringToSign)}`);
return createHmac("sha256", this.key).update(stringToSign, "utf8").digest("base64");
Example #2
Source File: nexoCrypto.js From Lynx with MIT License | 6 votes |
NexoCrypto = /** @class */ (function () {
function NexoCrypto() {
NexoCrypto.encrypt = function (messageHeader, saleToPoiMessageJson, securityKey) {
var derivedKey = NexoDerivedKeyGenerator.deriveKeyMaterial(securityKey.passphrase);
var saleToPoiMessageByteArray = Buffer.from(saleToPoiMessageJson, "ascii");
var ivNonce = NexoCrypto.generateRandomIvNonce();
var encryptedSaleToPoiMessage = NexoCrypto.crypt(saleToPoiMessageByteArray, derivedKey, ivNonce, Modes.ENCRYPT);
var encryptedSaleToPoiMessageHmac = NexoCrypto.hmac(saleToPoiMessageByteArray, derivedKey);
var securityTrailer = {
adyenCryptoVersion: securityKey.adyenCryptoVersion,
hmac: encryptedSaleToPoiMessageHmac.toString("base64"),
keyIdentifier: securityKey.keyIdentifier,
keyVersion: securityKey.keyVersion,
nonce: ivNonce.toString("base64"),
return {
messageHeader: messageHeader,
nexoBlob: encryptedSaleToPoiMessage.toString("base64"),
securityTrailer: securityTrailer,
NexoCrypto.prototype.decrypt = function (saleToPoiSecureMessage, securityKey) {
var encryptedSaleToPoiMessageByteArray = Buffer.from(saleToPoiSecureMessage.nexoBlob, "base64");
var derivedKey = NexoDerivedKeyGenerator.deriveKeyMaterial(securityKey.passphrase);
var ivNonce = Buffer.from(saleToPoiSecureMessage.securityTrailer.nonce, "base64");
var decryptedSaleToPoiMessageByteArray = NexoCrypto.crypt(encryptedSaleToPoiMessageByteArray, derivedKey, ivNonce, Modes.DECRYPT);
var receivedHmac = Buffer.from(saleToPoiSecureMessage.securityTrailer.hmac, "base64");
this.validateHmac(receivedHmac, decryptedSaleToPoiMessageByteArray, derivedKey);
return decryptedSaleToPoiMessageByteArray.toString("ascii");
NexoCrypto.validateSecurityKey = function (securityKey) {
var isValid = securityKey
&& securityKey.passphrase
&& securityKey.keyIdentifier
&& securityKey.keyVersion
&& securityKey.adyenCryptoVersion;
if (!isValid) {
throw new InvalidSecurityKeyException("Invalid Security Key");
NexoCrypto.crypt = function (bytes, dk, ivNonce, mode) {
var actualIV = Buffer.alloc(NEXO_IV_LENGTH);
for (var i = 0; i < NEXO_IV_LENGTH; i++) {
actualIV[i] = dk.iv[i] ^ ivNonce[i];
var cipher = mode === Modes.ENCRYPT
? createCipheriv("aes-256-cbc", dk.cipherKey, actualIV)
: createDecipheriv("aes-256-cbc", dk.cipherKey, actualIV);
var encrypted = cipher.update(bytes);
encrypted = Buffer.concat([encrypted,]);
return encrypted;
NexoCrypto.hmac = function (bytes, derivedKey) {
var mac = createHmac("sha256", derivedKey.hmacKey);
return mac.update(bytes).digest();
NexoCrypto.generateRandomIvNonce = function () {
return randomBytes(NEXO_IV_LENGTH);
NexoCrypto.prototype.validateHmac = function (receivedHmac, decryptedMessage, derivedKey) {
var hmac = NexoCrypto.hmac(decryptedMessage, derivedKey);
var isValid = hmac.every(function (item, index) { return item === receivedHmac[index]; });
if (!isValid) {
throw new NexoCryptoException("Hmac validation failed");
return NexoCrypto;
Example #3
Source File: StorageSharedKeyCredential.js From action-install-gh-release with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Generates a hash signature for an HTTP request or for a SAS.
* @param stringToSign -
computeHMACSHA256(stringToSign) {
return createHmac("sha256", this.accountKey).update(stringToSign, "utf8").digest("base64");
Example #4
Source File: hmacValidator.js From Lynx with MIT License | 5 votes |
HmacValidator = /** @class */ (function () {
function HmacValidator() {
HmacValidator.prototype.calculateHmac = function (data, key) {
var dataString = typeof data !== "string" ? this.getDataToSign(data) : data;
var rawKey = Buffer.from(key, "hex");
return createHmac(HmacValidator.HMAC_SHA256_ALGORITHM, rawKey).update(dataString, "utf8").digest("base64");
HmacValidator.prototype.validateHMAC = function (notificationRequestItem, key) {
var expectedSign = this.calculateHmac(notificationRequestItem, key);
var merchantSign = notificationRequestItem.additionalData[HMAC_SIGNATURE];
return expectedSign === merchantSign;
HmacValidator.prototype.isNotificationRequestItem = function (item) {
return !Object.values(item).every(function (value) { return typeof value === "string"; });
HmacValidator.prototype.getDataToSign = function (notificationRequestItem) {
if (this.isNotificationRequestItem(notificationRequestItem)) {
var signedDataList = [];
return signedDataList.join(HmacValidator.DATA_SEPARATOR);
else {
var keys_1 = [];
var values_1 = [];
var replacer_1 = function (str) {
return str.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/:/g, "\\:");
Object.entries(notificationRequestItem).sort().forEach(function (_a) {
var key = _a[0], value = _a[1];
return __spreadArrays(keys_1, values_1).join(HmacValidator.DATA_SEPARATOR);
HmacValidator.HMAC_SHA256_ALGORITHM = "sha256";
HmacValidator.DATA_SEPARATOR = ":";
return HmacValidator;