d3-scale#scaleSequential JavaScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: rampClosed.js From cs-wiki with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
export default function(range) {
var s = scaleSequential(interpolateRgbBasisClosed(colors(range))).clamp(true);
delete s.clamp;
return s;
Example #2
Source File: MapVisualizer.js From covid19india-react with MIT License | 4 votes |
function MapVisualizer({ mapCode, isDistrictView, mapViz, data, regionHighlighted, setRegionHighlighted, statistic, getMapStatistic, transformStatistic, noDistrictData, }) { const {t} = useTranslation(); const svgRef = useRef(null); const mapMeta = MAP_META[mapCode]; const history = useHistory(); const {data: geoData} = useSWR( mapMeta.geoDataFile, async (file) => { return await json(file); }, {suspense: false, revalidateOnFocus: false} ); const statisticTotal = useMemo(() => { return getMapStatistic(data[mapCode]); }, [data, mapCode, getMapStatistic]); const statisticConfig = STATISTIC_CONFIGS[statistic]; const strokeColor = useCallback( (alpha) => (statisticConfig?.color || '#343a40') + alpha, [statisticConfig] ); const features = useMemo(() => { if (!geoData) return null; const featuresWrap = !isDistrictView ? feature(geoData, geoData.objects.states).features : mapMeta.mapType === MAP_TYPES.COUNTRY && mapViz !== MAP_VIZS.CHOROPLETH ? [ ...feature(geoData, geoData.objects.states).features, ...feature(geoData, geoData.objects.districts).features, ] : feature(geoData, geoData.objects.districts).features; // Add id to each feature return featuresWrap.map((feature) => { const district = feature.properties.district; const state = feature.properties.st_nm; const obj = Object.assign({}, feature); obj.id = `${mapCode}-${state}${district ? '-' + district : ''}`; return obj; }); }, [geoData, mapCode, isDistrictView, mapViz, mapMeta]); const districtsSet = useMemo(() => { if (!geoData || !isDistrictView) return {}; return feature(geoData, geoData.objects.districts).features.reduce( (stateCodes, feature) => { const stateCode = STATE_CODES[feature.properties.st_nm]; if (!stateCodes[stateCode]) { stateCodes[stateCode] = new Set(); } stateCodes[stateCode].add(feature.properties.district); return stateCodes; }, {} ); }, [geoData, isDistrictView]); const statisticMax = useMemo(() => { const stateCodes = Object.keys(data).filter( (stateCode) => stateCode !== 'TT' && Object.keys(MAP_META).includes(stateCode) ); if (!isDistrictView) { return max(stateCodes, (stateCode) => transformStatistic(getMapStatistic(data[stateCode])) ); } else { const districtData = stateCodes.reduce((res, stateCode) => { const districts = Object.keys(data[stateCode]?.districts || []).filter( (districtName) => (districtsSet?.[stateCode] || new Set()).has(districtName) || (mapViz !== MAP_VIZS.CHOROPLETH && districtName === UNKNOWN_DISTRICT_KEY) ); res.push( ...districts.map((districtName) => transformStatistic( getMapStatistic(data[stateCode].districts[districtName]) ) ) ); return res; }, []); return max(districtData); } }, [ data, isDistrictView, getMapStatistic, mapViz, districtsSet, transformStatistic, ]); const mapScale = useMemo(() => { if (mapViz === MAP_VIZS.BUBBLE) { // No negative values return scaleSqrt([0, Math.max(1, statisticMax || 0)], [0, 40]) .clamp(true) .nice(3); } else if (mapViz === MAP_VIZS.SPIKE) { return scaleLinear([0, Math.max(1, statisticMax || 0)], [0, 80]) .clamp(true) .nice(3); } else if (STATISTIC_CONFIGS[statistic]?.mapConfig?.colorScale) { return STATISTIC_CONFIGS[statistic].mapConfig.colorScale; } else { // No negative values return scaleSequential( [0, Math.max(1, statisticMax || 0)], colorInterpolator(statistic) ).clamp(true); } }, [mapViz, statistic, statisticMax]); const fillColor = useCallback( (d) => { if (mapViz === MAP_VIZS.CHOROPLETH) { const stateCode = STATE_CODES[d.properties.st_nm]; const district = d.properties.district; const stateData = data[stateCode]; const districtData = stateData?.districts?.[district]; const n = transformStatistic( getMapStatistic(district ? districtData : stateData) ); const color = n ? mapScale(n) : '#ffffff00'; return color; } }, [mapViz, data, mapScale, getMapStatistic, transformStatistic] ); const populateTexts = useCallback( (regionSelection) => { regionSelection.select('title').text((d) => { if (mapViz !== MAP_VIZS.CHOROPLETH && !statisticConfig?.nonLinear) { const state = d.properties.st_nm; const stateCode = STATE_CODES[state]; const district = d.properties.district; const stateData = data[stateCode]; const districtData = stateData?.districts?.[district]; let n; if (district) n = getMapStatistic(districtData); else n = getMapStatistic(stateData); return `${formatNumber( 100 * (n / (statisticTotal || 0.001)), '%' )} from ${toTitleCase(district ? district : state)}`; } }); }, [mapViz, data, getMapStatistic, statisticTotal, statisticConfig] ); const onceTouchedRegion = useRef(null); // Reset on tapping outside map useEffect(() => { const svg = select(svgRef.current); svg.attr('pointer-events', 'auto').on('click', () => { onceTouchedRegion.current = null; setRegionHighlighted({ stateCode: mapCode, districtName: null, }); }); }, [mapCode, setRegionHighlighted]); const path = useMemo(() => { if (!geoData) return null; return geoPath(geoIdentity()); }, [geoData]); // Choropleth useEffect(() => { if (!geoData) return; const svg = select(svgRef.current); const T = transition().duration(D3_TRANSITION_DURATION); svg .select('.regions') .selectAll('path') .data(mapViz === MAP_VIZS.CHOROPLETH ? features : [], (d) => d.id) .join( (enter) => enter .append('path') .attr('d', path) .attr('stroke-width', 1.8) .attr('stroke-opacity', 0) .style('cursor', 'pointer') .on('mouseenter', (event, d) => { if (onceTouchedRegion.current) return; setRegionHighlighted({ stateCode: STATE_CODES[d.properties.st_nm], districtName: d.properties.district, }); }) .on('pointerdown', (event, d) => { if (onceTouchedRegion.current === d) onceTouchedRegion.current = null; else onceTouchedRegion.current = d; setRegionHighlighted({ stateCode: STATE_CODES[d.properties.st_nm], districtName: d.properties.district, }); }) .attr('fill', '#fff0') .attr('stroke', '#fff0'), (update) => update, (exit) => exit .transition(T) .attr('stroke', '#fff0') .attr('fill', '#fff0') .remove() ) .attr('pointer-events', 'all') .on('click', (event, d) => { event.stopPropagation(); const stateCode = STATE_CODES[d.properties.st_nm]; if ( onceTouchedRegion.current || mapMeta.mapType === MAP_TYPES.STATE || !data[stateCode]?.districts ) return; // Disable pointer events till the new map is rendered svg.attr('pointer-events', 'none'); svg.select('.regions').selectAll('path').attr('pointer-events', 'none'); // Switch map history.push( `/state/${stateCode}${window.innerWidth < 769 ? '#MapExplorer' : ''}` ); }) .call((sel) => { sel .transition(T) .attr('fill', fillColor) .attr('stroke', strokeColor.bind(this, '')); }); }, [ mapViz, data, features, fillColor, geoData, history, mapMeta.mapType, path, setRegionHighlighted, strokeColor, ]); const sortedFeatures = useMemo(() => { if (mapViz === MAP_VIZS.CHOROPLETH) { return []; } else { return (features || []) .map((feature) => { const stateCode = STATE_CODES[feature.properties.st_nm]; const districtName = feature.properties.district; const stateData = data[stateCode]; if (!isDistrictView) { feature.value = getMapStatistic(stateData); } else { const districtData = stateData?.districts?.[districtName]; if (districtName) feature.value = getMapStatistic(districtData); else feature.value = getMapStatistic( stateData?.districts?.[UNKNOWN_DISTRICT_KEY] ); } return feature; }) .filter((feature) => feature.value > 0) .sort((featureA, featureB) => featureB.value - featureB.value); } }, [mapViz, isDistrictView, getMapStatistic, features, data]); // Bubble useEffect(() => { const svg = select(svgRef.current); const T = transition().duration(D3_TRANSITION_DURATION); const regionSelection = svg .select('.circles') .selectAll('circle') .data( mapViz === MAP_VIZS.BUBBLE ? sortedFeatures : [], (feature) => feature.id ) .join( (enter) => enter .append('circle') .attr( 'transform', (feature) => `translate(${path.centroid(feature)})` ) .attr('fill-opacity', 0.25) .style('cursor', 'pointer') .attr('pointer-events', 'all') .call((enter) => { enter.append('title'); }), (update) => update, (exit) => exit.call((exit) => exit.transition(T).attr('r', 0).remove()) ) .on('mouseenter', (event, feature) => { if (onceTouchedRegion.current) return; setRegionHighlighted({ stateCode: STATE_CODES[feature.properties.st_nm], districtName: !isDistrictView ? null : feature.properties.district || UNKNOWN_DISTRICT_KEY, }); }) .on('pointerdown', (event, feature) => { if (onceTouchedRegion.current === feature) onceTouchedRegion.current = null; else onceTouchedRegion.current = feature; setRegionHighlighted({ stateCode: STATE_CODES[feature.properties.st_nm], districtName: !isDistrictView ? null : feature.properties.district || UNKNOWN_DISTRICT_KEY, }); }) .on('click', (event, feature) => { event.stopPropagation(); if (onceTouchedRegion.current || mapMeta.mapType === MAP_TYPES.STATE) return; history.push( `/state/${STATE_CODES[feature.properties.st_nm]}${ window.innerWidth < 769 ? '#MapExplorer' : '' }` ); }) .call((sel) => { sel .transition(T) .attr('fill', statisticConfig.color + '70') .attr('stroke', statisticConfig.color + '70') .attr('r', (feature) => mapScale(feature.value)); }); window.requestIdleCallback(() => { populateTexts(regionSelection); }); }, [ mapMeta.mapType, mapViz, isDistrictView, sortedFeatures, history, mapScale, path, setRegionHighlighted, populateTexts, statisticConfig, getMapStatistic, ]); // Spike (Note: bad unmodular code) useEffect(() => { const svg = select(svgRef.current); const T = transition().duration(D3_TRANSITION_DURATION); const regionSelection = svg .select('.spikes') .selectAll('path') .data( mapViz === MAP_VIZS.SPIKE ? sortedFeatures : [], (feature) => feature.id, (feature) => feature.id ) .join( (enter) => enter .append('path') .attr( 'transform', (feature) => `translate(${path.centroid(feature)})` ) .attr('opacity', 0) .attr('fill-opacity', 0.25) .style('cursor', 'pointer') .attr('pointer-events', 'all') .attr('d', spike(0)) .call((enter) => { enter.append('title'); }), (update) => update, (exit) => exit.call((exit) => exit.transition(T).attr('opacity', 0).attr('d', spike(0)).remove() ) ) .on('mouseenter', (event, feature) => { if (onceTouchedRegion.current) return; setRegionHighlighted({ stateCode: STATE_CODES[feature.properties.st_nm], districtName: !isDistrictView ? null : feature.properties.district || UNKNOWN_DISTRICT_KEY, }); }) .on('pointerdown', (event, feature) => { if (onceTouchedRegion.current === feature) onceTouchedRegion.current = null; else onceTouchedRegion.current = feature; setRegionHighlighted({ stateCode: STATE_CODES[feature.properties.st_nm], districtName: !isDistrictView ? null : feature.properties.district || UNKNOWN_DISTRICT_KEY, }); }) .on('click', (event, feature) => { event.stopPropagation(); if (onceTouchedRegion.current || mapMeta.mapType === MAP_TYPES.STATE) return; history.push( `/state/${STATE_CODES[feature.properties.st_nm]}${ window.innerWidth < 769 ? '#MapExplorer' : '' }` ); }) .call((sel) => { sel .transition(T) .attr('opacity', 1) .attr('fill', statisticConfig.color + '70') .attr('stroke', statisticConfig.color + '70') .attr('d', (feature) => spike(mapScale(feature.value))); }); window.requestIdleCallback(() => { populateTexts(regionSelection); }); }, [ mapMeta.mapType, mapViz, isDistrictView, sortedFeatures, history, mapScale, path, setRegionHighlighted, populateTexts, statisticConfig, getMapStatistic, ]); // Boundaries useEffect(() => { if (!geoData) return; const svg = select(svgRef.current); const T = transition().duration(D3_TRANSITION_DURATION); let meshStates = []; let meshDistricts = []; if (mapMeta.mapType === MAP_TYPES.COUNTRY) { meshStates = [mesh(geoData, geoData.objects.states)]; meshStates[0].id = `${mapCode}-states`; } if ( mapMeta.mapType === MAP_TYPES.STATE || (isDistrictView && mapViz === MAP_VIZS.CHOROPLETH) ) { // Add id to mesh meshDistricts = [mesh(geoData, geoData.objects.districts)]; meshDistricts[0].id = `${mapCode}-districts`; } svg .select('.state-borders') .attr('fill', 'none') .attr('stroke-width', 1.5) .selectAll('path') .data(meshStates, (d) => d.id) .join( (enter) => enter.append('path').attr('d', path).attr('stroke', '#fff0'), (update) => update, (exit) => exit.transition(T).attr('stroke', '#fff0').remove() ) .transition(T) .attr('stroke', strokeColor.bind(this, '40')); svg .select('.district-borders') .attr('fill', 'none') .attr('stroke-width', 1.5) .selectAll('path') .data(meshDistricts, (d) => d.id) .join( (enter) => enter .append('path') .attr('d', path) .attr('d', path) .attr('stroke', '#fff0'), (update) => update, (exit) => exit.transition(T).attr('stroke', '#fff0').remove() ) .transition(T) .attr('stroke', strokeColor.bind(this, '40')); }, [ geoData, mapMeta, mapCode, mapViz, isDistrictView, statistic, path, strokeColor, ]); // Highlight useEffect(() => { const stateCode = regionHighlighted.stateCode; const stateName = STATE_NAMES[stateCode]; const district = regionHighlighted.districtName; const svg = select(svgRef.current); if (mapViz === MAP_VIZS.BUBBLE) { svg .select('.circles') .selectAll('circle') .attr('fill-opacity', (d) => { const highlighted = stateName === d.properties.st_nm && ((!district && stateCode !== mapCode) || district === d.properties?.district || !isDistrictView || (district === UNKNOWN_DISTRICT_KEY && !d.properties.district)); return highlighted ? 1 : 0.25; }); } else if (mapViz === MAP_VIZS.SPIKE) { svg .select('.spikes') .selectAll('path') .attr('fill-opacity', (d) => { const highlighted = stateName === d.properties.st_nm && ((!district && stateCode !== mapCode) || district === d.properties?.district || !isDistrictView || (district === UNKNOWN_DISTRICT_KEY && !d.properties.district)); return highlighted ? 1 : 0.25; }); } else { svg .select('.regions') .selectAll('path') .each(function (d) { const highlighted = stateName === d.properties.st_nm && ((!district && stateCode !== mapCode) || district === d.properties?.district || !isDistrictView); if (highlighted) this.parentNode.appendChild(this); select(this).attr('stroke-opacity', highlighted ? 1 : 0); }); } }, [ geoData, data, mapCode, isDistrictView, mapViz, regionHighlighted.stateCode, regionHighlighted.districtName, statistic, ]); return ( <> <div className="svg-parent"> <svg id="chart" className={classnames({ zone: !!statisticConfig?.mapConfig?.colorScale, })} viewBox={`0 0 ${MAP_DIMENSIONS[0]} ${MAP_DIMENSIONS[1]}`} preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" ref={svgRef} > <g className="regions" /> <g className="state-borders" /> <g className="district-borders" /> <g className="circles" /> <g className="spikes" /> </svg> {noDistrictData && statisticConfig?.hasPrimary && ( <div className={classnames('disclaimer', `is-${statistic}`)}> <AlertIcon /> <span> {t('District-wise data not available in state bulletin')} </span> </div> )} </div> {mapScale && <MapLegend {...{data, statistic, mapViz, mapScale}} />} <svg style={{position: 'absolute', height: 0}}> <defs> <filter id="balance-color" colorInterpolationFilters="sRGB"> <feColorMatrix type="matrix" values="0.91372549 0 0 0 0.08627451 0 0.91372549 0 0 0.08627451 0 0 0.854901961 0 0.145098039 0 0 0 1 0" /> </filter> </defs> </svg> </> ); }